genius evil

Chapter 143

Chapter 143
"Extortion of 100 many years..."

Wu Dong was a little confused, he didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant. After hearing the recording, his face suddenly changed color.

"Fired? Did someone say they were going to fire you?"


"This isn't a fight, you guys are just joking around..."


"You didn't make a mistake in the first place, so why should you be held accountable?"


"Since you said it was blackmail, then I will really blackmail you..."


I have to say that although fruit phones are expensive, the recording effect is still very good. At this time, a recording was played back very smoothly and clearly.

In particular, Jiang Chen deliberately turned up the volume to the maximum, so that wave after wave of sound kept hitting Wu Dong's eardrums, making Wu Dong's complexion more and more ugly, until finally, black and white Like charcoal.

"Vice President Wu, I think this recording should be used as evidence of your extortion?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile while shaking the phone.

"Damn it, give me the phone." Wu Dong said angrily.

He wholeheartedly thought that he had Jiang Chen decided. After all, he had the right to fire Jiang Chen, so he couldn't help being arrogant. After being slapped twice by Jiang Chen, Wu Dong realized that the situation was a bit out of control. In other words, Jiang Chen was not something he could control if he wanted to.

After this recording was played, Wu Dong knew that he had capsized in the gutter.

Wu Dong didn't know when Jiang Chen made the recording, but what he had to say was that the timing of Jiang Chen's recording was too ingenious, and by cutting off the beginning and the end, there was only a part that was unfavorable to him.

In this case, even though Wu Dong is very clear that this recording is very tricky, he has to be careful. After all, he knows it, but others don't.

"Vice Principal Wu, I have to say, you are really naive." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You delete the recording, I can let bygones be bygones about what happened today." Wu Dong said with a sullen face.

"It seems that you haven't adjusted your position yet." Jiang Chen looked at Wu Dong like a fool, and said slowly: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me at all."

"I'm not negotiating terms with you, I'm making a deal with you, I admit that this recording poses a certain threat to me, but don't forget, I have so many witnesses, each of them It can prove my innocence... The reason why I talked with you about cooperation is just because I don't like trouble." Wu Dong said coldly.

Jiang Chen smiled, and jokingly said: "Vice President Wu deserves to rely on his words for a living. Yes, you do have many witnesses, but so what? Those who don't believe will never believe, and those who believe, even No matter how many people whitewash you, they will still deeply believe that by that time, Yilan Middle School may not be able to accommodate you."

Wu Dong's body trembled. This was what he was most afraid of. Jiang Chen was right about this issue. Even if he could clear his name in the end, the position of vice principal would definitely not be secure.

Yilan Middle School is the best middle school in Yilan City. Although he is only a vice-principal, he has great power, and the amount of money he gets every year is quite there are many people secretly coveting his position.

Those eyes staring at him behind his back are waiting for him to make a mistake all the time. When there is no mistake, those people can create something out of nothing. Not to mention, he did make a mistake that should not be made today. , the position under his buttocks must be lost.

This made Wu Dong a little surprised, and even more horrified. He stared at Jiang Chen with his eyes wide open, and his breathing became rapid without knowing it.

It was hard for Wu Dong to imagine that Jiang Chen was just a high school student, how could he be so meticulous and vicious, one after another, until he was beaten so weakly that he couldn't fight back.

"What exactly do you want..." Wu Dong's voice became a little hoarse.

"How can I let you go, right?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and continued what Wu Dong hadn't finished saying.

Wu Dong's expression froze for a while, but in the end, he could only nod his head, agreeing with Jiang Chen's statement.

"It's very simple, two things, first, expel Wu Xiuxue, and second, you resign on your own initiative." Jiang Chen said directly.

"It's impossible!" Wu Dong roared.

He was originally for Wu Xiuxue, how could he be expelled from Wu Xiuxue?In addition, in order to preserve his reputation, he had to bow his head temporarily. If he resigned voluntarily, it would be better to die.

"Vice President Wu, it seems that your mind is still not clear enough." Jiang Chen shook his head, slapped Wu Dong across the face, and said indifferently: "I just said that you didn't negotiate terms with me. Qualifications, then, what I am saying now is not asking you, but ordering you, whether you are willing or not, you must do these two things."

Jiang Chen thought that he had never been a good person, but he was also not a bad person in the conventional sense. To be precise, he was a person who would do anything to protect his own interests.

The existence of Wu Xiuxue threatened Xu Anqi, so Wu Xiuxue had to be expelled.

The existence of Wu Dong threatened him, so Wu Dong must also get out of Yilan Middle School.

This is Jiang Chen's logic, or the law of survival. All possible threats must be killed in the cradle. Simple and rude, there is no reason at all!

"I said, it's impossible!" Wu Dong growled and said sharply, "Boy, don't go too far."

"Too much?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Perhaps within the range you can accept, my actions like this are indeed too much, but so what." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

"Anyway, I can't do either of the two things you said, so you should give up. And, I'm now officially notifying you that you have been expelled from Yilan Middle School." Wu Dong was a little shocked Yu Jiangchen erupted with a powerful momentum, but this is the bottom line, and there is absolutely no way to compromise.

"It's really stupid and hopeless. Don't tell me you still haven't understood that I've said so many things, but am I trying to reason with you?" Jiang Chen sighed softly.

"Reasonable?" Wu Dong was dumbfounded, looking at Jiang Chen like a ghost. If what Jiang Chen said just now was reasonable, then he couldn't figure out what would happen when Jiang Chen was unreasonable. Such a situation.

"I guess you must be very curious now. If I don't make sense, I will do something, right?" Jiang Chen smiled, raised his hand and grabbed Wu Dong's arm, and pulled it along. Wu Dong's arm was was torn apart.

"Ah—" Wu Dong screamed hysterically in pain.

"Don't be too scared, I will connect it for you." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and with a movement of his arm, Wu Dong's hand was connected.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Wu Dong moved his arm and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand. He thought it was a nightmare, but he knew that it was definitely not a nightmare, because he absolutely didn't want to repeat such a nightmare in this life. the second time.

Unfortunately, the second time came soon.

With a "click", Wu Dong's arm broke again.

"See clearly, this is when I'm being unreasonable." While Wu Dong was in pain, Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Ah—you devil!" Wu Dong was convulsed with pain, panting like thunder.

"This is just the beginning. Have you ever thought about what kind of life it would be like if your arm was broken ten or eight times for no reason every day from now on? Don't doubt my words, I, Jiang Chen, always do what I say, and no one can deceive you!" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"Life is better than death!"

Wu Dong murmured silently in his heart, not daring to say this.

"That's right, life is worse than death. To be precise, it's worse than death. In those days, maybe you can endure it for a day or a week, but in the end, you will definitely kill yourself in a cruel way." .” Jiang Chen spoke calmly.

The incomparably cruel words came out of his mouth softly, without any sparkle.

Wu Dong's heart trembled violently, not to mention a week, right now, he was about to go mad from torture, the inhuman pain made him wish he could just hit his head on the ground and forget about it.


Conveniently, Jiang Chen connected Wu Dong's arm, and said lightly: "The police are here, I don't need to teach you what to say."

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with great effort, Wu Dong hurriedly shook his head.

There were two policemen, one old and one young, a typical combination of the old and the young. They rushed over immediately after receiving the call to the police. After all, it was the vice principal of Yilan Middle School who called the police, so there was no room for slack.

"What happened?" After the two policemen came over, the older policeman asked formulaically.

"It's okay, it's okay." Wu Dong shook his head, his pale face looked as embarrassed as he wanted.

"Hey, so many people were injured, and you said it's okay?" The young policeman said sarcastically.

"It's okay, it's just a joke." Wu Dong said awkwardly.

The young policeman rolled his eyes and wanted to speak, but the older policeman pulled his arm and pointed at Jiang Chen.

"Hey, it's you." The young policeman asked suspiciously when he saw Jiang Chen.

"Xiaoqiang, how are you, Lao Wan, how are you too." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen had seen these two policemen at a Sichuan restaurant before, when he was having dinner with Ding Lingling, but he still remembered the appearance of these two.

"We are not bad, but the situation here is not very good." Xiaoqiang said with a frown.

"Is there? I think everything is normal." Jiang Chen was still grinning.

The old Wan pulled Xiaoqiang's arm again, and whispered in his ear: "Xiaoqiang, have you forgotten how I taught you? They don't want to pursue it. We'd better turn a blind eye and close it." Just don't get yourself into trouble."

"But--" Xiaoqiang was a little unconvinced.

"No but." Lao Wan resolutely interrupted Xiaoqiang's words, and said to Jiang Chen: "Since there is nothing wrong, let's go first."

"Go slowly." Jiang Chen smiled.

Lao Wan quickly took Xiaoqiang away, Wu Dong looked at the back of the two leaving, his eyes flickered, he regretted not telling the truth in front of the police, even though he knew well, what he had just done A right choice.

(End of this chapter)

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