genius evil

Chapter 1457 The Shocking Conspiracy

Chapter 1457 The Shocking Conspiracy
"Hall of Inheritance?"

Hearing what the big turtle said, Jiang Chen's heart moved.

"What's the explanation?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Only by entering the inheritance hall can you accept the inheritance. However, you can't think too easily. You must know that even if you enter the inheritance hall by chance, not any cat or dog is qualified to accept the inheritance." Leaning at Jiang Dust, said the big tortoise.

"You're talking about me, aren't you?" Jiang Chen immediately smiled, and he also squinted at the big turtle.

"Of course not." The big tortoise denied it, his eyes instantly returned to normal, and he said, "Seven inheritance halls mean that there are seven inheritances, but this is just the most ideal state. In my opinion, To have two complete inheritances is already extremely remarkable."

Speaking of this, the big tortoise suddenly became sobbing, and it said: "As far as I know, there were originally nine inheritance halls, corresponding to nine key fragments, but something happened, and finally there are seven left."

The nine key fragments corresponded to the nine inheritance halls, and unknowable changes had occurred. Jiang Chen remembered the woman in the portrait of the goddess, and wondered whether that woman was related to this matter.

"The owner of the key fragment can receive the inheritance first." At the end, the big turtle added.

While talking, the big tortoise walked, carrying Jiang Chen towards the center of the world.

But not long after, a palace appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

"Is that right there, the Palace of Inheritance?" Jiang Chen whispered in his heart at a glance.

There is nothing else in this place. On the endless wasteland, a palace stands alone, which is extremely conspicuous, and it can be seen at a glance from an extremely long distance.

At this moment, the speed of the big tortoise accelerated, just like the void shuttle, and in an instant, the two appeared in front of the gate of the palace.

"This is the Hall of Inheritance. Go in and accept the baptism. I hope you will transform." The big tortoise said.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I hope I'm lucky."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen stepped forward, and pushed the door open casually. His figure flickered and entered.

"For so many years, the Palace of Inheritance has finally waited for someone to accept the inheritance." His eyes flickered, and the big tortoise said, but Jiang Chen was destined not to hear it.

After Jiang Chen entered the Hall of Inheritance, the gate of the Hall of Inheritance closed automatically, and the big tortoise stayed outside the door without leaving.

In the inheritance hall, Jiang Chen stepped into it, as if he was in a void space.

Inside the main hall, it was empty, except for the place in the middle, where there was a cushion, there was nothing.


Jiang Chen frowned slightly, he strolled over, and then sat cross-legged on the mat.

This place is the place to accept the inheritance, everything is simplified, enter it, directly accept the inheritance, simple and clear.

As soon as he took his seat, sitting on the cattail mat, Jiang Chen immediately realized that he had a connection with this empty space, and formed a fit.

It was very mysterious and hard to put into words. Immediately afterwards, that endless information rushed into his mind like a river flowing backwards.

Such a scene happened so suddenly, Jiang Chen only felt that his brain was about to be torn apart, and his sanity became chaotic in an instant, as if he was about to be annihilated.

"No, damn it!"

Jiang Chen's face changed drastically. This is not the so-called inheritance at all, but to kill him.

Inside Jiang Chen's dantian, the Pure Yang Cauldron released golden light, flickering frantically, and used it to resist. This was reluctance, allowing Jiang Chen to separate the chaotic mind and gradually regain some clarity.

"Why is this?"

Standing up and leaving the mattress, Jiang Chen's expression turned extremely ugly, he questioned.

"It's a conspiracy."

A faint sigh sounded in Jiang Chen's ears, and then, a white light suddenly appeared, and the woman in the portrait of the goddess appeared.

She looked at the mat with sadness in her eyes, and she remained silent for so long, as if she had become an incarnation, a wooden sculpture.

"You say this is a conspiracy? Is it possible that your death is indeed related to this inheritance hall?" Jiang Chen asked immediately. He had doubts before, but now he asked without concealing it.

The woman smiled miserably, and said: "At the beginning, the Garden of All Things was established to continue the inheritance, but some people betrayed their trust and secretly manipulated this place to prove the way."

"Prove the way? What's going on?" Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

"Actually, the inheritance of the Zhenwu Continent has long been interrupted. For countless years, no one has successfully proved the Tao." The woman said.

She looked at Qi Ran, thinking of the past, recalling the past.

"Why is that so?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't know." The woman shook her head.

"You were murdered because of disagreement? No, there was another person who was also murdered?" Jiang Chen suddenly remembered what the big tortoise had said.

Of the nine inheritance halls, two were destroyed. Since this woman is one of the builders of the Garden of Everything, it is obvious that her inheritance was left in one of the inheritance halls.

But if such an inheritance hall is destroyed, the inheritance left by this woman will also be destroyed and interrupted.

"You guessed right." The woman didn't deny it.

She sighed, with endless emotions, and said slowly: "Back then, the two of us were isolated and unable to support, and finally shattered the key to open this place, but I never thought about it. Today, this inheritance secret realm, after all If it is opened, it is time and fate.”

"Back then, what happened to the people who left these seven inheritance halls?" Jiang Chen remembered something, so he asked.

"So far, there are still four people alive in the world." The woman knew everything without saying a word, she said with a wry smile: "I have never proved the Tao, so how can I talk about longevity, the peerless power back then will not be able to escape the cycle of life and death after all."

"Is your soul fragment here?" Jiang Chen said.

"Perhaps." The woman said, and when she said this, she suddenly smiled sweetly: "The thing that happened back then was destruction, why was it not fulfillment, if it wasn't for this, I'm afraid I would have turned into a pile of loess."

"That would be a pity, otherwise, you would have no chance to know me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You are calm." The woman said with a little surprise.

"Otherwise, so what?" Jiang Chen sighed.

It is really ridiculous to enter this place with all kinds of tricks and hardships, but it is just a long-planned calculation.

"It's not bad to think like this, just pretend that nothing happened." The woman said casually.

"The problem is, I, Jiang Chen, have always held grudges the most. Whoever plots against me, I will definitely take revenge." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"You are too weak." The woman said.

"I have a lot of time, but those four old guys don't have much time." Jiang Chen said.

The woman laughed again, and she said: "Even so, their strength is still beyond your imagination."

"Let's go to other inheritance halls." Jiang Chen said decisively.

It is very possible that there are soul fragments of this woman in the six inheritance halls, but Jiang Chen is quite looking forward to it. One day, this woman will be able to gather her soul fragments and restore her new life.

"No, this inheritance hall is like this, are the six inheritance halls?" After the words fell, Jiang Chen's face changed, and he had a bad feeling.

"You are bad luck," the woman said.

"It's bad luck." Jiang Chen seriously corrected.

But I can't laugh or cry, as the woman said, this is indeed bad luck. Although the woman didn't explain too much, Jiang Chen would not know such a sentence. Even if there is danger in the other six inheritance halls, the danger factor , is also far lower than what he experienced.

There is really no other suitable explanation for the occurrence of such a situation other than bad luck.

The woman returned to the portrait of the Goddess, and Jiang Chen strode out. Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, the big tortoise felt strange: "So fast?"

Jiang Chen simply talked about the things in the inheritance hall, and was startled, the big tortoise changed color when he heard the words, and said in a low voice: "It's such a thing, it's shameless."

"It turns out that the rules of the world in Zhenwu Continent are incomplete. It's true." Then, the big tortoise murmured.

"The rules of the world are incomplete?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"There is a saying that goes like this," said the big tortoise.

Jiang Chen remembered that the big tortoise once said that when it was sleeping, it vaguely heard the supreme power that built the garden of all things, as if it was looking for something.

Based on Jiang Chen's current knowledge, what he was looking for was not other things, but how to complete the incomplete rules of the Dao, because the incomplete rules of the world lead to the inability to succeed in proving the Dao.This means that the road ahead is closed.

The woman in the portrait of the Goddess was actually extremely eager to find her own soul fragments. At this time, Jiang Chen secretly pointed out that Jiang Chen and the big tortoise were on their way. Soon, the two appeared outside another inheritance hall.


Jiang Chen went straight forward and smashed the gate into pieces. In the Inheritance Hall, Princess Xingyue turned pale with shock, and looked at Jiang Chen as if she had seen a ghost, and then her brows stood on end with murderous intent.

Jiang Chen ignored Princess Xingyue, she clearly found that in the portrait of the goddess, the woman looked happy, and there was indeed a soul fragment here, which was already fused with it.

"Go to the next place."

Without wasting any time, Jiang Chen left with the big tortoise. Princess Xingyue saw it, she was dumbfounded, and at the same time she was very confused, completely unable to understand what happened.

One person and one tortoise, rushing on the road at a high speed, appearing in one inheritance hall after another. In the end, the woman found three soul fragments.

"Four pieces are missing." Jiang Chen said, thinking of the builders of the four gardens of all things living in this world, there is no doubt that the remaining soul fragments are in the hands of those four people.

"Big beauty, do you have anything to say to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

In the portrait of the goddess, the woman fell into a long silence. I don't know how long it has passed before she sighed, and she said, "I have finished my words."

"Jiang Chen, the inheritance you got is to ruin my future as Yan Daojun, do you want to die?" The sound of shouting came to Jiang Chen's ears at this moment.

Yan Daojun appeared, with supreme anger, and behind him, there was another figure, which was Shi Ling!

(End of this chapter)

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