genius evil

Chapter 1459 Your Name

Chapter 1459 Your Name
"Brother Jiang, what's going on?" The big tortoise yelled, which made him feel depressed.

As soon as he walked out of the Garden of Everything, the big tortoise was still thinking about looking around, but he was immediately hunted down. The speed of the chaser was unmatched. take off.

This kind of situation made the big tortoise very angry.

"People from the Tianfeng Empire?" Jiang Chen ignored the big turtle's complaints and whispered in his heart.

The matter of Shen Anhe's death at his hands had been spread long ago, and everyone knew about it.

That man was extremely powerful, he was a strong man of the imperial family of the empire, and it seemed that he had a very prominent status in the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire.

"Jiang Chen, I am the chief priest of the Tianfeng Empire, Sinan, and I invite you to stay in the palace for a while by the emperor's order." A voice came from far behind.

"Then, announce my trial?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Exactly." Si Nan said, but he didn't hide it.

"Are you an idiot?" The big tortoise couldn't stand it anymore, and began to curse.

Just wanting to announce the trial of Jiang Chen, is it necessary to admit it so straightforwardly?Jiang Chen is not stupid... No, even if Jiang Chen is a fool, it is impossible, honestly, he would be caught without a fight.

"Jiang Chen, you killed me, the prince of the Tianfeng Empire. This matter cannot be easily let go. Only with your life can it be offset." Sinan said in a deep voice.

"If you want my life, Jiang Chen, you can take it." Jiang Chen sneered.


The sound of piercing the air pierced the eardrums. A figure in brown clothes stepped on the void and pulled out waves of air.

That speed is undoubtedly terrifying. Even if the big tortoise runs with all its strength, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

"Brother Jiang, the situation is not good. This guy is too fast, at least he has the cultivation level of the late stage of transformation." The big turtle reminded.

"I know it in my heart." Jiang Chen said.

This Sinan was indeed unbelievably powerful, an invincible existence, but Jiang Chen had his own life-saving trump card, if he was pushed into a hurry, he would bite back fiercely.

"Brother Jiang, you'd better make sure you're not joking, I don't want to die young," said the big turtle.

"Brother Wangcai, I think it's more appropriate to go to bed at the end of life." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Fart, this great immortal is in his prime." The big turtle refused to admit it.

The big tortoise is indeed extraordinary, and it obviously has reservations. After driving it to the extreme speed, it travels through the void several times, and it just throws Sinan far away.

"Brother Jiang, it's too insecure to be with you. I think it's very necessary for us to split up." The big tortoise said shyly.

"It couldn't be better. I believe that there must be countless powerful beings waiting to catch you and stew you to drink." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Jiang, I was just joking. Do you think this great immortal looks like that kind of unyielding turtle? Don't talk about the big sacrificial wine, even if the emperor of the Tianfeng Empire came in person, so what, in front of this great immortal , everyone has to kneel." The big turtle said, extremely arrogant.


Kong Kong made a big handprint, and at this moment, he pressed it down.

As soon as the big handprint came out, the top of the head, within a radius of [-] meters, was covered and there was no skylight. It seemed to be the palm of the Tathagata in the legend. When the handprint hit the sky, the world trembled.

"not good!"

The big tortoise yelled, the supreme annihilation aura swept over, it clearly saw that a corner of the void was incomplete, this is not as simple as a martial skill, but a supernatural power.

It is not difficult to see that Si Nan was enraged, and he had no intention of sending Jiang Chen to the Tianfeng Empire Palace, but wanted to kill Jiang Chen and take his head to go.

"call out!"

The big tortoise managed to avoid this attack with extreme speed and a few moves.

This was so exciting that it almost broke the turtle's heart.

Jiang Chen's face turned black, how could he not feel that destructive power, how amazing it is, if it wasn't because of the big tortoise, he couldn't avoid it at all.

"Sinan, congratulations, you successfully angered me." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Brother Jiang, stop talking big and escape for your life." The big tortoise stammered.

"Jiang Chen, when death is imminent, you still dare to speak nonsense in front of me?" Si Nan descended from the sky, looking at Jiang Chen like that, he was obviously looking at a dead person.

"You will know immediately that the person who is about to die will definitely not be me." Jiang Chen said, and suddenly smiled strangely. Such a smile made the turtle's hair stand on end.

"Big beauty, you also saw that I was forced." Jiang Chen said again.

White light flickered, and a figure walked out of the void. She seemed to have been there all the time, and seemed to come from that extremely distant place.


That was the woman in the portrait of the goddess, who was summoned by Jiang Chen. As soon as the woman appeared, the big tortoise stared at it several times, and then blinked violently.

It felt something was wrong, but it couldn't tell what was wrong, so it kept staring, trying to see clearly why it was wrong.


As soon as Jiang Chen raised his hand, he twitched the big turtle's head. This guy is too impolite. Is it necessary to keep staring at it?
"Go back." The woman said, her voice was elegant and ethereal.

Si Nan frowned, and also looked at the woman. He was surprised because, with his cultivation, he couldn't see the depth of the woman clearly.

It seemed to be just a phantom, but it didn't seem to be, it was hard to describe in words.

"Jiang Chen killed the crown prince of my Tianfeng Empire. There must be an explanation for this matter. I just came here under orders." Sinan said.

The woman shook her head, she was too lazy to say a word, just flicked her fingers casually, and saw that the front of Sinan exploded suddenly, this was unbelievably domineering, Sinan didn't even have time to react, his chest was blown out A big hole, dripping with blood, exposing bones.

Si Nan's face changed suddenly, he was so unbelievable, the woman shot so casually, but it was close to hurting his root.

This made the hairs on his back stand on end, and he felt great terror.

"This senior... this son is the target of our Tianfeng Empire to hunt down and kill." Sinan said.


The woman's face is expressionless, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is a cold light emerging from the depths of those beautiful eyes.

With a wave of his hand, just like repelling flies, Sinan flew upside down, his body exploded, turned into a blood man, and almost fell.

"Wangcai..." Jiang Chen shouted.

The big tortoise understands, this is an excellent opportunity, Sinan can't be allowed to run for his life, he was chased miserably just now, and finally he wants to win the round.

It carried Jiang Chen, shuttled through the void, and appeared in front of Sinan. Jiang Chen was not polite, and it was a violent bombardment when he sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron.

Sinan was wounded to death, his body was shattered like rags, this was really a tiger in Pingyang being bullied by a dog, but he couldn't make a move at all, and amidst the roar, he was suppressed and killed by Jiang Chen and the big tortoise.

"The so-called Huafan powerhouse is nothing more than that!" The big tortoise sneered.


Jiang Chen looked at the woman. He originally thought that the woman should have entered the portrait of a goddess, but she didn't.

That figure stood proudly, and the wind was blowing from a distance. It had an indescribable sense of beauty. Even though Jiang Chen had seen countless women, it was not the first time he had seen this woman, and there was still a kind of fascination gradually fascinated by it. The feeling of the eyes, the heartbeat.

"Brother Jiang, you're a nympho." The big tortoise said with a halazi.

Compared to Jiang Chen, this guy is even more unbearable. If he hadn't changed his form, he would definitely be that real pervert.


Jiang Chen raised his hand again, and patted the big turtle on the head.

That figure, ethereal and dusty, does not look like a real person... But although the soul fragments have not gathered together, at this moment, it seems to have that flesh and blood body, even if Jiang Chen uses his spiritual consciousness to shoot, he still can't see it flaw.

The woman ignored Jiang Chen and the big tortoise, she just stood there, raised her head slightly, and looked at the sky above her head, as if there was endless splendor and splendor there.

In this way, after a long time, the eyes retracted, and the sun, moon and stars were reflected in the depths of the eyes, which made people unable to look directly at them.

"Big beauty, what are you thinking?" Jiang Chen walked over and pretended to ask casually. In fact, his heart was shaken violently, and he felt more and more that he couldn't see through.

"I should go," the woman said.

"Go? Where are you going?" Jiang Chen came over knowingly, and suddenly felt bad. Hearing what the woman meant, he wanted to leave. Doesn't this mean that he would lose his life-saving card.

"Look at the old friend." The woman smiled lightly, it was not difficult to see what Jiang Chen was thinking.

"Wait... I don't understand the meaning of these words." Jiang Chen said.

"Perhaps, it's time." The woman said.

"What are you talking about?" The big tortoise came over, its head was full of confusion, let alone the words, even the punctuation marks.

"The Zhenwu Continent is huge, and the Eastern Great Territory is only one of them after all. It's time for you to take a look at the rest of the land." The woman said.

"I don't know why, but it seems very reasonable." The big turtle muttered.

"Shut up!" Jiang Chen scolded, showing a bit of ferocity.

The big tortoise was inexplicably astonished. It had been a long time since he had known Jiang Chen, but this was the first time he had seen such a groggy side of Jiang Chen.

"Will we meet again?" Jiang Chen asked, suppressing the restlessness in his heart.

"If there is a destiny, we will see it naturally." The woman said casually, she rode the wind and disappeared from Jiang Chen's eyes, and the remaining scent of the wind quickly dissipated with the wind.

"Brother Jiang, do you like her?" After a while, the big tortoise murmured. It could be seen that Jiang Chen was in a bad mood and worried about being angered.

"I forgot to ask her name." Jiang Chen said nana.

Like it?
Even for himself, it was difficult for Jiang Chen to answer this question. He could only say that he had been with him for a long time and had feelings.

Another point is that Jiang Chen knows very well that his future is uncertain when the woman leaves this time, and the same is true for the woman. The events of the year have already surfaced. Decisive, even... tragic!
(End of this chapter)

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