genius evil

Chapter 1456 One Door, One Road

Chapter 1456 One Door, One Road
It didn't make everyone wait for too long. After the giant bronze door appeared, it opened in a very short time without wind, and slowly opened to both sides.

However, what was destined to surprise everyone was that behind the giant bronze gate, there were actually seven small bronze gates.


Countless geniuses and strong men saw such a scene in their eyes, making them very confused.

"Seven doors?"

However, with a glance, Taoist Yan smiled.

Some geniuses have not yet figured out the purpose of the appearance of these seven doors, but Jiang Chen and others are well aware, which means that one door has one path.

The nine key fragments were clearly scattered in the hands of Jiang Chen's eight people. Jiang Chen gave one of the key fragments to the big tortoise, that is to say, the big tortoise was added.

Nine key fragments and nine paths, but in front of him, there are only seven small bronze doors.

In an instant, the atmosphere became subtle.

"How to distribute?" Yan Daojun said with a chuckle.

In this case, everyone should know it well, and there is no need to say it. Yan Daojun will not understand this, but he still said it casually, quite a bit, lest the world will not be chaotic. meaning.

"Brother Jiang, how about you and I each designate one person to give up on his own initiative?" Immediately afterwards, Yan Daojun said casually.

Hearing Daojun Jiangyan's words, Zu Long's face couldn't help but change.

He knew very well that if Jiang Chen accepted Yan Daojun's suggestion, then he must be the person designated by Yan Daojun.

"Too deceiving!"

Zu Long was extremely angry, deep in his heart, a voice was roaring.

"Alright." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Daoist Yan is not afraid of offending people, so why should Jiang Chen hesitate?Besides, so far, has he offended fewer people?

Jiang Chen and Yan Daojun said so, some geniuses who were puzzled at first finally realized what the seven small bronze doors meant.

Behind every small bronze door, there is a road.

This undoubtedly means that before entering the secret realm of inheritance, there is a good show to be staged.

They knew very well that they could only be that follower. Therefore, they found it interesting that such a situation happened, but they also wanted to know who Jiang Chen and Taoist Yan would appoint.

Of course, one thing that can be concluded is that no matter who is designated, he will be thoroughly offended, and there is no room for maneuver.

"Brother Jiang is a straightforward person." Taoist Yan smiled slightly, and he said, "Since the suggestion was made by me, it should be taken for granted. I will do this villain first."

While talking, Daoist Yan pointed at Zu Long, and said, "Brother Zu, do you have any objections?"

Daoist Yan made a move earlier to suppress Zu Long. At this time, he pointed his finger at Zu Long, but it didn't surprise everyone.

However, when they all landed on Zu Long in the direction pointed by Yan Daojun's fingers, their eyes showed a little more pity and pity invisibly.

Come to this step, get the key fragments, who is not the most powerful, but after all, it is necessary to stop temporarily, which can not be regrettable.

Zu Long was not surprised at all. When Yan Daojun made that suggestion, he knew that he had no chance of getting lucky.

But not unexpected, does not mean that there will be no anger.

"Yan Daojun, do you admit that you have deceived me?" Zu Long Yinjiu said incomparably.

"You want to tell me that you have an opinion?" Yan Daojun said.

He didn't directly say whether he deceived Zu Long, but such words would definitely not have a second meaning, even if he was a fool, he could still hear it. The underlying meaning of these words is that he was indeed deceived Zulong.

Zu Long's face was gloomy, he was frightened and impulsive, and wanted to fight Yan Daojun to determine his life and death. In the end, Zu Long still forcibly endured it.

"It's okay to give up this quota." Zu Long said.

"You're pretty smart, otherwise, you'd be dead." Yan Daojun said expressionlessly.

The verbal confrontation between the two was comparable to a peerless battle, and everyone watched in amazement.

"Brother Jiang, it's your turn." Then, Daoist Yan reminded.

Jiang Chen nodded. This Daoist Yan was outrageously simple and rude. More or less, he made him look sideways, knowing that this person would be the strongest enemy, and the degree of danger far surpassed that of Shi Ling.

Jiang Chen's gaze swept across Shang Heng and the others one by one. In an instant, Jiang Chen became extremely entangled.

Because, whether it is Shang Heng, Qin Shiji, Mu Sirius and Princess Xingyue, it is impossible for him to appoint them to give up voluntarily.

Then, what was left, the only one he could designate was Shiling.

Shi Ling Xu was also aware of this point, looking towards Jiang Chen at this moment, his eyes were full of deep meaning.

"Yan Daojun, a good method." Jiang Chen whispered in his heart, and he had to admit that he was paying more and more attention to Yan Daojun.

It seems that appointing a target is a manifestation of arrogance and domineering, but at this time, how could Jiang Chen not know that Yan Daojun wanted to push him to the opposite of Shiling in one fell swoop, and let him offend Shiling.

Because, the only person he can designate is Shi Ling. In other words, offending Shi Ling will become inevitable.

Undoubtedly, this was calculated by Yan Daojun, left and right, Yan Daojun already had a disagreement with Zu Long, so he didn't mind, and further offended Zu Long.

With intentional calculation and unintentional, quite casual, it is to push Jiang Chen to a dilemma. How can such a method be underestimated?
Naturally, Jiang Chen was very clear that there was a reason why Daoist Yan made such calculations. He was as powerful as him, and he was afraid of Shi Ling. Otherwise, such calculations would be meaningless.

"Brother Jiang, you are the favorite of the Great Immortal, so we should go the same way." Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about this, the big tortoise suddenly opened his mouth and said brazenly.

The big tortoise has lived for endless years, and it is the real bastard. Jiang Chen can see through Yan Daojun's intentions, how can it not see through?
It's not because he's afraid of offending Shi Ling, but it's definitely not a wise thing to break face with Shi Ling right now, so the big turtle can only stand up and express his opinion.

Looking at the big tortoise unexpectedly, Jiang Chen suddenly realized that this guy was pretty good-looking, even though, when this guy said this, he had such a face that he deserved as much beating as he wanted.

"Brother Wangcai, what do you mean? Could it be that you are afraid that I, Jiang Chen, will offend someone?" On the surface, Jiang Chen was very displeased.

"Do I mean that?" The big tortoise sneered, and the cooperation with Jiang Chen was perfect.

"I see that's what you mean clearly. If I appoint anyone at will, who dares to refuse? Suppress it immediately!" Jiang Chen said arrogantly.

"This guy……"

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Shang Heng couldn't help but smile bitterly, his acting was too blunt, was he afraid that others would not see the flaws?
"Do you like to fool people so much?"

Princess Xingyue sneered from the bottom of her heart, thinking that Jiang Chen was too ridiculous, did she think that he was the only smart person in the world, and the rest were all idiots, who could be fooled wantonly?
Qin Shiji smiled. He didn't think much about it, but felt that Jiang Chen and the big tortoise had made the most sensible decision, because at this moment, Jiang Chen should not turn against anyone, otherwise, he would have slipped into Yan Daojun's hand. In the set trap.

Of course, Qin Shiji understood that Daoist Yan's move had completely offended Jiang Chen. Given Jiang Chen's character, he might turn against Daoist Yan at any time.

However, he was destined to disappoint Daoist Yan. He wanted to use Jiang Chen to test the depth of Shiling, but it was in vain. A strong enemy under the tree, Qin Shiji would not think that Jiang Chen was easier to provoke than Shiling.

In Qin Shiji's heart, even Daoist Yan is far inferior to Jiang Chen in this point. Jiang Chen is definitely the most difficult person to deal with. After Daoist Yan realizes this, he will inevitably regret.

"This person is courting death!"

Mu Sirius said silently in his heart that he was referring to Yan Daojun, the so-called descendants of gods, he didn't take it to heart, but if there is a chance, Yan Daojun's fate will be Incomparably tragic.

The calculation failed, but Taoist Yan didn't take it seriously, it was just a random layout, if Jiang Chen took the bait easily, then, on the contrary, he would make him despise it.

"That's great, let's go."

Yan Daojun said, he had a great momentum, he was the first to rush out, pushed open one of the small bronze doors, and entered, and disappeared from everyone's sight.


After Yan Daojun left, his gaze fell on Jiang Chen uniformly, waiting for Jiang Chen to go.

"How?" Jiang Chen sent a voice transmission to the big turtle.

"Go the way you want to go." The big tortoise said simply and directly.

"Take the path I want to take?" Jiang Chen murmured in his heart, and suddenly realized that these words were extremely profound, seemingly simple, but actually extremely mysterious.

Walking the way you want to go means that you can experience freely without any hesitation or worry, just follow your own mind.

Jiang Chen stepped on the back of the turtle, trusting his finger to find a way, the big turtle understood, carried Jiang Chen, walked over slowly, and after a while, entered the small bronze door.

There were still five small bronze doors left, and the rest of the people moved in unison almost at the same time, and entered them. After that, it was Zu Long, and the others also chose a door each.

Behind the small bronze door is not a real road. In fact, it is an extremely vast world. This world, unlike the taboo domain, can be called a broken small world.

Because the rules of the world are incomplete, broken and incomplete, and Jiang Chen was aware of such situations as soon as he entered it.

The big tortoise kept walking, carried Jiang Chen, and continued to move forward. He opened his mouth and said, "Jiang Chen, do you know why this place is called the Inheritance Secret Realm?"

"Directly." Jiang Chen didn't have the heart to play word games.

"Seven doors, seven roads, and seven inheritance halls!" The big tortoise said with a smile, like everything, is under its control...

(End of this chapter)

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