genius evil

Chapter 1433

Chapter 1433

From a point of view that Jiang Chen is not willing to admit, the big tortoise and him actually belong to the same kind of existence.

The cooperation between the two, on the surface, is non-violent non-cooperation, but it is the best explanation for the idiom of working together.

There is definitely a reason why the big tortoise is so hated.

This guy doesn't know how many years he has lived, but he has lived like a king, with a stomach full of gaudy intestines, only a lot more than Jiang Chen.

It's just because the big tortoise was quite silent during the battle with the big green snake, and it deceived many talented warriors. Who would have thought that all the things in this guy's belly were bad water?
"Do the big ones, don't do the small ones, you must do the big ones." The big tortoise said with a mouthful, but Jiang Chen wanted to beat this guy up again.

"This is definitely a big vote, done it." The big tortoise said in an unusually firm tone.

"It's indeed a bit big." Jiang Chen said, he had to admit the big turtle's point of view.

There, the sun was shining brightly, and it was clear that a strange treasure was about to appear in the world. Several figures stood aside and waited quietly. Among them, there was a face that Jiang Chen was no stranger to. It was a strong man from the imperial family. I don't know, it came from the royal family of that empire.

"Brother Jiang?"

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise appeared, and the powerful man of the royal family immediately noticed it. His eyes flickered slightly at a glance. It was obvious that Jiang Chen would appear here.

"It's very close, do you know me very well?" Before Jiang Chen could reply, the big tortoise said arrogantly, and then he said in an unusually contemptuous tone, "We are here to make a big deal, don't want to If you die, get out as soon as possible, or they will all be shot to death."

The big tortoise was so arrogant that it had no limits, and it seemed that its tail was about to go up to the sky. As soon as this statement came out, the complexion of the powerful royal family turned black.

"Where did the old turtle come from, how dare he talk to His Highness like this, is he so impatient?"

Immediately, beside the powerful man of the royal family, a person yelled at him sternly. He couldn't bear it and was eager to try. He just waited for an order from the strong man of the royal family, and he would strike without hesitation.

"It's you who wants to shut up. Didn't you hear what I said just now? We're going to fight a big one. You are so presumptuous in front of me. You are destined to be extremely miserable. You will be the first to have the knife in a while. Blood dripping down the road." The big tortoise said rampantly, it raised its eyes and looked at the person who spoke, its eyes were hot and enthusiastic, it was clearly looking at a dead person.

"Your Highness, please order me to kill this damn beast!" The man begged the powerful royal to give an order in an earnest tone.

"Who is a beast? You are a beast. Your whole family is a beast. How dare you insult me. You are finished. There will be no bones left. I just know a wild dog, and I will feed you to it in a while." It's gone." The big tortoise said gloomily, and was instantly irritated.

That man is a genius and strong man with impressive strength, he is more furious than the big turtle, his teeth are about to be crushed, and he was scolded bloody by a turtle, how can this be tolerated?

The royal powerhouse didn't say a word, and of course he didn't give an order. He just looked at Jiang Chen, waiting for Jiang Chen to give an explanation.

In the past few days, Jiang Chen and a big tortoise have made a mess in the Garden of All Things. One person and one tortoise are terrifying, and almost no one dares to provoke them.

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth were twitching non-stop. To be honest, he really wanted to slaughter the big turtle and drink it in stew, but this guy was actually trying to sow hatred for him.

Pulling hatred is a method that Jiang Chen has always been good at, but the biggest question is, if he needs to pull hatred, does he need this guy to come forward?
The big tortoise turned his face when he disagreed with him. He was not afraid of offending people, clamoring for a big one. What kind of meaning did such words mean, even if he was an idiot, he could understand it.

Of course, what Jiang Chen knows better is that no matter how crazy the big tortoise is, these accounts will eventually be settled on his head, that is to say, he will inevitably take the blame for the big tortoise.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I'll dig out your eyeballs?" The big tortoise continued to yell, staring fiercely at the royal strongman, and said, "Don't look around, it's you who's talking about, aren't you convinced? Then Convince you, if you are not convinced, I will kill you, but I want to see how strong you are."

"Brother Jiang, is this what you mean?" the powerful royal asked, still ignoring the big tortoise, thinking that in his capacity, it would be demeaning to argue with or scold a tortoise.If it gets out, what face will there be?
"If I say no, do you believe it or not?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Should I believe it?" said the royal powerhouse, he shook his head, and told Jiang Chen straightforwardly that he didn't believe it!
More precisely, the powerful royal felt that if he believed it, wouldn't he be fooled by Jiang Chen and the big tortoise like a fool?

In his capacity, how arrogant is he, and how could he allow such a situation to happen?

"Who told you to believe it? Believe it if you believe it. Believe it if you don't believe it." The big tortoise dismissed it and said contemptuously. It looked at the powerful royal family with undisguised contempt!
"Jiang Chen, to be honest, this place is the private land of my Liuyun Empire. If I say this, you may understand what I mean?" the royal powerhouse said, his tone became gloomy and cold.

He didn't intend to argue with the big tortoise, but he never said that he didn't care about Jiang Chen, thinking that the big tortoise's words were all ordered by Jiang Chen, otherwise, how dare he be so presumptuous?
In this way, if he wants to target, he will only target Jiang Chen, and will not get entangled with the big turtle.

He no longer called Jiang Chen Brother Jiang, but called him by his name. This was his attitude!

"Stupid private land!" Without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, the big tortoise sneered again and again, and said, "It's just you and the imperial family who tyrannically occupied and divided the territory arbitrarily. Other forces have never admitted this."

The strong man in the royal family looked ugly, the truth was indeed as the big tortoise said, but the big tortoise knew even this kind of thing, and said it so directly, it was slapping him in the face.

"I got it right, so you have a guilty conscience, so you are very angry, and you want to do it, right? Just come, welcome anytime, I have long wanted to kill the Quartet." The big turtle yelled.

It is not worried at all about the strong royal family taking action, on the contrary, it is worried that the strong royal family will not do anything, otherwise how can it make a big vote, otherwise how can Jiang Chen be blamed?

That's right, this scapegoat, Jiang Chen has to carry it if he wants to, and he has to carry it if he doesn't want to.

The big tortoise was throwing the pot away forcefully. Whoever told Jiang Chen to beat it up like a grandson, he had to vent his anger, otherwise it might explode on the spot.

"The royal family of the Liuyun Empire?" Jiang Chen said softly.

Regarding the situation of more than a dozen empires, I have learned from Yue Dong. If I remember correctly, since this person is the crown prince of the Liuyun Empire, his name should be Lin Kang.

"Jiang Chen, you killed that Shen Anhe, although I was shocked by Lin Kang, but I, Lin Kang, never think that this is the capital for you to be presumptuous in front of me." After all, Lin Kang was completely enraged, gloomy Said.

"This place is the private land of my Liuyun Empire. For countless years, many forces have kept the old rules silently, and the well water does not interfere with the river water. I advise you to go away quickly, so as not to make mistakes." Immediately afterwards, Lin Kang said Yes said.

"The broken rules of tangerine peel, sesame seeds and rotten millet have been broken a long time ago. The so-called non-breaking will not stand. The two of us have come and swept all directions. Even if there are rules, they should be re-established by us." The big tortoise said proudly.

"Rules are rules. Of course you can try to break them, but once such rules are broken, you may bear the consequences of the chain reaction?" Lin Kang said coldly. The words are all on Jiang Chen.

"Isn't it just to offend more than a dozen royal families of the empire? Isn't that amazing? Is it necessary to be so cautious?" The big turtle sneered with disdain, and said, "The big deal is to kill them all. One kills one, and two kills a pair." , who can do anything to us?"


Jiang Chen raised his hand, and just slapped the big turtle on the head, directly flipping the big turtle over.

This damned bastard is getting more and more rampant. Not to mention asking him to take the blame, he actually wants to forcibly dump more than a dozen blames on him all at once.

Even if Jiang Chen is an idiot, he still understands how sinister the big turtle's intentions are. It is estimated that this guy has disliked him for too long, and when he finds an opportunity at this time, he just keeps going to his death.

"What did you hit me for?" the big tortoise said innocently.


Jiang Chen decisively chose to use violence to suppress the big turtle, and then said: "From now on, you shut up, or I will be the first to skin you."

The big tortoise shouted, "Big brother, this is your fault, don't forget that we are teammates."

"stupid teammate."

It's just good that the big tortoise didn't say this, but as soon as it was said, Jiang Chen came out without getting angry, so Jiang Chen beat up the big tortoise again.

That kind of strike was not indifferent, it stunned Lin Kang and the others, and they didn't understand what was going on.

"I said just now that this place is the private land of the Liuyun Empire. Then, this thing belongs to the Liuyun Empire. Is there something wrong with my understanding?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"That's what it means." Lin Kang said, his face gradually softened and looked a lot better.

"Very good, I'll take this one." Following that, Jiang Chen's voice rang in Lin Kang's ear.


Lin Kang was stunned, and stared at Jiang Chen, both surprised and puzzled. He had heard Jiang Chen say that just now, and thought that Jiang Chen had deliberately retreated after learning of the ownership of this place, and he didn't want to offend him because of it. After entering the Liuyun Empire's royal family, he never expected that Jiang Chen would say such a sentence when the conversation changed...

(End of this chapter)

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