genius evil

Chapter 147

Chapter 147
After receiving this text message from Lan Xiu, Jiang Chen's phone rang again, and the second text message came in, followed by the third, and the fourth...

Jiang Chen's cell phone kept ringing, and as he checked the text messages one by one, Jiang Chen's face gradually became more and more ugly.

"Damn rascal!"

This is a message from Ding Lingling.


This is a message from Tangyue.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so funny?"

This is a message from Fairy Tale.

"I'm busy now, don't make trouble."

This is a message from Liu Yufei.

"Jiang Chen, did you drop your phone?"

This is a message from Sister Lan.


Xu Anqi sent an ellipsis.

"Jiang Chen, your brain is flooded."

Jiang Yanyan sent a curse message.

"Jiang Chen, you must have been hacked by Lin Baobao, it's too funny."

Tang Tian's text message was full of gloating.

In addition, Shuang'er sent a message, which was a series of question marks, which seemed a bit inexplicable, but it fit her personality quite well.

At this time, Jiang Chen was even more inexplicable. There were not many numbers stored in his phone's address book. Now Jiang Chen simply wondered if everyone in the address book had sent him a message.

After a quick glance at the address book, a black line jumped on Jiang Chen's forehead. That's right, everyone in the address book sent him a message, because I don't know what happened. Strangely, the phone numbers of several people were missing, such as those of Bao Shifan and Qiu Shaojie, and those of Zhou Ji and Brother Dao.

"Baby Lin, what the hell are you doing?" Jiang Chen's face was very ugly, he directly dialed Baobao Lin's number, and asked angrily.

"Hee hee, I didn't do anything wrong. If you receive a lot of cursing text messages, it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I didn't scold you." On the other end of the phone, a soft sweet The voice came, full of vigor and full of vicious humor.

"Answer my question." Regarding Lin Baobao's behavior of not having 300 taels of silver here, Jiang Chen didn't have the patience to pester him, and asked directly.

"Hey, what are you doing so fiercely? Believe it or not, I'll blackmail you again. I'll warn you. I've been very polite this time, okay. If you dare to scold me again, I'll definitely blacken even my underwear. Not left." Lin Baobao said with a whimper.

"Are you a hacker?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"That's right, Miss Ben is the most beautiful, cutest, greatest, and most stylish super hacker in the world." Baby Lin said triumphantly.

"I don't know if you are the most beautiful and cutest hacker, but you must be the stupidest hacker, because I can break your hands at any time, making you unable to use the computer for the rest of your life." Jiang Chen was displeased Said.

"Hee hee, I knew you would definitely want to hit me. If you want to hit me, just come. I'm in Yanjing now. Are you coming by car or by plane? Would you like me to book a plane ticket for you in your name? Yeah." Lin Baobao seduced nonchalantly.

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while, he finally understood why this woman was so confident and dared to stay so far away, she was not afraid of him at all.

"Okay, I don't want to hit you now, tell me right away, what did you do?" Jiang Chen changed his mind and said.

"Hmph, it's not that you don't want to hit me, it's just that you can't hit me. As for what I did... oh, she's still a big girl, how can you ask such a question, it's too embarrassing. How about I I'll send you a message in a while, and you can take care of yourself, it's really embarrassing." Lin Baobao kept talking.

Jiang Chen was speechless for a moment, and quickly hung up the phone.

After a while, Baobao Lin's message was sent to Jiang Chen's mobile phone. Looking at the content of that text message, Jiang Chen suddenly had the urge to buy a plane ticket and fly to Yanjing to beat up Baobao Lin.

"Sexy young boy, lonely and unbearable, begs for support, can warm the bed, contact number, 186xxxxxxxx..."

Jiang Chen had the urge to vomit blood. Although he did know how to warm the bed, was it really okay to tell the world so bluntly?

"Teacher Tang, there is something I want to explain to you." After reading the text message, Jiang Chen immediately dialed Tangyue's number.

"Jiang Chen, I'm in class right now, I'll talk about it later." Tangyue's tone was obviously a bit chaotic, and she hung up the phone before Jiang Chen could reply.

"Da Feifei, where are you, let's have dinner together tonight." Jiang Chen called Liu Yufei's cell phone again.

"I'm doing market research, and I don't have time these days." Liu Yufei only said one thing before hanging up the phone.

Jiang Chen rubbed his brows, thinking about calling another woman to explain it to other women, but finally gave up the idea, because he knew very well that this kind of thing couldn't be explained at all, and once explained, it would only become more and more chaotic.

On the third call, Jiang Chen called Tang Tian.

"Tang Tian, ​​you know Baby Lin, right?" Jiang Chen's tone was a bit uncomfortable.

"Baby Lin, you actually know Baobao Lin, it seems that you were really hacked by that crazy woman, Baobao Lin, haha, why am I so happy, I can't do it, I'm going to die laughing." Tang Tian laughed like crazy like.

"What a joke." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"But it's really funny, what a sexy boy, I can't see how sexy you are at all... Tell me quickly, is there anyone who wants to take care of you... If not, I will eat some Thanks, I will take care of you." Tang Tian couldn't stop laughing.

"I have serious suspicions right now that you and that crazy woman, Bao Bao Lin, were the ones who entrapped me." Jiang Chen protested.

"Haha, how could it be? I wouldn't do that. The most I want is to support you. Hurry up and promise me. I'm so hungry and thirsty." Tang Tian urged.

"Call me Baby Lin to Yilan City, and I promise to help you with one thing, anything." Jiang Chen ignored Tang Tian's madness, and set out his own conditions.

"Are you serious?" Tang Tian's heart moved.

Lin Baobao was messing around, Tang Tian watched the excitement, and she watched with relish. She knew that Jiang Chen must be very upset right now, and definitely wanted to find trouble with Lin Baobao, but Lin Baobao was far away in Yanjing, and Jiang Chen couldn't find Lin Baobao at all. , unless Lin Baobao took the initiative to appear in Yilan City.

And only she can make Lin Baobao appear in Yilan City. In other words, this is the deal proposed by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen can do whatever he says, which is definitely an irresistible temptation for Tang Tian.

"Of course it's true." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

"Well, I can call Baby Lin over, but not now, it will take some time." Tang Tian immediately agreed.

"Little girl, I have to say, you are really good at selling friends for glory, but why do I like it so much?" Jiang Chen laughed, and his depressed mood finally got better.

"I'm upholding justice, okay? Who told Baobao Lin that crazy woman doesn't do business all day long." Tang Tian said righteously.

"Okay, I'm hanging up. When Baby Lin comes over, call me." Jiang Chen said, and hung up the phone.

In the villa of Guilanyuan, Tang Tian rubbed her chin, thinking about what to do to lure Lin Baobao to Yilan City, when she saw Shuang'er, she walked in from the outside.

"Miss, things are not going well. So far, there is no force willing to join us." Shuang'er said helplessly.

"Aren't they afraid of dying?" Tang Tian froze for a moment.

"It's not that simple." Shuang'er shook her head and said, "The main reason is that no one convinced us. After all, we both have nothing but two guns. Moreover, it is impossible for us to seriously fight with one party. The forces are tearing their skins apart, they must have guessed this, so they are confident."

"Then kill a few more people until they are scared." Tang Tian said coldly.

"It's not that simple. The death of Xie Sanyuan has already made some people feel uneasy. If we do it again, if one is not good, those forces will unite to deal with us." Shuang'er smiled wryly.

"Then what should we do? Procrastinating like this is not an option. We only have three months in total. After so long, we still haven't made any achievements. My dad is probably watching my joke." Tang Tian said distressedly.

"How about borrowing some staff from your father?" Shuang'er suggested.

"No, my dad is such a calculating person. If I borrow someone from him, he will definitely take the opportunity to raise conditions. Moreover, those so-called veterans in the gang will definitely show their hateful faces. In that way, we Wouldn't this great plan of ours be aborted?" Tang Tian denied.

The great plan mentioned by Tang Tian is to integrate and unify the underground forces in Yilan City. In Shuang'er's view, this plan is indeed great. It is so great that it is unrealistic and almost crazy!
But it doesn't matter if Tang Tian is innocent or simple, since Tang Tian is unwilling to give up, Shuang'er will naturally not give up.

"Miss, there is one more thing. We had a lot of trouble a few days ago, especially Xie Sanyuan's death. According to rumors in the Tao, Master Quan was alarmed. This means that what we are going to do next will be It becomes more difficult." Shuang'er said worriedly.

"An old guy who stepped into the coffin with one and a half feet, I will snatch his territory sooner or later." Tang Tian rolled her eyes and muttered: "As long as we get Jiang Chen done, everything is possible."

"Miss, you haven't given up yet?" Shuang'er was a little speechless.

"Hee hee, Shuang'er, how can I give up, I'm almost successful, okay, as long as I trick that crazy woman, Baobao Lin, to come to Yilan City, just wait and see the good show." After a while, in front of Shuang'er, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Baobao's number.

Shuang'er remembered the text message from Jiang Chen she had received, and was taken aback for a moment, then realized that it might be related to Lin Baobao, and couldn't help being a little confused. When did Jiang Chen and Lin Baobao get mixed up?
(End of this chapter)

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