genius evil

Chapter 149 Are All Killers Idiots?

Chapter 149 Are All Killers Idiots?
With her eyes closed tightly, the woman's mind was blank. She could almost imagine that an ugly blood hole had burst out on her forehead.

Boundless fear swept the whole body, making the woman tremble uncontrollably.

The boy in front of him with an evil smile is now synonymous with a typical devil.

"I won't kill you yet, don't be so nervous." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"..." The woman suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"You are very afraid of death, but you seem to have to kill me. There is no doubt that the other party gave you a very considerable commission. Now, immediately, immediately, transfer that money to my card." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"This—" The woman looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, this guy is not so anxious to kill her, is it for her money?This is too weird.

"You don't have the qualifications to bargain with me, and I think, dead people don't need money, are you right?" Jiang Chen smiled very gently.

"I can give you the money, but it's not much." The woman struggled and said softly.

"Since it's not much, then I want all your money. After all, you also know that you will die soon." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The woman's eyes widened. She meant that she was trying to make Jiang Chen give up blackmailing her, but she never expected that Jiang Chen would say such a thing.

But she knew that she had to do what Jiang Chen said, she had no choice at all, she would definitely die, the difference was a happy death or an ugly death.

This devil-like boy, the woman has no doubts about his methods, she just wants a happy ending now.

After a little hesitation, the woman completed the transfer, and soon, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang a text message.

"600 million, it seems that you are really a poor ghost." Jiang Chen frowned.

"This is all I have." The woman said bitterly.

"No, it should be regarded as my reward. The only difference between you and me is that you accept employment from others, while I do things for myself, and I want more. This is not greed, but that I am worth such a price. .” Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Then next, do you kill me right away, or take me away... I am a woman, and I can do many things, many things that satisfy you. I just ask you to give me one when you kill me." Happy." The woman murmured.

"Don't show off your poor looks in front of me. In fact, I won't kill you, just because I think the atmosphere tonight is a bit weird, so I want to play again." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The woman's eyes flickered slightly, and then she was sad, but at this moment, there was a loud voice: "Police."

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, a man in police uniform walked over quickly, and after showing his ID, he said coldly, "What are you doing? Throw your gun down."

"Oh, it's just a toy gun." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said casually.

"Toy gun? Do you think I'm an idiot? Raise your hands, or I'll shoot you." The policeman drew out his pistol, pointed at Jiang Chen, and warned severely.

"Officer, you are too serious, don't worry, I will never shoot." Jiang Chen threw the gun on the ground casually, raised his hands and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, shut up." The policeman kicked the gun away, and immediately took out a handcuff and threw it to Jiang Chen, ordering: "Put the handcuffs on."

"I said this police officer, playing with toy guns doesn't seem to be breaking the law. You'd better be polite to me." Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"I will be polite to you, provided that you put on the handcuffs, otherwise I will shoot you at any time." The policeman said indifferently.

Jiang Chen pretended to be helpless, took the handcuffs, and said, "Officer, before I put the handcuffs on, I have a question to ask you."

"What's the problem?" the policeman said impatiently.

"Are all killers idiots?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

"Is this your problem?" the policeman asked strangely.

"That's right, now you can answer my question." Jiang Chen still spoke very seriously.

"I'm a policeman, not a killer. You're asking the wrong person. I can't answer this question for you." The policeman said displeased.

"It seems a bit regrettable." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen asked seriously again: "Then, there is a second question. Do you know how many mistakes you have made since you appeared until now?"

"What the hell kind of question is that? I refuse to answer." The policeman grew impatient.

"Four mistakes, a total of four mistakes." Jiang Chen stretched out four fingers, and then said one by one: "First, the domestic police never have the habit of showing their credentials when law enforcement. I think you must It’s because I’ve watched too many Hong Kong movies, and I naively think that policemen all over the world are like that.”

"Second, although you look like a dog in a police uniform, it's a pity that your police uniform has long been eliminated. In other words, it means outdated. Do you know what it means to be outdated?"

"Third, when I asked you that killers are idiots, you shouldn't say that you are not a killer. Your answer is very stupid, which fully exposed your poor IQ."

"Fourth, well, there is no fourth, I'm just kidding you."

The veins on the policeman's forehead twitched violently. He looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief, and with a flick of his finger, he was about to activate the trigger.

He thought that he concealed it very well, and the timing of his appearance was just right. In order to kill Jiang Chen, he even went to steal a set of police uniforms and made a fake police officer ID.

God knows that there is no need to show his ID. God knows that the police uniform on him has been eliminated a long time ago. What's more terrible is that when he answered Jiang Chen's question, he accidentally exposed his identity.

Perhaps he didn't need to say so many words at all. All he had to do was handcuff Jiang Chen and shoot... Fortunately, it was not too late, he could still shoot.

Pressing down hard with his fingers, a crazy expression appeared on the policeman's face, but soon, the policeman's face changed, and he found strangely that his fingers had lost control, to be exact, his entire right arm , out of control.

"Do you know this idiot?" Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to the guy pretending to be a policeman, and asked the woman.

"I don't know." The woman shook her head in bewilderment, she looked at Jiang Chen with hatred, and when she looked at the policeman again, she was a little sympathetic.

In fact, as a killer, a woman can't feel the same kind of breath from the policeman. When the policeman appeared at first, she thought he was really a policeman, thinking that she might be taken to the police station, and then her identity exposed and sentenced to prison.

Compared with death, this is undoubtedly a very good ending, but what happened next made the woman feel that her IQ had once again been severely challenged, and even made her wonder if she was really a idiot.

Just as Jiang Chen easily discovered the flaws in her body, Jiang Chen exposed the policeman's identity without any effort, which made the woman feel a little bit sad while sympathizing with her.

"Damn, what did you do to me?" the policeman growled.

"Oh, I just gave you an injection very casually. If you like talking so loudly, then I will give you another injection so that you will never be able to speak." Jiang Chen didn't panic Said calmly.

The policeman's eyes flickered for a while, and he lowered his voice and said, "You are assaulting the police, it is a crime."

"Brother, you really don't have a talent for being funny, so let's talk about business... Do you have money? No, do you have a lot of money?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

600 million, to Jiang Chen in the past, it may be an unattainable number, but now, it really doesn't catch Jiang Chen's eyes.

After all, he wants to drink medicine, he also needs to buy medicine for Sister Lan and Xiaodie, he wants to start a company, he needs to buy things for his own woman... There are too many places to spend money.

Since there was a big fish that came to the door on its own initiative, in line with the principle of not killing nothing, Jiang Chen naturally wanted to kill it severely.

"How dare you blackmail me." The policeman growled sternly.


Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped the policeman on the face, and said coldly, "The only thing you need to do is to answer my questions honestly."

The policeman was stunned for a while by Jiang Chen, and said in a low voice: "You want money, right? I can give you the money, but only if you let me go."

"Why are there so many self-righteous idiots?" Jiang Chen sighed and said to the woman, "Tell him what I just said to you."

"Dead people don't need money." The woman smiled wryly.

"That's right, that's the sentence." Nodding his head in satisfaction, Jiang Chen said to the policeman, "Do you understand?"

"Giving you money is death, not giving you money is death, why should I give you money." The policeman said contemptuously.

"This is a very good question. The reason why you want to give me money is of course that I can let you die at any time, and I can also make your life worse than death at any time... Well, let's experience the feeling that life is worse than death. You will find that death is tantamount to going to heaven for an idiot like you." While talking, Jiang Chen stuck a few needles in the policeman's body at an extremely fast speed.

Five minutes later, looking at the bank transfer information on the phone interface, Jiang Chen frowned even tighter: "It turns out that the killers are not only idiots, but also poor ghosts."

The woman and the policeman looked at each other without saying a word, especially the policeman, he was so sad and angry that his entire family property of 3000 million was transferred to Jiang Chen. This was his savings over the years, and Jiang Chen still thought it was too little.

But after experiencing the feeling of life being worse than death for those 5 minutes, the policeman dared not say a single unnecessary word, for fear that Jiang Chen would let him experience that feeling again.

"Next, you should tell me the identity of the person who hired you to kill me." Jiang Chen's tone seemed extra harmless as he stuffed the phone into his pocket indiscriminately!
(End of this chapter)

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