genius evil

Chapter 1460 Jumping the beam clown

Chapter 1460 Jumping the beam clown

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Chen ordered the big turtle to hurry.

Although this place is far away from Tianhai City, it is still within the scope of Tianfeng Empire. Among the imperial family, there are strong people like clouds, and there are unimaginably powerful beings sitting in the city. If you are not careful, you will be doomed.

In this way, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to put himself in a dangerous situation.

"Brother Jiang, if someone wants to kill you, you must make it clear that it has nothing to do with me." The big tortoise reminded, feeling that he was too sad, and did nothing, but wanted to accompany Jiang Chen to the end of the world.

"Brother Wangcai, you can rest assured, I, Jiang Chen, guarantee with my personality that I will never cheat you." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The big tortoise couldn't help shivering. Jiang Chen could guarantee it with his personality, but whether Jiang Chen had a personality, the big tortoise thought it necessary to discuss it.

As he spoke, the big tortoise was on its way, following Jiang Chen's guidance, moving forward at top speed.

This is fleeing for life, the big tortoise did not dare to be sloppy, and hurried on the road with all its strength, and the direction the two were going was the Great Qin Empire.


At about the same time, in Haicheng that day, one after another flying boats flew into the sky and left each other, including members of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

This time, during the trip to the Garden of All Things, Jiang Chen was in the lead, and countless geniuses were oppressed to the point of being out of breath and gloomy.

All forces, more or less, have been damaged, but the Seven Star Martial Academy is an exception, no one has been damaged.

"Where's Jiang Chen, where did he go?" Looking around, Jian Xiuming said pretendingly.

"That's right, where is Jiang Chen? I still want to hear about his deeds in the Garden of All Things." Another voice sounded, it was Cao Xi who was speaking, and she smiled, as if she really had such a plan.

"You don't need to look for it. I saw him before. He was chased and killed. He might be very miserable. He might be dead." Luo Ding said coldly, but the tone of his words was gloating no matter what he heard. .

They are the inner disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy, and because of Jiang Chen, they have no sense of existence. At this time, Jiang Chen is not here, so naturally they are all unscrupulous, with a sense of elation.

"If Jiang Chen is here, how dare you say that?" Fang Qingxuan couldn't stand it anymore, and said coldly.

"Why not?" Cao Xi raised his eyebrows and said.

"Jiang Chen's current end was all caused by him. I am lucky that I have not been implicated by him." Then, Cao Xi said again.

"If it wasn't for Jiang Chen, do you think we could all leave the Garden of Everything alive?" Fang Qingxuan sneered.

There were irreconcilable conflicts between Jiang Chen and these people. Naturally, Fang Qingxuan would not be so naive as to make them care about Jiang Chen.

"Okay, shut up!" Yue Dong said coldly.

"Elder Wan, did we say the wrong thing? Jiang Chen has always disobeyed the management. In the Garden of All Things, he has attracted a lot of hatred. It is a great fortune for us to be able to live until now." Cao Xi felt wronged. said, complaining to Yue Dong.

Yue Dong was a headache. He was clear about Jiang Chen's nature. However, from another point of view, Jiang Chen, as a disciple of the Seven Star Martial Academy, had an obligation to bring Jiang Chen back to the Seven Star Martial Academy, otherwise, it would be dereliction of duty.

"I have already contacted Jiang Chen. If there is no accident, we will meet up in a few days." Yue Dong said.


Following Yue Dong's words, the faces of Cao Xi and the others changed drastically. They never expected that Yue Dong would make such a decision.

"Elder Yue, this isn't fair. As we all know, Jiang Chen was hunted down and on the run. If we meet up, wouldn't it implicate us?"

"I'm implicated for no reason, I don't agree, I implore Elder Yue to change your mind."

Jian Xiuming said in a hurry, how ugly his face was. He thought that Jiang Chen would never be able to return to the Seven Star Martial Academy in his life.

As a result, the structure of the Seven Star Martial Academy will change drastically, and the Tianbang will no longer be able to suppress the direct disciples, so they can feel proud.

However, Yue Dong wanted to summon Jiang Chen to join him, and Jian Xiuming absolutely refused to agree to such a situation.

"Elder Yue, if a powerful existence descends, under the wrath, we will have unpredictable consequences."

Luo Ding also said in a hurry, reminding Yue Dong that this is very unwise, like setting fire to himself.

Cao Xi and the others expressed their opinions in a hurry.

"I have made up my mind." Yue Dong remained indifferent, "We are members of the Seven Star Martial Academy, so naturally we must advance and retreat together, and live and die together."

Fang Qingxuan and Ji Mobai looked at each other, and they both laughed.

The two once thought that Yue Dong would abandon Jiang Chen, but it was not the case, which made the two of them a little relieved.

"Brother Zhong, please say something." Jian Xiuming could only ask Zhong Shenxiu for help, hoping that Zhong Shenxiu could say a few words. Such weight was beyond their reach.

"That's good." Zhong Shenxiu said lightly, just saying these three words, she just shut up.


Jian Xiuming's face turned black, he pinned his hopes on Zhong Shenxiu, hoping that Zhong Shenxiu could persuade Yue Dong, but actually Zhong Shenxiu agreed with Yue Dong's approach.

The flying boat was driving at extreme speed, and the atmosphere quietly became extremely depressing, and even made people feel uneasy and extremely uneasy.



Jiang Chen's heart suddenly moved, and he sensed Yue Dong's news from the identity jade card.

"Want me to meet up?"

Jiang Chen felt a little bit surprised.

This is Yue Dong sending a message, asking him to meet at a designated place in a few days, and then return to the Seven Star Martial Academy together.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen rejected Yue Dong's kindness. He knew that Yue Dong was protecting him, but Jiang Chen was very clear that unless he hid in the Seven Star Martial Academy, the trouble he caused would be It's not something Yuedong can compete with.

If they go to join Yue Dong, then yes, it will bring great trouble.

Since Yue Dong had good intentions, Jiang Chen would not be ignorant of good and evil and implicate Yue Dong.

Jiang Chen sent a message, expressing his refusal. He directed the big tortoise to go on its way and try to walk in remote and uninhabited places.



After receiving the news, Yue Dong's expression instantly became extremely strange, and he lost his voice. Such words were heard by Jian Xiuming and others.

Jian Xiuming and the others were very anxious. When they suddenly heard Yue Dong's gaffe, they looked at each other, but they quickly understood what Yue Dong meant by refusal.

That meant that Jiang Chen refused to join them.

"That's great." Unable to bear it, Jian Xiuming just said, almost couldn't help raising his hands and clapping.

Cao Xi and the others showed joy on their faces, thinking that Jiang Chen finally had a bit of conscience, so he wouldn't have no bottom line at all, otherwise, it would be unavoidable, he would be implicated, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Of course, it is impossible to thank Jiang Chen for this.Instead, they took it as a matter of course, thinking that Jiang Chen should do this.

"Elder Yue, you mean, Jiang Chen refused?" Ji Mobai asked with a frown.

Yue Dong nodded, and said: "The boy told me that he has his own way... and we will meet again after entering the Great Qin Empire."

"He is afraid of hurting us." Zhong Shenxiu said leisurely.

Yue Dong nodded, agreeing with Zhong Shenxiu's statement, knowing that Jiang Chen must be worried about getting them hurt, that's why he refused to join, there would be no other explanation.

"I don't think Jiang Chen is so kind, he must be being chased and killed, it is extremely miserable, and there is no way to join us." Cao Xi said.

"To shut up!"

Ji Mobai's face changed slightly, this Cao Xi could not be said to be vicious, Jiang Chen clearly had good intentions, but he was misunderstood like that clown, it was unbearable for him.

"Ji Mobai, what do you mean?" Cao Xi confronted her tit for tat. She was afraid of Jiang Chen, but she was not afraid of Ji Mobai. She didn't think Ji Mobai had the right to boss her around.

"Jiang Chen's action is righteous, Cao Xi, I apologize!" Zhong Shenxiu said coldly.

He is proud and conceited, even if this trip to the Garden of All Things yielded very little, he was far from being able to compare with Jiang Chen, and the gap between the two parties was further widened, and he could only be compared with Jiang Chen.

But from beginning to end, he has always been proud. He regards Jiang Chen as an object to surpass, but in terms of his pride, he can't do anything to blacken Jiang Chen no matter what.

What Cao Xi said, not to mention that Ji Mobai thought it was too much, even Zhong Shenxiu felt harsh in his ears.


Cao Xi was shocked. She thought that what she said was catering to Zhong Shenxiu's preferences, because with Zhong Shenxiu's character, such words were absolutely unspeakable.

In other words, she believed that she was speaking for Zhong Shenxiu, but Zhong Shenxiu was doing this, which made her confused.

"I said, sorry!" Zhong Shenxiu said word by word.

"Okay...I apologize!" Cao Xi didn't dare to disobey, and said repeatedly.

"You don't need to say more, we owe Jiang Chen a favor in this matter, we must remember it." Zhong Shenxiu said again.

His prestige in the inner sect far exceeds that of Yue Dong, Cao Xi and others may not take what Yue Dong said to heart, but no matter what, they dare not disobey Zhong Shenxiu.

Cao Xi and the others nodded one after another, no matter how resentful and unwilling they were, they could only remain silent.

Both Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan were surprised by Zhong Shenxiu's attitude. They could hear that this was defending Jiang Chen, but soon, the two realized that it was more pride than defending Jiang Chen. A manifestation to the extreme.

"This person is not bad!"

Ji Mobai said silently in his heart, knowing that if he was in Zhong Shenxiu's position, it would be impossible for him to reach Zhong Shenxiu's level.

"Number one in the inner sect, well-deserved reputation!"

Fang Qingxuan said in his heart, he was very impressed with Zhong Shenxiu.

"Everyone, I am here by the emperor's order. I sincerely invite you to visit our Tianfeng Empire Palace. Please don't refuse."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the distant sky.

The sound came from a very far place, concentrated and not scattered, and it was heard clearly by everyone, and then they saw, the void exploded, and a figure stepped forward from the void...

(End of this chapter)

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