genius evil

Chapter 1462 I will never let you go

Chapter 1462 I will never let you go

"so smart?"

After a while, the big tortoise succumbed again, rolled his eyes wildly, and continued to empty his own family to satisfy Jiang Chen.

This is the secret technique that the big tortoise said before. The big tortoise said that it cannot be used unless it takes shape.

It is even more swearing, either change form or die!

The technique of traveling through the void is one of the giant tortoise's innate supernatural powers, and it may not be the most powerful supernatural power, but Jiang Chen has seen it with his own eyes, and he has coveted it for a long time, so he will not let it go no matter what.

As for this secret technique, Jiang Chen had only heard of it before. According to the big tortoise's usual style, Jiang Chen once thought that it was self-boasting, and it was a lot of water.

However, it was indeed as the big tortoise said, extremely miraculous, even though Jiang Chen had been a man in two lifetimes and had seen a lot of knowledge, he was still amazed and shocked.

"This is supernatural power, so-called supreme method, how can you imagine it?" The big tortoise said arrogantly, and glanced at Jiang Chen with contemptuous eyes.

Jiang Chen lazily caressed about this guy. He carefully understood the cultivation method mentioned by the big tortoise. The more he immersed himself in it, the more mysterious and extraordinary he felt it.

"Potential release... ultimate potential?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

This is indeed a supernatural power, breaking the shackles of the physical body and hitting the limit of potential. Jiang Chen was so excited that he was eager to try it. He really wanted to test it immediately. Once this secret technique is successfully cultivated, what changes will happen to himself.

"In layman's terms, this is what it means, but don't think too simply. With your talent, it will not be easier than ascending to the sky if you want to succeed in cultivation. This great immortal advises you to give up and not ask for trouble, so as not to Hurts self-esteem." The big tortoise said convincingly.

Its heart is bleeding. This is its preparation for the transformation. It wholeheartedly hopes that once the transformation is successful, it will use it to cross the continent. However, it was robbed by Jiang Chen, and it was wronged and depressed.

"Stop talking nonsense." Jiang Chen kicked the big turtle away.

"Jiang Chen, even if you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge, is it necessary to do it so obviously?" The big turtle cried out loudly.

So, Jiang Chen kicked the big turtle further away.

Jiang Chen didn't choose a place for practice. Now, every minute and every second is extremely precious. No one knows what will happen in the next second. We must seize the time and race against the clock.

Instructing the big tortoise to protect the law, Jiang Chen sat cross-legged and entered the state of cultivation.

"This Great Immortal is a divine beast, protecting the law for you?"

The big tortoise stared, feeling that Jiang Chen had trampled on his self-esteem as a divine beast, and the worst part was that Jiang Chen had no such awareness at all.

"Damn it, hate it!"

The big tortoise's eyes widened even wider, and it muttered, after all, it was honestly protecting Jiang Chen's law, and the embankment had an accident.

Jiang Chen's cultivation, his talent, has been fully verified long ago, even though the big tortoise speaks nonsense, it will not affect Jiang Chen's original heart in the slightest.

His heart is like a rock, unmoving like a mountain. As soon as he enters the state of cultivation, his mind is clear and clear.

As time passed, the big tortoise was perched on a rock, dozing off boredly.

"Why do you have to hold on? If you knew that you would not be able to cultivate successfully, give up quickly, and don't bring yourself humiliation." The big tortoise said in his heart.

Three days had passed. During these three days, Jiang Chen had been sitting still, while the big tortoise had been standing by the side, completely bored.

Fortunately, no accident happened.

"I'll give you another day, you know it's shameful to waste time?" the big turtle said silently.

A day is gone in the blink of an eye.

Such a period of time was a torment for the big tortoise, but Jiang Chen, who was in the state of cultivation, could not feel the passage of time at all.

"I'll give you two days in the end. This is my bottom line." The big tortoise said depressedly.

It was about to go crazy, guarding day and night, although nothing happened, but it was always tense, and it was about to become that frightened bird.

If it continues, a generation of tortoises may die of fright, what a tragedy it would be.

Two days later, Jiang Chen still hadn't moved. The big tortoise was frantic, but at this moment, its blood was boiling and burning, and an unprecedented sense of crisis loomed over it. It was the shadow of death.

"call out!"

As soon as the big tortoise moved, it turned into a phantom and disappeared in place. In the next second, a figure appeared in the sight of the big tortoise.

"Where are you bastards, dare to peep, and kill yourself quickly, so as not to leave the bones." The big tortoise said arrogantly.

It was a middle-aged man, walking slowly, facing the big tortoise, he frowned, as if he didn't expect that a tortoise would dare to block him.

"Where is Jiang Chen?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Don't you kneel down and salute when you see this Great Immortal?" As if he didn't hear the middle-aged man's words, the big turtle curled his lips and said.

"Answer my question, otherwise, die!" The middle-aged man's tone was serious, and he didn't even bother to talk nonsense to the big turtle.

"Very well, that's exactly what the big tortoise wanted to say. Do you really want to die? You will be fulfilled in a short while, and I promise you will come here on a whim and die well." The big tortoise said tit-for-tat, full of momentum.

"Where did the evil come from?" The middle-aged man scolded, and slapped out with a palm. The powerful palm style condensed into substance, turned into a tens of meters long handprint, and pressed down.

With one palm strike, the big tortoise was engulfed in it, and there was nothing to hide from. This situation made the big tortoise's face change drastically, and he hurriedly used the void travel technique to escape.

Even so, the big tortoise was still swept by the palm wind, staggered in the void, opened its mouth to spurt blood, and almost fell to the ground.

"Again, where is Jiang Chen?" The middle-aged man said coldly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do with Jiang Chen?" Leaning at the middle-aged man, the big tortoise did not change its proud nature.

It is very embarrassed, it is injured in one move, its extreme speed is useless, and its killing area is too large. This is the method of the strong in the late stage of transformation. It is unmatched and powerful, and it cannot compete.

"Senluo Wuyuan, Jiang Fan!" The middle-aged man said every word.

"It turned out to be the strong man of Senluo Martial Academy, disrespectful and disrespectful. By the way, I once talked and laughed with the dean of Senluo Martial Academy. It was quite friendly. Look, is there a misunderstanding between you and me? Of course , The misunderstanding is clear, I don’t care about it.” The big tortoise opened its mouth and said nonsense.

"Laughing about wine?" So the middle-aged man Jiang Fan also laughed, "Then, I want to see how you laugh!"

After the words fell, Jiang Fan shot again, a slap in the void, annihilated the void.

The void was shattered and the rules were chaotic, forming patches of vacuums. The big tortoise turned pale in shock. This was a special attack aimed at it.

Jiang Fan wanted to kill, not intending to keep it alive.

"This great immortal is that divine beast, how dare you be rude!" the big tortoise yelled, terrified beyond measure.

I had heard earlier that the Huafan powerhouse was so powerful, but the fight at this time was still far beyond the big turtle's expectations.


The palm wind came, like mountains and mountains, which the big tortoise couldn't bear. He vomited blood again, and the tortoise's shell was chapped and cracked.

"I want to kill Jiang Chen, how can you stop me? If you don't answer the question, I will send you to heaven!" Jiang Fan stared at the big turtle with gloomy eyes.

"Do you think this can scare the Great Immortal Ben? To tell you the truth, the Great Immortal Ben has been frightened since he was a child. You are too far behind. Seeing that the Immortal Ben is invincible, he hit you all over the place looking for teeth." The big turtle yelled with.

It has awakened innate supernatural powers, and its life level has leapt. Although it has not transformed into form, it still has amazing combat power.

Being suppressed twice, the big tortoise went berserk, making various killing moves frequently, trying to fight Jiang Fan desperately.

However, the gap between the two sides was too great, even the big tortoise used the unique trick of pressing the bottom of the box, it was useless, the third time he was beaten until he vomited blood, and the tortoise's shell was broken.

"I'm so mad at the Great Immortal." The big tortoise's face turned red, and it was hesitating whether to use its natal supernatural powers, which is a means to kill three thousand enemies and injure itself eight hundred.

Once it is used, there is no turning back when the bow is opened, either Jiang Fan will die or it will die.

The consequences would be disastrous, so the big tortoise was extremely hesitant and unprepared, which made it entangled.

Jiang Fan stopped talking, he had already given the big tortoise three chances, but the big tortoise didn't seize these three chances.

The so-called things are not more than three, but that's all.

If the big tortoise didn't seize the opportunity, it meant that he wanted to die. Naturally, he thought it would be fulfilled.

Jiang Fan thought this way, and he did the same. With the fourth palm, the cloud curtain in the suppressed void hangs down, making the sky dim, as if the sky turned dark all of a sudden.

The black cloud came over the top, and the annihilation breath swept across the impact. The big tortoise didn't even think about it. It ran for its life immediately, but there was a gap between its speed and the speed of Jiang Fan's shot. imprisoned.

The big tortoise was trapped in it, running around like a headless fly.


A gloomy voice came from the depths of Jiang Fan's throat. His big hand was slowly clenched, and the four directions were imprisoned like a prison, imprisoning the big tortoise and crushing it from four directions.


The big tortoise screamed and was soaked in blood. It regretted it. If it knew this, it shouldn't be because of it. It should directly use its natal supernatural powers and fight Jiang Fan for its life.

At this time, it couldn't move, and could only watch itself die.

"Jiang Chen, this Great Immortal is working hard for you, you must avenge this Great Immortal, otherwise, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost." Panting, the big turtle screamed.

"Brother Wangcai, you're not dead yet, stop screaming." At this moment, Yoyo's voice came to the big turtle's ears.

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, a figure, like electricity and light, turned into a rainbow and galloped towards Jiang Fan's eyes. It was Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, are you finally willing to show yourself?"

Jiang Fan looked over, and said jokingly, his reaction was normal, and he didn't change because of Jiang Chen's appearance. Looking at Jiang Chen now, he was clearly looking at a dead person.

"You came here on a special trip to find me, there is no reason for me not to see you, tell me, how do you want to die?" Jiang Chen said lazily with his hands behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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