genius evil

Chapter 1453 Stupid and Bad

Chapter 1453 Stupid and Bad
With many powerful warriors entering the Garden of Myriad Things, there are few secrets to speak of in the Garden of Myriad Things. Before that, it had been a mysterious and extraordinary taboo field. After the Sword Mountain Preaching Method, its rules dissipated, and it gradually became less mysterious.

Of course, if you want to thoroughly understand the secrets of the Garden of Everything, you must use a key that opens the door to this world.

At this time, the nine scattered key fragments have all been found, which indicates that the ultimate nature and truth of this world will soon be revealed.

All kinds of killing and scrambling are just for this moment.

Countless geniuses and strong men, with fiery hearts, are on their way, using extreme speed, to go to the ultimate land in the Garden of Everything that no one has ever set foot on so far.

"There, it is called the ultimate place of the garden of all things, and you can also think that it is the origin of the garden of all things." The big tortoise said to Jiang Chen while walking.

Then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, the big tortoise said again, "Do you know why Huafan and the powerhouses above cannot enter the Garden of Myriad Things? Because they are rejected by the source of the Garden of Myriad Things, once they enter it, they will Causing a great catastrophe."

"Powerful beings are not allowed to enter the Garden of Everything. For endless years, the ultimate nature of the Garden of Everything has never been fully revealed." The big tortoise continued.

It sighed with emotion and said: "It is really a great world, where strong men emerge in large numbers, and geniuses are like clouds... However, in every great world, there will always be unpredictable changes. Only when the strong remain strong can they become stronger... ...No matter what, this time, even if it offends everyone, it must be done by any means!"

The big tortoise said a lot in one breath, with a rare seriousness and earnestness. Such admonitions were extremely cautious, so that Jiang Chen would not take it seriously.

"Brother Wangcai, I'm ready to teach my body skills and unparalleled secret techniques quickly. When I succeed in cultivation, I will be invincible under the starry sky. At that time, you and I will travel across the sea of ​​stars and traverse the universe. What a pleasure! "Jiang Chen yelled.

The big tortoise's face turned black, did it count as shooting itself in the foot?

"I just want the Transformation Technique, brother Jiang. If you can help me get it, I can exchange it with you for a supreme secret technique." After thinking for a while, the big turtle said.

Jiang Chen touched the big tortoise's head very affectionately, and then looked at the big tortoise affectionately, making the tortoise's head numb and trembling with fear.

"Brother Wangcai, with the relationship between you and me, is it necessary to say such a thing? It's too outlandish, but you must have a share of everything that belongs to me, Jiang Chen. Remember, you must never say this again in the future. I don't like it very much." Jiang Chen said with a stare.

"Brother Jiang, Ming people don't speak dark words." The big tortoise said, it didn't even believe the punctuation marks in what Jiang Chen said.

This is because, having been with Jiang Chen day and night, they got to know each other too well. Jiang Chen has always been the kind of person who has nothing to gain, and it is impossible for the big turtle to be moved so easily.

"Okay, deal!" Jiang Chen said immediately.


Many geniuses and strong men rushed to the road, but the movement was quite astonishing. Along the way, Jiang Chen saw many familiar faces.

"Brother Jiang." Zhong Shenxiu stepped forward and greeted Jiang Chen proactively.

"Brother Jiang, your demeanor is even better than before."

The rest of the members of the Seven Star Martial Academy also stepped forward one after another. Except for that Jian Xiuming who had an ugly face, the rest of them were all smiling, as if they knew Jiang Chen very well.

"Brother Jiang, how about we go together?" said Cao Xi, smiling coquettishly.

"No problem, we are from the same family, so we should love each other." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen agreed directly and straightforwardly, but on the contrary, Cao Xi and others were taken aback.

"Is there a problem? Or should I hesitate again and again, refuse at first, then you wait for mercy, I refuse again, you wait for mercy, I still refuse?" The smile on Jiang Chen's face grew stronger.

"Brother Jiang, you really know how to joke." Cao Xi said embarrassingly.

"Haha" the big tortoise just burst out laughing.

Everyone was stunned, looking at the big tortoise, not understanding why the big tortoise laughed.

"Didn't you say that Jiang Chen was joking? So I smiled casually to show respect. Hurry up and smile for me, why don't you guys laugh?" said the big turtle with a big grin.

Everyone is full of embarrassment, and how can they laugh.

"Brother Jiang, you and I are both disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy. As you said, we should love each other and help each other." However, Jian Xiuming spoke.

He spoke leisurely, and said again: "Before entering the Garden of All Things this time, Elder Yue Dong repeatedly told us that we must work together as one."

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

"I heard that you got two key fragments. From my point of view, you should hand over one of them..." Jian Xiuming said.


Before Jian Xiuming could speak, Jiang Chen's figure moved and disappeared from the back of the big turtle. He stretched out his hand and slapped Jian Xiuming's face.

There was a crisp slap sound, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, half of Jian Xiuming's cheeks became red and swollen.

"Brother Jian, what did you say just now, the wind was too strong, so I didn't hear clearly, why don't you say it again?" Jiang Chen rubbed his right palm and said casually.

"Jiang Chen, am I wrong? Don't forget, all of your current achievements are given by the Seven Star Martial Academy. Otherwise, you are nothing. Could it be that you want to be that ungrateful person? ?” Jian Xiuming said in a vicious voice.

Jiang Chen wanted to slap him, and he didn't even have a chance to dodge it. This was no different from public humiliation, and Jian Xiu was furious.


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen slapped Jian Xiuming's face again.

"Brother Jian, tell me, let me tell you what's good about you? It's a lot of age, but you still have such a childlike innocence." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Jiang, this is not childlike at heart, but stupid and bad." The big turtle said jokingly.

"Jiang Chen, you can pretend to be crazy and refuse to admit it, but in the final analysis, you are a disciple of the Seven Star Martial Academy. If it weren't for the protection of the Seven Star Martial Academy, I can assure you that you would have died long ago." Jian Xiuming said viciously. Said.

After two slaps, his cheeks were bruised and purple. Even without looking in the mirror, Jian Xiuming knew that he was disfigured and swollen like a pig's head.

"Really, stupid and bad." Jiang Chen was extremely speechless, looked at Zhong Shenxiu, and said, "Brother Zhong, what do you think, why don't you tell me? Maybe, for your sake, I will Don’t even think about it seriously.”

Zhong Shenxiu shook his head and said, "I have no opinion."

After the words fell, Zhong Shenxiu turned around and left. The rest of the people were all anxious when they saw this. They took a look at Jiang Chen and followed quickly after all.

"This Zhong Shenxiu is still a character." The big turtle said with a smile.

"Indeed." Jiang Chen nodded.

Zhong Shenxiu was as proud as ever, and didn't bother to say anything more. It was obvious that Zhong Shenxiu only said hello because he met her, while the rest of the people would be wrong.

"The only pity is that he was born at an untimely time." The big turtle said.

"Being born in the same era as me, Jiang Chen, is destined to be a great tragedy." Jiang Chen said with incomparable conceit.

Several hours later, a calm and waveless lake came into Jiang Chen's eyes.

"That's Mirror Lake!" said the big turtle.

This is the destination, known as the ultimate source of the garden of all things.

The surface of Jinghu Lake is like a mirror. At first glance, it is the same color as the sky. It is strange and magnificent, and it is magnificent. It is seen by many warriors, and they are all impressed by it.

"The surface of Jinghu Lake is like a mirror, reflecting the entire Garden of Everything," said the big turtle.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness swept past, and he could easily catch it. On the mirror lake, there were Taoism and law principles intertwined, which was extremely miraculous.

"I heard that the mirror lake was formed with only that drop of water of life at the beginning." The big tortoise said this, recalling the past, it said, "There is another saying that the formation of the mirror lake is the supreme power that builds the garden of all things. transformed by the essence of life."

"Of course, there are other theories. There are so many strange things, it's hard to say... When I was in a long sleep, I vaguely heard a voice. It was the most powerful power to build the garden of all things. They seemed to be looking for something, but, what are they looking for? what?"

The big tortoise has lived for endless years, and it is likely that the garden of all things existed at the beginning of its existence. It is a living history. In this case, Jiang Chen's heart moved when the big tortoise said it one by one.

"Looking for? What would that be?" Jiang Chen whispered.

He knew in his heart that there must be an answer to this question. The woman in the portrait of the Goddess, as one of the builders of the Garden of Everything, must know the answer.

However, even if you ask, it is impossible to tell the woman in the portrait of the goddess.

The water surface of Jinghu Lake is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky, blurred and dazzling, as if it has been coated with a layer of mercury. Such a strange scene makes many geniuses who appear here dazzled.

"The realm in the rumors." Someone said.

A lake, bearing endless legends, this is the ultimate place.

"They should show up too." At this moment, the voice of the big tortoise rang in Jiang Chen's ears.

It was neither too early nor too late for Jiang Chen and the big turtle to come. They had already seen a figure by the lake, standing barefoot. He remained silent. It was Shi Ling.

In the other direction, Zu Long put his hands behind his back and remained silent.

The two are powerful, within tens of meters of the body, no one has dared to get close, attracting countless attentions.

Jiang Chen was even more dazzling, he was already a legendary figure, standing on the back of a big tortoise, one person and one tortoise, strange and coordinated, giving people an indescribable feeling.

Until, another person appeared, and there was a small commotion on the edge of the lake. It was an ordinary-looking man, who came alone and walked slowly.

But when many martial artists saw his figure, they subconsciously shrank their pupils, and they all avoided and made way for him.

That's Taoist Yan, here he comes.

This person once stole Jiang Chen's limelight, but when he appeared now, he didn't look any different...

(End of this chapter)

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