genius evil

Chapter 1446

Chapter 1446
Jiang Chen remembered very clearly that the big tortoise once said that a solitary grave buried a love affair, and he expressed it in an infinitely sighing tone, which was so sad and lamentable.

But at this time Qi Ji said that what was buried in that lonely grave was not a human being, but an unknowable monster.

Could it be that it was a relationship between man and beast?

If this is the case, it is called moving the heavens and the earth. Let me ask, can it be more ridiculous?
There was something in his mind, and Jiang Chen wasted no time trying to guess, so he asked straightforwardly.

"Brother Jiang, you misunderstood what I meant." Qi Ji smiled wryly, and then said, "The reason why I call it a monster is because those existences are evil cultivators from outside the territory, not my clan." Class, its heart can be punished."

As he spoke, Qi Ji became agitated and resentful.

"The evil cultivator from outside the territory invaded our home, and even deceived the goddess by extremely despicable means, causing the goddess to die. This is an endless shame and must never be forgiven!" Qi Ji said through gritted teeth.

"Outside evil cultivator?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen's heart moved slightly.

When Qi Ji said this, he was undoubtedly very subjective, but what Jiang Chen cared about was not the nature of that person, but, according to what Qi Ji said, that person came from outside the territory .

And he, isn't he also from outside the territory?

"Is this the means of monks from outside the territory?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

No wonder, since entering this taboo area, I discovered that the rules here are completely different from those of Wanwu Garden and Zhenwu Continent, and completion is another embodiment of different rules.

That means, another kind of civilization, moreover, it is an extremely prosperous and splendid civilization, compared with Zhenwu Continent, it can only be surpassed, not inferior.

"An evolutionary civilization?" Jiang Chen whispered, but he was quite puzzled.

This is because such a civilization is actually against the rules of the cultivation world.

On the other hand, the theory of evolution is circulating on the earth, but it is obvious that such an evolutionary method has long been beyond the scope of the theory of evolution, and is a different field.

At this time, Qi Ji mentioned that the person came from outside the territory, but it was just, just right, and explained this point.

"The strong are always worthy of respect." But the big turtle said quietly.

"Slaughtering common people with one hand, subverting endless creatures, there is only one such existence throughout the ages." Immediately afterwards, the big tortoise said again.

He seemed to respect that person quite a lot, and his words were filled with emotion.

"It's a pity that no matter how strong a creature is, it will turn into a pile of loess after all." The big turtle said, this guy has never passed by, but at this moment, he is so serious.

Jiang Chen's heart was moved and he didn't speak. He was thinking, if his identity was exposed one day, would he also be called an evil cultivator outside the territory?
"To overthrow a continent with one hand, what kind of style is that?" Jiang Chen said to himself, fascinated.

That is undoubtedly a peerless and powerful existence, turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain, controlling the fate of the people in the world... And if you look at it this way, this taboo domain is actually the personal space of that person.

In the end, that Xeon existed and buried himself here.

But how did he die?

Moreover, what happened to the so-called goddess?

Soon, Jiang Chen was asking two questions in succession.

"The most powerful existences in the four major domains join forces to defend against the enemy, and in the end, let them be put to death." Qi Ji said, and then, Qi Ji further informed, "That goddess, who is unparalleled in beauty, is devoted to universal salvation, and has a bodhisattva heart. It’s the one who will fall into calculations and find it difficult to extricate themselves.”

"That battle was extremely tragic. Mountains and rivers collapsed and galaxies were reversed. Afterwards, the order of the mainland was rebuilt. It was already very different." The big tortoise added.

"Indeed." Qi Ji nodded, agreeing with what the big turtle said.

Jiang Chen didn't know about some things about Zhenwu Continent. The big tortoise and Qi Ji talked a lot, but it gave Jiang Chen a better understanding.

Such a battle was a devastation to the civilization of Zhenwu Continent. After the order was rebuilt, it became more prosperous, but it was hard to say whether it was good or bad.

There are only a few words about the peerless Xeon buried here. It is like a scar on the Zhenwu Continent, but no one will tear it open lightly.

"If the coffin formation is not broken, we won't be able to get in at all." Finally, Qi Ji said this.

"In this way, could it be that the nine key fragments have never been assembled?" Jiang Chen said.

"Exactly." The big tortoise said, and it said: "Right now, we have a great opportunity to create history. Brother Jiang, you will definitely leave your name in the annals of history for future generations to admire."

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, and he asked casually, "How to break the formation?"

"There are many methods. The major royal families have conducted extremely detailed research on this coffin-suppressing array. Of course, they all ended in failure. They have never been successful, but they are extremely valuable experiences and lessons." Qi Ji said.

Jiang Chen was extremely speechless, this place was mysterious, and what was even more mysterious was the area covered by the coffin-suppressing formation. Entering this place was the real escape from death.

Because, according to what Qi Ji said, the words of the big tortoise are exaggerated. It is not that no one has gone out. Otherwise, it is impossible for the royal families of the major empires to understand the situation inside the taboo domain.

Under the cover of the aura, an invisible barrier is formed, but Jiang Chen can easily perceive such a barrier when he uses his consciousness. Therefore, he is more and more aware of the danger in it. .

The area covered by the large array can be called a desperate situation, and even Jiang Chen dared not set foot on it easily.

"Jiang Chen, I heard clearly..."

Suddenly, deep in Jiang Chen's heart, a voice sounded, it was the woman in the portrait of the goddess speaking.


After a while, Jiang Chen's expression became extremely weird.

The woman in the portrait of the Goddess was teaching him how to break the formation, so how could this not make Jiang Chen feel weird.

Even though they had learned a long time ago that this woman was one of the builders of the Garden of Everything, they never expected that they would be so familiar with the coffin-suppressing formation.

"Big beauty, what are you hiding?" Jiang Chen asked impatiently.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." The woman was very indifferent and never said much.

Jiang Chen smiled wryly, and said, "Then why did you tell me how to break the formation? What is your purpose?"

"After entering, I will naturally know." The woman said so, and there was no more movement after that.

Hearing what the woman said, Jiang Chen had some associations, but he was not sure, because the information revealed by the woman was really too little, even if it was pieced together, there was not much clue.

"Wangcai, let's go in." Immediately, Jiang Chen said.

The method of breaking the formation was already known, Jiang Chen didn't want to waste time, he ordered the big tortoise, and then told the big tortoise what to do through sound transmission.

"Is this okay?" The big tortoise turned its head sideways and looked at Jiang Chen with a strange look. There were many questions to ask, but it was forced to hold back.

"Brother Jiang, I trust you very much. Don't lie to me, or you will die a miserable death." The big turtle muttered, but he was half-doubtful.

Because, according to what Jiang Chen said, breaking through the formation is really too simple, there is no danger at all, it is hard to believe that is true.

"Stop talking nonsense." Jiang Chen yelled, ready to move and suppress.

The big tortoise shrank its neck suddenly, turned into a flash of lightning, and disappeared into the coffin-suppressing array, disappearing from Qi Ji's sight.


Qi Ji's eyes flickered, he hesitated a little, and then followed the direction where the big tortoise disappeared, and began to break the formation.




In that dark place, one after another aura emerged, and at this moment, more than a dozen figures appeared one after another. They followed Jiang Chen all the time, but they didn't show up. Formation, is to act quickly.

The coffin suppressing formation is incomparably mysterious, even if Jiang Chen has studied the way of the formation, he is still unable to see through it, let alone decipher it.

But according to what the woman in the portrait of the Goddess said, breaking the formation was so simple that it couldn't be easier. After a brief ten minutes, the formation was broken, the aura dissipated, and this place became no different from other places in the forbidden territory.

A mountain that cannot be measured at a glance appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

On the top of the mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, it is majestic, magnificent and beautiful.

The mountain is steep, like a sharp sword, rising into the sky.

Those geniuses who came in after Jiang Chen, when they saw each other, there was shocking emotion in their eyes, showing it.

"Brother Jiang, thank you."

"Brother Jiang, but if you earn something, you will be rewarded generously."


A genius expert said, thank Jiang Chen for leading the way ahead, they rushed forward in an instant and began to climb the mountain.

"Brother Jiang, are you and I acting together, or separately?" Qi Ji asked.

"Of course we split up." Jiang Chen said without hesitation, summoning the big tortoise to move forward.

The coffin-suppressing formation was broken, and more and more talented experts gathered in this direction. The target without exception was that mountain of swords.

However, just approaching the foot of the mountain, someone was injured, suffered backlash, and vomited blood.

"Another formation?" Jiang Chen said.

It is very obvious that there is another formation here, but it is not a killing formation, it is similar to spiritual pressure, making it difficult for people to advance.

Many talented experts quickly understood this point. They did not stop and continued to move forward. Jiang Chen rode on the back of the big tortoise and ordered the big tortoise to go on its way.

By the way, Jiang Chen summoned the woman in the portrait of the goddess, but there was no sound.

"A needle in the bottom of a woman's heart is truly elusive." Jiang Chen sighed softly.

The big tortoise opened the way and climbed up the mountain all the way, as if walking on flat ground. That kind of speed seemed to be unpleasant, but after a very short time, it left everyone far behind.

"This Great Immortal is an auspicious beast, dare to compete with this Great Immortal?" The big tortoise sneered, his arrogance was beyond words...

(End of this chapter)

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