genius evil

Chapter 1444 An Incomparably Huge Tomb

Chapter 1444 An Incomparably Huge Tomb
"Where are you, dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of this great immortal, and get out quickly. If not, this great immortal will smash you into scum, beat you to death, and never be reborn... Just ask you, whether you are afraid or not, If you are afraid, it is best not to hide your head and shrink your tail, otherwise the consequences will be serious and unbearable!" The big tortoise was furious and shouted loudly.

The place was dead silent, and the scream that Jiang Chen and the big tortoise heard in the beginning seemed like the two of them had hallucinations together.

Of course, no matter whether it was Jiang Chen or the big tortoise, he definitely wouldn't think it was just an illusion.

The two are more freaks than the other, how difficult it is to affect the sanity of the two, let alone be affected together, the occurrence of such a situation, not to say it is absolutely impossible, at least it is unique.

It's no wonder why the big tortoise is so angry, it feels like being tricked.

"It's a bit weird." Jiang Chen said.

"What's so weird, it must be some idiot playing tricks. It's best to pray that I don't find out, otherwise, everything will be smashed to pieces." The big tortoise said extremely annoyed.

"Those vines?" Jiang Chen whispered, looking up.

There are no people here, weeds are overgrown, and unknown vines grow wildly, extending in all directions, but they are also inconspicuous, dry and withered, no different from unknown weeds.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the tip of each vine is shining with a faint scarlet light.


The big tortoise also looked at it, and immediately yelled: "Flee!"

The big tortoise reacted very quickly, and flew out of the sky with Jiang Chen in the first place, but the accident happened at this moment. Countless vines, like the scattered strands of hair, pierced straight into the sky.

Even though the tortoise's speed was astonishing, but in a hurry, it was still hit. It was stabbed by several vines, and then it was entangled, and it was pulled down from the void abruptly.

"Damn it." The big tortoise screamed.

For a moment, it felt that it was extremely strong, and its extremely resistant tortoise shell was about to shatter, and the vines attacked, and it was impossible to defend against it. I absolutely didn't want to experience that feeling again.

"Jiang Chen, make a quick move." The big tortoise urged.

It was entangled, and it couldn't move at all. The seemingly fragile vines actually had unimaginable strength, and they couldn't break free at all.

Without the reminder from the big turtle, Jiang Chen had already made a move, he sacrificed the flying sword, and quickly slashed straight.

However, every time it is cut off, it can only cut off a mere vine.

You know, this flying sword has been tempered by the innate Yimu green energy and the innate Gengjin sword energy. Big or small troubles, under one blow, it is difficult to be effective.

"What the hell?" The big tortoise screamed, feeling that the entanglement was getting tighter and tighter, and it was in great trouble.

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Chen said, he made a move with his sword, and with a thought, he chopped down dozens of swords one after another, and the vines wrapped around the big turtle were cut to pieces after all.

The big tortoise was able to break free and soar into the sky, and finally escaped successfully.

"I really doubt if your previous life was a crow." Standing on the back of the big tortoise, Jiang Chen was speechless.

Earlier, the big tortoise had said that in this forbidden place, even an old vine could bring fatal danger.

Sure enough, it was hit by the big tortoise. What is it if it's not a crow's mouth?
Such a vine is supernatural and surprisingly tough. If Jiang Chen hadn't owned the flying sword, the two of them would have to go to war if they wanted to escape.

"This great immortal is Xuanwu." The big tortoise corrected, it looked down, "This thing is so strange, I wonder if it made the scream just now."

Almost as the big tortoise's voice fell, there was a sharp scream, which made the big tortoise almost fall from midair.

"Really?" The big tortoise murmured, "This thing has become a spirit, and it can speak human language. What kind of world is this?"

Jiang Chen was also thinking about this problem. Here, the rules have been forcibly reversed, which is completely different from the world rules of Wanwu Garden and Zhenwu Continent.

But it was precisely because they were too different that Jiang Chen felt strange. In fact, such world rules completely deviated from the secular rules of Zhenwu Continent.

The vines screamed. It sounded rough, very similar to human words, but there was still a difference. It was an inducement. Once someone came here, it was very likely that they would become nutrients for the vines.

"Do you want to destroy it?" The big tortoise suggested.

It was extremely embarrassed just now, and felt that it was very embarrassing, so it turned to the gallbladder.

"I agree very much, brother Wangcai, come on, I am very optimistic about you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You and I are invincible together," said the big tortoise.

"Brother Wangcai, let's go, don't forget, you are Xuanwu, don't you feel ashamed to join forces for such a trivial matter?" Jiang Chen said.

"Then I'll go." The big tortoise couldn't bear the stimulation, flew down and launched an attack, holding a bad breath in its heart, extremely violent.

Under the attack of the big tortoise, the vines danced rapidly. The hundreds of vines, like hundreds of hands, moved in unison, tearing apart the void, and fighting the big tortoise.

"It's going to kill you."

The vine was more difficult than the big tortoise imagined. Of course, he didn't fight timidly, and used a killer weapon, and finally, uprooted this vine.

"How dare you go against this Great Immortal." The big tortoise sneered, extremely arrogant, and sneered again and again, quite a bit of a mad and evil charm.

The taboo field is full of dangers and dangers are unpredictable. Next, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise have no choice but to be more cautious.

"Where is that key fragment?" Jiang Chen asked.

"In the deepest part." The big tortoise responded, and then told that the lonely grave was also nearby. However, if you want to get close, it is not an easy task, and falling is a high probability event.

The big tortoise said that those who enter the taboo field this time, nine out of ten, will be lost halfway. However, it is easy to enter and difficult to get out. Afterwards, they will be in panic like a bereaved dog. .

Of course, the big tortoise encouraged Jiang Chen, saying that with everything it had, it would never let Jiang Chen get involved in danger easily, and he would definitely do his best to keep Jiang Chen safe.

Jiang Chen wouldn't even believe in punctuation marks for this guy. The two explored here, and shortly thereafter, they encountered a ferocious beast.

Such a ferocious beast is more than a hundred times more terrifying than the big frog one met at the beginning, but in fact, this ferocious beast has a prototype in the outside world. They were treated as food and hunted wantonly.

Then, in the taboo field, it has evolved, and its life level has reached an unimaginable height. Jiang Chen used the Pure Yang Cauldron to forcibly suppress and kill it, but it was quite expensive. time.

Everything here is reversed according to the reversed rules. Everything in the world undergoes brilliant evolution, and the level of life is infinitely elevated. Every plant and tree is born with wisdom.

It's just that the degree of evolution varies from high to low, and because some life forms are too low in level, even though they have undergone countless evolutions, they are still of the mild and harmless type.

"Brother Jiang, you said we are here, will we also be evolved?" asked the big turtle.

The big tortoise refers to being evolved, and the implication is that this kind of evolution is not controlled by itself, and occurs and proceeds unconsciously.

"Is there such a possibility?" Jiang Chen asked back.

Evolution is not a simple matter, let alone passive evolution, even if such a situation does occur, it is definitely an infinitely long process, at least it is defined by the time limit of 10 years and millions of years.

"Nothing is impossible. Even if a pile of white bones suddenly turns into a living being, I wouldn't be surprised." The big turtle said.

"Brother Wangcai, can you shut up?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

This is because Jiang Chen saw a pile of white bones. From a rough look, several people died, but it took an unknown amount of time for them to die. They turned into white bones one after another.

But it's weird, it can't be seen that it has been attacked, the bones have not been scattered and broken, but very complete.

The big tortoise also saw the pile of bones, without thinking about it, it immediately turned around, and the next moment, the pile of bones suddenly stood up.

"White bones also gave birth to wisdom?" the big tortoise yelled.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head, not thinking it was as simple as the birth of spiritual wisdom.

Moreover, all of a sudden, he felt that his and the big tortoise's understanding of this taboo area seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding unconsciously, so that everything was in danger.

"Is there a possibility that this place is dominated by the will of a certain supreme being, and the will of that powerful being is the rule of this taboo field." Jiang Chen pondered.

"If it's as you said, how terrifying would that person be?" The big tortoise gasped.

"Let's discuss the possibility first. This issue may be very important. It is related to whether we can leave alive." Jiang Chen said, with rare seriousness and earnestness.

"This is a small world, forged by people, directly reflecting the will of that person. He is the absolute master here, and all creatures are under his control." Jiang Chen said again.

"What are you doubting?" After thinking for a while, the big tortoise asked.

"I vaguely felt resentment for that lonely grave." Jiang Chen said.

"So, this place is actually an extremely huge tomb?" The big tortoise suddenly realized, it was stunned and horrified, and said in a voice: "Brother Jiang, will it be like this?"

"Everything is possible." Jiang Chen didn't admit it, nor denied it. He took a deep look at the big tortoise, but in the end, he didn't say anything, but drove the big tortoise to carry out further exploration for Confirm your own conjecture...

(End of this chapter)

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