genius evil

Chapter 1448 One Sword Mountain and One Grave

Chapter 1448 One Sword Mountain One Grave
Those two were none other than Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan.

The two were mixed in the crowd, and they were not eye-catching at a glance, but their subsequent performance was amazing.

They surpassed one person after another, forging ahead, very dazzling.

"You two are finally here." Looking over, Jiang Chen chuckled.

Jiang Chen felt the aura of the two of them, and knew that the two had entered this forbidden area, but he hadn't seen it before, and it must have been delayed by other things.

Fortunately, I came in time, and the first come first.

"Those two little fellows are pretty good and have a bright future. The Great Immortal is very optimistic about them. If there is a chance, let them follow the Great Immortal to learn the art of reaching the sky." The big tortoise spoke leisurely and commented.

"It's really good, it's beautiful." Jiang Chen smiled, but he was happy to see such a scene.

Among the three, they cherished each other and forged a valuable friendship. Regarding Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, Jiang Chen always believed that if there was a suitable opportunity, it would be a matter of time before the two of them would soar into the sky, but it was not. There will be any surprises.

After all, the former Seven Star Martial Academy's inner sect ranked first and second, and their martial arts talent has long been fully verified!

At this time, Jiang Chen got off the big turtle's back, and the two climbed the mountain together.

Finally, when the physical bodies of the two of them reached a limit, the fourth evolution came, and the joy of the whole body, even every cell in the body, was cheering, which made both of them breathe a sigh of relief .

"I'm taking the life of this Great Immortal." The big tortoise stood still and took a breath, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Several times, the big tortoise had a strong premonition that it was about to burst into pieces of flesh and blood under the spiritual pressure, but Jiang Chen insisted repeatedly, but he had no choice but to move on.

Under the suppression of the spiritual pressure, the potential of the physical body was squeezed to a limit, thus, the barriers and shackles of the physical body were constantly broken, and this was the only way to persist until now.

But that kind of taste is destined to be uncomfortable, it seems to be the supreme torture, although Reiatsu only targets the physical body, not the spirit, but the breaking of the physical body is inevitable and affects the spirit.

It was an unprecedented devastation, and it was impossible for those without mental fortitude to persevere.

"This freak." The big tortoise turned to look at Jiang Chen, complaining silently.

It has lived through endless years and thinks it is detached, but it is much inferior to Jiang Chen. The big tortoise is really unimaginable. What did Jiang Chen go through to have such a terrifying mind? It is simply inhuman.

The big tortoise naturally didn't know that Jiang Chen had been a human being in two lives, past and present, which made Jiang Chen understand better than anyone else that his destiny was always in his own hands.

And if you want to control your own destiny, there is no shortcut, the only way is to become stronger, keep getting stronger!
If he was strong enough, how could he fall in the previous life?
If he is strong enough, how would people from another world dare to invade the earth in this life?

On the issue of why one should be strong, Jiang Chen has a more thorough understanding than anyone else. So, the road to becoming stronger is right in front of him, how can Jiang Chen miss it?

Ignoring the big tortoise, Jiang Chen closed his eyes and concentrated, carefully feeling the changes in himself.

Along the way, he obviously already knew that this evolution is a simulated process, that is to say, this is a kind of realization, and the physical strength bestowed is all temporary.

When such a road is finished, then the self-power will return, and everything will be as before without any changes.

Even so, it is also mysterious. To some extent, this is predicting the future in advance.

The future is unpredictable, and for a powerful being, it is even more impossible to deduce it. However, walking on such a road is the first to realize the height of the future.

Jiang Chen didn't know how the big tortoise felt about this point, but to him, when that long-lost power returned to him, Jiang Chen felt extremely sad.

Jiang Chen knew in his heart that if the timing was right, it might not be impossible for him to make another breakthrough through this path.

Therefore, Jiang Chen sank his mind and calmed down to realize that, after a long time, those slightly closed eyes slowly opened.

"Brother Jiang, do you want to go again?" The voice of the big tortoise rang in Jiang Chen's ears.

"Naturally." Without thinking, Jiang Chen just said.

The two had already reached an astonishing height. Looking up, Jiang Chen knew that the last evolution should be when they reached the top of the mountain.

Jiang Chen didn't know what would be on the top of the mountain. Maybe there was a solitary tomb there, or maybe there was nothing there, but he had already reached this point. No matter what, he wanted to go up to it to see what it was like. Case.

"The chance of falling is very high." The big tortoise said cautiously.

It's serious, no joke.

Such a road seems to be harmless, but in fact, there is a possibility of falling anytime, anywhere, and often in a single thought, the body disappears and the bones disappear.

"Evolution has always been a process of fighting against the sky." Jiang Chen said casually.

Natural selection, this idiom on the earth, has actually perfectly explained what evolution is.

"Fight against the sky?" The big tortoise murmured silently in his heart, struggled for a long time, and said loudly, "Okay, let's fight."

It actually has a rare hot-blooded side, and it is obvious that it was stimulated by such a sentence.

"Either transform or die." The big tortoise said again.

"Brother Wangcai, in fact, you look so handsome now, and you don't need to make any changes at all." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You don't understand." The big tortoise squinted at Jiang Chen, and said firmly, "I can still be more handsome. In the future, I will cross the Zhenwu Continent and leave endless seeds to make countless Goddesses of Tianjiao compete."

"The goal is lofty." Jiang Chen exclaimed.

"So-so." The big tortoise grinned, and then said: "This great immortal has practiced a secret technique, but that secret technique can only be used unless it is transformed into a form. If it cannot be transformed, it will be a waste of endless time."

"This is not really possible. Brother Wangcai, you can definitely give me the cultivation method of the secret technique, and then teach me a body technique." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile in his heart.

"Finally I couldn't bear it anymore, did you show my flaws? I'm just probing casually, I knew you had ulterior motives." The big turtle sneered again and again.

"Hey, why is my hand itchy?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

"It's not impossible to consider teaching it to you. I will definitely consider it carefully before answering you." The big tortoise immediately said seriously.

"Brother Wangcai, then you must think carefully about it. By the way, my hand is really itchy." Jiang Chen said threateningly.

Jiang Chen's plan was to learn the body skills of the big tortoise. Since he still has a supreme secret technique, let's treat it as buy one get one free.

The big tortoise murmured, wanting to yell, but after thinking about it, he finally held back, otherwise it would be very miserable. Especially, Jiang Chen has undergone four evolutions, and his physical strength is terrifying. If he is beaten up, he may die. Difficult to guarantee.

As the saying goes, it’s better to live than to die. Although it’s a bit aggrieved, what’s the point in order to survive?

In order to avoid making too many mistakes, the two are going up again.

After reaching such a height, every time he takes a step forward, the spiritual pressure he bears is unimaginable. It is almost like carrying the entire mountain of swords on his back.

The size of the sword mountain is hard to measure, towering into the clouds, connecting the sky and the earth, so one can imagine how amazing the weight of this sword mountain is.

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise went up, step by step.

The ground was cracking, leaving footprints belonging to the two. The shoes under Jiang Chen's feet could not bear the pressure for a long time and were completely broken.

Simply put, Jiang Chen walked barefoot.

The clothes on Jiang Chen's body were also being torn apart, making it difficult to cover his body.

Of course, these are trivial side details.

The bones were trembling, cracks appeared, and the internal organs were squeezed together under the pressure of the spiritual pressure, and the chest resonated... It gave people the feeling that if they took another step, they would be torn to pieces.

Both Jiang Chen and the big tortoise were out of breath, and both of them were soaked in blood. They were as embarrassed as they could be. The road ahead seemed not far away, but it was as if there was a moat separating them.

"Jiang Chen, it's still too late to give up now." The big turtle said loudly.

Its tortoise shell is extremely hard, and the magic weapon is difficult to damage. Now, it is full of cracks, like a spider's web, and the previous ambitions have been exhausted.

"Don't worry, I won't die." Jiang Chen said, his eyes were firm, and he looked forward. At the same time, he measured the distance step by step.

On top of Jiang Chen's head, the Chunyang Cauldron hummed continuously, and the golden light shone like a sun that appeared at noon. Under such light, people couldn't open their eyes.

This kind of spiritual pressure is also a great test for the Chunyang cauldron. If it were not for the Chunyang cauldron, it would have been shattered and turned into powder if it was replaced by other magic tools.

"Who can't die? I can't die or you can't die?" The big tortoise said awkwardly, it felt that it would die at any time.

"Of course I can't die." Jiang Chen said lazily with a smile.

"Fuck your shit!" The big tortoise was 1 dissatisfied, and it said: "The things that this great immortal has experienced are beyond your imagination. As a Xuanwu, he will live forever in the world, immortal."


Almost as soon as the big tortoise finished speaking, a crisp sound came out. On the back of the big tortoise, the tortoise's shell shattered into four petals.

"Ah!" The big tortoise screamed, almost going mad.

"Playing with me?" In an instant, the big tortoise's eyes turned red, and then it was as if it had been wound up. It turned into a phantom and disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight.

"Can it still be like this?" Jiang Chen was astonished, grabbed the void with his big hand, and followed the trajectory of the big tortoise, and moved forward together.

On the top of the mountain, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise who had lost half of its life were very puzzled. The fifth evolution hadn't come yet. There was nothing here, and there was no lonely grave as guessed.

"Tricked?" The big tortoise bared its teeth. It used a secret technique to run away. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to climb to the top of the mountain. However, there was nothing here, and it was hit hard.

"What does this mountain look like?" Jiang Chen asked after sizing it up.

"The grave? This mountain of swords, is that tomb?" As soon as Jiang Chen reminded him, the big tortoise looked quickly, then lost his voice, and suddenly understood something...

(End of this chapter)

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