genius evil

Chapter 1434

Chapter 1434

Lin Kang's mood sank suddenly.

Previously, the big tortoise uttered nonsense, although he put all of it on Jiang Chen's head, but after all, it didn't come from Jiang Chen's mouth, so there was some room for maneuver.

But at this time, Jiang Chen said such a sentence with a red mouth and white teeth, which meant that there was no room for maneuver.

The big tortoise laughed so hard that its teeth were about to fall out. It thought that the reason why Jiang Chen suppressed it was because he was afraid of the Liuyun Empire and wanted to retreat.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen was Jiang Chen, and his style of performance was always stable. In this way, it felt relieved, because Jiang Chen took the initiative to take the blame.

"Lin Kang, you seem surprised?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, "Rules have always been set by the strong, and now I am stronger than you, so naturally the rules will be made by me. As an empire Prince, don’t you even understand such a simple truth when you cultivate the king’s mind technique?”

"It's not that he doesn't understand, but he's pretending to be stupid." The big turtle said.

"Did I let you talk?" Jiang Chen squinted at the big turtle. This guy is really a talker. Why didn't I see it before? He was beaten so badly. He still refused to change his mind and let Jiang Chen Very doubtful, is it possible to beat a little worse.

"Big brother, don't you think it's boring to sing a one-man show?" The big tortoise said as a matter of course, but it was timid, worried that Jiang Chen would stage a full martial arts.

"Wangcai, I think what you said is quite reasonable. It's really annoying to sing a one-man show." Jiang Chen nodded in agreement.

"Big brother, this is what you don't know. I have lived a long life and crossed more bridges than you have traveled. If it is unreasonable, do you think I will say it casually?" The big turtle was full of pride. Said.

So, Jiang Chen had the urge to smoke this stuff again. Who did he learn to speak like this? Even if those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, the speed of being blackened is too fast. Bar?
"Didn't you hear? The big brother and I want this rare treasure. Wait, get out of here quickly, as far as you can." The big tortoise was extraordinarily arrogant.

Jiang Chen made it clear that this meant that it had a backing, and it became more and more arrogant, and it didn't look straight at people.

"The matter here is not just about my Liuyun Empire." Taking a breath of air, Lin Kang said slowly, "There are some rules, once they are broken..."

"Who are you scaring, I was scared too much by the Great Immortal." Before Lin Kang could finish speaking, the big tortoise interrupted unceremoniously, and shouted, "Don't get lost, right? Then the Great Immortal is very curious, How spineless you are waiting, big brother, do it."

The words fell, and before Jiang Chen could respond, the big tortoise carried Jiang Chen and rushed towards a person. It possessed extreme speed. At that speed, it was similar to traveling through the void. One side of the void would be torn apart instantly. Feelings are hard to capture.

Under such an impact, the man didn't even have time to react effectively, but was knocked into the air by the big turtle. It was so tragic that he lost several teeth.

This person was the one who stood up just now and threatened to do something to the big tortoise. The big tortoise held a grudge very much, and it was said that every flaw would be repaid, and he would do it when he got the chance, so he was caught off guard.


The man roared wildly, regardless of Lin Kang's attitude, he tried his best to fight the big tortoise.

It's a pity that the disparity in strength between the two sides is too great. Even if you want to work hard, there is nothing you can do. You can only be abused by a big turtle. After a while, this person will have a black nose and a swollen face. Can't figure out who he is.

"Your Highness..."

Several other people, with fire in their eyes, asked Lin Kang for instructions.

"Let's go!" Lin Kang said.

A Jiang Chen was already extremely difficult to deal with, and now he added a giant tortoise of unknown origin and terrifying strength. Lin Kang knew that if the two sides confront each other head-on, they would definitely not gain the upper hand and would only be tortured.

In terms of Jiang Chen's usual style, since he didn't take him seriously, he really didn't take him to heart. After all, Shen An and Jiang Chen both killed as they said, and if they killed one or two more members of the imperial family, Jiang Chen How can you care?

After uttering this word, Lin Kang turned around and left.

This is a great humiliation, the crown prince of the empire, face disgraced, no prestige, Lin Kang clenched his teeth, almost all teeth will be crushed.

As far as he is concerned, entering this garden of all things, not to mention horizontal flow, is absolutely similar. Who would have thought that there would be a freak like Jiang Chen, who would rise all the way, be like a broken bamboo, rush and crush, and be invincible.

Lin Kang was mad with hatred, but he couldn't break it out. He didn't want to follow in Shen Anhe's footsteps. He knew that Jiang Chen would definitely do that kind of thing. If he insisted on not retreating, a battle would be inevitable.

"Don't shrug, stand still for me, the Great Immortal, and fight for [-] rounds, whoever shrugs will be the grandson." The big tortoise yelled loudly, provocatively.

Lin Kang didn't say a word, since he had already made a decision, no matter what he said, it was unnecessary, and it would probably further damage his face.

The few people who followed Lin Kang followed closely behind Lin Kang, their faces flushed red with anger, their breathing was impatient, and they wished they could tear the big turtle to shreds.

However, Lin Kang retreated on purpose, so he could only endure it.

"Are you convinced? You thought you had so much backbone, what kind of imperial prince, you don't know any shit. If I stretch out my claws casually, I will crush it into powder." The big tortoise boasted brazenly.

The big tortoise was in high spirits, as if he was on drugs, Jiang Chen ignored it lazily, and stared at the place where the sun was shining. There, the sun was shining all over the sky, and it was beautiful, but it was among the many opportunities that he had snatched before. This has never been the case.

This can be called a vision, it is not difficult to know how strange and extraordinary that strange treasure will be when it is unearthed, but it is temporarily difficult to know what it is.

"This place belongs to the private land of the Liuyun Empire. Could it be that such phenomena often occur?" Jiang Chen thought of a question and asked the big tortoise.

Lin Kang and the others walked far away, the big tortoise felt very bored, just like Jiang Chen, staring and staring, it responded: "It's hard to say, it can only be said to be a high probability event."

At the end, the big tortoise explained: "The fate of the imperial family is closely related to the Garden of All Things. One very important reason is that every time they enter the Garden of All Things, they can gain something from their private plots. That kind of background is naturally extraordinary."

Jiang Chen nodded. This statement was widely circulated, and many geniuses and powerhouses had heard of it.

But before this, even though this rumor was circulating, they didn't know what the specific situation was, but now, they finally found out.

It's no wonder that Lin Kang was angry and unwilling, which was tantamount to losing a treasure. Maybe this trip to the Garden of Everything, Lin Kang would return empty-handed.

"Wait." Jiang Chen said.

It will take time before the birth of the strange treasure, and there is no way to interfere, but to wait.

"Brother, why don't you wait here alone, and I'll go to another place to have a look." said the big tortoise.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen glanced at him, and the big turtle hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, there is no other meaning, let alone to run away, the birth of a rare treasure, time can't wait, once you miss it, you really missed it Already, you and I will split up and do a few more big ones."

"That's fine." After pondering for a while, Jiang Chen agreed.

Although this guy is very unscrupulous, his strength is unquestionable. If he hadn't happened to break through and took the opportunity to make trouble, it would be really difficult to subdue the big tortoise in terms of its extreme speed.

"Great." The big tortoise was ecstatic.

"Don't get too excited, I'll give you two injections first... Don't worry, it's definitely not that I don't trust you, it's just that I prefer to give injections." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The big tortoise was in a daze, before it understood what an injection was, it saw a handful of silver needles appearing in the palm of Jiang Chen's right hand, and then all the silver needles were inserted into its head.

"Grandpa is hurting me to death." The big tortoise screamed.

"Okay, you can go." After a while, Jiang Chen put away the silver needle and ordered.

"What did you do to me?" The big tortoise was very uneasy, and stared at Jiang Chen suspiciously. It looked inside, and there was nothing unusual, but it was still very worried, worried that there would be sequelae.

No, it's not worrying, but there will definitely be sequelae, otherwise, how could Jiang Chen let him leave without worry?

"I didn't do anything, so hurry up and go, remember, do a few more big votes." Jiang Chen urged.

"Big brother, you have to be kind." The big tortoise said he was very hurt, but he left alone in the end, disappearing from Jiang Chen's sight in an instant.

"Wangcai, Wangcai, play tricks with me, you're a little tender." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He really didn't do anything, just gave the big tortoise a few injections, without any sequelae, but the big tortoise has become a bastard, suspicious by nature, it's impossible to believe it.

Of course, what Jiang Chen wanted was this effect, otherwise, the big tortoise must have escaped without a trace.

The big tortoise left, Jiang Chen waited alone, time passed quietly, like this, about two hours later, when he saw that the sun had evaporated, it became more and more brilliant, blurred and bright, making people look at it and couldn't keep their eyes open. open.

In the extremely brilliant sunlight, something floated out of the air, Jiang Chen looked at it intently, and used his spiritual consciousness to shoot and capture it.

But it is a nameplate that looks like jade but not jade. On the surface, it looks simple and old, and there is nothing special about it. The aura fluctuates, but it is not very strong, and it is not worthy of the vision when it was unearthed.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback. He thought it would be a powerful weapon, or a medicinal material with magical effects, but he didn't expect it to be so common.

Stretching out his big hand, Void grabbed it, and that nameplate fell into Jiang Chen's palm.

"Identity nameplate?" After getting the nameplate, Jiang Chen suddenly realized that a connection had been established between himself and the nameplate, which made him feel a little twitch and association.

Of course, this kind of association is not certain. Suddenly, Jiang Chen turned his head and glanced back. A familiar figure, walking on tiptoe, came into Jiang Chen's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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