genius evil

Chapter 1442 Your heart has sprouted

Chapter 1442 Your heart has sprouted
"Raksha beauty, don't be nervous. Since you can't resist, then just treat it as enjoyment. In other words, getting married with me, Jiang Chen, shouldn't be such a bad thing. Don't worry, I will definitely give it to you." If you are happy, you will definitely be the happiest woman in the world." Jiang Chen kindly comforted her.

The big tortoise pretends to be a villain, so he can only pretend to be a good guy, a caring and warm man. Maybe, taking this opportunity, he can take down Ye Luosha in one fell swoop?

"If you can't resist, do you enjoy it?"

Ye Luosha said silently in her heart, and she was about to be stunned. What kind of logic is this, it is completely beyond her cognition.

She has a strong temperament, if she is really powerless to resist and would rather die, she will not obey, let alone let Jiang Chen succeed.

"Don't think about it!"

Ye Luosha said viciously, she was staring at Jiang Chen, her eyes flickered, and her killing intent boiled.

The big tortoise and Jiang Chen are notorious in this garden of all things, one person, one tortoise, cheated, everyone yells and beats, it is clear that they are trying to get along, but in the end they pretend to be a good person. Is she Ye Luosha a fool?
"Beauty Rakshasa, it's your fault for saying this. I can swear that it is absolutely out of good intentions, completely for your sake, and absolutely without any selfishness." Jiang Chen said vowedly, and he barely raised his hand to make a poisonous statement. oath.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Ye Luosha sneered.

Even if she was an idiot, it was impossible for her to believe Jiang Chen's words.

"Brother Turtle, tell her if I have good intentions." Jiang Chen said to the big turtle.

"Brother Jiang is the most righteous and handsome man I have ever seen in my life. To be honest, I can't even figure out why Brother Jiang would fall in love with you, a beautiful woman. In my opinion, You are absolutely not worthy of Brother Jiang." The big tortoise said seriously.

It is about to live like a bastard, its stomach is full of bad water, it only needs Jiang Chen's look, that is, it cooperates seamlessly and has a perfect understanding.

"It's too much of an award, it's too much of an award. You have to keep a low profile. I, Jiang Chen, am such a low-key person." Jiang Chen said embarrassingly.

"Brother Jiang, don't be humble. What I love to say the most is the truth, and no one can deceive you." The big turtle said.

"I like to listen to the truth the most. Brother Gui, hurry up and say a few more words to deepen the impression of Raksha beauty on me. You must let Raksha beauty know that I am such a peerless good man, you should not miss it." Jiang Chen said .

"Of course it's fine," said the big tortoise.


Ye Luosha whispered, she couldn't listen anymore, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise sang and acted in front of her, his methods were too clumsy.

"Raksha beauty, please believe my sincerity. Now, you have no choice, don't you? If I ignore it, wouldn't it be a disappointment to you?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"As for me, Jiang Chen, I have always cherished beauty and love, and such things are absolutely impossible, so you don't have to feel guilty, Raksha beauty, and there is absolutely no need to be ashamed of yourself. I will never despise you." Jiang Chen said again.

Ye Luosha was about to go crazy, loathing her?Did she hear wrong?Where did Jiang Chen get his confidence? Should he be so thick-skinned?Can you still show some face?

"Beauty Rakshasa, you are surprised... No, it's a surprise, I think you must be overjoyed at this moment." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Not surprise, much less surprise, but inexplicable horror.

Ye Luosha lowered her head, looked at the section of red rope wrapped around Jiang Chen's wrist, opened her mouth suddenly, and a stream of blood turned into a sharp arrow and shot out. potential links between.

This kind of soul resonance made Ye Luosha feel deeply uneasy. She clearly felt that her mind had been greatly affected, her soul was trembling, and her whole body was at a loss from head to toe.

"It's not good, the big beauty is vomiting blood happily!"

However, at the moment when that streak of blood shot out, the big tortoise screamed loudly and blew out at will, which scattered the blood arrow invisibly.

"Brother Jiang, since the beautiful woman is so happy, you two should seize the opportunity and go to the bridal chamber for a festive night. When the baby is born in the future, I will help you two take care of it." The big turtle said excitedly.


Ye Luosha vomited blood again, but instead of spitting blood, he vomited blood from anger.

It was so hateful, the big tortoise spit out human words and looked like a turtle, these words made her scalp tingle, lest Jiang Chen would listen to the big tortoise and forcefully attack her overlord.

Jiang Chen's eyes were so vicious, how could he fail to see Ye Luosha's worry, he smiled lightly, and said, "Brother Gui, but I've never been used to taking the initiative, so what should I do."

"Brother Jiang, don't worry. Didn't you see that the big beauty is so happy and impatient early in the morning, so you should be ready to be the bridegroom's official." The big tortoise said in an extremely firm tone.

Ye Luosha wanted to vomit blood again, and really wanted to curse, but in the end, he just looked at Jiang Chen in incomparable silence, knowing that no matter what the big tortoise said, the initiative was in Jiang Chen's hands.

"Forget it, who made me, who has always been soft-hearted, untied the marriage rope, and let the Raksha beauty go." Jiang Chen said helplessly, as if he was extremely reluctant and unwilling.

"Brother Jiang, are you sure? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." The big turtle stared.

"Why does a man have no wife? Why do he have to make things difficult for others." Jiang Chen said.

"That's a good point, it's really good." If it was possible to applaud, the big tortoise couldn't help but applaud Jiang Chen.

The marriage rope was retracted in an instant, and Ye Luosha was untied and regained her freedom. She was extremely surprised, stared at Jiang Chen, and finally left quickly, lest she would be teased again.

"Brother Jiang, I think you must be regretting it now. Why bother? The big beauty is already in your pocket. Is it really okay to just let the cooked duck fly away like this?" the big turtle babbled. Said.

"You don't understand." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"What do I don't understand? Could it be that this great immortal doesn't know that you are trying to capture an old man?" The big turtle sneered, as if he had seen through everything a long time ago: "Too low-level means, but I don't know, women want it the most!" The most important thing is to be conquered by domineering, this move has long been outdated."

Jiang Chen looked at the big tortoise as if he had seen a ghost. This guy really understood it. It was indeed worthy of the 8-year-old tortoise.

"You didn't catch up, did you really let me go?"

In an extremely distant place, Ye Luosha stopped in his tracks, his face was as weird as it could be.

In fact, she was still in shock, with an inexplicable feeling flowing in her heart.

When the soul resonated with Jiang Chen, it was obvious that the body was numb and the limbs were weak. That feeling was like an electric shock. At the beginning, I was frightened, and after careful recollection, I found out by accident. It was not uncomfortable, but there was a kind of Indescribable joy.


When these two words flashed out of his mind, Ye Luosha was startled and terrified even by himself.

"how come……"

Ye Luosha was stunned, she would have such an idea, could it be so easy to be conquered by Jiang Chen, and to have a good impression by accident?
Ye Luosha couldn't help covering his face with his hands, and sobbed loudly. For the first time in history, he realized that he didn't know himself at all.

Or, it can also be said that she has always lived herself, almost forgetting that she is a woman, but today, it seems to be a farce, but it suddenly makes her realize that she is a woman.

"Jiang Chen?"

Quietly, her mind became complicated and inexplicable. In the depths of Ye Luosha's eyes, a trace of trance flashed. She shook her head vigorously. She wanted to get rid of such distracting thoughts from her mind, but she couldn't do it no matter what. .

"Ye Raksha, I tell you as someone who has experienced it, it's useless." At this moment, a light smile sounded in Ye Raksha's ear.

Ye Luosha turned his head suddenly, looked behind, and saw, a figure in yellow clothes, gracefully, gracefully moving lotus steps, coming slowly, the woman in yellow clothes is so charming, even if she is also a woman, when At the first glance, it was inevitable, which made Ye Luosha feel a little inferior.

"Shang Heng!" Immediately, Ye Luosha said coldly, she restrained her mind, regained her composure, and looked at the woman in yellow with an indifferent attitude.

The woman in yellow was none other than Shang Heng.

Shang Heng had a slight smile on his face, his vicious aura was compelling, his every move was soul-stirring, but it wasn't intentional, but every inadvertent movement was so poetic and picturesque.

"Ye Luo Sha, your spring heart has sprouted."

Shang Heng came closer, looked at Ye Luosha directly, smiled sweetly, and smiled sweetly.


Ye Luosha's eyes widened, and there was a palpitation deep in her heart. What Shang Heng said, her heart started to spring up. Could this mean that she had a good impression of Jiang Chen?
But how is it possible?

If it was possible, she simply wished she could tear Jiang Chen's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

"Don't doubt, let alone question." Shang Heng calmly said, "Ye Luosha, you are not naive to think that you can escape Jiang Chen's palm, right?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ye Luosha said calmly.

"Following Jiang Chen and serving by your side is only good for you, not bad...I know you far better than Jiang Chen. You know what this means, you know very well." Shang Heng said slowly. Said.

"Shang Heng, you are too self-righteous. Why do you need to take care of my Ye Luosha's affairs?" Ye Luosha's voice suddenly rose.

"If you can't resist, then obey. There is only one chance. If you don't seize it, some people will try their best to seize it." Shang Heng was not angry, and said with a light smile.

Ye Luosha was silent and said nothing, and when she wanted to speak, Shang Heng had already left, and Ye Luosha looked dazed and even more dazed.

After a while, she stretched out her right hand and gently stroked her face. There was a totem engraved there, which was extraordinary, and only Ye Luosha knew that it was betrayal and humiliation...

(End of this chapter)

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