genius evil

Chapter 1455 Opening the Secret Realm of Inheritance

Chapter 1455 Opening the Secret Realm of Inheritance

Previously, Jiang Chen chased after Princess Xingyue, causing quite a commotion. In the end, the two sides reached a cooperation alliance, which surprised many people.

In such a scene, it is considered that there may be an unclear relationship between the two, which is tricky.

Now, in front of countless people, Jiang Chen answered in eight words what he once said to Princess Xingyue, which made people's eyes drop.

"Sure enough."

Some people were amazed, they couldn't tell whether it was jealousy or envy, they could only say that Jiang Chen was so beautiful and blessed that even a woman like Princess Xingyue was captured by him.

"Princess Xingyue has fallen, who will be next?"

Some people also said that they found that the women around Jiang Chen could be described as just looking at flowers on horseback. One after another, the proud daughters of heaven were brutally murdered by him.

"Why, I am clearly more attractive than Jiang Chen."

Of course, there were also some people who were very unconvinced and felt sorry for themselves, thinking that they were obviously better at winning women's favor than Jiang Chen.


"To shut up!"

"Don't tarnish the princess' reputation."

"Apologize quickly!"


However, after Jiang Chen said such words, several of Princess Xingyue's accompanying maids became very annoyed and scolded one after another.

"This is human nature, human relations are the most reasonable, how can it be insulting?" Jiang Chen shook his head, and said solemnly: "You are still young and don't understand anything. After a few years, you will understand what I said. Makes sense."

"Still shut up!"

The maid shouted loudly, she couldn't bear it anymore, she just wished she could fly forward and fight Jiang Chen desperately.

"Enough." Princess Xingyue yelled. She glanced at Jiang Chen coldly, and said, "This is just this one time. If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will not be polite."

"Princess Xingyue, I understand what you mean. Let's talk about these words quietly in the future." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Princess Xingyue's complexion changed drastically, because Jiang Chen's words were clearly intentional, and a whispered word made the relationship between her and Jiang Chen even more unclear.

But Princess Xingyue didn't speak any more. She knew in her heart that there were too many mistakes. With Jiang Chen's lazy character, no matter whether he explained or reprimanded him, it would become more and more chaotic, and in the end, it would become more and more black.


Princess Xingyue led the four maids, which attracted some attention. The relationship between her and Jiang Chen also attracted countless people's imagination.

At the same time, this means that the owners of the keys to the nine fragments of the Inheritance Secret Realm gathered at the edge of Mirror Lake.

So far, except for Shiling Zulong and the mysterious Yan Daojun, the rest of the people have dealt with Jiang Chen more or less, and there are even some people who have different relationships with Jiang Chen. Faye's friendship.

"That's Shiling?"

Mu Tianlang looked at Shiling, and said interestingly.

Long before the opening of the Garden of Everything, geniuses from all directions gathered towards Tianhai City, and Shiling was well-known. , his whereabouts, not many people know.

At this time, he appeared, showing his true face, claiming to come from an ancient cemetery, with a pair of iron fists to rule the world, Mu Sirius was quite interested in it.


In comparison, the existence of Zu Long attracted the attention of Monk Youque more, coming from a mysterious ancestral land, whose identity is unknown.

But in the end, more and more eyes were cast on Yan Daojun.

It can be said that the person who owns the key fragments has the strongest and invincible combat power in the garden of all things. Taking Jiang Chen as an example, needless to say, it has been proved too many times, killing countless people.

The records of the rest of them, although compared to Jiang Chen's, were much inferior, but they didn't make a move easily, and once they did, they would inevitably be pushed and crushed.

Perhaps the only question is, between Jiang Chen and Yan Daojun, who is stronger and who is weaker, and the weakest two are none other than Qin Shiji and Princess Xingyue.

But as members of the imperial family, the two are armed with important weapons for the country, but no one dares to underestimate them.

"Jiang Chen? Yan Daojun?"

Some geniuses looked at the two of them and made guesses in their hearts.

"When will it open?" Daoist Yan's voice sounded at this moment, and while speaking, he walked towards Jiang Chen slowly.

"I heard that your family has had a miracle?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"That's just a rumor." Daoist Yan responded casually.

"You are quite self-aware." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's not a god, but it's just like a difference." Yan Daojun said casually again, in a short sentence, the meaning of pride is undoubtedly evident.

"Yes is yes, no is no, you know, the difference is thousands of miles away." Jiang Chen said.

Yan Daojun smiled lightly, and he said: "If you understand this way, there is no problem, but it seems that you haven't answered my question yet."

"It can be opened at any time." Jiang Chen said.

He is a little interested in Yan Daojun, of course, not to tear his face, just a few words of ridicule.

"Yes." Yan Daojun nodded, and then stopped talking.

He only asked about Jiang Chen, and never asked about the other owners of the key fragments. It seemed to be declaring that they were not worthy of his attention.


Zu Long made a displeased voice, and he said: "If you want to open the inheritance secret realm, have you asked my opinion? If I don't agree, who can open it?"


Before Zu Long's voice fell, the attack came immediately, and a big handprint appeared in the void. It was Yan Daojun, and he suppressed Zu Long by means of suppression.

Pei Mo Nengdang's coercion descended from the top of his head, and Zu Long lost color. He was startled and angry, and immediately attacked violently.

In the end, that handprint exploded, but Zu Long himself was quite embarrassed.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Yan Daojun sneered.

He just shot at random, just to force Zu Long to such an extent, countless geniuses and strong men, seeing such a scene in their eyes, are heartbroken.

It was unparalleled strength, as the strongest and invincible existence, Zu Long's performance in front of Yan Daojun was too unbearable, let them go further and explore the depth of Yan Daojun.

Zu Long's face was livid and black. He was extremely surprised and terrified. He thought he had invincible combat power, but in front of Daoist Yan, he lost the wind with one move.

"As expected of being a descendant of God." Zu Long whispered in his heart, at this moment, Yan Daojun's danger level rose extremely.

"Brother Jiang and I intend to open the secret realm of inheritance. If you have any objections, you can speak up." Daoist Yan's voice sounded again, which was extremely arrogant.

Jiang Chen was always the only one in his eyes, and the rest of them were all reduced to foils and backgrounds, with an indescribable grandeur that made people palpitate inexplicably.

"The power of bloodline inheritance?" Sirius Mu said silently.

The young man with a simple and honest appearance has a rare seriousness and earnestness on his face. He realizes that this is the inheritance of talent and blood.

Known as the descendant of God, even if Taoist Yan admits that he is not a god, but the power of the powerful blood is still extraordinary.

"What is this? Killing chickens to scare monkeys?" Qin Shiji said in his heart.

Yan Daojun's move was extremely sudden, without any warning, it was a means of suppression, not only Zu Long was shocked, but the rest of the people felt great pressure because of it.

Qin Shiji didn't think that Daoist Yan acted at will, he presumably had intentions, but judging from the current situation, the effect was undoubtedly very good.

"This person must be extra careful." Princess Xingyue was thinking.

Jiang Chen was a huge change, unpredictable, and now, with the addition of Yan Daojun, this time, the inheritance secret realm is opened, and the competition will be unprecedentedly tragic.

At present, the Inheritance Secret Realm has not yet begun, and Princess Xingyue had expected this.

No one spoke, and even if there were objections, they would not speak out at this time, because since the owners of the fragmented keys gathered together, it naturally meant opening the inheritance secret realm.

"Nine directions, everyone takes their place." Yan Daojun said.

After the voice fell, he disappeared in place, and in the next second, he appeared in a certain direction.

As soon as Daoist Yan moved, the rest of the people also moved. Jiang Chen and the big tortoise moved in two directions, each carrying a key fragment, which attracted extra attention.

The big tortoise held its toes high and proud, as if it was finally a daughter-in-law who became a mother-in-law. It was not easy, and finally Jiang Chen didn't abandon it at a critical moment.

Jiang Chen handed a key fragment to the big tortoise. Firstly, one of them belonged to the big tortoise. Second, the real combat power of the big tortoise was not inferior to any of them.

"Brother Jiang, what's the matter?" Yan Daojun asked.

Jiang Chen felt it for a while, nodded, and let out a low voice from deep in his throat: "Start!"

With a move of Void's big hand, a fragment of a key flew out from Jiang Chen's palm, and at about the same time, a ball of light and shadow shot out from the palm of Taoist Yan.

Everyone took action one after another, playing out the key fragments.

I just saw that on the mirror lake, nine key fragments danced intertwined and radiant, and then, the prototype of a key slowly took shape.

In just a very short period of time, the nine key fragments gathered together and became one key.

The key released a golden light, which was dazzling, attracting everyone's attention.

The golden key fell into the void, and submerged into the water surface of the mirror lake at a speed visible to the naked eye. After the golden key disappeared, I saw that the mirror-like lake surface was sprayed to both sides in an extremely incredible way. Flowing away, that one is like a door, opened by someone.

The water splashed to both sides. Such a scene was silent. Everyone held their breath and watched intently. After about a few minutes, a huge bronze door came into everyone's sight.

The huge bronze gate, tens of meters high, exudes a simple and old atmosphere, which makes people tremble, and they can't help but feel awe.

"What's behind that door?"

The huge bronze door emerged, and in an instant, a thought emerged from the minds of countless people, and their breathing became extremely hot...

(End of this chapter)

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