genius evil

Chapter 142 You Are Dead

Chapter 142 You Are Dead
"I'm sorry, it's too late for you to speak, and, I've already stopped, I just kicked it." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said embarrassedly, but looking at him like that, there was nothing wrong with it. It's a good look.

"Well, you have a sharp tongue, do you know what you are doing, expulsion, for a lawless student like you, you must be expelled." The middle-aged man who ran over pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, his voice was stern Said.

"You are Wu Dong, right?" Jiang Chen said with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Wu Dong is your name? It's called Principal Wu." Before the middle-aged man could speak, the short fat man who came with him said angrily.

Then the Humpty Humpty Man said to the middle-aged man: "Principal Wu, don't mind. These days, the quality of some students is just too bad. They should be expelled, they must be expelled."

"Who are you?" Seeing this guy desperately flattering, Jiang Chen laughed.

"Wu Zhixiang, the captain of the school security team." Humpty Humpty said loudly.

"No ambition, that's a good name, no wonder you can only flatter the vice principal." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Shut up!" Wu Zhixiang was very angry. He knew that the homonym of his name was problematic, but Jiang Chen, a student, made fun of his name in front of him. How could he bear it!
"Someone told me to stop just now, I couldn't hold back, now you tell me to stop, are you sure?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

"Why did I just..." Wu Zhi subconsciously wanted to say why I wasn't sure, and when he touched Jiang Chen's dead-looking eyes, his whole body trembled.

For some reason, there was a feeling of fear spreading in his heart, which made Wu Zhixiang's words stuck in his throat instantly.

"Captain Wu, what's going on with you, you stopped talking halfway through?" Wu Dong said quite dissatisfied.

"Principal Wu, this is..." Wu Zhixiang's expression was a bit distressed. After seeing Jiang Chen's mocking expression, his distress immediately turned into anger, and he said, "Principal Wu, I think it's the same with Jiang Chen. This kind of unqualified student has nothing to say."

"That's right." Wu Dong nodded in agreement.

"I said, is it fun for you to tease each other? If it's fun, play slowly. I'll go first." Yawning, Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Did I tell you to go?" Wu Zhixiang turned his head and got angry at Jiang Chen, "Fighting and hurting people, hurry up and call the parents."

"There's no need for this." Jiang Chen said slowly, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"What do you mean there is no need? I said it is necessary if necessary. In addition to medical expenses and so on, you can just pay a hundred thousand." Wu Zhixiang added.

Therefore, Wu Dong was more satisfied with Wu Zhixiang.

There are some things that Wu Zhixiang can say, but he can't. After all, his identity is too sensitive, and Wu Xiuxue is his son, so it is easy to be said to be protecting his shortcomings.

Wu Zhixiang winked, and said everything he wanted to say. Wu Zhixiang wondered whether it would be too condescending for Wu Dong to be the captain of the school security team. A position is vacant, but it is a lucrative position, maybe it would be nice to mention Wu Zhizhi.

"I beat Wu Xiuxue so badly, and you only need one hundred thousand for medical expenses, isn't that too little?" Jiang Chen asked jokingly.

Wu Zhixiang was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot. He said that he wanted [-] medical expenses, and it was backed by Wu Dong. If he didn't kill Jiang Chen viciously, he would feel ashamed himself.

"Your words are a reminder to me. That's right, 20 is indeed a little less, so let's say [-]." Wu Zhixiang said pretendingly.

"What I have to say is that your parents are really prescient. They knew you were a guy with no ambitions, so they named you Wu Zhixiang. I hinted so clearly. Don't blackmail me. Dozens of millions, do you have the nerve?" Jiang Chen looked underestimated.

"What the hell!"

Wu Zhixiang scolded his mother in his heart.

He really wanted to say that 20 is a lot, okay? He is the captain of the school security team. He is very prestigious when he speaks out. In fact, he is just a security guard. With a dead salary of more than 2000 a month, it takes many years to earn 20. .

"That's 50." Wu Zhixiang whispered.

"Simply put, 100 million." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

Wu Zhixiang's breathing was stagnant, his face flushed red, and he looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief, while Wu Dong's shiny forehead became even brighter at this moment, like a super big light bulb , looking at Jiang Chen with his mouth wide open.

"100 million, are you sure?" Wu Dong said hastily.

It's not that he can't get 100 million, but no one thinks it's too much money. Jiang Chen is so eager to send money, he will definitely not push it out.

"Of course I'm sure, but before I take out the 100 million, we need to talk about the issue of expulsion." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Expulsion? Did someone say that you would be expelled?" Wu Dong said with a look of astonishment.

"Yeah, you are such a good student, how could someone want to expel you." Wu Zhixiang understood, and the cooperation with Wu Dong was incomparably tacit.

"Then I beat up Wu Xiuxue, what should I do about it?" Jiang Chen looked very embarrassed.

"It's not a fight, you're just joking around. I don't care about small things. Don't think that I'm the vice principal of the school and I'm going to make things difficult for you. I've always done things fairly and strictly." Wu Dong waved his arms and said generously.

"It means that I will not be held accountable." Jiang Chen asked tentatively.

"You didn't make any mistakes in the first place, so why should you be held accountable?" Wu Dong said unhurriedly.

"Then here comes the problem, since I don't plan to fire me, I didn't fight, and I have no responsibility, does it mean that I have nothing to do, right?" Jiang Chen asked again.

Wu Dong faintly felt that Jiang Chen's words were a little bit wrong, but considering the 100 million he was about to get, he didn't care that much.

Squeezing out a kind expression, Wu Dong said: "Student, don't have any psychological burden."

"That's good." Satisfied, Jiang Chen waved to Tang Tian and Shuang'er, and said, "Let's go."

"Let's go, where are we going?" Wu Dong froze for a moment.

"It's been said that I'm not responsible, what am I going to do here?" Jiang Chen's expression was innocent.

"Damn it!" Even if Wu Dong was a fool, at this point, how could he not know that he was being tricked by Jiang Chen.

"You can't leave, the agreed 100 million yuan hasn't come out yet." Wu Zhixiang also said in a hurry.

"100 million? When did I say 100 million?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"Obviously you said it yourself, how can you deny it." Wu Zhixiang was very anxious. Even if Wu Dong took the big head of the 100 million, he could still pick up some cheap ones. After all, Wu Dong can't swallow it all. However, Wu Zhixiang would be happy when the money he was about to get was about to fly away.

"Did I deny it?" Jiang Chen blinked, and said with a smile: "Don't blackmail me, blackmail is against the law."

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by this? Since you said it was blackmail, then I will really blackmail you. If you don't give the money, I can guarantee that you will not only be expelled from Yilan Middle School, but anyone in the Yilan school will be expelled." No school will take you in, and I have plenty of ways to send you to prison." Wu Dong said coldly.

He is a dignified vice-principal, an old fritter, and he was tricked by a high school student. This made Wudong very embarrassed. Even if Jiang Chen said 100 million at the beginning, he was just kidding him. The 100 million has become its own actual interests.

"Little Shuangshuang, do you think the two of them are stupid?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's hopelessly stupid." Shuang'er said solemnly.

"Maybe it's just a moment of confusion, do you think I should help the two of them wake up?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

Then Jiang Chen said again: "I'm a person with a good heart. I'm afraid I can't get rid of this problem in this lifetime."

Tang Tian chuckled. She didn't think that Jiang Chen was kind-hearted, so she couldn't help feeling a little pity for Wu Dong and Wu Zhixiang. If there were no accidents, these two guys would be in trouble next time.


Sure enough, Jiang Chen shook his hand and slapped Wu Dong's face heavily.

"You dare to hit me?" Wu Dong covered his face with his hands, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

"Vice President Wu, you made a mistake. I didn't hit you, I just helped you wake up, lest you dream in broad daylight." Jiang Chen smiled, raised his hand and slapped him across the face again.

"Wu Zhixiang, don't give me a hand." Two consecutive slaps, Wu Dong was blinded by the slap, and shouted.

Wu Zhixiang was so angry that when he heard Wu Dong's yelling, he immediately twisted his body and kicked Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and kicked Wu Zhixiang casually, knocking Wu Zhixiang to the ground.


Wu Zhixiang only felt that his knee was about to shatter, and he curled up on the ground like a shrimp in pain, howling like ghosts and wolves.

"Vice President Wu, next, shouldn't you call the police?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"That's right, call the police, I want to call the police." Reminded by Jiang Chen, Wu Dong took out his mobile phone belatedly, called the police tremblingly, and quickly explained what happened here.

"Very good, with Vice Principal Wu's face, the police should be here soon." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"You're dead." Wu Dong stared at Jiang Chen with a livid face.He secretly swore in his heart that no matter what Jiang Chen's identity was or what he relied on, this matter is not over today, and Jiang Chen must be made to pay the price.

"That's right, you are really doomed. I'm very curious now, how many years should I be sentenced for extorting 100 million?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, took out his mobile phone, and pressed the recording button. play key...

(End of this chapter)

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