genius evil

Chapter 146 Big breasts are really amazing

Chapter 146 Big breasts are really amazing
"Xiao Tiantian, do you know that there is a word called chest god evil?" Over the video, there is a little beauty with a round face. The little beauty is lazily nestling on a big soft bed. The big breasts like headlights almost popped out of the thin pajamas, filling most of the video pages.

"What kind of ghost is evil?" Tang Tian said angrily.

"It's terrible to be uneducated. I'm talking about evil breasts, not evil, big breasts." Lin Baobao corrected.

"Damn woman, you can just say that your breasts are not good. Why do you have big breasts? Knowing that you have big breasts, why do you want to stimulate me like this? Big breasts are amazing?" Tang Tian grabbed her hair in displeasure.

"Hee hee, that's right, big breasts are really amazing, but unfortunately, you will never be able to experience this amazing feeling, Xiao Tiantian, in your life!"

"Who said, can I still develop well?" Tang Tian said unconvinced.

"You have been developing for so many years, and you still want to grow, and think beautifully." Lin Baobao said disdainfully.

"Hmph, I'm called a late bloomer. Do you think everyone is as precocious as you?" Tang Tian argued with her teeth gritted.

"Xiao Tiantian, don't comfort yourself, it's useless." Lin Baobao smiled like a little vixen, his eyes narrowed into two crescents, and changed the subject: "I won't hit you anymore, your that Great project, how is it going?"

"It's not good, I get angry when I say it." Tang Tian felt even more uncomfortable, why didn't everything go well.

"Hehe, why am I so happy? Do you want me to go to Yilan City and laugh at you in front of you." Lin Baobao said gloatingly.

"Baby Lin, I'm really blind to recognize you as my sister." Tang Tian was furious. Will this woman die if she doesn't provoke her?

"I know you are jealous that my breasts are bigger than yours, so you will utter bad words without hesitation, but the advantage of big breasts is that they are broad-minded, so I won't care about you, I won't care at all... ...Do you really not want me to accompany you?" Lin Baobao said with a smile.

"No, I can handle it myself." Tang Tian shook her arm, and said in a bluff, "Besides, what can you do when you come back, you can't do anything except make trouble for me."

"I'm just saying it casually, so I won't accompany you. Besides, I have a mission and I can't go back." Sticking out his tongue, Baby Lin said.

"You're not in the provincial capital, have you returned to Yanjing?" Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

"It's been a few days since I've been back. It's rare to take a break today. Thinking about how long I haven't teased you, Xiao Tiantian, I'm really a little unhappy." Baobao Lin said dejectedly.

Tang Tian wouldn't believe Baobao Lin's nonsense. That girl, don't look at her as a small person, is a ghostly spirit. Desperate to live.

"If that's the case, forget it, I'll hang up." Yawning, Tang Tian said lazily, she still wanted to sleep again.

"Don't hang up. Although I can't accompany you, I can still help you. People have said that the three beauties are better than Zhuge Liang. I think this is very reasonable." Lin Baobao said seriously. Serious face.

For Lin Baobao's strange hobby of changing words without authorization, Tang Tian expressed that she couldn't understand, and said angrily, "Tell me, how can you help me."

"That depends on what difficulties you encounter." Lin Baobao blinked and said.

Tang Tian thought about it, and Lin Baobao had the most ideas, and there might be some way to do it. After thinking about it, she said, "I want to deal with a man."

"That man's name is Jiang Chen." Lin Baobao said quickly.

"How do you know?" Tang Tian was very surprised, she hadn't had time to tell Baby Lin about this.

"Of course I know that in Yilan City, you only know one man, Jiang Chen, okay... I said, maybe you fell in love with him accidentally after being molested by her, right? Such bloody stories will happen ?” Baby Lin said with a wrinkled face.

"Damn, the devil fell in love with him, I just want to get him done." Tang Tian's head was full of black lines.

"Yeah, you fell in love with him, but he didn't fall in love with you, that's why you need to fix him. Otherwise, if the two love each other, then you can fix each other." Lin Baobao rubbed his tender fingers, if there was any other Said the matter.

"Well, I suddenly don't want to deal with him anymore." Tang Tian said weakly, she found that talking about such things with Lin Baobao was just asking for fun.

"How can I do that? Although your breasts are a little smaller, your face is not as beautiful as mine, and your temper is not as good as mine, but I will definitely help you with the man you like in Xiao Tiantian. We are good sisters." Lin Baobao put on an attitude of thinking about Tang Tian.

"Go to hell with me." Tang Tian was so frantic that she cut off the video.

"Xiao Tiantian, this is your fault. I want to help you deal with a man with good intentions. How can you let me die?" On the other end, Baby Lin muttered, twisted his body and got out of the bed, ran to the computer.

As Lin Baobao crackled and pressed the keyboard, soon, all the information that Jiang Chen could touch were displayed on the computer screen.

"Xiao Tiantian, you can't even deal with such an ugly man. You have no future at all. It must be that your breasts are too small and lack charm. You are a poor woman." Lin Baobao said to himself, and then He said: "Then let me help you, um, how can I help, first check his mobile phone to see if there are any selfie videos or something, maybe there will be fruit photos."

Lin Baobao did what he said, and in just ten seconds, he hacked into Jiang Chen's mobile phone.

"Why is this guy's phone so clean? There isn't a single photo." After scanning Jiang Chen's phone, Lin Baobao rolled his eyes.

"Oh, good-looking people like to take selfies, like me, who looks as ugly as Jiang Chen, self-portrait is suicide, but this Jiang Chen is quite self-aware." Lin Baobao found a picture for himself. With reason, convince yourself.

"There are no photos or videos, so let's take a look at the communication records." Lin Baobao nimbly pressed the keyboard, and Jiang Chen's recent communication records were all displayed.

"He doesn't even have text messages. He's so ugly and has no friends... Hey, something's wrong. In this guy's cell phone address book, there are all women, and it's not right. Some of them seem to be not women." Lin Baobao mumbled. With a flick of a finger, those cell phone numbers that were not women were instantly deleted, and then, Baobao Lin also stored his cell phone number in Jiang Chen's cell phone.

"Yeah, it's much more pleasing to the eye." Lin Baobao expressed his satisfaction with the fruits of his labor.

"What should I do next? By the way, send a text message to help Tang Tian confess." Lin Baobao was almost overwhelmed by his wit, grabbed the phone on the table, quickly composed a text message, and sent it to Jiang Tian. dust.

"Jiang Chen, I have liked you for a long time, did you make it?"

Jiang Chen was woken up by the ringtone of the text message on his cell phone, opened it, and saw that the name displayed in the text message was Lin Baobao, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"No." Jiang Chen casually replied the text message.

"No, you must make it." Lin Baobao replied.

"Zao your sister, will you die if you speak well?" Jiang Chen replied depressedly.

"Damn it, you dare to scold me." Lin Baobao was angry.

"Crazy." Jiang Chen was very depressed.

"Ah, you still called me crazy." Lin Baobao was about to go crazy, "No, it's not me, it's Tang Tian, ​​it seems that Jiang Chen really doesn't like Tang Tian, ​​poor little Tiantian, unrequited love It doesn't feel's still not right, it seems to be scolding me..."

After seeing clearly that the text message was sent to Jiang Chen in his own name, Lin Baobao was even more frantic.

"Ahhh... I, Baobao Lin, was scolded by an ugly man for being crazy. I can't bear it." Baobao Lin yelled.

"You're crazy." Lin Baobao replied through gritted teeth.


"You're crazy."

"Ugly girl."

"You are the ugly...ugly man." Quickly replied, Lin Baobao yelled again.

"I, Baby Lin, want to have breasts, butts, and cheeks. I am youthful and beautiful. This damn guy calls me an ugly girl... I really can't bear it anymore." Lin Baobao wished he could run away immediately Go to Yilan City and fight the real Jiang Chen one-on-one.

"Children are so much fun." Jiang Chen was lying on the grass and texting, not knowing what happened to Lin Baobao at the other end, but he thought it was quite novel and interesting.

He can be sure that he doesn't know a guy named Lin Baobao. Judging from the name, it must be a woman, a very boring woman. He happens to be so boring that he deliberately teased Lin Baobao.

"You are naive, hurry up and apologize to me, or I will make you look good." Lin Baobao replied angrily to the text message.

"I'm pretty enough already, I don't need to look better." Jiang Chen replied indifferently.

"Ugly, narcissist, don't say I didn't warn you, if you don't apologize to me immediately, you will regret it." Lin Baobao was very angry.

"Absolutely not." Jiang Chen replied affirmatively.

"Hmph, aren't you curious, how come you have my number on your phone... But even if you are curious, it's useless, and soon, you will find that you are not just an ugly narcissist, you are also a sex maniac " Lin Baobao threatened.

"Don't worry, even if I am a sex maniac, I will never fall in love with you." Jiang Chen jokingly replied.

"Ahhhh--" Lin Baobao almost dropped the phone.

After waiting for a while, another text message came back.


The text message was very short, so short that it only had two words, and there was a smell of impatience and disgust. Jiang Chen subconsciously wanted to reply a text message, but soon discovered that it was not Lin Baobao who replied to the text message, but Lan Xiu.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment. He didn't know why, but thinking of Baobao Lin's last threatening words, a bad premonition crept into his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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