genius evil

Chapter 1447 1 Path of Evolution

Chapter 1447 A Path of Evolution

"No, this road is difficult to walk."

However, the big tortoise has not been proud for a long time, but it just keeps complaining. Under the cover of the formation, the pressure is like a sky. When it reaches a certain position, every step forward is extremely difficult. It feels like carrying this mountain of swords on your back.

Such a feeling, Jiang Chen's perception, is also extremely strong. In his dantian, the Pure Yang Cauldron rotates and sprinkles golden light to resist it.

"Brother Jiang, have you noticed that something is wrong." The big turtle said.

"Starting from the foot of the mountain, every time we go up, the pressure gradually increases. Now, we haven't even finished one-tenth of the road, and we just can't bear it anymore. This is very unusual." The big tortoise said again.

Jiang Chen didn't speak. He turned his head and looked to the back. All the geniuses and experts were left far behind. Ordinary people who have never practiced.

Some people couldn't resist, sacrificed magic tools, fought, and moved forward so quickly, but in the end, even the magic tools were crushed under the pressure of spiritual pressure.

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise ride together, and their ability to withstand pressure is far superior to others. This is naturally due to the strength of the two of them. It can be said that the existence of such a mountain is basically a test of the powerhouses of all parties. It is clear at a glance which one is strong and which is weak.

Soon, a group of talented climbers also realized this.

They raised their heads and looked in the direction where Jiang Chen and the big tortoise were. Deep in their eyes, there was a deep sense of horror and fear.

"Is the gap between us and Jiang Chen so big?"

Someone said to himself in his heart.

Jiang Chen was rampant in the garden of all things, without any taboos, and he was very defiant.

But everyone is a genius on one side, who is not arrogant, but there are also many people who are not convinced by this, and at this time, they are clearly aware of the gap with Jiang Chen. Exactly how big it is.

Just like Jiang Chen riding Juechen at this moment, this gap has already reached a point where it is difficult to make up.

"It's so scary!"

Some people sighed from the bottom of their hearts, a sense of powerlessness surged into their hearts, and they couldn't help feeling hopeless.

They are at least the strong men of the late stage of Guiyuanjing's Dzogchen, and they claim to push a small realm horizontally, but within the same realm, the gap is so big that it is like a natural moat.

"Who else can stop him?"

Someone said so, looking at Jiang Chen's back, his mood was extremely complicated, that was invincible in an absolute sense, looking at the garden of all things, I'm afraid it would be easy to push the invincible hand horizontally.

"Jiang Chen, you are really surprising." Qi Ji said in his heart.

At this point, everyone's strength has nothing to hide, except that some hole cards have not been used. It can be said that the gap is too obvious.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't pay attention to what everyone was thinking. At this moment, his imagination was running wild, and he had many kinds of guesses in an instant.

"Brother Jiang, don't be in a daze." The big tortoise's voice sounded in Jiang Chen's ears.

The big tortoise didn't stop, and kept moving forward, but the speed became slower and slower. The big tortoise knew that at most one-third of the way had been traveled, but it could no longer move forward half a step.

"This formation is really miraculous, just treat it as a practice." Jiang Chen said.

"..." The big tortoise had black lines all over its head.

"We are walking with a mountain on our backs." Jiang Chen said again.

"You mean?" The big tortoise's eyes widened, and the eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets.

"To be exact, it's not a mountain, but a part of this mountain." Jiang Chen smiled, and said casually: "When we walk one percent of the way up a mountain like this, we have to carry We have carried one percent of the weight of this mountain, and when we walk one-tenth of it, we are carrying one-tenth of the weight of this mountain, do you understand?"

"Damn it." The big tortoise screamed.

No wonder, the spiritual pressure is so terrifying, it turned out to be such a thing.

Now, the two of them have not even completed two-tenths of the journey, and it is already so difficult. It is hard to imagine what will happen if they want to complete the journey.

Will, under such oppression, turn into flesh and blood?
"I have a feeling that when reaching a certain critical point, the adaptability of the physical body will be greatly enhanced." Jiang Chen said firmly.

The big formation is related to that foreign monk, and the extraterrestrial civilization that the foreign monk lives in is an extremely splendid evolutionary civilization.

Therefore, Jiang Chen believes that such a mountain climbing road should maximize the process of simulating evolution.

Evolution does not happen overnight, but a long process. Moreover, when the evolution reaches a certain point, further adaptation is required before the next evolution can proceed.

Of course, the premise is that Jiang Chen's hypothesis can be established.

"Could it be so?" the big tortoise doubted.

It will be suspicious, carry Jiang Chen, and slowly climb the mountain. I don't know how long it has passed. Suddenly, with a "boo", the big tortoise can only feel that a certain barrier of the physical body has been torn apart.

"Eh?" The tortoise's face was extremely wonderful.

"Guess right." Jiang Chen smiled.

Indeed, this is simulating the process of evolution. Not only the physical barrier of the big tortoise was torn apart, but also him. It was clearly a feeling that the feeling of suffocation under the oppression of the spirit was relieved, and the whole person was Become, refreshed.

When you raise your hands and throw your feet, you can clearly feel that they are more flexible and light, and they are also more coordinated. The whole body is comfortable and has more surging power.

"I don't know if this kind of power is temporary, or..." Jiang Chen whispered.

"The path of evolution is really miraculous." Then, Jiang Chen was amazed by it.

This is just a simulated evolutionary path, that's all, what about the real evolutionary path, more or less, makes Jiang Chen fascinated.

This is a completely different civilization, a completely different way of cultivation, and the ultimate evolution will inevitably bring about the ultimate transformation.

This evil cultivator from outside the territory, with the power of one person, evolved and swept the Zhenwu Continent, which shows what kind of benefits will be brought by the evolution to the extreme.

"Brother Jiang, my current feeling can't be better." The big tortoise realized his own changes carefully, and became confident again.

The speed changed at this moment, the big tortoise took Jiang Chen, and rushed upwards, but when the adaptability brought by the body transformation disappeared, the speed of the big tortoise had to slow down again.

All the way up, this is a process of evolution. When Jiang Chen and the big tortoise walked about two-thirds of the way, the two had already undergone three evolutions.

After each evolution, there will be incomparably significant changes. After the third evolution, Jiang Chen has a feeling that his physical strength at this moment can almost be compared with his heyday.

One must know that Jiang Chen is a monk at the fusion stage. Three times of evolution is to allow him to leap from the current Nascent Soul realm to possess the power of the fusion stage. How terrifying it should be.

"This is too exaggerated, and the effect is amazing." The big tortoise said like a raving.

At this stage of evolution, the physical body is already in a perfect state, and it is extremely difficult to imagine what will happen when it evolves again.

"Will I change shape because of this?" The big tortoise asked with expectation.

The more powerful a creature is, the more difficult it is to change its form.

According to common sense, the big tortoise could almost transform itself, but the big tortoise knew that the road to transforming was far away, unless he got some kind of transforming technique.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's heart moved slightly. He was thinking about a question, that is, where is the limit of evolution.

It is impossible to continue to evolve forever. When the limit is reached, the evolution should be stopped, unless it becomes another life form, that is, the shape.

And the transformation on the road of evolution is of course not as simple as the transformation that the big tortoise wanted.

No matter how many conjectures there are, they are meaningless and need to be verified. Jiang Chen summoned the big turtle to continue on its way.

And behind Jiang Chen, there were only a dozen or so figures left, and most of the geniuses couldn't touch even the first transformation, which was a failure.

So far, except for a few people who have undergone the second evolution, the rest are struggling forward there.

"Evolution is also a process of elimination." Jiang Chen said softly.

According to the theory of evolution on the earth, it is the so-called survival of the fittest.

He just glanced back, but Jiang Chen just ignored it.

In fact, after walking two-thirds of the way, the road ahead was even more difficult. It was several hundred meters short, and the shells on the back of the big tortoise were all broken, with blood oozing out.

Inside Jiang Chen's dantian, the Chunyang Cauldron twirled crazily. In the end, Jiang Chen simply sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron and suspended it above his head to resist the sky-like spiritual pressure.

"I'm going to be unable to hold on anymore." The big tortoise howled.

It looked very miserable, the tortoise shell was broken, and the bones on its head were all cracked.

"Damn it, when will the fourth evolution come?" the big tortoise kept yelling.

It was not easy for Jiang Chen, even with the protection of the Pure Yang Cauldron, his whole body was soaked in blood, his capillaries burst and he became a bloody man.

"Brother Jiang, if this goes on like this, the tortoise will die." The big tortoise said panting heavily, and sprayed a mouthful of blood by the way. It was really seriously injured, and its internal organs were all shattered.

If it hadn't been for the previous three evolutions and tasted the sweetness, in terms of the personality of the big tortoise, it would definitely not be so desperate, and would have given up long ago, rolling as far as it could.

"Wangcai, after you die, I will definitely not stew you, let alone braise you..." Jiang Chen said.

"Then what do you want, eat me raw? Can the taste be stronger? I have rough skin and thick flesh, and the taste is not good at all. You'd better dig a hole and bury me!" Big Turtle said. Staring, before Jiang Chen finished speaking, he abruptly interrupted Jiang Chen's words.


Just as the two were talking, out of the corner of Jiang Chen's eyes, he saw two familiar figures...

(End of this chapter)

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