genius evil

Chapter 1451 1 Determining Life and Death

Chapter 1451

In the Garden of Everything, Jiang Chen made a breakthrough in cultivation and entered the Nascent Soul stage. He even used the Dragon Fruit to successfully tear the shackles of his spine. Now, after going through a simulated evolutionary path, his physical body became stronger again. Tearing a shackle again, there is not much difference.

In this way, Jiang Chen's physical strength is incomparable even for that cultivator who transforms spirits!
The three of Qi and Ji thought they were strong, and wanted to take advantage of his injury to show off in front of him. Their calculations were pretty good, and their timing was perfect.

Unfortunately, it is still too naive and too overreaching.

How powerful Jiang Chen is, how can these three idiots imagine it?

The fists exploded with golden light, and under the indiscriminate attack, even though Qi Ji and the other three were pretentious, they couldn't catch Jiang Chen's punch at all.





Under the flashing golden light, three dull explosion sounds came out, piercing the eardrums, and immediately after seeing, three figures flew out across the sky.Three air waves were pulled out in the void, and under Jiang Chen's bombardment, he was blown away with a single punch.

The rain of blood splashed down, as if it had rained, and the bloody aura filled the void, and all the geniuses who witnessed this battle were heartbroken.

The three of Qi and Ji are all very famous strongmen, but when the three join forces, they are still vulnerable to Jiang Chen, and this is the case when Jiang Chen is injured. It is quite serious.

One punch was enough to blow up the three of them. Such a scene caused the onlookers to gasp wildly. Who could have imagined that Jiang Chen could be so tyrannical.

Even if it is like this after being injured, if it is in its heyday, wouldn't it be that those monks who are transformed into mortals are invincible?

In an instant, a thought emerged from the depths of everyone's minds. The way they looked at Jiang Chen was as strange as it wanted.

"It's just three wastes. Is it true that you are talking about invincibility? Fortunately, I didn't do it myself. Otherwise, the end will be even more miserable, with no flesh and blood left."

The big tortoise walked out from behind Jiang Chen, boasting proudly, it was extremely arrogant, it looked like a turtle, it walked upright, with its two paws behind its back, and it looked like a peerless powerhouse, which made many people feel ashamed. In his eyes, the eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets.

"Jiang Chen was seriously injured, but it was just a trapped beast that was still fighting. Next, it's time for the Great Immortal to make a move. Dare I ask, who will fight?" The big tortoise said again.

It stretched out a paw as an invitation, calm and relaxed, with the demeanor of a master, which once again surprised people.

"This Great Immortal is peerless and invincible. Do you think Jiang Chen is strong? In fact, this Great Immortal is stronger. The sum of ten Jiang Chens is not enough for this Great Immortal. Come on, challenge yourself to your heart's content, and let you see and see." The peerless beauty of this Great Immortal." The big tortoise said leisurely, intoxicated.

"It's time to wake up, it's not dark yet." Jiang Chen hit the big turtle with a backhand.

"Don't worry, I can continue playing." The big tortoise laughed.

"Go away." Lifting his foot, Jiang Chen kicked the big turtle flying, making it roll as far as he could.

"Who else?" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Jiang Chen knew that it wasn't just the three of Qi Ji who were secretly watching those people, it was just that the others hadn't had time to stand up.

Even though it had reached such a point, Jiang Chen didn't mind at all, and settled all these old accounts of rotten rice.

No one spoke, all were silent.

"there is none left?"

Jiang Chen chuckled, knowing that no one would admit it, and would just wait silently for the next opportunity.

But as everyone knows, this opportunity is unprecedentedly good, if you can't seize it, there will be no next time.

"Why are you guilty?"

That kind of voice didn't fall, suddenly, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed at a person.

Following Jiang Chen's pointing, the man's face couldn't help changing drastically, and the muscles on his face twitched wildly.

"If you want to kill me, Jiang Chen, you can be more straightforward. Why hide it? It's hard work." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

His spiritual consciousness evolved, and his spiritual sense was so sharp that it was unimaginable. Although there are many people here, every move of each person cannot escape Jiang Chen's perception.

Some people are afraid, some are in awe, some are disdainful, and some are guilty...

All kinds of emotions reacted one by one from everyone's eyes and expressions, which were very subtle and inconspicuous, but they were still caught by Jiang Chen one by one, without hiding.

What Jiang Chen wanted was fear and awe, regardless of whether he was guilty or disdainful, normally, Jiang Chen would not necessarily care about it, but this time was different from the past, Jiang Chen did not intend to let anyone go.

"Brother Jiang, you misunderstood." The man mumbled, his eyes flickering.

"Then, just think I misunderstood." Jiang Chen said lazily, suddenly his figure moved, and he rushed towards that person.

Seeing this, the man was shocked, but his reaction was extremely fast, and he retreated to the rear immediately. Unfortunately, compared with Jiang Chen, his speed was as high as the sky and the ground.

The fist was flickering, there was no suspense at all, Jiang Chen punched out, suppressing domineeringly.

"Will anyone still want to kill me, Jiang Chen? Do you think that if you don't speak, you can escape this calamity?" Jiang Chen smiled at Yan Yan, very gentle and harmless.

He walked among the crowd, speaking in a casual and relaxed tone, but every time he made a move, someone would inevitably fall, that kind of killing could be called killing one person in ten steps.

"Jiang Chen, you are too deceitful!"

After all, someone couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded with extreme annoyance.

Jiang Chen took the initiative to kill people, regardless of the reason, all according to his order, without giving a chance to refute, one word is a life, one word determines life and death.

This kind of behavior made everyone inexplicably horrified, and deep in their hearts, it was as if a stormy sea had been set off!

Before, not everyone had seen Jiang Chen, let alone dealt with Jiang Chen. Only now did they realize how domineering Jiang Chen was.

That is a promise of life and death, which means that here, Jiang Chen rules everything, whoever he wants lives will live, and whoever he wants dies will die.

This kind of behavior made it difficult for everyone to calm down. They were frightened and frightened. They really wanted to leave, but they were worried that they would cause misunderstandings and die tragically for no reason.

"Did you finally jump out?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and chuckled, and looked up.

"Jiang Chen, why are you bothering me so much? I'm just speaking out of righteousness. If you do too much unrighteousness, you will be killed yourself. Do it yourself." The man said, turned around and left.

"Since it's been said so much, why bother to leave?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, one step forward, he stopped him.

"Jiang Chen, could it be that you want to kill me? Or, you have no plan today and let us leave alive?" The man said in a stern voice, obviously shocked and angry.

"To sow discord, you want me, Jiang Chen, to be the target of all the criticism?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said slowly: "The idea is good, but the method is too low."

"In other words, even if I, Jiang Chen, are targeted by everyone, so what? Who can do anything to me? Even if the whole world is an enemy, why should I be afraid of Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, even if you are invincible in this garden of all things, what will happen to you when you get out of the garden of all things? Be a human being and keep a line so that we can meet later. If you are truly an enemy of the world, you are destined not to have Good end." The man said viciously.

"What you said seems to make sense, but unfortunately, you can't convince me." Jiang Chen said casually, raising his palm to kill.

He, Jiang Chen, acted unruly. On the surface, he seemed to be unscrupulous and unscrupulous, but Jiang Chen himself was not the kind of person who killed indiscriminately, and he controlled every measure.

It can be said that the people Jiang Chen killed were all those who should be killed in his opinion, and he never killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Therefore, even if he offended various forces, even if he bore a lifetime of infamy, how could Jiang Chen care?
This person thinks that this way, he can be clamped down and let him use the mouse. It is too much a matter of course. Since Jiang Chen has murderous thoughts towards him, even if he pierces that day, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to let him live. out of this world.

"Wait, you can go!" After cleaning up, Jiang Chen waved his hand and asked casually.

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief. They once thought that Jiang Chen would kill them all. At this time, Jiang Chen actually let them go. They didn't dare to hesitate, and ran away in a hurry, lest Jiang Chen change his mind. , a big kill.

"It's too boring, there is no one who can fight." The big tortoise said without interest.

"Where are the key fragments?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

There is no way, these words are becoming more and more, and there is a tendency to develop into chatterbox.

"Brother Jiang, why worry, just take your time, I think this place is extraordinary, maybe there will be another chance." The big turtle said.

It is observing and exploring, and believes that this sword mountain is not simple, and may have other deep meanings, which need to be further explored.

"Brother Jiang, do you think it is possible for that peerless Xeon to use the mountain as his tomb to leave a legacy here?" Finally, the big tortoise said.

Because nothing was found, this situation made the big tortoise very unwilling, thinking that since the peerless Xeon entered the Zhenwu Continent, it is impossible to leave nothing behind, otherwise, wouldn't it be that the legacy was lost?
Then, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise left without gaining anything. A sword mountain preaching is the inheritance. Jiang Chen and the big tortoise realized this. Although they regretted it, they didn't want to waste time.

This time, without any hindrance, Jiang Chen got a key fragment. Counting the one he snatched from the big turtle last time, Jiang Chen already had two key fragments.

"At least three key fragments must be assembled." The big tortoise said so. It said that the more key fragments it finds, the more likely it is to obtain the inheritance when the secret realm of inheritance is opened.

When Jiang Chen and the big tortoise left the forbidden area, this place was no longer mysterious.

"Tao should not be passed on lightly." Jiang Chen whispered.

The Tao has been passed on, and the rules in the taboo domain are slowly dissipating, and it won't take long for it to be completely integrated with the Garden of All Things.

"Let's you be magnificent, who in the world will not die?" said the big tortoise, sighing with incomparable emotion...

(End of this chapter)

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