genius evil

Chapter 1450 Hunting Jiang Chen

Chapter 1450 Hunting Jiang Chen
"Two ants, dare to stop me?"

Looking at Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, Qi Ji's eyes became more and more chilly, but he didn't put them in his eyes, and the depths of his eyes were full of contempt.

"It's too much, mouth full of dung, Jiang Chen, beat him up to death." The big tortoise grinned, Qi Ji couldn't stand it anymore.

If it weren't for the serious injuries and the lack of power to follow up, it would have shot Qi Ji at this time, bleeding Qi Ji's face.

"It's already been reduced to this level, are you still so arrogant?"

A muffled sound came at this moment, and along with the voice of speaking, a black-robed man with a cold face and a strong aura suddenly appeared like lightning.

"You are Jiang Chen?"

The man in the black robe appeared, as if he was quite interested in Jiang Chen, and asked casually.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

This person's face was very unfamiliar. Jiang Chen could be sure that he had never met him before. However, when meeting for the first time, this person showed extremely strong hostility, which surprised Jiang Chen a little.

"Yu Lie." Hong Sheng said, the man in the black robe.

"Is he that Yu Lie?"

Hearing the man in Xuanpao report his name, someone lost his voice immediately.

"It was him!"

Someone said again, his voice trembling slightly, and he felt a great shock.

In the garden of all things, Jiang Chen stands alone, and what he does can be said to be against the sky. Under his suppression, the other geniuses and powerhouses all lose their splendor.

This Yu Lie is not unusual, he kills people like hemp, without blinking an eye, under the horizontal push, from the invincible hand, has a great and fierce reputation, it makes countless people feel terrified.

After all, there are some people who know his deeds and know that this person is extremely dangerous. If he shows up here, it may cause a bloodbath.

Of course, there were also some people who were extremely happy to see the results, because Yu Lie obviously came for Jiang Chen and targeted Jiang Chen, which made them gloat.

"Remnants? What nonsense name, it looks short-lived at first glance, Jiang Chen, beat him up quickly, and let him know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!" the big turtle yelled.

"Blow it up? It's a good suggestion. I will follow your suggestion and implement it on your body." Looking at the big turtle, Yu Lie said suspiciously.

"Who are you scaring? If you dare to speak nonsense in front of me, even if you have ten lives, it's not enough to kill you." The big tortoise said defiantly.

"Is that so? You can try it, I hope your life will be tougher, otherwise, I will be very disappointed." Yu Lie said coldly.

He came here specially for Jiang Chen, but he didn't mind at all. Before killing Jiang Chen, he slaughtered the big tortoise. Who would let the big tortoise be so rude in front of him!
"This great immortal has always been very stubborn." The big tortoise yelled, moved his feet, and hid behind Jiang Chen, using Jiang Chen as a shield.

It was injured too badly, and there was no time to heal it, otherwise, Yu Lie might not have taken it to heart, but the timing was not right, so he had to admit it.

"It seems that you are telling me that your life is not tough enough." Yu Lie just smiled.

"Is your life very hard?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile on his face.

"You can try it, I will prove to you how hard my life is." Yu Lie said arrogantly, even in the face of Jiang Chen, he is still strong, compared to Qi Ji, only ever Of, and nothing less than.

Qi Ji originally wanted to do something, but at this time, when Yu Lie appeared, he changed his mind. It is undoubtedly quite good to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Maybe there will be unexpected surprises and gains.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Jiang Chen's voice turned cold.

It was Qi Ji first, and then Yu Lie. Could it be that he, Jiang Chen, was injured a little bit, and he became that soft persimmon, so he could handle it easily?

When did he, Jiang Chen, become so weak that any cat or dog would dare to bully him?
"After all, they didn't kill enough." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

Because of too many killings, Jiang Chen was unlucky due to the influence of the rules of the taboo field. Originally, he wanted to cleanse his heart and kill a few fewer people.

But some people, since they are sent to your door looking for death, how can there be any reason for it not to be fulfilled?
"Then, what are you still hesitating about? Let's make a move. I, Yu Lie, have been waiting for this day for a long time." Yu Lie said, faintly excited.

"call out!"

The sound of a sharp arrow piercing the sky resounded through the sky, piercing the eardrums, and flew towards Jiang Chen at an incomparable speed.

Sharp arrows pierced the air, sound waves rolled, and the void continued to explode and annihilate. This is a powerful magic weapon with amazing power. It appeared out of thin air and came straight for Jiang Chen.

"There are quite a lot of people who want to kill me, Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen chuckled, and casually sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron, just smashing it out, breaking the attack.

A black figure came from Yufeng, he shouldered the longbow, Yukong pulled the bowstring, without any hesitation, and shot another arrow towards Jiang Chen.


The void was shattered and torn into vacuum zones. This arrow was stronger than the first arrow, and at the same time had a faster speed.

"The Feather Bow...that's Wu Yu."

The identity of the visitor was quickly recognized, and such a voice reached Jiang Chen's ears.

Jiang Chen didn't respond, because he didn't know who this Wuyu was or what its origins were, and he still urged the Chunyang cauldron to throw it out. Such an attack was ineffective against him.

"Brother Yu, Wu Mou didn't mean to steal your limelight, but to test for you, whether Jiang Chen's life is tough enough." Wu Yu descended from the void, stood by Yu Lie's side, and said with a big laugh.

Although he was smiling, he was actually extremely surprised. Anyone could tell at a glance that Jiang Chen was seriously injured and his vitality was low. However, he shot two arrows in succession, but they didn't work, and Jiang Chen easily deciphered them.

Yu Lie had no expression on his face. He said, "Whoever I want to kill, Yu Lie will naturally do it myself."

"Ha ha"

Yu Lie's tone was not kind, but Wu Yu didn't take it seriously, knowing that the common goal today was Jiang Chen, so she wasn't worried that Yu Lie would turn his back on him.

"Is it funny? Ben Daxian sees that you look like a mullet. No wonder you smile so ugly. If I were you, I would drink dung and kill myself. I don't know how you have survived until now. You don't want any face." Is it?" The big tortoise said sarcastically.

Since coming together with Jiang Chen, the big tortoise has unlocked new skills, and it is invincible. Sometimes, even Jiang Chen is willing to bow down.

"Old tortoise, I don't need you to care about how I, Wu Yu, have survived until now, but you will definitely not survive today." Wu Yu was enraged.

"The Great Immortal is that Xuanwu, who are you calling an old tortoise?" The big tortoise began to curse.

"Brother Jiang, this guy's mouth is too stinky, he must slap his mouth, and he must let him know that the dignity of the strongest cannot be insulted." The big turtle said to Jiang Chen again.

"That was in the past." Wu Yu sneered contemptuously, and said, "I have been reduced to such a field, and I still dare to speak hard, maybe it is because I think I am not dying fast enough."

"Brother Yu, Brother Wu, why waste time, let the three of us join forces, what do you two think?" Na Qiji came over and said.

Half of his face was scratched to pieces, exposing bones, while talking, he stared at the big turtle behind Jiang Chen.

"It's not impossible to join forces, how to distribute the benefits?" Yu Lie asked.

"Everyone has their own means," Qi Ji said.

"Very good, it's exactly what I want." This is what Yu Lie wanted.

He didn't mind joining forces, but he didn't give up an inch for his benefits. Since Qi Ji said that each would use their own means, it meant that whoever gets it will get it, and this is exactly what Yu Lie wanted.

"I like it." Squinting, Wu Yu said.

Facing Jiang Chen, be it Qi Ji, Yu Lie and Wu Yu, after all, there was something to be afraid of. In the shadow of the famous tree, Jiang Chen had an invincible aura in the garden of all things.

Even if such Xeons exist, even if they are seriously injured, it is definitely not impossible to drag them to be buried with them if they put all their eggs in one basket and do whatever it takes. That's why they didn't do it lightly, worrying about accidents.

Teaming up is undoubtedly the best choice. The three parties share the risk. The benefits will belong to whoever can get them. No one will take advantage, and no one will suffer. It is extremely fair.

"Join together? Kill me? What kind of clown is this, dare to jump on my Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen was talking casually, he waved casually, and said, "Come on, let you learn from me, what? It’s called Peerless Invincible.”

"Brother Jiang, you have to be humble and low-key. If you say that, if you scare them out of courage and scare people to death, wouldn't it be fun." The big turtle said with a smile.

"Brother Jiang..."

Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan felt the tremendous pressure, Qi Ji three, any one of them is stronger than the two of them, they can block it for a while at most, they can't resist at all.

"Brother Ji, Brother Fang, let the two of you get out of the way, just watch the big show." Jiang Chen said.

Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan looked at each other, but they didn't know where Jiang Chen's confidence came from. If Jiang Chen was in his heyday, then it would be a good show, but right now, Jiang Chen is seriously injured, but it makes the two of them Don't take it lightly.

But still get out of the way, fight to the side, and fight for Jiang Chen.

Both are decisions, but if the situation is not right, the first shot will be made.

"Don't make a move yet, are you all scared to death? Three idiots." Jiang Chen urged.

The three of Qi and Ji had been secretly gathering momentum for a long time. At this time, without hesitation, the three of them divided into three directions, and launched the strongest impact towards Jiang Chen.

The three of them made moves without any intention of showing mercy. They each used unique moves and killer weapons, trying to solve Jiang Chen in the shortest possible time, without giving Jiang Chen a chance to turn the tables.

But he didn't know that Jiang Chen thought the same way, he wanted Thunder to kill, so that those who didn't give up would be completely terrified.


Jiang Chen didn't even use the Chunyang Cauldron. When the three came at him, he clenched his fist with his right hand and punched out all three without distinction.

It seemed like a very simple shot, but the wind of the fist was flashing, and the energy was surging. In an instant, the three of Qi and Ji felt as if they were in the sea of ​​waves, as if they were about to be submerged by the waves.

They were horrified by it, and their faces changed dramatically by coincidence!

(End of this chapter)

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