genius evil

Chapter 148 How to Be a Qualified Killer

Chapter 148 How to Be a Qualified Killer

"Sister Lan, my mobile phone was stolen, no one sent you a message to borrow money." Jiang Chen asked casually while drinking strong Chinese medicine at Sister Lan's restaurant.

With so many people on the phone communication list, if Lin Baobao's prank accidentally caused some misunderstandings, Jiang Chen didn't care so much about other women. The only one who made Jiang Chen a little nervous was Sister Lan.

Sister Lan looks weak, but she is actually strong, and she has Ding Lingling stirring up the flames. The relationship between the two seems to be harmonious, but Jiang Chen knows very well that Sister Lan is actually wary of him.

If because of the text messages, Sister Lan's vigilance towards him deepened, that would not be what Jiang Chen wanted to see. Therefore, Jiang Chen was so angry that he must give Lin Baobao a severe lesson.

And this is why Jiang Chen will take the initiative to explain.He had to convince Sister Lan that it was a misunderstanding, or a misunderstanding that had nothing to do with him.Only in this way can Sister Lan feel at ease.

"The phone was stolen? No, no one borrowed money from me." Thinking of the text message she received, Sister Lan's face became a little hot. Such straightforward words gave her a great shock.

When Sister Lan replied to the text message, she asked Jiang Chen if he had lost his cell phone. On the one hand, she was covering up for Jiang Chen, and on the other hand, she was looking for a step for herself.

Now when Jiang Chen took the initiative to say that the phone was stolen, and asked if anyone had borrowed money from her, Sister Lan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that it was not so embarrassing.

"Yeah, I don't know when it was stolen. I just bought a new mobile phone. What's your number, Sister Lan? I'll save it." Jiang Chen laughed.

Sister Lan mentioned her cell phone number, and Jiang Chen took out the fruit phone that Xu Anqi had given him, and solemnly saved Sister Lan's number again.

Looking at the fruit mobile phone in Jiang Chen's hand, Sister Lan knew that it was the latest mobile phone launched by the fruit company, and it was indeed different from the one Jiang Chen had used before.

"Jiang Chen, wait for a while, I'm going to cook." Sister Lan said, and walked to the kitchen.

"Shouldn't you go through the gang?" Seeing Sister Lan enter the kitchen, Jiang Chen muttered to himself, unavoidably even more annoyed by Lin Baobao's actions.

After eating, Jiang Chen just left Sister Lan's restaurant.Walk slowly to the school.

It was already dark, and the street lamps in the distance were glowing with dim light. A figure stood on the side of the road a little uneasy. When he saw Jiang Chen, that person hesitated for a moment, and quickly ran towards Jiang Chen. come over.

"Hello, can I lend me some money, I lost my wallet." The man ran up to Jiang Chen and asked anxiously.

It was a woman, about 25 or six years old, with long hair and shawl, cool dress, plain face, a few small freckles on her nose, facial features not delicate, not a beautiful woman, but eyes very Big, very bright, easy to give people a great impression, people can not refuse.As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Chen with uneasy eyes, as if he was afraid that Jiang Chen would refuse.

"Oh, how much do you want?" Jiang Chen asked after looking around at the woman.

"One hundred... No, fifty, fifty is enough." The woman said hastily.

"Is fifty really enough?" Jiang Chen took out his wallet and asked.

"Enough, really enough." The woman nodded like a chick pecking at rice, and looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

Jiang Chen casually took out a red note from his wallet and handed it over, saying, "I don't have any change, so I'll give you a hundred, well, you don't have to pay it back."

"No, no, I can't take your money for nothing. I will definitely return it to you. I can deposit my ID card with you. I will come over and return the money to you tomorrow." The woman took the money, grateful Talking endlessly, the woman opened the bag in her hand, and wanted to give Jiang Chen the ID card from the bag.

"Didn't you lose your wallet?" Jiang Chen suddenly smiled.

The woman's complexion changed slightly, and she said unnaturally: "My wallet is in my pants pocket, not with my ID card."

"This seems to be a pretty good habit, but unfortunately, if I'm not blind, you seem to be wearing a skirt, and, so far, I haven't noticed that there are pockets on your skirt." Jiang Chen smiled Said non-smiling.

"I... I remembered wrongly. It seems that the wallet was also put in the bag. I don't know why it fell. Maybe I forgot to take the wallet when I went out." The woman hesitated for a while.

"Then now comes the question, how did you appear in this place?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I have change in my bag." This time, the woman answered quickly.

"Since there is change, then when you take out the change, you will find that you forgot to bring your wallet. At that time, you still have time to get the wallet." Jiang Chen smiled even more happily.

"I didn't notice at the time. If you doubt me, I won't borrow the money." The woman lowered her head and said anxiously.

"It's not that I doubt you, but that you keep making mistakes. Do you know how many mistakes you made from beginning to end? Three, three mistakes?" Jiang Chen stretched out three fingers lazily. Said.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." The woman was annoyed.

"The first mistake is that you shouldn't pretend to take out your ID card to deposit with me. This is completely an act of 300 taels of silver here. The second mistake is that you should really wear a skirt today, at least one Skirts with pockets, though that would seem odd. The third mistake, if you’re a native of Yilan City, you only need to borrow two dollars from me to take the bus back to You've been covering it up, but unfortunately your acting skills are really not good enough." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I'm not from Yilan City," the woman argued.

"Of course I know this, so now, the question arises again, who sent you to Yilan City." Jiang Chen asked.

"No one, I came to Yilan City for tourism." The woman gritted her teeth and said.

"It seems that my question is a bit complicated, and it's hard to understand with your insufficient IQ, so let's make it simpler, who hired you to kill me." Jiang Chen asked directly.


The woman's complexion suddenly changed, she looked at Jiang Chen as if she had seen a ghost, she staggered back a few steps, her complexion fluctuating.

"As a killer, the most basic quality is to stay calm in times of crisis. In fact, you don't have any threats at all right now. There is no need for you to expose your IQ weakness in front of me again." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"How did you find out?" the woman asked in a deep voice.

At the beginning, she thought that Jiang Chen was just a guy with an extremely high IQ, that's why she was able to discover so many flaws. At this point, how could she still not understand, from the very beginning, Jiang Chen saw through her identity, Her so-called cover-up, in Jiang Chen's eyes, was just a joke.

"Actually, I'm quite surprised how I discovered this, maybe I'm too handsome." Jiang Chen said with a sad face.

"Ah—" the woman was dumbfounded.

"A handsome man like me, no matter how dark the night is, is like a firefly, shining with dazzling brilliance. You, an ugly girl, came to me just to borrow money, not to covet my masculinity. That's it. , don't you think it's the biggest flaw?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The woman was speechless. If it was really like what Jiang Chen said, and this was the biggest flaw, then she found out with great grief and indignation that she was destined to be exposed, because she couldn't see it at all. Chen's masculinity, which one is worth her coveting.

"It's impossible for me to tell you who your employer is. This is the most basic killer rule. Besides, you will die soon, so you don't need to know that much." The woman took out a pistol from her bag and pointed it at Jiang. Dust, said coldly.

"You're really stupid, hopelessly stupid...if you had any intelligence, then you'd understand that the most important thing you need to do in a situation like this is run away, not point a gun Me." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Maybe I'm not as smart as you, but I'll blow your head off." The woman snapped.

"It seems that you don't intend to accept my suggestion." Jiang Chen sighed, a little annoyed.

The woman was a little puzzled, why she looked at Jiang Chen like that, as if she was thinking of her, but, is this possible?She was the killer who came to kill Jiang Chen, how could Jiang Chen think about her?
"Could it be that it was really a mistake for me to point a gun at him. What I need to do is run away?" The woman was thinking in her heart again, swaying from side to side.

"If you want to escape, there is still time." Jiang Chen's voice sounded.

The woman's eyes flickered for a while, she stared at Jiang Chen, turned around suddenly, and ran quickly... But soon, the woman stopped, and had to stop, because Jiang Chen did not know when, appeared In front of her, blocking her way.

"As I said just now, the basic quality of a killer is to stay calm in the face of danger, and not to panic in the face of chaos. On the one hand, it refers to keeping calm in any dangerous situation; Don't be swayed by others, unfortunately, you are a terrible killer, you can't even talk about failure." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.


The woman's right hand trembled, and the gun in her hand fell to the ground. She covered her face with her hands, squatted on the ground, and began to cry.

"You are right, I am indeed a terrible killer." The woman trembled.

"Well, with your current appearance, you finally look like a killer, you won't be a complete idiot anymore." Jiang Chen smiled.

"No, no... I don't want to kill you anymore. After I go back, I will refund the commission immediately." The woman said hastily.

"Really? Then please tell me, what are you holding in your hand's really amazing, it turns out that you still have a gun tied to your thigh..." While talking, the woman suddenly felt In the sky, the gun in her hand disappeared for some reason, and then, the dark and cold muzzle of the gun hit her forehead!
(End of this chapter)

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