genius evil

Chapter 1454 Be My Favorite

Chapter 1454 Be My Favorite
After Yan Daojun, someone appeared again, Mu Sirius and Monk Youque came hand in hand, one of them had a pure face, the other had kind eyebrows and kind eyes, they looked extremely harmless.

"Ha ha……"

Mu Tianlang laughed, extremely cheerful, and strode towards Jiang Chen with big strides, hugging Jiang Chen forcefully, with exceptional enthusiasm.

"Brother Jiang, I heard that you have a pet." After letting go of Jiang Chen, Mu Sirius looked at the big tortoise and said amusedly.

"You're farting, shut up, it's clear that Jiang Chen is my favorite, what do you know?" the big turtle scolded.

"Personal pet? Brother Jiang, is there such a saying?" Asked Mu Sirius.

"It wasn't there before, but now it is. Why, you are not convinced? If you are not convinced, then shoot. I will see that the Great Immortal will suppress you in minutes and slap your face with blood." The big turtle shouted.

Leaning at Mu Sirius, the big tortoise asked incomparably arrogantly: "Who are you? Tell me your identity and history, so that I can let the Great Immortal know whether you have the qualifications to be favored by the Great Immortal."

"Mu Sirius." Mu Sirius said with a smile.

"What a messy name, do you think it's great to come from that mysterious tribe?" The big tortoise sneered, but it was the background of Mu Sirius~Jing Menerqing.

"The Great Immortal once visited that tribe as a guest. Who doesn't respect the Great Immortal? Forget it, barely, you have the qualifications to be the favorite of the Great Immortal. From now on, you will be the favorite of the Great Immortal, only the Great Immortal It is my fate." The big tortoise chattered.

"Huh?" Mu Tianlang was a little surprised, with suspicious eyes, but he couldn't tell whether what the big turtle said was true or false.

"And you, little bald head, don't look around, it's you..." The big turtle took a fancy to Monk Youque again, and said, "Is that ruined temple still down? I remember it very clearly. Without incense, could it be that those old monks are doing their old jobs again?"

"Amitabha, this little monk comes from Naleiyin Temple, not a ruined temple." After reciting the Buddha's name, the monk Youque said so.

"It's just a ruined temple. Could it be that this great immortal would say the wrong thing?" The big turtle sneered, "The bald people there are the most vicious. Haven't they done any tricks and abductions? This bullshit Duzao thing, this great immortal is better than anyone else. clear."

Monk You Que looked awkward, but like Mu Sirius, he tended to be bluffed by the big tortoise.

They were skeptical, but they had no way to refute what the big tortoise said.

"Little bald head, I think you have a lot of wisdom. How about this, you are so-so, and you are my favorite. From now on, you will follow this great immortal and practice the art of reaching the sky." The big turtle said carelessly.

"What is the art of reaching the sky?" Monk Youque was quite serious, and naturally it was impossible to be so easily bewitched by the big turtle, thus betraying his own beliefs.

"The so-called sky-reaching technique is naturally the fairy's secret technique." The big tortoise said with certainty and seriousness, "Of course, there is no need to explain too much. When you follow the great fairy, you will naturally know everything."

"Are there any immortals in the world?" Monk Youque was very persistent as if he didn't hear what the big tortoise said.

"Of course there is!" The big tortoise sneered, and said: "There is a difference between immortals and ordinary people, how can you imagine what kind of means it is."

"Then, what is an immortal and what is an ordinary?" However, Monk You Que asked again.

"Presumptuous!" The big tortoise was furious. Judging from the situation, it was clearly becoming angry from embarrassment. It scolded, "You talk too much nonsense. If you dare to talk too much, I will slap you."

Monk You Que smiled lightly, chanted the Buddha's name, and said leisurely: "So, thank you for your kindness. I am grateful, but I can't follow, I can only regret it."

"It's really a pity. After all, not everyone has the qualification to be favored by the Great Immortal. If you refuse this time, you will regret it for the rest of your life." The big tortoise said solemnly.

While talking, the eyes of the big tortoise suddenly lit up, and then opened the corner of his mouth and said: "Girl, you and I are very destined, why don't you pamper me?"

Qin Shiji led Wen Yanxi and Ye Yufan all the way towards Jiang Chen. They were old acquaintances, but they had a pretty good friendship.

So, since he found that Jiang Chen had come to Jinghu Lake, Qin Shiji naturally wanted to go up and say hello.

The big tortoise's words were directed at Wen Yanxi. After hearing the sound, Wen Yanxi didn't look at the big tortoise at all, but looked at Jiang Chen.

Because, in Wen Yanxi's view, these words that the big tortoise said were undoubtedly instigated by Jiang Chen, otherwise, how could the big tortoise say such things?
"This girl, what are you looking at? Don't doubt, Jiang Chen is also the favorite of this Great Immortal." Noticing Wen Yanxi's reaction, the big turtle said so.

"Brother Jiang, is what this tortoise said true or false?" Ye Yufan asked wonderingly.

"What kind of thing are you to dare to question the words of this Great Immortal? Are you impatient? Simply tell you that you want to die, and this Great Immortal will help you!" said the big turtle in a vicious voice.

The corner of Ye Yufan's mouth twitched, and he looked at the big tortoise like a ghost. Even though he knew the name of the big tortoise, he had to say he was inexplicably surprised.


After all, Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped the big turtle to the ground.

"Jiang Chen, as a pet, you have to know yourself." The big turtle said, quite stubborn.


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen slapped the big turtle to the ground again.

"Jiang Chen, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands." The big tortoise yelled loudly and was knocked over twice in a row. It felt humiliated and couldn't bear it.


However, Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to what the big tortoise was saying, and turned the big tortoise over for the third time.

"You are ruthless, I will bear it!"

The big tortoise was very frustrated, it didn't give him any face at all, knowing that if it continued to make trouble, it would lose face even more, so it could only bow its head.

"Miss Wen, this guy is too smart, don't worry about it." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Wen Yanxi couldn't hold it back, and rolled her eyes, but she thought it was Jiang Chen and the big tortoise who were acting. From her point of view, if the big tortoise was smart, then wouldn't it be that Jiang Chen was also smart?

"Brother Jiang, this pet you have is really special." Qin Shiji said at this time.

"No, I have to correct it, I'm not a pet." The big tortoise was extremely wronged. Why, it's okay for Mu Sirius to say that, but Qin Shiji thinks so too. Could it be that it really looks like Jiang Chen's pet? ?

"Brother Qin, you are the same, you really impress me." Jiang Chen said with a smile, referring to Qin Shiji's acquisition of a key fragment.

Previously, Qin Shiji did not show the mountains and did not reveal the water. At the critical moment, he made a blockbuster and obtained a key fragment. This matter, I have to say, surprised Jiang Chen more or less.

"It's just luck." Qin Shiji is a smart person, so he can understand the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words. He said with a light smile, but he didn't talk too much with Jiang Chen. Between the two parties, it is enough to know each other. .


However, just as Jiang Chen and Qin Shiji were talking, the big tortoise suddenly let out a strange scream, and turned into a look of color and soul.

Jiang Chen was speechless, this guy is more and more like a human now, it is really hard to imagine what it would look like if the big tortoise practiced the technique of transforming into a human.

In the distance, a figure approached, graceful and graceful, the distance was extremely far away, but many people's attention was attracted to it, sunk into it, and it was difficult to extricate itself.

That was Shang Heng, she walked slowly, her clothes were windy, her charm was natural, every move she made exuded an indescribable charm.

Under the charm of that kind of breath, all those who are not strong-willed will tend to become the ministers under their skirts.

"This woman is becoming more and more outrageous." Jiang Chen chuckled.

He has dealt with Shang Heng several times, and the close contact between the two parties can be regarded as the person who knows Shang Heng best, but even so, Jiang Chen still has a feeling that he can't restrain his emotions when he suddenly finds Shang Heng. trend.

With his heart and nature, if this is the case, the rest of the people can be imagined.

This is the true confidante, and it is no exaggeration to say that the words "confidante and perjury" were invented especially for Shang Heng.

Because, her existence is a disaster for the whole group.

"Miss Sister, you're finally here." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and with a movement of his figure, he quickly rushed forward and pulled Shang Heng into his arms.

"Little brother, is it really okay for you to rub my sister and me like this?" Shang Heng chuckled lightly, smiling sweetly.

She originally had a chance to dodge, but for some reason, at the moment Jiang Chen rushed over, she was unable to move as if she had been immobilized.

"I think it's very good, very good." Jiang Chen said with a smile, since Shang Heng said he was taking advantage of it, then naturally he would not be polite and took advantage of it presumptuously.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, and Shang Heng was helpless and speechless. Why did she feel like she was accepting her fate, as if she appeared just to take advantage of Jiang Chen.

Under the slight trembling of her tender body, Shang Heng finally pushed Jiang Chen away. She smiled sweetly and possessed the charm of ecstasy. Every frown and smile touched the minds of everyone, making many geniuses and powerhouses restless. disturbed.

And after Shang Heng, another person appeared, that is Princess Xingyue of the Haoyue Empire, and the four maids followed, like stars holding the moon, even on such an occasion, Princess Xingyue was still So different.

Princess Xingyue appeared, and was recognized by many people. There were murmurs among the crowd, and they were astonished. This astonishment was different from when Shang Heng appeared, because Princess Xingyue and Shang Heng were very close. Difficult to compare together.

And once they are compared, it is extremely unfair to both Shang Heng and Princess Xingyue, almost humiliating.

"Jiang Chen, do you still remember what you said to me?" Princess Xingyue asked straightforwardly.

"I remember." Jiang Chen said incomparably bluntly, he chuckled, and said: "Eight words, a hundred years of marriage, and a precious son!"

(End of this chapter)

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