genius evil

Chapter 1427

Chapter 1427
Shang Heng's every move, even the slightest little thoughts, were all in Jiang Chen's perception, knowing that the opportunity must not be missed, and the iron must be struck while it is hot, and take Shang Heng down in one fell swoop.

Because Jiang Chen knew very well that on the surface, Shang Heng looked like a wave, but in fact, he was extremely conservative and extremely unpredictable.

If such a woman wants to touch her heart, he must take an unusual path, because Jiang Chen has long understood how difficult it is to touch Shang Heng.

Right now, the opportunity is good, Shang Heng is in his arms, if you don't push yourself, and wait until Shang Heng reacts, then it will be as difficult as going to heaven to have such an opportunity again.

Jiang Chen has always been an actionist, so he immediately took action.

However, Jiang Chen still greatly underestimated Shang Heng. Shang Heng's reaction speed was far faster than Jiang Chen thought. Almost before Jiang Chen took any action, Shang Heng broke away from Jiang Chen's embrace and appeared. It was more than ten meters away.

"Little man, you are dishonest." Shang Heng said with a smile.

Her face was calm, but her delicate cheeks were also slightly hot. Inadvertently, she almost fell into Jiang Chen's gentle trap.

If she hadn't been vigilant enough, she might have been tortured by Jiang Chen.

"Miss sister, I'm obviously very honest, why not be honest?" Jiang Chen was very innocent.

He wanted to do some dishonest things, but the problem was that he didn't have time to do anything, so, no matter what, Jiang Chen was unwilling to take the blame.

Shang Heng giggled coquettishly, stretched out his hand, lifted a lock of hair on his forehead, and said with anger and anger: "Little man, you are about to be arrested, and you are about to refine the medicine. At this time, you still have to eat it!" Thinking of bullying my sister, could it be that I want my sister to guard the empty bed alone in the future?"

"Damn fairy!" Jiang Chen cursed viciously in his heart.

This woman is really the reincarnation of that vixen, this short sentence is to tickle his heart, but she resists being teased by him again and again.

"Could it be that he likes to take the initiative." Jiang Chen thought with a wicked taste, but the more he thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, this was completely in line with Shang Heng's behavior style.

"Miss sister, you can rest assured, your little man is invincible in battle, and I guarantee that you will be a bride every night for the rest of your life." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

There is no reason why Shang Heng can tease him, but he can't tease him back. When it comes to shameless things, he, Jiang Chen, has never lost.

Shang Heng was still smiling, shy and charming, she blinked and said with a chuckle: "Little man, remember what you said, don't let my sister down."

Immediately, Shang Heng left. Her appearance seemed to be just to tease Jiang Chen. After the teasing was over, she had no intention of being responsible at all.

Watching Shang Heng leave, Jiang Chen smiled, but did not catch up.I know that the teasing is false, but the reminder is true.

"It's indeed a bit tricky." Jiang Chen said to himself.

With the Dragon Fruit falling into his hands, many powerhouses of the imperial family were naturally unwilling and extremely resentful. Therefore, Jiang Chen was not surprised at all that such news spread wildly.

What really surprised Jiang Chen was that someone made a voice, wanting to use his essence and blood to refine great medicine.

Obviously, this is the result of someone deliberately fueling the flames, and it is not simple.

"In the final analysis, there are still too few kills." Jiang Chen said with a sneer, too few kills, so the impression left on some people is not deep enough.

Jiang Chen decided to reflect on himself, and the best way to reflect was to kill a few more people!
"Anyone who wants to use my blood essence to refine great medicine, come on!" Jiang Chen uttered his voice again.

He didn't intend to hide his whereabouts, and Jiang Chen, who was already extremely high-profile, became even more high-profile.In the end, Jiang Chen appeared on a mountain peak.

On this mountain peak, Jiang Chen uttered his voice for the third time, sincerely inviting many geniuses and powerhouses to come and say, drinking and talking and laughing is a joy.

Jiang Chen's every move always shocked the world, but this time's behavior still shocked countless geniuses and powerhouses.

"What is Jiang Chen going to do? Does he want to be the enemy of thousands of people?" Someone said, full of anger.

Jiang Chen chose a mountain to welcome guests. How could many geniuses and experts not understand that Jiang Chen was going to kill there.

Such boldness and demeanor can be said to be unparalleled in history.

"Have you been forced to this point after all?"

There were also some people who gloated a lot. They wanted to see Jiang Chen's misfortune a long time ago, and they cursed a lot.

Because of the Dragon Fruit incident, Jiang Chen was pushed to the forefront of the storm. This person believed that Jiang Chen would not have been able to do this if he hadn't been driven into a desperate situation. This is suspected of giving it a go.

"The Garden of Everything is just the beginning..."

There are also people who feel very sorry. Not long after the opening of the Garden of All Things, many geniuses and powerhouses have not had time to explore in the future, but Jiang Chen single-handedly caused a frenzy.


On the mountain peak, Jiang Chen stood quietly.

In an instant, many geniuses and powerhouses heard the news, and powerful auras intertwined, locking Jiang Chen from all directions.

The speed at which such geniuses and powerhouses came was extremely fast, and after a while, someone appeared again.

In this way, in less than half an hour, there are hundreds of geniuses and powerhouses climbing to the top of the mountain.

"Are there only so few people? Or, I'll wait?" Jiang Chen said with a smile. He released his consciousness and swept across wantonly. Escape Jiang Chen's perception.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, none of the powerful members of the imperial family showed up, and only three of the dozen or so powerful martial schools came, and among them were the talented disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

The rest of the people were all strangers to Jiang Chen. Of course, these powerhouses were all strangers to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, stop, there's still time." Jian Xiuming said in a serious tone.

"Did I ask you to talk?" Jiang Chen said coldly, and in a flash, he raised his hand and slapped Jian Xiuming.

This idiot's words are getting more and more, and he feels better and better. Jiang Chen has long been bored to the extreme.

"You" stretched out his hand to cover his face, Jian Xiuming stared at Jiang Chen firmly.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, kill it immediately." Jiang Chen scolded, not intending to save face at all.

Jian Xiuming almost went crazy, he just said a word, he thought it was out of kindness, but he was treated like this by Jiang Chen, and he was openly ashamed in front of hundreds of talented monks.

Jiang Chen is becoming more and more crazy. If Jiang Chen was crazy in the past, then now, Jiang Chen is simply crazy, and he has brought his unscrupulous and unscrupulous style to the extreme.

"Anyone else wants to come? I, Jiang Chen, am not in a hurry. I think it's okay to wait. However, if you are in a hurry, start now. I have no objections." Jiang Chen glanced at any time, and said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, did you really use up the Hualong Fruit?"

Following Jiang Chen's words, a voice sounded.

That voice was ethereal, moving here and there for a while, clearly using some kind of secret technique, and he didn't want to be discovered by Jiang Chen.

"You..." Jiang Chen pointed in one direction, and said with a smile, "Why hide your head and show your tail, this question is very well asked, and I have a very deep impression on you."

The man's face changed suddenly. He had indeed used a secret technique to escape Jiang Chen's perception, but he still had nothing to hide.

"Is there anyone else who wants to ask questions? Let's just ask them together, and then I'll answer them together, so as not to waste time, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone, the cloud was very light and breezy.

But no one spoke, all eyes fell heavily on Jiang Chen.

The question that person asked was exactly what they wanted to ask, and this question was crucial.

If Jiang Chen used the Hualong Fruit and it was just a misrepresentation, then what they will fight for next is the Hualong Fruit.

But if Jiang Chen really used up the Dragon Fruit, then what they will fight for next is Jiang Chen's blood essence.

"Okay, then I'll answer this question first." Jiang Chen said, quite politely, spread his hands, Jiang Chen said seriously and seriously, "I guess I'm going to disappoint you, Hualongguo was indeed used by me, so , don’t be delusional anymore.”

"Jiang Chen, I only need ten drops of blood essence. This is just a trivial condition." A voice said.

In front of so many people, Jiang Chen straightforwardly admitted that he had used up the Dragon Fruit. This made them turn their attention to Jiang Chen.

"I'm not greedy, I only need twenty drops." Someone said again.

"Thirty drops are enough for me."

"I need a hundred drops to refine a magical secret medicine."


Among the crowd, voices came out one after another.

"According to what you guys mean, do you think I'm going to be eaten?" Jiang Chen heard it one by one, and said with a smile on his face.

According to such an algorithm, even if all the essence and blood in his body were taken away, there would be no way to satisfy all the requirements.

This made Jiang Chen laugh back in anger. Could it be that these guys naively thought that he appeared here because he was only looking for death?

But, do you want to be so naive?

After all, no matter how you look at it, Jiang Chen wouldn't be that stupid.

"Jiang Chen, you won't have the slightest chance of luck. With so many talented and powerful people coming for you, do you think there is still a way to survive?" Someone said noncommittally.

"If you don't give me a way out, then I'll just kill a way out, isn't it very simple?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Break a way?" Many monks thought about the potential meaning of Jiang Chen's words, but at the next moment, Jiang Chen made a move.

He has a keen sense of spirit, and he clearly remembers every word that everyone said, and whoever said more and who said less is also very clear.

So at this time, when Jiang Chen made a move, he charged towards a bearded guy, and with a "pop", the man's head was torn apart like that crisp watermelon...

(End of this chapter)

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