genius evil

Chapter 1443 Entering the Forbidden Land

Chapter 1443 Entering the Forbidden Land
In the Garden of Everything, it is not peaceful.

This is a grand event that has only existed for hundreds of years. Talents from all walks of life gather and gather in it, with surging undercurrents and twists and turns.

There are powerful beings who bleed blood, there are geniuses who fall, endless opportunities are accompanied by endless crises, but because Jiang Chen and the big tortoise are too high-profile, many things are covered up, and then they are selected. faded.

A man in a black robe walks in the garden of all things. His face is cold and his breath is fierce. He is ready to kill anyone who comes into his eyes.

In another place, blood splashed across the sky, and a sharp arrow flew out through the air. In the void, a flying magic weapon and the genius expert who controlled the magic weapon to escape fell like rain.

Some even formed a team to hunt many geniuses and powerhouses as prey, and staged crazy killings.

Fighting for treasure, personal grievances.

Fights are staged and killings are everywhere.

However, after all, it was not comparable to Jiang Chen's method, and it did not attract attention.

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise were swaggering around and plundering wildly. Jiang Chen needed to wash away his bad luck and make full preparations for entering that taboo field.

In comparison, the powerhouses of the royal families of the great empires are extremely low-key and rarely show their faces.

"It's almost there." The big tortoise said to Jiang Chen.

"Almost." Jiang Chen nodded.

It was indeed almost there, there was no need to waste any more time, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise immediately took action and headed to the taboo territory.

The giant tortoise was astonishingly fast, as fast as the wind, and it was extremely familiar with the Garden of Everything. With the shortest speed, it and Jiang Chen appeared on the edge of the forbidden territory.

"Someone has actually entered this place." Jiang Chen said, under the sweeping of his divine sense, he could clearly catch the remaining breaths one after another.

Undoubtedly, someone once appeared here, which is proof that someone has already entered it.

"There are no shortcuts in martial arts training. If you want to be stronger than others, you must first pay more than others. Otherwise, why are you strong? Why are you superior to others?" said the big turtle.

Jiang Chen didn't reply, he felt two extremely familiar auras, those were the auras of Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan.

"The two of them went in too?" Jiang Chen's expression suddenly became rather strange.

Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan once occupied the first and second place in the rankings of that day in the Seven Star Martial Academy.

But this time, the people who entered the Garden of Everything, who is not named as a genius, each has outstanding talent, which should not be underestimated.

With so many geniuses pouring in, it was inevitable that their respective brilliance would become dimmed.

This is exactly the case for Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan. Since entering the Garden of Everything, their sense of existence has become almost non-existent. For the two who are proud and arrogant, how can they endure such contempt for a long time?It is impossible to be unknown all the time, and you must be looking for opportunities.

Jiang Chen knew in his heart that this was probably the reason why Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan chose to enter this taboo field. As the big turtle said, wealth and wealth are sought in danger!

"Don't be in a daze, let's go in quickly." The big tortoise urged.

"Brother Wangcai, you let me enter this place again and again. Could it be that you have some shady secret?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

Regarding this matter, Jiang Chen had always been skeptical.

Apart from the fact that the big tortoise wanted to trick him, Jiang Chen knew that the big tortoise must be hiding something.

"Ben Daxian has always been open and upright. He has nothing to say to others. He has never kept secrets. Brother Jiang, is it really okay for you to slander me like this?" The big turtle said angrily.

"I'm just talking casually, why should I feel guilty?" Jiang Chen said, playing with his fists, watching the posture, ready to strike at any time, and beat the big turtle to death before talking.

This is the prelude to being beaten, the big tortoise is called Yuzu, why does it feel like Jiang Chen is addicted to beating it, and he beats it violently every now and then, does it still want to lose face?

"Really not, with the friendship between you and me, brother Jiang, would I still lie to you?" said the big turtle.


Jiang Chen went straight to the point. No matter what the big tortoise was like, it was always right to beat it up.

However, the big tortoise was hard-nosed. It was very stubborn. It would not let go even if it was killed. It insisted that there was no secret, and made a gesture of death, asking Jiang Chen to kill it and make soup.

This was naturally unusual, and it made Jiang Chen more and more convinced that this old guy was not pure and had no good intentions. Hide away.

"Enter." Jiang Chen said.

The big tortoise was waiting for these words, jumped up, and the next second, Jiang Chen found out that he had entered a strange place.

The rules here are distorted. Such rules are completely different from the rules inside Wanwu Garden, and even more different from the rules of Zhenwu Continent.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

If the Garden of All Things is called a small world, then this place is another small world hidden in the Garden of All Things.

The internal self-contained rules, and such rules are extremely complete, it is obvious that this small world is very complete.

"It turned out to be so." Jiang Chen was surprised.

He came from a different world, and he had a lot of knowledge, far beyond imagination, but it was the first time, so he was inevitably curious when he saw such a situation.

On the surface, this taboo place is no different from the garden of all things, but since the rules are distorted, Jiang Chen knows that it will definitely not be too simple.

Moreover, the big tortoise has said swearingly that no one has ever walked out alive. Even if it is suspected of exaggeration, it must not be taken lightly.


Suddenly there was a cold wind blowing towards the face, and it arrived in an instant, but it was a big frog, the size of a washbasin, spouting fishy smell, sticking out its long tongue, and opened its mouth to devour Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he just raised his hand and punched it out, the big frog that he hit gurgled and rolled up its white belly.


The big frog screamed, and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of venom. The venom flew towards Jiang Chen like an arrow, and Jiang Chen punched out again. This time, he didn't hold back his hand, and smashed the big frog to pieces.

"Monster?" Jiang Chen said.

"That's right, it's a monster. The rules here are different, and everything grows vigorously. It's very different from the outside world." The big tortoise nodded.

A frog turned into a monster, the size of a washbasin, and attacked fiercely. Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and asked again: "The distortion of the rules means that everything inside has been forcibly changed?"

"In theory, that's right." The big tortoise nodded again, and then said very seriously, "In ordinary times, seemingly insignificant things, such as an ant or an old tree vine, can It could be fatal."

"Every step of the way is here, and crises are everywhere, but of course, this is only on the surface, and there are great mysteries inside, which need to be further explored and discovered." Immediately afterwards, the big tortoise said again.

"Brother Wangcai, you are really well-informed." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"This great immortal knows astronomy above and geography below. He is known as Xuanwu and has lived a long life. How can you guess that?" The big turtle said narcissistically.

But as the words fell, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise encountered great trouble.

There is a flower blooming slowly, and the rich fragrance is tangy.

In fact, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise were all attracted by the big frog, they didn't notice that there was a flower there, let alone that the flower was in full bloom.

After the scarlet flower buds bloomed, the pollen filled the sky and drifted away with the wind. After taking a bite, the big tortoise immediately fell into a frenzy, screaming, and almost threw Jiang Chen off its back.

Inside Jiang Chen's dantian, the Pure Yang Cauldron was suspended, golden light poured down, and his mind regained consciousness immediately, but he still had lingering fears that he had been hit by a trick and was lost for a short time. If at this moment, a strong enemy was by his side, the consequences would be unpredictable.

"I'm so mad at the Great Immortal!"

The big tortoise also recovered very quickly, its eyeballs were red, and when it rushed up, it just trampled that flower into mud. It was extremely displeased and humiliated. It just boasted about itself, but it was beaten in the face.

"Is this evolution?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

It seems to be forcibly changed, but in fact, everything in this forbidden territory is evolving, but the direction of evolution is different.

This can also explain why the big frog turned into a monster, and why an ordinary flower can psychedelic the mind.

This is a kind of great evolution, which allows animals and plants to better adapt to the environment here, but after understanding this point, even Jiang Chen has always been mentally strong, it is inevitable, and he is moved by it.

With peerless power, it is not difficult to forcibly change the rules of a place, but to promote the ultimate evolution, this is clearly changing fate against the sky.

"What kind of secrets are hidden in the Garden of Everything?" In an instant, Jiang Chen's mood fluctuated, and he had many associations.

Then, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise went forward to explore here.

There are frequent anomalies here, and they are incomparably mysterious. Previously, a genius and strong man entered and joined the competition, but that was only caused by evolution.

There was blood splattered, staining the dust red, and soon, Jiang Chen saw a corpse. It was a famous strong man. Jiang Chen had heard of his name, but he fell here.

The person's chest was scorched black, as if it had been scorched by flames, and his eyes widened, as if he had experienced an unknowable horror before he died.

"Be careful." The big tortoise reminded.

It's not a good phenomenon for a talented and strong person to die. Even the big tortoise became serious and told Jiang Chen not to be careless.

Jiang Chen looked at the deceased and was about to speak when he suddenly heard a scream not far ahead.

"Go over!" Immediately, Jiang Chen ordered.

The big tortoise carried Jiang Chen and rushed there at the fastest speed, but the next moment, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise looked at each other, because there was no one here, just like the two of them, hallucinations appeared...

(End of this chapter)

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