genius evil

Chapter 1461

Chapter 1461

"The royal powerhouse of the Tianfeng Empire!"

When this person speaks a word, his identity can be seen at a glance.

This is the territory of the Tianfeng Empire. Since this person claims to be here by the emperor's order, he is naturally under the order of the emperor of the Tianfeng Empire.

The appearance of this person was extremely sudden, and the words came out of the mouth, so that the members of the Seven Star Martial Academy on the flying boat were more or less caught off guard.

"I'm about to return to the Seven Star Martial Academy."

Hearing the sound, Yue Dong said in a deep voice.

Those who come are not kind, and those who are kind don't come. Although on the surface, this person is quite polite, but Yue Dong can't hear it. The hidden meaning of those words is extremely arrogant, and he obviously didn't refuse them. room.

But no matter what, Yue Dong must refuse, it is impossible to follow this person to the Tianfeng Empire Palace.

"It's okay, you can leave after being a guest for a few days." The man said casually.

As he spoke, he took a step forward and landed in the flying boat.

This person had a smile on his face, seemingly without any hostility, but everyone including Yue Dong was nervous.

"I said, I'm returning to the Seven Star Martial Academy, please leave." Yue Dong scolded displeased.

They are the disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy, representing the Seven Star Martial Academy, this person is so arrogant, as if entering the land of no one, he will offend Yue Dong in an instant, making Yue Dong furious.

"Why get angry, it will only take a few days, and it won't delay anything." The man said slowly, facing Yue Dong's anger, he was unmoved.

While talking, this person slapped casually, and the flying boat immediately turned around and flew to Tianhai City.

"Stop!" Unable to hold back, Jian Xiuming said loudly.


Perhaps it was a surprise that Jian Xiuming dared to yell so loudly in front of him. This person glanced at Jian Xiuming.

It was just a random glance, but when this person glanced at it, Jian Xiuming only felt that his soul was about to be stripped away.

His face was flushed red, his heart was broken, and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't get it out of his mouth.

"You are too rude." Zhong Shenxiu said indifferently.

"Sincere invitation." The person said casually.

In the flying boat, except for Yue Dong who let him take a look at it, the rest of the people, this person has never even looked at it, and he is extremely arrogant.

"You and I know very well that you came here for Jiang Chen, but you forced us to wait, what is this?" Zhong Shenxiu's tone turned cold.

"Are you trying to make Jiang Chen fall into the trap and catch him without a fight? That's too naive. If Jiang Chen could be controlled so easily, he wouldn't be Jiang Chen." Zhong Shenxiu said again.

"It's just a guest, don't think too much." After waving his hand, the person said.

"Too deceiving!"

Someone couldn't bear it anymore and stood up to speak. It was Cao Xi, her face was ashen, and she glared at each other.

"That's right, you are going to Jiang Chen, why make things difficult for me, you know, my Seven Star Martial Academy is not easy to bully." Luo Ding also said, asking this person to go to Jiang Chen.

The other direct disciples were all very depressed, knowing that they were being implicated by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen didn't know where he was now, and they were suffering from an indiscriminate disaster.

"Really?" The man smiled nonchalantly, he turned his back on the guest, controlled the flying boat, and turned back at extreme speed.

"This is provoking my Seven Star Martial Academy, you'd better think twice, don't make mistakes, the consequences are definitely not something you can bear!" Yue Dong said sharply.

The person shook his head, but stopped talking.

Yue Dong was furious in his heart, but in the end he forcibly held back and did not make a move, otherwise, it would spread to others and cause death or injury.

Immediately, through the identity jade card, Yue Dong contacted Jiang Chen and asked Jiang Chen to return to the Seven Star Martial Academy as quickly as possible.



After receiving the news from Yue Dong, Jiang Chen whispered.

He knew that this was to take Yue Dong and others as hostages and force him to show up.

These methods are simple and rude, and it is not difficult to see that because of the death of Shen Anhe, the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire was furious, but it meant that they did not hesitate to use the means and the cost.

"What happened?" asked the big tortoise.

Jiang Chen nodded and said briefly.

"They will be fine." The big turtle said, "The Seven Star Martial Academy has extraordinary background, and it is backed by the Great Qin Empire. If the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire dares to act recklessly, then it will undoubtedly declare war with the Great Qin Empire. I don't think they will be stupid. to that extent."

If the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire held hostage ordinary disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy, the big tortoise would not dare to say so.

But Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, as well as the direct disciples represented by Zhong Shenxiu, are all top genius disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy, if something happens to them, it will damage the foundation of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is impossible for the Seven Star Martial Academy to sit idly by, and it is impossible for the Great Qin Empire to sit idly by. If one goes wrong, the two empires will go to war.

"That's right." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Although this statement is correct and very reasonable, it was because of him after all. If it wasn't because of him, it is impossible for Yue Dong and the others to be made things difficult for them.

"Are you crazy?"

Seeing the extremely familiar smile on Jiang Chen's face, the big turtle screamed.

"The depth of the empire's royal family is beyond what you can imagine. We were able to escape this time, but it was a fluke. Such an opportunity will never come again. I can guarantee that if you return to Tianhai City, you will definitely die." Big Turtle yelled.

"Sending death is not my style." Jiang Chen said.

Naturally, he couldn't be coerced so easily, even if he planned to return to Tianhai City, he must have to make extremely thorough preparations.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen stared at the big tortoise and looked again and again. Such eyes were so hot that it made the big tortoise shudder and had a bad feeling.

"Brother Wangcai, from now on, it's all up to you." Jiang Chen said this, with an incomparable solemnity.

"I can't, I can't be relied on!" The big tortoise shook its head like a rattle.

"Believe in yourself, you can do it, otherwise the two of us will be finished. Even if we don't return to Tianhai City, our fall is a high probability event, and we cannot escape the Tianfeng Empire." Jiang Chen said.

"I really can't." The big turtle muttered.

"Brother Wangcai, this matter is over, I will try my best to find the art of transformation." Jiang Chen promised solemnly.

For the secret art of transformation, the big tortoise has always been obsessed with it, and he is unwilling, but he has longed for the transformation for a long time.

"Brother Jiang, don't embarrass me." The big tortoise said with a tortoise face, feeling like the tortoise would be hollowed out by Jiang Chen.

"Believe in my sincerity, I, Jiang Chen, have always spoken well." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

In the end, the big tortoise was persuaded by Jiang Chen, and decided to teach Jiang Chen the technique of space shuttle, and told Jiang Chen that this was his bottom line, so that Jiang Chen should stop thinking about it, otherwise, he would tear his face every minute, and the road would be in the sky. go aside.

Jiang Chen refined a ghost crystal of the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon, and practiced the illusion technique. The void travel technique taught by the big tortoise has the same effect as the illusion technique.

In Jiang Chen's cultivation, there were almost barriers to speak of, and he just went all the way diligently. In just a few hours, he succeeded in cultivation.

"Try..." Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

After all, he got what he wanted. Although the big tortoise was extremely reluctant, he finally didn't hide his selfishness. At the critical moment, he showed his selfless side, which moved Jiang Chen and decided to beat him up a few times in the future.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen's figure moved, and immediately disappeared from the big turtle's sight, without a trace, and unperceivable.


The big tortoise opened its mouth wide, as if it had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

This is actually one of its many innate supernatural powers. After the innate talent is awakened, it will naturally be controlled.

Originally, the big tortoise thought that this was a supernatural secret technique. Even if it was taught to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen probably wouldn't be able to practice it. shape.

This is also the reason why the big tortoise agreed to teach it to Jiang Chen after struggling.

However, far beyond its expectations, Jiang Chen's cultivation was successful in such a short period of time. Compared with it, Jiang Chen's speed was not inferior.

"It's a loss, it's a fool."

The big tortoise screamed, regretting endlessly.

If he had known early on that Jiang Chen would succeed in cultivation so smoothly, the big tortoise thought that he had to hide his clumsiness, and it was impossible to tell the whole story.

This was deceived by Jiang Chen, undoubtedly a terrifying cultivation talent.

"Nice move."

Jiang Chen's figure was gone in a flash, and this speed was at least ten times higher than before. The qualitative leap was not the same.

"Speed ​​is enough, but it's not enough." Jiang Chen said secretly.

Facing Huafan powerhouses, even with unprecedented speed, they still cannot guarantee their own safety. What's more, in Tianhai City, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon must have existences stronger than Huafan monks.

In front of such an existence, with his current cultivation base, one slap would mean death.

"Brother Wangcai..." Jiang Chen landed on the back of the big turtle, and spoke in an intimate tone that was so sensual that it would not pay for life.

"Don't think about it!"

This time, the big tortoise learned the tricks, and didn't wait for Jiang Chen to continue talking, but simply refused.

There is absolutely no good thing if you don't know, so it makes no difference whether you say it or not.

"Brother Wangcai, why are you doing this, you and I are as light as brothers, what's yours is mine, isn't that so?" Jiang Chen said.


The big tortoise yelled, what is it called is Jiang Chen's, is there such a saying?
"Brother Wangcai, it's wrong to swear. Didn't I teach you this truth?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The big tortoise shrank its neck suddenly, knowing that it was going to be beaten.

In the end, it didn't exceed the big tortoise's expectations. Jiang Chen was very satisfied with the big tortoise's cooperation. Then, there was a burst of punching and kicking, until the big tortoise was beaten with only air in and no air out.

"Brother Wangcai, a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. This is a new principle I taught you today." Jiang Chen said with a smile, that is a person who is harmless to humans and animals.

"This great immortal also gave you a truth, I would rather die than submit!" The big turtle squinted at Jiang Chen, but it was extremely arrogant.

"Teach you another truth, a filial son is born under the stick!" Jiang Chen was furious, and started the beating mode again...

(End of this chapter)

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