genius evil

Chapter 1452 The Descendants of God

Chapter 1452 The Descendants of God
When the news of the Sword Mountain came out, the Garden of All Things was boiling.

Jiang Chen killed the three of Qi and Ji with one punch. The spread of such news directly caused many geniuses to realize that they had to re-evaluate Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen was listed as a dangerous object before, then at this time, Jiang Chen was listed as the most dangerous object, not one of them.

It can be said that Jiang Chen's danger level has soared all the way.

"Brother Jiang, what are you doing, have you become stronger again?"

The innocent-looking young man smiled naively, his whole body was soaked in blood, and in his blood-stained palm, there was a fragment of a key.

This is Sirius Mu, who bleeds all the way, and after all, there is something to be gained. In front of his line of sight, there are several torn figures. Sirius Mu is berserk, and under the rampage, he is almost invincible.

"I don't know if there is a shortage of monks, how is the harvest?" Mu Sirius chuckled.

Although so far, it has not been reported that Jiang Chen has obtained key fragments, but Mu Tianlang knows that Jiang Chen will definitely not be behind anyone, and must have obtained at least one key fragment.

Another figure, walking barefoot, his clothes are old, his face is expressionless, his hair is cut very short, and the roots stand upside down, so he looks more resolute, but he also looks like a stone, Or a wooden sculpture.

He was walking, but whenever he met someone, he would avoid them one after another, and no one dared to get close to him. Even though he remained motionless, it seemed that he even forgot to blink his eyeballs.

The aura of this person is quite weird, as if lingering with death aura, but it is also extremely strong. The two auras that could not coexist in the first place perfectly merged on him.

This is the stone tomb of the descendants of the tomb guards!

"Jiang Chen?"

A hoarse voice came from the depths of his throat. After all, there was a rare expression on that expressionless face.

Powerful existences appeared one after another and participated in the competition for the key fragments. As time went by, the competition quickly became fierce.

Another figure in yellow was walking in the garden of all things. She was charming and gorgeous, with an indescribable and peerless demeanor. There was a peach blossom pinned between her hair.

Peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the rich fragrance permeates the air, but people are more delicate than flowers, walking along the way, arousing countless astonishing gazes.

Suddenly, that peach blossom burst into pieces, and the petals were flying all over the sky. It was clearly just a peach blossom, but it was raining petals, gorgeous and splendid.

This is the ultimate bloom. When the petals withered and withered, Shang Heng walked past calmly, and there was an extra key fragment in his hand.


One after another, the key fragments changed from unowned to owned, and were found out at an extremely fast speed, and then divided up.

"The last key fragment is left." The big turtle reminded.

Of the nine key fragments, only the last one was left for the ownerless thing, and the remaining eight, except for Jiang Chen's possession of two, all fell into the hands of others.

More than a dozen Imperial Martial Academy, in this competition, got nothing, and the imperial family, Qin Shiji got one, but Jiang Chen was slightly surprised that Princess Xingyue also got one. pieces.

The two represent the Great Qin Empire and the Haoyue Empire respectively, and finally, it will not cause the royal families of many empires to lose face.

Of course, in terms of the empire's background, in the end, only two key fragments were obtained. In some people's eyes, this is already a shame.

There are four other key fragments, which were obtained by Shi Ling, Zu Long, Mu Sirius and Shang Heng respectively...

These are not secrets, and of course it is impossible to keep them secret, and they are known by the vast majority of people.

"Stone Ling? Zulong?"

Someone was amazed, and suddenly discovered that apart from these two, the other people who got the key fragments were more or less related to Jiang Chen.

It gives people the feeling that Jiang Chen is weaving a network and laying out a game of world-shattering chess. If Shi Ling and Zu Long were not born, no one can imagine what kind of changes will happen.

Jiang Chen ran rampant in the garden of all things, made enemies on all sides, and offended countless people. It seemed that he had no friends at all, but in fact, the people who had such interests with Jiang Chen were all peerless and powerful people.

This kind of situation made many people feel terrified and moved, which was greatly unexpected.

"Jiang Chen got two key fragments?"

Someone said with hindsight.

Jiang Chen was so powerful that he couldn't doubt or slander him, and he didn't need anyone's acknowledgment, but the situation of getting two key fragments still made many people amazed.

Love knows that in this garden of all things, Jiang Chen's actions seem to be suspected of cutting off his own way, but in fact, Jiang Chen's way forward is endlessly brilliant.

"There is the last key fragment, who will it go to?"

Someone asked such a question. Of the nine key fragments, the last one remains unowned. Then there is no doubt that the next battle will be more intense and bloody confrontation will be staged.

"The Great Immortal wants that key fragment." The big tortoise openly made a sound, announcing that it had reserved the last key fragment, and no one could compete with it, otherwise it would be its enemy, and the consequences would be disastrous.

However, this is suspected of being a tortoise, and not many people give the big tortoise face.

The last key fragment meant the last hope, not to mention the voice of the big tortoise, even if it was Jiang Chen's voice, it was impossible to shock everyone.

After all, once the Secret Realm of Inheritance is opened and you have the key fragments, you will take the lead. Such an opportunity is impossible for anyone to give it up to others.

"Where is the last key fragment?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't know!"

The big tortoise shook his head, and then said: "The number nine, on the Zhenwu Continent, is very interesting. It is an extremely large number. It changes in preview and is elusive..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Jiang Chen couldn't listen anymore.

"I really don't know." The big tortoise said sternly, lest it would cause a violent beating, and then said, "Even, I suspect that there is no ninth key fragment at all."

But the big tortoise was wrong. On this day, the ninth key was found and obtained by someone who was previously unknown and had a name that was unfamiliar to everyone.

"Yan Daojun."

"Why does this name sound familiar?" The big tortoise murmured brokenly, suddenly realizing that it had always been very clueless, and at this time, it was clearly startled.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This person has a terrifying history." The big tortoise said very seriously, "If it is not necessary, you must not offend him."

"It depends on whether he offends me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Brother Jiang, listen to me. If you know the origin of this person, even if he points at your nose and scolds you, you will never want to offend him." The big turtle said.

"Oh?" Jiang Chen was extremely curious.

Exactly how big is the backing for the big tortoise to say such things.

"Pointing at the nose and scolding me?" Jiang Chen was astonished. He didn't have such a good self-restraint.

"He came to an unknown place. I don't know the specifics for the time being, but it is definitely more amazing than the identities of Zu Long and Mu Sirius." The big tortoise said convincingly, with rare seriousness, and then warned Jiang Chen , Countless years ago, someone said that in the Eastern Territory, there was a person with a surname who was called a descendant of a god.That surname is Yan.

Yan Daojun got the last key fragment and became famous all over the world.

He has never fought before, he is very peaceful, his hands are not stained with killing, and his appearance is also ordinary. He is destined to belong to the type that is difficult to attract attention.

However, it was a blockbuster.

This is an unfamiliar name, causing countless conjectures.

Originally, the ninth key fragment was something that countless powerful beings must contend for, but in the end, for some reason, there was an unprecedented calm.

Gradually, news spread that revealed the identity of Daoist Yan. Such a statement was exactly the same as what the big tortoise said.

Moreover, someone solemnly warned that they would rather offend Jiang Chen than offend Daoist Yan.

"It's disgusting, it's clearly pushing you to the opposite of Taoist Yan." The big tortoise said angrily.

Someone intentionally revealed the identity information of Daoist Yan, which was nothing at all, but comparing it with Jiang Chen, wouldn't it make Jiang Chen a thorn in Daoist Yan's side?

"It's just a descendant of a false god." Jiang Chen said casually, but he didn't take it to heart.

Of course, if he knew the identity of the person who revealed the news, Jiang Chen would not be able to let it go easily.

Martial Dao Extreme Realm, Martial Shattering Void, in fact, in Jiang Chen's view, the Yan family is at most a strong person who has proved the Dao, and is far from a god.


The big tortoise was surprised, and the look it looked at Jiang Chen became extremely strange for a while. After a long time, it said, "Brother Jiang, no one knows about your identity so far. Could it be you..."

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded.

"You know what I'm going to say?" The big tortoise's eyes were even more strange.

"I am the descendant of the true god, with a mission to save the common people in the world. Who knows how great I am?" Jiang Chen sighed, sighing with emotion.

"Brother Jiang, you are really shameless." The big tortoise angrily.

"This is the truth." Jiang Chen's face remained unchanged.

Taoist Yan's identity was revealed, and he instantly became the absolute focus of attention, and his limelight was even greater than that of Jiang Chen.

Then, news broke out again that a talented and strong man launched a provocation against Yan Daojun. As a result, he didn't even have a chance to make a move, but was suppressed.

This news, in one fell swoop, pushed Yan Daojun to the forefront.

"A mere false god, pretending to be."

Mu Tianlang spat out a mouthful of saliva and said dismissively.

"A member of the Yan family?"

Shi Ling sat under a tree, he didn't move, his face was expressionless, he just said these four words.

"It's a lot of fun."

Zu Long said so, he was very excited, and his eyes showed the splendor of killing.

"The Yan family? For a long time, no one has come out and walked around."

Shang Heng said softly, like raving.

Accompanied by such messy and disseminated news, a group of geniuses gathered in one direction one after another, but all the geniuses who entered the Garden of Everything were without exception except those who had fallen.

"It's time to go." Jiang Chen said, standing on the back of the big tortoise, the two of them walked slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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