genius evil

Chapter 1430 Hitting You Convinced

Chapter 1430 Hitting You Convinced

Jiang Chen yelled wantonly, enraged the big tortoise, and wished he could slap Jiang Chen to death, but even though he uttered words, he hadn't cultivated to the point of turning into a human form, so he just wanted to slap Jiang Chen to death. Broken into pieces of flesh and blood.

Monster beasts have always been proud, what's more, this big tortoise has cultivated for endless years, almost from the beginning of the Garden of Everything, it began to exist.It can be regarded as one of the oldest existences in the Garden of Everything.

However, Jiang Chen clamored to accept him as a mount, how could this be bearable, the big tortoise was furious, spit out lightning, and blasted the void into oblivion.

The sound of "rumbling" exploded, and many geniuses were terrified, thinking that under such an attack, there was absolutely no chance of luck.

They ran away quickly, lest they would be harmed by the fish in the pond.

Jiang Chen was fearless, with the pure yang cauldron on his head, using extreme speed, he tore apart the big turtle's attack, as if a cannonball fell from the sky, or as if it was falling from the sky, with a bang, his feet landed on the big turtle's above the turtle shell.


Under Jiang Chen's impact, the big tortoise's shell collapsed in a large area, making an ear-piercing cracking sound.


Among the many talented warriors, one counts as the other, and they all stare dumbfounded.

The big tortoise's attack was actually ineffective against Jiang Chen... No, it wasn't considered ineffective, but Jiang Chen was too strong, his physical body tore through the void, and under the impact, he was as inescapable as a big tortoise.

"Is this the power of the Dragon Fruit?"

Someone said, incomparably amazed, and vaguely understood why Jiang Chen did not hesitate to pay any price, even to offend the Tianfeng Empire, in order to obtain the Dragon Fruit.

"Jiang Chen's true strength!"

There were also people who saw such a scene in their eyes and were dazzled, knowing that Jiang Chen was actually hiding something on the mountain peak.

Judging from Jiang Chen's performance at this time, it would probably be no problem to push all the strong men in the Garden of Everything, unless there is a talented strong man who has an even more astonishing opportunity than Jiang Chen, but that is easier said than done?

"Could it be that Jiang Chen is serious, isn't it as simple as just talking casually?"

Someone said so, it can be seen that Jiang Chen really set his eyes on the big tortoise, and indeed wanted to take the big tortoise as a mount, which made people laugh and cry, after all, even though the big tortoise was ridiculously strong, taking a tortoise as a mount Is the mount too weird?
Jiang Chen's current strength is indeed related to the Hualongguo, tearing a shackle, and then promoted to Yuanying cultivation base, and he really intends to accept this big turtle as a mount, no joke.


The tortoise's shell was cracked, Jiang Chen stepped on it, and was smashed to the ground abruptly, creating a huge deep pit. The big tortoise roared wildly and flew into the air, trying to throw Jiang Chen down.

Jiang Chen was nailed to the big tortoise's back like nails. The old god said, "Brother tortoise, don't be stubborn anymore. Being my mount is your best choice."

At this time, stepping on the back of the big tortoise, Jiang Chen had a further feeling for the speed of the big tortoise. The place where he shuttled, seemed to teleport, which was the speed Jiang Chen dreamed of.

"Damn it, get off." The big tortoise growled.

"I am really proficient in at least a hundred kinds of turtle meat cooking methods. Of course, my words are unfounded. If Brother Gui is willing, I can satisfy your request." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly .

On the top of his head is a pure sun cauldron, his divine light is majestic, and his majesty is extraordinary, but standing on the back of a tortoise, he looks very nondescript after all.

The big tortoise was berserk, and its attacks were even more violent. It wanted to tear Jiang Chen into pieces, but Jiang Chen was not easy to provoke, and the turtle's face and eyes were swollen from punching and kicking.

"Brother Gui, don't force me. I really don't want to kill you and turn you into a delicious meal. After all, what I need most is a mount, and it's your perfect match. You and I cooperate and beat you all the time." Invincible in the world!" Jiang Chen said earnestly.


As Jiang Chen's voice fell, he saw that there were streaks of lightning flashing out of the turtle's back.

The big tortoise went berserk, nearly running away. On the back of the turtle, lightning flashed, and each flash of lightning had the strange power of shattering the void.

Hundreds of bolts of lightning bombarded Jiang Chen, even Jiang Chen was so daring, he couldn't restrain his complexion at this moment.

"Brother Gui, don't force me." Jiang Chen flew out in the air, and then he held the Chunyang Cauldron and slammed it hard.

The big tortoise finally forced Jiang Chen off his back, and was about to run away, but seeing the Chunyang cauldron smashing towards him, he couldn't help being shocked.

In an instant, the big tortoise was forced to stop by Jiang Chen, and the next battle could be described as a unilateral ravage. Although the big tortoise wanted to escape time and time again, it was intercepted by Jiang Chen one by one, and could only be passive. Accept the ravages.

A group of talented warriors watched this scene in amazement. They firmly believed that if Jiang Chen killed him, the giant tortoise would have died long ago.

Even so, it was still extremely tragic. The big tortoise's shell was broken in many places, and its strongest protection was useless in front of Jiang Chen.

"Are you convinced?" Jiang Chen yelled, and punched him down.

"I don't accept it!" The big tortoise yelled, resisting desperately. It was miserable and almost deformed. If it wasn't strong enough, it might have died countless times.

"Not convinced, right? Then hit you until you are convinced." Jiang Chen said.

After that, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise chased after each other, and gradually disappeared from the sight of many geniuses.

"It's alright, there's no need to act anymore, from today onwards, you will be my mount." Jiang Chen rode on the back of the big tortoise to prevent the big tortoise from escaping, and said.

"I would rather die than obey." The big tortoise uttered the words, preferring death to submission.

"Stop pretending." Jiang Chen said with a smile as if he had seen through everything a long time ago, "There are only you and me here, and there are no outsiders anyway, so who are you pretending to be?"

"I didn't pretend." The big tortoise said forcefully, but it was unavoidable that he felt guilty.

"As I said, be my mount, and you will soon find out that it is your honor." Jiang Chen talked eloquently, putting gold on his face, and then sketched an ideal grand plan, drew a big pie, and told Big tortoise, as long as he hangs out with him, he will definitely be the number one tortoise in the world in the future.

The big tortoise was about to vomit blood, and deeply suspected that Jiang Chen was insulting its IQ. Besides, the number one tortoise in the world was still just a tortoise. Could it be that he was going to be ridden by Jiang Chen for the rest of his life?
"What kind of person I am, Jiang Chen, is obvious to all. You have to believe in my character." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"No, just kill me and cook me up." The big tortoise said this, expressing his tenacity and indomitability, and then said that he would never join forces with Jiang Chen.

"Your meat is too old, stewed soup is not suitable, braised braised is the best." Jiang Chen said with a smile, looked at it, and asked, "Tell me, where is the best place to cut the knife?"

"Throw the whole thing into the pot and stew it, no need to disembowel it." The big tortoise was a little hairy, but refused to bow its head.

"No, it must be chopped into small pieces. It tastes better that way. You have to know that I am very picky about food." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"What exactly do you want?" This topic could not be continued, and the big tortoise realized that Jiang Chen could indeed do that kind of thing.

"The meaning is very simple. I've said it countless times. Don't play dumb." Jiang Chen said casually.

"It's absolutely impossible for you to mount a horse." The big tortoise insisted.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Jiang Chen thought that maybe the beating was not bad enough, so the big tortoise appeared to have more backbone. Therefore, after learning from the pain, Jiang Chen beat the big tortoise wildly, making the big tortoise howl like hell.

"Okay or not?" Jiang Chen asked after the beating.

"No." The big tortoise was very stubborn.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Jiang Chen made another move, another heavy punch, and said with a smile: "Brother Gui, why do you seem to be enjoying it? Could it be that you have a tendency to be abused?"

The big tortoise almost shed old tears, it said: "I have something on me, I can exchange it with you, as long as you let me go."

"Could it be the key fragment?" Hearing this, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. He was looking for the key fragment, but found nothing. It should have fallen into the hands of the big turtle.

In this way, the battle between the big tortoise and the big green snake should be for the ownership of the key fragments.

"Bring it." Jiang Chen said immediately.

"It's not that simple, let me go first." The big tortoise made a condition, but in the end, Jiang Chen gave him an old punch, and he was so beaten that he couldn't tell north from south.

"Brother Turtle, what do you want this key fragment for?" Jiang Chen coerced, got the key fragment from the big turtle, and asked a little curiously.

"It's useless to play with it," said the big turtle.

"Brother Gui, I am absolutely sure now that you do have a tendency to be abused." Jiang Chen said slowly.

The big tortoise almost went crazy, it could not bear to bully it again and again.

"Once the key fragments are gathered together, they can unlock a secret inheritance in the small world of the Garden of Everything." The big tortoise said with grief and indignation.

"What is that?" Jiang Chen asked interestingly. It was obvious that the big tortoise had a good understanding of the situation in the Garden of Everything.

"There is the art of changing form." The big tortoise was even more indignant, extremely humiliated.

"You want to change form?" Jiang Chen was stunned, then laughed loudly, and said, "Brother Gui, in fact, you look quite good-looking like this, there is no need to change form at all."


The big tortoise really wanted to swear, but the result of wanting to swear was that Jiang Chen would beat him up violently, so he could only endure it forcefully.

"The inheritance secret realm, what else?" Jiang Chen asked.

"In history, the nine key fragments have never been assembled." The big tortoise shook his head, and then said solemnly, "However, this is a prosperous age, and there are endless geniuses and strongmen. It is very likely that the inheritance of the secret realm , will be turned on."

"Brother Gui, you have taken advantage of it. As my mount, when the time comes, the secret realm will open. When I eat meat, I will definitely let you drink soup until you vomit." Jiang Chen said.

"If you want to eat meat, eat it together. Don't think about you eating meat and I will drink soup." The big turtle was dissatisfied.

"Bang bang..."

Jiang Chen started the mode of punching and kicking, and taught the big tortoise the difference between a master and a servant in a persuasive manner, until the big tortoise deeply understood this truth...

(End of this chapter)

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