genius evil

Chapter 145 I Will Only Get More and More Handsome

Chapter 145 I Will Only Get More and More Handsome

In the slightly cramped living room, the light was dim, probably because the curtains had not been drawn for a long time, and there was a faint musty smell.

But this is not the most important thing. The side of the dilapidated small sofa and the tea table are the instant noodle barrels piled up like a hill, which is the source of the disgusting smell.

Exhaling deeply, Jiang Chen resisted the urge to vomit, entered the room, opened the window for the first time, and let the fresh air from outside flow in. Only then did he feel much better.

"What the hell is the old man doing? It's been a long time since I cleaned up these rubbish." Frowning, Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

Having said that, Jiang Chen still quickly carried the trash can, swept all the sundries on the coffee table into it, and then lifted the trash bag into the trash can outside the corridor to throw it away.

After finishing all this, he sat down on the sofa and looked at everything in the room that was both familiar and unfamiliar. Jiang Chen subconsciously rubbed his brows again.

From Jiang Chen's rebirth to today, this period of time is not too short, Jiang Chen had countless opportunities to go home, but in the end, he did not come back.

Because for Jiang Chen, home is really an unfamiliar and awkward concept to him. He is not very clear whether he can accept the family relationship network brought to him by this body.

If he can't accept it, once he comes back, he will inevitably be embarrassed and even at a loss.

As for accepting it, accepting it completely and calmly, based on Jiang Chen's understanding of himself, it is absolutely impossible.

But after all, he had to come back. After returning, Jiang Chen was a little surprised by such a scene, but more, it was a habit that was almost subtly influenced.

In Jiang Chen's memory, the old man was such a person.

Some are poor, some are unrefined, some are uninhibited... Generally speaking, they are similar to all single middle-aged men in the world, smoking and drinking, not caring about hygiene, depressed and unhappy, but living in unrealistic fantasies.

There are too many people like this, and you can find several of them by taking a casual stroll on the street... All in all, the old man gave Jiang Chen such an impression that he was flimsy, incompetent, and even incompetent.

"What should I do next? Mop the floor? Or, wash the dirty clothes?" Jiang Chen looked at the black and oil-stained floor, and then at the littering things. After washing the clothes, she smiled wryly.

But in the end, Jiang Chen didn't do anything, he just walked around the living room and the two small bedrooms, and then sat down on the sofa again, but at this time he had an extra photo in his hand.

It was a photo of a young man with a hairstyle that was very popular at the time, his lips and eyes were in high spirits, and his resolute facial features revealed a handsome aura like a tough guy.

"The old man was really a handsome man back then." Looking at the photo, Jiang Chen smiled.

Then Jiang Chen was a bit depressed, everyone said that dragons beget dragons and phoenixes beget phoenixes, why did it not work on him at all?

As he is now, whether it is demeanor or expression, he is much worse than the old man back then. People who don't know the relationship between the two of them, after seeing this photo of the old man, who would have thought that the two of them Could it be a father-son relationship?
"Could it be that I'm not the old man's biological son?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself with a slightly strange expression on his face.

Soon, Jiang Chen shook his head again. He could be sure that he was the father of the old man. Although the old man was not a competent father, there was absolutely no doubt about this.

"Then it's my mother who is ugly?" Jiang Chen said again.

When thinking about this point, Jiang Chen's expression became even weirder, because he found out with great difficulty that this point didn't seem to be sufficient.

Regardless of how poor the old man is now, his middle-aged life seems to be lifeless, but he has extremely harsh tastes in many things, such as hairstyles, clothing, and even the pair of leather shoes under his feet...

Jiang Chen would never have thought that a man who had such strict requirements in terms of taste in life would marry an ugly woman back then.

"Then, why do I look like this?" Jiang Chen was very depressed. He found that this was almost going to become an eternal mystery. After all, even if it was a genetic mutation, it would not be so abnormal.

"To find a chance, you have to ask the old man what's going on." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

In other words, Jiang Chen didn't know what his predecessor was thinking, why he didn't pay attention to this question at all, but now, he had many doubts, so naturally he wanted to solve them one by one.

After looking at the photo for a while, Jiang Chen casually threw the photo on the coffee table, only to find a few lines written on the back of the photo.

"Boy, I'm going out for a while, your living expenses are stuffed under the pillow, save some money, and try not to starve to death before I come back..."

Jiang Chen picked up the photo from the coffee table, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help cursing.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Chen got up, went to his bedroom, opened the pillow, and stuffed a stack of money there, Jiang Chen took the money and counted it, 500 yuan.

"Three months of living expenses." Jiang Chen frowned.

The old man left him three months of living expenses. In other words, the old man will disappear for three months.

Although in the past memory, the old man often disappeared, but the longest was only one month, three months, this is the first time.

"Mysterious, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen had a headache, and stuffed all the money and photos into his pockets.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen walked around the room again before leaving.


"Jiang Chen, if you continue to eat like this, be careful not to turn into a pig's head."

At noon the next day, in the cafeteria of Yilan Middle School, Jiang Chen was enjoying his meal. Jiang Yanyan came over and said with disgust.

"The more you eat, the more handsome you will be. You don't understand such a simple truth?" Jiang Chen said vaguely as he stuffed rice into his mouth indiscriminately.

"I only know that after you become a fat man, you will become an unattractive fat man." Rolling her eyes, Jiang Yanyan pulled Xu Anqi and sat down opposite Jiang Chen.

"You can rest assured that I will only become more and more handsome. As for some people, there is a tendency of secondary development recently, it is better to eat less." Jiang Chen glanced at Jiang Yanyan and said with a smile.

Following Jiang Chen's glance, Jiang Yanyan subconsciously puffed up her chest, her face flushed slightly, but she was secretly proud of herself.

When Jiang Yanyan looked in the mirror recently, she noticed that her breasts had grown a little bit. She never expected that Jiang Chen could even notice this. His eyesight must be too poisonous. This made Jiang Yanyan shy and at the same time feel a little small happy.

"Eat when you eat, don't make a fuss." Jiang Chen said with a look of disgust.

"Obviously you said it yourself." Jiang Yanyan said dissatisfied.

"I just said that you gained weight, and I didn't say that your breasts became bigger." Jiang Chen said slowly.


Jiang Yanyan had black lines all over her face, and she glared at Jiang Chen bitterly, turned her grief into appetite, and shoveled rice into her mouth.

Jiang Chen chuckled, took a look and said nothing, Xu Anqi, who was eating rice in a gentle manner, took a piece of chicken leg over and said: "Squad leader Xu, you are too thin, come, eat some meat."

Looking at the piece of chicken leg, Xu Anqi hesitated for a moment, but still picked it up and took a small bite.

"Partial." Jiang Yanyan muttered.

Jiang Chen pretended he didn't hear Jiang Yanyan's words, picked up a mouthful of tofu, stuffed it into his mouth, and said casually, "Is there any news in school today?"

"You don't go to class, what do you care about so much?" Jiang Yanyan took the conversation away.

"Vice Principal Wu Dong resigned, and also expelled several students." Xu Anqi said softly.

"Oh." A gleam flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, and he nodded.

Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously. She knew that Jiang Chen didn't care about what happened in the school. Today's question seemed like a random question, but in Xu Anqi's opinion, Jiang Chen should know some inside information.

But since Jiang Chen didn't mean to say more, Xu Anqi didn't ask more.

After eating, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan separated and walked towards the shore of Weiming Lake.

During the lunch break, many couples were walking by the Weiming Lake, and a pair of familiar figures appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

"Bao Shifan, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen suddenly said loudly.

Bao Shifan was taken aback, and turned his head hastily, seeing that it was Jiang Chen, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go for a walk... let's go for a walk..." Bao Shifan smirked, looking very embarrassed.

"Tsk tsk, it's really a match, it's a good match, student Wen Jing, the more I look at it, the more I feel that you and Bao Shifan are married." Jiang Chen said with a smack of his mouth.

Wen Jing blushed and lowered her head.

Jiang Chen grabbed Bao Shifan's shoulders and said, "Old Bao, have you opened the room yet?"

"" Bao Shifan was extremely ashamed.

"Since you don't have one, then hurry up and open a room, take a walk or something, you have the nerve to do such a boring thing." Jiang Chen said displeased.

"It's too fast." Bao Shifan was taken aback for a while.

"Not fast, not fast at all, you listen to me, hurry up and take classmate Wen Jing to open a room, classmate Wen Jing will be very happy." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense." Wen Jing couldn't take it anymore, and ran away.

"Old Bao, don't be stupid, hurry up and chase after her. Didn't you see Wen Jing running towards the school gate? The girls are so proactive. You are a big man, why are you so hypocritical?" Jiang Chen urged.

Bao Shifan glanced in the direction where Wen Jing was leaving, gritted his teeth suddenly, and raised his legs to catch up.

"It seems that I have done a very good deed." Jiang Chen smiled wickedly, and lay down by the lake.

At the same time, in Villa No.18 of Guilan Garden, the spring is infinitely beautiful, and there are giggles and giggles from time to time, making people think about it!
"Baby Lin, I'm a woman, not a man. Can you put your breasts away? I'm not interested at all." Tang Tian, ​​who was lying on the sofa, had just woken up, her hair was fluffy and messy, and her hot pants were small. The straps couldn't hide the whiteness of his skin.

Tang Tian held a mobile phone in her hand and was playing the video. Out of dissatisfaction with the woman on the other side of the video, Tang Tian kicked her legs angrily, showing a vicious look.

(End of this chapter)

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