genius evil

Chapter 144 You are petty and narrow-minded

Chapter 144 You are petty and narrow-minded

"Vice Principal Wu, I have a suggestion, do you want to hear it or not?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and said after Lao Wan and Xiaoqiang left.

"Tell me." Wu Dong said with a mournful face.

He knew that Jiang Chen's so-called suggestion must have nothing good to say. If it was possible, he would definitely not want to listen to it. The question is, does he have a choice?
He had no choice at all, he could only listen passively, but Jiang Chen still pretended to say this, which made Wu Dong mad with hatred.

"This suggestion is that when you expel martial arts studies, you should also expel this unambitious thing. As for the reason for expulsion, it is said that it is too ugly, it is unsightly, and affects learning. What do you think? ?" Jiang Chen pointed at Wu Zhixiang.

"Very good." Wu Dong nodded, his neck was a little stiff.

"Vice-principal Wu is really good. If that's the case, let's get rid of these three guys. I haven't thought about the reason for the time being. I don't know what advice you have, Vice-principal Wu?" Jiang Chen asked again. He pointed at the three people who appeared with Wu Xiuxue.

"There is no school discipline, lawlessness." Wu Dong has done a lot of work in this area, so he just opened his mouth.

"Not bad, that's it." Jiang Chen was quite satisfied, he waved to Tang Tian and Shuang'er, and led the two girls away.

"Shuang'er, do you know when Jiang Chen recorded it?" Tang Tian asked curiously while walking.

"I don't know." Shuang'er shook her head, and she has always been puzzled about this.

"So, this guy seems reckless, but before doing everything, he has already prepared a way out for himself?" Tang Tian muttered.

"He's very careful." Shuang'er nodded in agreement.

"Be careful assholes, it's just stingy and narrow-minded." Tang Tian said with her lips curled up.

But she could tell that Jiang Chen made such a big fuss for a girl named Xu Anqi, and in order to let Jiang Chen be her thug, it can be said that she was deliberate and deliberate. Not to mention, I also have a tendency to join in.

Thinking about it this way, Tang Tian's mood was very unbalanced. Why couldn't Xu Anqi make Jiang Chen do things for her willingly?

Could it be that Xu Anqi's breasts are bigger than hers... Well, Tang Tian, ​​who is in a sensitive stage, took it for granted that Jiang Chen's figure was better than hers because her breasts were bigger than hers.

Shuang'er smiled and didn't say anything, but Tang Tian asked gossip again: "What Wudong are you talking about, will you honestly do what Jiang Chen said? Why do I feel a little suspenseful?" ? But Jiang Chen looks so confident, I really don't understand what he's thinking."

"Miss, you have said that he is stingy and narrow-minded, do you think he will give Wu Dong a chance?" Shuang'er said amusedly.

"Hey, when did I say that he was stingy?" Tang Tian blinked her eyes, she turned around and forgot what she said just now, making Shuang'er speechless for a while.

After getting into the car, Jiang Chen turned his head and glanced at the second daughter sitting in the back seat, and asked, "Which hotel are we going to?"

"No." Tang Tian said without thinking.

"Could it be that you like being in the car... Well, although I've never tried it before, it's very exciting to think about it. Well then, just be in the car." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"You're so tall." Tang Tian yelled, this guy scares people to death when he's serious, but he can make people mad when he's a hooligan.

"Don't go to the hotel, not in the car, could it be that it's in the wild? Seems like it's quite exciting and worth trying." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

"Miss, I almost forgot that we came here by car just now, I'm going to drive now." Shuang'er couldn't take it anymore, opened the car door and ran out in a hurry.

"Ah, I'll take your car." Tang Tian realized that she also opened the door and got out of the car, running faster than a rabbit.

"Could it be that my charm has declined recently?" Jiang Chen touched his chin, feeling a little unhappy.

When Jiang Chen drove the car out of Yilan Middle School, Tang Tian and Shuang'er were already waiting for him in the car. The two cars, one in front and the other behind, headed towards the city center.

"What is he going to the city center for? It seems that there are more hotels there, right?" Tang Tian wondered.

"Should we still follow?" Shuang'er was a little nervous. She didn't know why. Although Jiang Chen often spoke in a joking tone, she thought that once Jiang Chen's words were really taken as a joke, Then it will definitely be eaten and there will be no dregs left.

"Follow, why don't you follow, I want to see if he really has the courage to open a room." Tang Tian was very angry.

But after the car entered the city center, Tang Tian looked at the big hotels on both sides of the avenue, and immediately became listless.

"Shuang'er, we won't follow anymore." Tang Tian said listlessly.

Shuang'er didn't want to follow for a long time. Hearing what Tang Tian said, he immediately drove to the left at an intersection. Looking through the rearview mirror, Jiang Chen smiled slightly as he watched the white Porsche leave.

"It seems that the charm has indeed dropped a lot." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and the car drove to the right.

At the same time, in the medical department of Yilan Middle School, in a separate ward.

Wu Xiuxue was lying on the bed. His injuries were not serious, but many places around his body were bruised, and it was difficult to even stand up. Lying at this moment, he felt pain all over his body.

"Dad, are you really going to fire me and resign?" Wu Xiuxue asked unwillingly with his face flushed.

Because of his status as the vice-principal's son, he was a duck to water in Yilan Middle School. He did countless stupid things, but he was always able to cover them up easily every time.

If it was just him who was expelled, then even if he changed schools, he would still have a halo over his head, but once Wu Dong resigned, there would be nothing left, which made it difficult for Wu Xiuxue to accept.

"I will not fire you, let alone resign." Wu Dong said with great certainty.

Wu Dong's ideas are not as complicated as Wu Xiuxue's. He just has a firm idea, that is, it is impossible to resign no matter what, not to mention how difficult it is for him to climb to this position. Oil and water are already enough to make him do whatever he can.

His future and money are bright. It is a joke to resign voluntarily.

"But what you said to Jiang Chen..." With Wu Dong's promise, Wu Xiuxue felt a little better, but was a little worried.

"I have been able to deny what I said from the very beginning, and I can deny it now. Not only that, that Jiang Chen must be fired. I will go back to the office to draft documents in a while, and when the meeting tomorrow, I will make a public announcement. This matter." Wu Dong said coldly.

"What if Jiang Chen takes revenge? Don't forget, he has that recording in his hand, and if it gets out, it will be very bad for us." Wu Xiuxue asked.

"Revenge?" Wu Dong's face was a bit ferocious. Although the pain in his arm had disappeared at this time, it still made him feel lingering.

"I won't give him a chance to retaliate." Soon, Wu Dong said.

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"You don't need to worry about these things, I will handle them myself." Wu Dong didn't say anything to Wu Xiuxue, after all, he still didn't want Wu Xiuxue to come into contact with some disgraceful methods.

Wu Dong nodded, he knew it well, I don't know if it was due to psychological effects, but he felt that the pain in his body was relieved a lot.

Wu Dong just left the ward, took out his mobile phone in the corridor outside and started making calls.

On the surface, Wu Dong is just a vice-principal, but the various social relationships are quite complicated. If it was not necessary in the past, he would not let those relationships affect his future.

But right now, Wu Dong couldn't control that much anymore, he had to make Jiang Chen pay the price, otherwise it would be difficult to dispel the hatred in his heart.

After the call was connected, Wu Dong let out a hello, and was about to speak, when he suddenly heard a crackling sound, Wu Dong was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned his head to look at his right hand, and then Wu Dong just stared helplessly. He realized that his right hand was twisted into an incredible arc in an unimaginable way.


The phone fell to the ground and the screen shattered.


A sharp pain like a beating heart suddenly swept through his whole body, and Wu Dong screamed like a pig being slaughtered.


Jiang Chen drove the car through the city center without stopping.

Yilan City is not big. In about an hour, Jiang Chen had already driven around Yilan City twice. In the end, the car returned to the intersection at the beginning.

"This feeling is really a bit strange." With a wry smile, Jiang Chen shook his head, kicked the accelerator, and the car drove straight forward.

Ten minutes later, there were fewer and fewer cars on the road, and the location became more remote. Several old residential buildings appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

The car stopped at the downstairs of one of the residents, Jiang Chen pushed open the door and got out of the car.

"Master, how are you? Have you eaten enough?"

"Auntie, have you been dancing in the square recently?"

"Eldest sister, how did you become so beautiful? Could it be that she went to Korea secretly?"


There were quite a few people downstairs, Jiang Chen said hello all the way, and walked slowly into the corridor.

"That young man looks familiar." An old man with gray hair said doubtfully.

"Yes, it looks familiar." An aunt also said.

"It seems that the kid from the Jiang family has grown a lot taller and handsome." A middle-aged woman said.


It was still afternoon, and inside the old residential building, the corridors were dark. Jiang Chen walked up the stairs step by step, walking unhappily, with a feeling of hesitation.

"That's right, that's the feeling, this feeling, it's really weird." Jiang Chen recited after exhaling.

Then, Jiang Chen's pace gradually accelerated, he went up to the sixth floor, and stood in front of a door. He casually took out a key from his pants pocket, and with a click, the door opened. An indescribable smell came to his nostrils, Jiang Chen's expression changed drastically, he turned his head away, and almost vomited...

(End of this chapter)

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