genius evil

Chapter 1458 Good people are not rewarded

Chapter 1458 Good people are not rewarded

"Idiot, this is to save your life. Don't know what is good or bad, or you will be killed, and you will be blown to ashes without leaving your bones!" Before Jiang Chen could speak, before Jiang Chen could speak, the big tortoise squinted at the banquet. Daojun, the way he looked at Yan Daojun in that way, was obviously looking at a mentally handicapped person.

"Save me?" Yan Daojun laughed loudly.

If he believed what the big turtle said, then he was an idiot in the true sense.

"Brother Shi, can you believe it?" Yan Daojun said gloomyly.

Shi Ling didn't say a word, he was very indifferent, but when he looked carefully, it was clearly visible that deep in the bottom of his eyes, there was a strong murderous intent shining.

This undoubtedly means that Shi Ling will never believe it.

"Good people don't get rewarded. What kind of dirty world is this? Will there be a way for us good people to survive?" The big tortoise yelled, directly making many people messy.

Those who showed up were not only Yan Daojun and Shi Ling, but also other people. Among these people, except for Shang Heng, who looked at Jiang Chen with helplessness and sorrow, the rest There are more or less people here, and their faces are not worried.

Especially Princess Xingyue, when she looked at Jiang Chen, her beautiful eyes almost burst into flames, as if she wished she could tear Jiang Chen into eight petals.

"Ha ha……"

The sound of laughter sounded at this moment.

Accompanied by laughter and the sound of the wind, Zu Long came.

Something happened in this place, and Jiang Chen completely destroyed the inheritance of other people. This kind of news is extremely bad news for Yan Daojun and others, but it is a great news for Zu Long. The news made him very happy and he laughed heartily.

"What happened here? Oh, I forgot, I should congratulate you all, accepting the inheritance, and going further, it is really enviable." Zu Long said with a smile, that is called gloating.

"Thing like a shit stick, shut up!" Yan Daojun scolded.


Shi Ling didn't say a word, just punched out directly.

He is the descendant of the keeper of the tomb. He came from an ancient cemetery. Because of the opening of the Garden of All Things, he was born and walked, known as the Iron Fist Township.

Right now, even though it's just a random punch, but with one punch, the void collapses, forming a vacuum. Such power, even a powerhouse like Zu Long, cannot be underestimated.


Pointing a finger at Shiling, Zu Long's face changed drastically.

Previously, it was fine for Daoist Yan to suppress him wantonly, but Shi Ling did the same. Could it be that he really thought that he was the kind of bully?
This made Zu Long very angry and extremely aggrieved. He also made a move to fight against this punch. In the end, the wind of the fist dissipated invisible, but under the persecution of this punch, Zu Long also showed a bit The meaning of embarrassment.

"If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you!" Finally, Shi Ling spoke, his words were cold and emotionless.

"Jiang Chen, you owe me an explanation." After that, Shi Ling said again.

"Brother Wangcai's words just now are the best explanation." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"So, you want to say that there is no more reasonable explanation?" Shi Ling asked.

"I said it, that's the best explanation." Jiang Chen still said the same thing.

"Hey, what do you mean? Could it be that you can't trust the Great Immortal? The Great Immortal speaks well and never speaks nonsense. Do you want to die? How dare you slander the Immortal's tortoise?" The big tortoise couldn't stand it anymore and started yelling loudly.

"A group of guys who don't know how to be grateful, if I knew it, I would let you die... Is this going to force the good people into bad people?" Immediately afterwards, the big tortoise said again, extremely angry.

"Old bastard, you can also shut up." Yan Daojun said in a deep voice.

In Yan Daojun's view, the big tortoise was showing off too much, and it was constantly consuming his little patience.If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's sake, he would have slapped the big turtle to death!
"Who are you calling a beast? You are a beast... No, your whole family is a beast!" The big tortoise was annoyed, and it explained that it was a divine beast, known as Xuanwu. , not a good death.


Yan Daojun was furious, the inheritance was interrupted, which made him murderous, and the words and deeds of the big turtle, in his opinion, clearly disliked living too long.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't care about this beast, I don't mind at all, and I will discipline it for you." Yan Daojun Yinjiu said.

"Brother Wangcai and I are equals." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Brother Jiang, you really moved me. How about it, just tell me what you want. I will teach you everything without any secrets." The big turtle was so moved.

"You're too polite. What I say is all the truth. Brother Wangcai, if you want to thank me, just teach me that powerful secret technique." Jiang Chen said very modestly.


Before Jiang Chen's voice fell, the attack came immediately. In the void, a big handprint appeared. It was Taoist Yan. He suppressed Jiang Chen with the usual means of suppression.

The coercion of Pei Mo Neng, the void descends.

This handprint is not simple, it contains the general trend, it is close to the Tao, after a little feeling, Jiang Chen finally understands why it is so powerful as Zu Long, facing such a suppression, it will be so messy, and it will be completely at a disadvantage. .

In the same way, Shi Ling's boxing technique is also the same.

The ultimate in martial arts is the way of the gods. There is a saying that skills are close to Tao, which is the best interpretation of this point.

This kind of martial arts attack is not only aimed at the body, but also at the soul, double destruction, miraculous and extraordinary.

However, no matter how extraordinary it is, it is doomed to be ineffective against Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's pure yang tripod body protection, whether it is the body or the soul, is unshakable.

Allowing that handprint to be suppressed by the void, Jiang Chen casually punched it, directly smashing it to pieces.

"Yan Daojun, you are too overconfident when you strike in front of me. It's fine if I don't argue with you, but if I argue with you, you will have no way out." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Just this time, don't make another example!" Jiang Chen warned again, with rare seriousness and earnestness.

No matter if this is the case, Jiang Chen is definitely not joking, Yan Daojun believes it or not!

Anyone who tried to provoke his majesty would die in vain.

Everyone's hearts are all awe-inspiring.

The strength of Daoist Yan is well known and obvious to all, but in fact, Jiang Chen is still the unshakable powerhouse, even Daoist Yan cannot be compared with him.

At this time, if you shoot at will, beyond imagination, who can fight with it?
Daoist Yan looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes at this moment. He was conceited and powerful, thinking that he was invincible, but he had to say that Jiang Chen surprised him.

He had never underestimated Jiang Chen, and repeatedly overestimated, but now he realized that such an overestimation was not enough.

Jiang Chen was like a bottomless pit, but it was difficult for anyone to find out its depth.

"Let's go away, so we can take care of ourselves." He waved his hand, and Jiang Chen drove away.

Naturally, Shang Heng was not among them, so Jiang Chen stepped forward, took Shang Heng's jade hand, and said with a smile: "Miss sister, this time, you should obey me, right?"

Even though Shang Heng had always given people a rather casual feeling when it came to matters between men and women, Jiang Chen still felt extremely embarrassed when he said such words in front of so many people.

"Little brother, no matter how dare you talk nonsense, sister, I will never pay attention to you in my life." Shang Heng said angrily.

This guy is too presumptuous, don't you know, even if you have such an idea, shouldn't you say it?Besides, you can't say it in private, it is necessary for everyone who is making such a fuss to know.


Soon, Shang Heng discovered that it was not as simple as she thought. After all, with Jiang Chen's intelligence, how could he make such a mistake?
This is clearly to use this to solidify the relationship with her and leave a mark on her.

"This bad guy!"

Immediately, Shang Heng was very weak, knowing that Jiang Chen had succeeded, and in the future, a label belonging to Jiang Chen would be attached to her body, which could not be removed no matter what, this made her angry and helpless.

"Still leaving?" Looking sideways at the others, Jiang Chen drove them away again.

After all, everyone will disperse, but it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no resentment.

"Brother Jiang, the Garden of Everything is about to close, so be careful." Before leaving, Qin Shiji said.

What Jiang Chen did, angered people, offended countless people, it was fine in this garden of all things, Jiang Chen was invincible, he had no scruples, but when he walked out of the garden of all things, what he had to face was powerful forces from all sides. If he is not careful, Jiang Chen will suffer a lot.

"Jiang Chen, welcome to our Haoyue Empire as a guest." Before leaving, Princess Xingyue said this.

The matter between her and Jiang Chen is difficult to straighten out, this account must always be settled, Princess Xingyue can't let it go so easily.

"You are so sincere, I will obviously go... come to propose marriage." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Princess Xingyue pretended she didn't hear the last four words, she calmly said again that she would welcome them warmly, and then walked away unhurriedly.

"Brother Jiang, please do it yourself." Mu Tianlang came forward, and the seemingly honest young man said again, "I will travel around with Monk Youque, and when the time comes, I hope to see you again, Brother Jiang, with your peerless beauty."

Many geniuses and strong men retreated one after another.

The existence of the Inheritance Secret Realm is already meaningless, but after all, there are some people who are unwilling to return empty-handed, wantonly looking for other opportunities in the Garden of Everything.

Two days later, the Garden of All Things was closed, and everyone who entered the Garden of Everything was teleported out.

"Brother Jiang, for some reason, I suddenly feel a little nervous." Shrinking his head, the big turtle said.

As soon as the two were teleported out, they were locked on by several eyes. They were Huafan powerhouses, staring at them, and they were clearly waiting here.

"You idiot, run!" Jiang Chen yelled, if you don't run now, when will you wait? Do you want to be surrounded by people like the animals in the zoo?


The big tortoise understood, turned into a stream of light, disappeared in an instant, and shuttled away through the void.

"Jiang Chen, do you think you can run away?" A sneer came out, and I saw a figure among the few people chasing after him...

(End of this chapter)

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