genius evil

Chapter 1429 Accepting You as My Mount

Chapter 1429 Accepting You as My Mount

That old dead tree had been dead for an unknown number of years, its rotten bark was peeling off layer by layer, and on the huge trunk, at a glance, there was a big green snake entrenched.

The big green snake was almost as thick as a bucket, which was amazing. When Jiang Chen found the big green snake, the big green snake also discovered Jiang Chen's existence.

The big green snake opened its big mouth like a blood basin, spit out the letter, and the stench was scattered in all directions. The range of hundreds of meters around was filled with the strong stench.

In addition, under the old tree, a tortoise the size of a stone mill can clearly be seen, but the color of the tortoise is like a rock, but it is inconspicuous to the eye.

Unlike the restlessness of the big green snake, the tortoise appeared very quiet and motionless.

These are not ordinary animals, but monster beasts, which have opened up their intelligence, so they are extraordinary. The aura they release is clearly comparable to that of ferocious beasts.

Previously, the two should have been confronting each other, but because of Jiang Chen's appearance, the potential balance was broken.

"Sure enough, if this person is unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff his teeth." Jiang Chen was exceptionally speechless, and then summed up a truth, that is, one must never be unlucky.

"Could it be that this is forcing me to intercept luck?" Jiang Chen couldn't help thinking.

The theory of luck has always been illusory, but Jiang Chen is extremely clear that it really exists, ranging from personal luck to the empire's luck in a dynasty. It is mysterious and complicated, but it is real.

The garden of all things involves the fate of more than a dozen empires. The implication is that it is closely related and closely connected with the luck of the major empires.

The reason why Jiang Chen came up with such an idea was naturally not aimlessly, and after hearing the words of the woman in the portrait of the goddess, he had some associations.

He killed too much, and he had unseen bad luck. According to the woman, this was a manifestation of the internal rules of the Garden of Everything. In fact, his luck was forcibly taken away.

Obviously, someone knew this a long time ago, and this is what fueled the flames behind the scenes. Those geniuses who died at his hands can only be said to be too unlucky and reduced to cannon fodder.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen's heart moved. This is undoubtedly a good way, otherwise, if he has been so unlucky all the time, he will really become unable to move an inch in this garden of all things.

Jiang Chen didn't move, the big green snake quickly diverted his attention, and stared at the big tortoise. This confrontation should have lasted for a long time, and suddenly, the big green snake moved and started to attack the big tortoise attack.

Its bloody mouth opened, and it rushed down into the void. The speed was as fast as lightning, and the naked eye could not catch it.

The big green snake was going to eat the big tortoise, but the big tortoise was obviously unusual. When the big green snake rushed towards it, it opened its mouth and spewed out a flash of lightning.

The lightning exploded, as if divine thunder descended from the sky, the void in this area was collapsed and annihilated, but the big green snake was not simple, as the lightning flashed, it was swallowed directly.

After that, there was a big explosion here, the big green snake danced wildly, while the big tortoise sat firmly like a rock, and the two fought, flying sand and rocks, the earth was cracking, and the void was beaten to annihilation again and again.

The talented experts within a radius of tens of miles were all attracted by the sound, and they were all stunned when they witnessed the battle.

This is definitely a battle of the strongest. The two monsters make a move, which is comparable to the battle of the strongest in the realm of transformation.

The battle was fierce. In the end, the shell of the big tortoise was broken, and the huge body of the big green snake was left with heavy wounds.

Suddenly, the big tortoise, which had been sitting still, flew out in the air. It was only the size of a stone mill, and it was too easy to be ignored compared to the big green snake.

But at this moment, it flew out, tearing apart the void, and there was a faint trace of the power to travel through the void. Jiang Chen saw such a scene in his eyes, and his heart suddenly moved.

He once obtained the demon crystal of a shadow phantom dragon, and used it to practice illusion. Unfortunately, so far, he has never encountered a second shadow phantom dragon, which caused the phantom art to stagnate.

The big tortoise flew out of the sky, as if traveling through the void. This was an incredible speed, more than ten times faster than the phantom technique possessed by Jiang Chen.

Moreover, even in the case of using the spiritual consciousness to shoot, only a faded phantom can be captured, which is actually an afterimage, that is to say, the spiritual consciousness cannot be captured.

"Is this innate supernatural power?" Jiang Chen said with some emotion.

Jiang Chen didn't know the origin of the giant tortoise, but it was obvious that it would not be simple. After all, the Garden of Everything was a small world constructed artificially, so every plant, every tree, every mountain and every stone in this small world was left behind. Man-made traces.

In this way, the creatures inside the small world are of course related to those builders.

After all, the internal rules of the Garden of Everything are a manifestation of the most powerful will that builds the Garden of Everything.

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking about this, the big tortoise had already impacted in front of the big green snake. Immediately afterwards, the big green snake was knocked into the air without any suspense. The huge body was almost broken into two pieces.

Under the extreme speed, it has the ultimate strength. The big tortoise launched a collision, like a mountain, hitting the body of the big green snake.

The big green snake couldn't dodge at all, it just got knocked into the air firmly.


The big green snake's eyes were scarlet, and its long tail frantically flicked, turning into a gigantic long whip to fight against the big tortoise.

It's a pity that this is a battle between trapped beasts. Even though the shell of the big tortoise was broken a lot, it didn't hurt the foundation. After a tug-of-war that lasted several hours, the big green snake was bombarded and killed by the big tortoise.

The big tortoise was unceremonious, devouring the demon crystal of the big green snake in one fell swoop, and then, ignoring all the talented warriors, it crawled away slowly.

"Wait a minute, I've decided to take you as my mount." A loud shout exploded in everyone's ears at this moment.

Hearing the sound, many talented warriors who were attracted to come here all looked sideways, looking at the place where the sound came out, and then the corners of their mouths twitched wildly.

That was Jiang Chen!

The battle between the big tortoise and the big green snake made them heartbroken. They thought that even the Huafan powerhouse would have to avoid the three, which meant that they should not be provoked, otherwise it would be like sending them to death.

However, someone provoked them, as if they disliked themselves for not dying fast enough, which surprised them and made them feel very surprised.

But when they discovered that it was Jiang Chen who made the sound, they were not so surprised.

This is because Jiang Chen has always been like this, bold and unscrupulous, all the geniuses in the entire garden of things are offended, and they don't take it to heart. Just ask, who else can do this? .

"It's Jiang Chen, what is he going to do? Did I hear wrong?"

A genius expert said, his face was very strange, Jiang Chen said that he wanted to take this big turtle as a mount, it was too crazy, really unimaginable.

"This lunatic!"

There were also people who gritted their teeth, fearing that they would accidentally be implicated by Jiang Chen, and if the big tortoise became enraged and started killing them, no one would be able to escape.

"This guy, indeed, is going against the sky."

Some people sighed, feeling and sighing, Jiang Chen has always played cards unreasonably, and can always bring people unexpected surprises, but this surprise is too sudden and people are caught off guard.

"I heard that the tortoise is the auspicious beast, and it is also known as Xuanwu, so I reluctantly decided to accept you as my mount. Do you have any objections?" Jiang Chen didn't care what these people thought, and said carelessly. .

Regardless of the speed of the big tortoise just now, whether it was acquired training or innate supernatural powers, Jiang Chen was very interested. If he could practice a little bit, his speed would be able to increase again.

The big tortoise didn't seem to hear Jiang Chen's voice, and it seemed like he couldn't understand it. It crawled slowly without knowing its head.

"It's your honor to ride for me to show you the prosperity of the world, and to live in this garden of all things, but it's very worthless, isn't it? This is definitely out of good intentions, for your sake, come here quickly, you I combine my two swords to kill all directions." Jiang Chen uttered his voice for the third time.

Finally, the big tortoise stopped.

It turned its head and looked at Jiang Chen. This big tortoise had lived for an unknown number of years, and there was an ancient and vicissitudes of life in its eyes.

"For my mount, spare your life!" Afterwards, the big tortoise said so.

Obviously, it not only heard Jiang Chen's words, but also understood Jiang Chen's words. When it spoke, it was unusually smooth.


Many talented warriors gasped, they knew that this big tortoise had opened up its spiritual intelligence, which was extremely unusual, but they were still shocked when they heard the big tortoise spit out human words.

"That's right, for my mount, spare your life, otherwise, I will definitely drink your stew. The turtle meat is still delicious, I like it very much." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" asked the big turtle.

"Of course I'm afraid of death, what I'm most afraid of is death." Jiang Chen said with a smile, strode over, and said as he walked, "It's boring to fight and kill, isn't it? The two of us can sit down and have a good chat." Talk, on the one hand, I need a mount, on the other hand, I am proficient in at least a hundred kinds of cooking methods of turtle meat, if you are interested, I can make a pot some other day and give you a taste."

"I've never eaten human flesh, but it sure doesn't taste too bad," said the big tortoise.

"Are you trying to imitate me? It looks like you are mentally prepared for my mount, so come on, you and I will gallop across the four domains." Jiang Chen said.

As soon as the words were finished, Jiang Chen's figure moved, flew out of the air, and grabbed the big tortoise. The big tortoise was furious, and opened its mouth to spray out a bolt of lightning, intending to blow Jiang Chen to pieces.

It was enraged, this human actually wanted to accept it as a mount, and told it that it was its honor, this was a provocation to it, and he had to die to relieve his anger.

Jiang Chen had been prepared for a long time, the Chunyang cauldron was sacrificed, shedding golden light, isolating the attack of the big tortoise, the speed of the impact accelerated again, and he shouted: "I'm coming."


But in the next moment, the void on this side is distorted, lightning is flying like a silver snake, and the terrifying coercion descends from the void...

(End of this chapter)

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