genius evil

Chapter 1432 Believe it or not, I sprayed you in the face

Chapter 1432 Believe it or not, I will spray you all over the face

In the Garden of All Things, Jiang Chen's commotion was not insignificant, attracting a lot of attention, but not everyone was interested in Jiang Chen.

Since a talented and strong man entered the Garden of Everything, his goal was extremely clear, in order to find an opportunity.

This place is known as the fertile land of geniuses, it is the land of blessings, all kinds of opportunities are endless, but it will not waste the limited time on Jiang Chen.

They have strong minds and firm wills, and their only ambition is to become stronger and keep getting stronger.

In the final analysis, Jiang Chen suppressed countless geniuses out of breath with the power of one person. Isn't this an encouragement to other people?
Only the strongest have the right to speak.

This is an extremely simple and straightforward truth, and it is extremely easy to understand. It takes constant forging ahead and impact to be able to grasp the right to speak, just like Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't know that, with his actions in the Garden of Everything, he was regarded as a peak by some geniuses, and they worked hard to climb this peak.


There is a battle going on here, the two powerhouses are fighting with all their strength, and the battle is extremely fierce.

A small tender white flower sprinkles light, bit by bit, like the reflection of the stars, beautiful and magnificent.

That is the star flower!
The two strong men discovered the existence of this flower almost at the same time. Originally, the two could hold their breath and wait for the star flower to bloom.

But after a very short time, a conflict broke out. There was only one star flower, and they all wanted it, and they refused to give in to each other. This kind of battle can be described as tragic. Both sides were wounded and bloody, but no one was willing to take a step back.

"Get out, the star flower is mine." One person shouted angrily, very impatiently.

The star flower is close in front of you, and you can get it at your fingertips, but you are dragged back, watching the star flower bloom, but you can't pick it.

When the time passed and the star flower withered and withered, then this battle would become meaningless, because in that case, at least [-]% of the medicinal effect of the star flower would be lost.

"Shut up, I was the one who discovered the star flower first." The other person confronted each other, and he said, "If you want to get out, you have to get out, otherwise you will definitely die."

"Kill you!" The person who spoke was enraged and shot with all his might.

"Stop arguing, this star flower is mine."

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded, and the two people in the battle followed the sound, and then saw a strange scene that they had never seen in their entire lives.

A young man was riding on a big tortoise. The big tortoise was crawling. The speed seemed slow but it was like lightning. In a short while, he appeared in front of the star flower.

"The stars are blooming, so beautiful." The big tortoise said so.

Such a scene made the two people dumbfounded. They recognized that it was a monster with enlightened intelligence, so it was so powerful that it was terrifying, and it was an existence that must not be provoked.

"It's pretty, and it's a perfect match with my handsome face." The young man said with a smile, stretched out his hand casually, and picked off the star flower.


The two saw such a scene in their eyes, and there was almost fire in their eyes.

The two of them were fighting to the death, and as soon as the young man appeared, he felt extremely relaxed, so he plucked the star flower.

How can this be endured, it just drives the two of them crazy.

However, after seeing the appearance of the young man clearly, the two of them coincided with each other, feeling awe-inspiring in their hearts, that was Jiang Chen!

The two looked at each other in blank dismay, deep in their hearts, there was a sudden chill, and they secretly cursed damn it.

Jiang Chen actually showed up and picked the star flower. If it were someone else, he might be able to fight for it, but the star flower fell into Jiang Chen's hands, so he could only despair.

"You two are watching what I do, go ahead." Jiang Chen greeted with a smile, his smile was gentle and harmless.

The two looked at each other again, not understanding the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, but they dared to make a move. They all backed away and disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight in an instant.

"Am I so scary? Why are you so afraid of me?" Jiang Chen muttered.

"You are notorious, notorious." The old turtle god said in Zai Zai, as if he had seen through the truth a long time ago.

"This is a rumor, it is definitely a personal attack." Jiang Chen was angrily.

"Who is slandering me? If I catch him, I will kill him until he has nowhere to go." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said viciously again.

"This star flower is useful to me, give it to me." The big tortoise lazily ignored Jiang Chen's one-man show, and said with great anticipation.

"Wangcai, it's your fault. I've worked so hard to get the star flowers. Are you embarrassed to ask for it so bluntly? Or, give me something in exchange? Don't tell me I don't, I know , You have a lot of good things on your body." Jiang Chen said.

"It seems that it is of no use to me, so you can keep it." The big tortoise said directly.

To it, the star flower is just food, dispensable, and it is absolutely impossible to exchange things with Jiang Chen.

"Wangcai, as a tortoise, you can't be too stingy, otherwise no female tortoise will take a fancy to you." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"This Great Immortal is unparalleled in charm, you don't understand." The big tortoise rolled his eyes, and carried Jiang Chen to the next location.

Just as Jiang Chen expected, the big tortoise was very familiar with the Garden of All Things, as if taking a stroll in the courtyard, it sent Jiang Chen to one place after another accurately.

On this day, in the Garden of Everything, chickens and dogs were flying around, and the opportunity of a dozen or so geniuses and powerhouses was intercepted by Jiang Chen. They could only watch helplessly. Dare to attack.

"Is it really useful?" Jiang Chen asked.

He forcibly cut off more than a dozen opportunities, and naturally gained a lot. Although these gains are of no use to him at present, they are finally improving his own bad luck.

However, this was too direct, making Jiang Chen wonder if it was really useful.

"Naturally it is useful." The big tortoise was incomparably sure, and he said swearingly: "Everyone has a certain number of qi, and if you are strong, he will be weak. When one goes up and down, the other will naturally change."

"Really?" Jiang Chen expressed suspicion.

"It must be so." The big tortoise was even more sure.

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise cooperated seamlessly, and they had a tacit understanding. For the next few days, they ran around in the garden of all things, making countless geniuses avoid it like snakes and scorpions.

It's so hateful, forcibly stealing the opportunity seems to want to monopolize all the opportunities in the Garden of Everything.

"Look, that damned turtle!"

In the distance, someone spotted Jiang Chen's trail and pointed at the big turtle.

They finally discovered that the reason why Jiang Chen was able to snatch the opportunity in the fastest time was because of this big turtle.

Someone recognized the origin of the big tortoise. It had fought with the big green snake before, and was taken over by Jiang Chen as a mount, and then joined forces with Jiang Chen to do some tricks.

"It's too bad, it's nothing more than being pitted by Jiang Chen, but we were pitted by an old Wangba again."

Some people gritted their teeth, but worried that Jiang Chen would hear such words, so they vented their resentment and anger on the big turtle.

"Who is scolding me?" The big tortoise suddenly stretched its neck, looked in one direction, and cursed: "Bastard, you dare to call me a bastard, you are impatient, aren't you?"

The big tortoise squinted at the past, completely despised by the king.

That day, the strong man almost spurted blood. He never expected that this seemingly peerless tortoise was unequivocally cursing.

"Wangcai, how can you call him a bastard? You're scolding yourself too." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm old bastard, he's a bastard, he's my tortoise son." The big tortoise said with an extremely arrogant face.

That day the strong man really spurted blood. In this case, every word of his heart was punished, and under the stagnation of Qi and blood, he almost went mad and spurted blood wildly.

"The combat power is too scumbag, don't mess with me, or I will call you bloody." The big tortoise continued to sweep with Wang Zhi's contemptuous eyes, full of arrogance.


One person and one tortoise walked through the garden of all things, and the big tortoise let out the arrogance. Later, wherever he went, the geniuses who were vying for opportunities just retreated.

This is because, on the next journey, several monks have already been scolded by the big turtle, and lost their face.

"Wangcai, tell me the truth, are you hiding something?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

"Spitting people with blood, right? Believe it or not, I'll spitting you in the face?" The big tortoise became impatient. This guy was invincible and tended to become the king of talking, which made Jiang Chen very messy.

"I'm just asking casually. What are you doing so nervous? You don't have to make it so obvious." Jiang Chen sneered, punching and kicking without hesitation, forcefully suppressing it.

"Over the past few days, I have collected enough trash, don't try to challenge my patience." Jiang Chen warned.

The big tortoise finally understood what it was like for those geniuses who were so angry that he vomited blood, because it wanted to vomit blood very much.

Countless geniuses and powerhouses had the opportunity to break their heads, but Jiang Chen regarded it as picking up trash. Is this really good?
"Jiang Chen, if you think it's tattered, then give it all to me. I'm very rare." The big turtle said.

Under its assist, Jiang Chen intercepted one opportunity after another, but so far, it has not obtained anything. The big tortoise has long been dissatisfied with this. Seeing that Jiang Chen regards it as rubbish, Immediately, it is bright in the eyes, maybe you will make a fortune soon.

"Isn't it enough?" Jiang Chen asked coldly.

"Did I say before that everyone has a certain amount of luck." The big turtle said hastily.

"Ping ping pong pong..."

Jiang Chen didn't care what nonsense the big tortoise was talking about, he beat him up first, he knew very well that only violent means could make the big tortoise calm down.

"I'll fight you." The big tortoise was so wronged that he almost didn't cry.

"Don't cry, hurry up and lead the way, let's go for a big deal." Jiang Chen urged.

How could the big tortoise dare to disobey it? Like a whirlwind, it carried Jiang Chen into place and disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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