genius evil

Chapter 1426 Learning How to Write Dead Words

Chapter 1426 Learning How to Write Dead Words

"Hey, I didn't expect you to look so stupid, but you love learning so much, it's really surprising." Jiang Chen looked over and said with a smack of his mouth, with a look that he never expected .

"I'm stupid?"

The person who yelled that voice pointed at himself with a finger. His face was ashen, and deep in his eyes, killing intent surged.

"Isn't what I said the truth?" Jiang Chen immediately yelled, and said, "After all, if you're not stupid, then you should be able to tell that I'm praising you."

"You... praised me?" The man was stunned, thinking about it carefully, but where did he praise him, it was obvious that he scolded him bloody.

"That's right, I'm indeed praising you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"So, you mean that I love learning?" The man asked in a puzzled way. He couldn't figure it out. Even if he really loves learning, what about Jiang Chen? He could tell it at a glance. .

"It's exactly this matter, and I still have a bit of understanding." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Learning what?" Subconsciously, the man asked.

"Naturally learning how to write dead characters." Jiang Chen responded with a smile.

The man suddenly felt something was wrong, and wanted to get angry, but Jiang Chen was faster, and before he had any reaction, he raised his hand and slapped him.


The astonishing sound of explosions caused several people who appeared with this person to turn pale with fright, and retreated one after another. After that, their faces changed drastically, turning pale.

With Jiang Chen's palm slap, that person's head was shattered like a watermelon. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even have time to dodge, let alone resist.

This is undoubtedly terrifying. You must know that that person is not a weak person. The name of a genius is widely known, and he has a powerful combat power that pushes a large realm horizontally. However, he couldn't even bear Jiang Chen's slap, and died instantly.

"I taught so seriously, you must know by now, how to write the word dead." Jiang Chen said lazily, as if he killed not a person, but an ant, incomparably calm light.

"By the way, you guys also came to learn from me, right?" Jiang Chen asked the other people, his words were gentle and he was quite a good teacher.

"No... not..."

One person responded, stuttering and speaking, even the words were incomplete.

His heart trembled, and he was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked. He had seen Jiang Chen make a move on the streets of Tianhai City before, but he didn't have such power. This clearly showed that Jiang Chen was stronger, and he couldn't be provoked.

"Really? Don't be nervous, and don't be shy. I will definitely teach you well, including teaching and meeting, and I won't take any money." Jiang Chen said seriously.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, pointed to a person, and said carelessly, "You, come and learn from me."

The man was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his throat, and he ran away without saying a word... This inspired the others, who dared not speak too much, and fled one after another, using the limit speed one by one .

"It's not worth giving up halfway. Have you put me in your eyes?" Jiang Chen was very dissatisfied, and chased in one direction at will.

He tore apart a shackle, and was promoted to Nascent Soul again. Even if no one provoked him, Jiang Chen planned to find a few people at random to verify how much he had improved.

These guys came to their door without knowing their life or death, how could Jiang Chen let them leave?

The cultivation breakthrough not only strengthened Jiang Chen's consciousness and strength, Jiang Chen's speed became faster and more terrifying. He seemed to be strolling in the garden, but let the people in front of him try to escape, But it was easily locked.

"Boring." Jiang Chen shook his head, and casually punched that guy out.

Then, like a cat playing with a mouse, Jiang Chen chased the remaining few people and killed them casually.

In fact, it wasn't that those few people were too weak, but that Jiang Chen was too strong, with a dragon growing from his spine, and looking in the garden of all things, he was enough to push the invincible all the way.

The news that the Dragon Fruit had fallen into Jiang Chen's hands spread throughout the Garden of Everything. Jiang Chen disappeared for a few hours. At this time, Jiang Chen appeared again. became the focus of focus.

The Hualong fruit is precious and strange, and everyone wants it. Even if they know that Jiang Chen is not easy to provoke, they still come one after another. A genius and strong man appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and asked Jiang Chen to hand over the Hualong in an unusually tough tone. Fruit, and bluntly, Hualong fruit is not what Jiang Chen can have at all.

Jiang Chen was so lazy to say nonsense, he just taught them how to write dead characters.

On this day, all parts of the Ten Thousand Things Garden were stained with blood. Jiang Chen, like the bulldozer, used a horizontal pushing and crushing method to kill the Quartet until finally, no one dared to get close to the dead.

"Invincible is indeed the loneliest." Jiang Chen heaved a long sigh, causing many talented experts in the dark to tear his heart apart.

However, Jiang Chen's heart was already broken. Without exception, no matter who the opponent was, Jiang Chen would attack violently and be invincible.

"This guy actually hides his strength."

Someone said bitterly, gnashing their teeth.

Jiang Chen's strength, as we all know, is definitely the most powerful existence in the first row, but who would have expected that Jiang Chen would be so strong, it is outrageous.

"No, he should have used up the Dragon Fruit."

Someone was shocked and said belatedly.

This statement was quickly spread, and it moved people even more. Countless geniuses and powerhouses were filled with grief, indignation and grief.

If the Hualong Fruit was really used by Jiang Chen, then it would explain why Jiang Chen became so powerful when he reappeared several hours after disappearing.

But this makes people unwilling and resentful. There is only one Hualong Fruit, which can be called peerless, but it was actually taken by Jiang Chen, which makes some people mad with hatred.

"We must kill him, draw his blood essence, and make great medicine." Someone said so.

The medicinal properties of the Hualong Fruit, after being absorbed by Jiang Chen, flowed in Jiang Chen's flesh and blood. It is impossible to have a second Hualong Fruit. Then, the only way is to kill Jiang Chen and take the other. Essence and blood are used to refine great medicine, that way, it is possible to recover the loss.

"Yes, we must kill him!" Someone secretly responded and actively instigated.

It can only be said that Jiang Chen is too hated, and as the echoes came out, there was a hundred responses, but no one thought that there was something wrong with such an approach, as if it was an extremely natural thing.

"Jiang Chen has always been arrogant, so he must not be allowed to rise all the way, otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

Someone said so, and got a lot of approval.

"Jiang Chen must be killed as soon as possible, sooner rather than later, otherwise, something may happen."

Another person made a sound.

"Want to use my Jiang Chen's blood essence to refine great medicine? Then come on, suppress and kill them all!"

Along the way, such news spread to Jiang Chen's ears. Jiang Chen was fearless. He had already offended enough people, but he didn't mind at all, and offended some more.

Jiang Chen also made a clamoring voice, he had no scruples, even more so, he didn't mind at all, killing a blood flowed like a river.

"Little man, did you really eat the Hualong fruit?" A charming voice rang out in Jiang Chen's ears.

If you haven't seen the person, you should hear about the person first.

However, just listening to that voice is going to make people's bones soft, and their hearts will become even more itchy.

This is the ultimate charm technique, every word, every frown and every smile, all have the power to charm people's hearts.

"Miss Sister, are you finally willing to show up?" Jiang Chen looked over and said with a playful smile.

That was Shang Heng, she stepped forward, stared at Jiang Chen, and carefully sized him up.

Jiang Chen killed all directions, countless geniuses and strong men, frightened and angry, secretly wanted to form an alliance to hunt and kill Jiang Chen... According to Shang Heng's plan, he didn't plan to meet Jiang Chen so soon, but after receiving the news, some Xeon exists, expressing that Jiang Chen is not allowed to live, so she can only show up.

"Little man, you haven't answered my question yet." Shang Heng smiled softly, with a charming smile, and there was a kind of eccentric charm about her.

Even if it is to say some words without emotion, it is easy, it just touches the heart.

"Of course I ate it. I have to say that it tastes good." Jiang Chen did not hide it, anyway, everyone knew that he ate the Dragon Fruit, and it was unnecessary to hide it.

"You really..." For a moment, Shang Heng was a little speechless.

After a while, Shang Heng said quietly: "Little man, you are too reckless, and the dragon fruit is used to refine the medicine to fully stimulate its efficacy. If you burn the lute and cook the crane like this, the medicine It is effective, but not even a thousandth of it is used.”

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled noncommittally.

This may be the case for others, but for him, all the medicinal effects of the Hualong Fruit are absorbed, and nothing is wasted.

This is used to tear a shackle, which is completely different from what countless geniuses and powerhouses think.

"No wonder someone said they were going to kill you and extract blood." Shang Heng said helplessly. After all, the medicinal effect of the Hualong Fruit was seriously wasted, which made people both sad and annoyed.

"Miss Sister, so you are planning to tell me, are you planning to do that too?" Jiang Chen took a step closer and stretched out his hand to hug Shang Heng's slender waist.

With her figure fluttering, Shang Heng dodged Jiang Chen's hand without a trace. She lowered her eyebrows and smiled slightly, and said, "Little man, you are a smart person, so let's take a guess, will I do that?"

"If Miss Sister has such a plan, I stretched my neck and let Miss Sister kill you. You can kill as you want, right?" Jiang Chen said affectionately, and stretched out his hand again. This time, Shang However, Heng didn't dodge, and was immediately hugged by Jiang Chen.

"Let me kill?" Shang Heng said in his heart, the way she looked at Jiang Chen could not be restrained, and became strange.

This sentence may be a joke, without the slightest sincerity, but even so, it still touched a soft place deep in her heart, which was quietly and severely touched...

(End of this chapter)

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