genius evil

Chapter 1463

Chapter 1463
"How do I want to die?"

Jiang Fan said, looking at Jiang Chen, he was obviously watching a joke, and said lightly: "Jiang Chen, it looks like you like telling jokes very much."

"You're mistaken, I'm a serious person, I never tell jokes." Jiang Chen said solemnly, extremely serious and serious.


Jiang Fan was stunned, but he didn't know where Jiang Chen's confidence came from. What is this, to confirm his life and death?
If it wasn't for Jiang Chen who had just walked out of the Garden of Everything, Jiang Fan would have doubted whether Jiang Chen had already broken through and entered the stage of transformation into mortals.

Not to mention that the time is too short, even if Jiang Chen has a great opportunity to break through, it is as difficult as reaching the sky. Even if he really breaks through, it is only a mere cultivation level in the early stage of Huafan. How can he be compared with him?
Facing the warriors in the early stage of Huafan, Jiang Fan has enough confidence to suppress and kill them with just raising his palm.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Fan was extremely astonished. He really couldn't understand where Jiang Chen's confidence came from when he said this.

And it can be seen that Jiang Chen is indeed very serious, not joking.

"Don't be surprised, how can I be stronger than you can imagine?" Jiang Chen said arrogantly.

"Brother Jiang, have you made a breakthrough?"

After Jiang Chen appeared, the big tortoise stared at Jiang Chen again and again, and finally found that something was wrong with Jiang Chen, so it asked impatiently.

"That's right, today I'll let you experience what it means to be invincible and powerful." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Although I am looking forward to it, is your speed too unnatural?" The big tortoise was dumbfounded.

That is the supreme method. When the big tortoise was cultivating, it took hundreds of years to succeed in cultivation, but it was limited by the lack of transformation, so it could not be used.

Previously, when Jiang Chen was cultivating, nothing happened. The big tortoise always thought that Jiang Chen was just putting on a show and made no progress. However, he succeeded in cultivating and made a breakthrough.

This kind of cultivation speed is amazing. It made the big tortoise both happy and sad. He felt that his hundreds of years were wasted.

It has to be said that this was too shocking, too severe for the big tortoise to bear for a while.

"Is it against the sky?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said indifferently, "It's too easy, I'm a genius, no matter what kind of supernatural powers and spells, I can master it as soon as I learn it, and I'm destined to walk out of a path against the sky."

"Have you finished talking nonsense?"

Jiang Fan said impatiently, the conversation between Jiang Chen and the big tortoise was naturally regarded by him as self-boasting, did he want to use this to scare him away?
But it's too naive, it's too simple to think of him as Jiang Fan!

All the talented disciples of Senluo Martial Academy were wiped out in the Garden of All Things, and Jiang Chen was the chief culprit. Jiang Fan came here to kill Jiang Chen, and no one can stop him !
He had a strong murderous intention and did not hide it, so how could he retreat so easily?

"Did I ever say that I'm serious? Are you stupid? Who's talking nonsense?" Jiang Chen said with an extremely displeased look.

"Brother Jiang, don't be as knowledgeable as him, he's just stupid!" The big turtle joined in the fun.

It was seriously injured and extremely embarrassed. It had hated Jiang Fan for a long time, and if it had the chance, it would definitely beat the dog in the water.

"Shut up, I will let you two understand that in the face of absolute strength, any trick is useless." Jiang Fan said darkly.

As soon as the voice fell, he just shot, slapped his palm, and made a thunderous sound.

Jiang Chen was not afraid, nor did he hesitate. He sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron, just to charge forward, and he wanted to fight Jiang Fan head-on, extremely powerful.

"court death!"

Jiang Fan was furious, and regarded Jiang Chen's behavior as contempt, but the price was Jiang Chen's life.

But soon, Jiang Fan realized that he was wrong. When Jiang Chen attacked, he was extremely overbearing, with a pure yang cauldron on his head, and he just ignored his attack and came to kill him.

"What's going on?" Jiang Fan's face changed slightly, and Jiang Fan was puzzled.

"Death to me!"

Jiang Chen bullyingly approached, and sacrificed the black dagger again, Yujian made a move, and slashed out.

He is extremely domineering, just like a humanoid magic soldier, facing Jiang Fan and other late-stage powerhouses, his attack method is simple and clear, and he directly needs to push horizontally.

This was unexpected by Jiang Fan, and his mind was inevitably affected.

"Is it really a breakthrough?" Jiang Fan said secretly in his heart, and his heart trembled accordingly.

Jiang Chen didn't lie, he really broke through. As the big tortoise said, that is the supreme method. Jiang Chen practiced and immersed himself in it, day and night, but he only comprehended about [-]% of it.

But even if it is [-]%, it still has a harvest beyond imagination.

Jiang Chen broke through, from the Nascent Soul Early Dzogchen, to the Nascent Soul Middle Nascent Stage, and then all the way to the Nascent Soul Middle Nascent Dzogchen.

As long as this secret technique breaks through again, then Jiang Chen's cultivation breakthrough will be a matter of course, and there will be no barriers at all.

For the big tortoise, it was extremely difficult to cultivate this secret technique, but Jiang Chen was like a fish in water, just like this secret technique was tailor-made for him.

However, the time was too short, otherwise, Jiang Chen could have successfully cultivated in one breath, thereby breaking through the late Nascent Soul stage, hitting the Great Perfection of the late Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop, and even touching the threshold of the cultivation level of transforming spirits.Or simply, to break through the cultivation of God Transformation.

To put it simply, practicing this secret method is like opening a cheating device to Jiang Chen.

In that case, the so-called Huafan cultivator, in front of Jiang Chen, would be indistinguishable from that chicken and dog, and would be able to push horizontally and overbearingly crush him.

The most important point is that this secret method can break the shackles of the physical body and hit the limit of potential. This means that although Jiang Chen has not successfully advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul, when he uses the secret method, he can easily possess the Nascent Soul The powerful combat power in the later period.

This is the reason why Jiang Chen ignored Jiang Fan, otherwise, looking forward to a few days ago, Jiang Chen could only flee in embarrassment when facing a strong man like Jiang Fan, how could he fight?That is no different from courting death!

"What about the breakthrough? Let your chances be endless, and you will die in the hands of me, Jiang Fan!" Jiang Fan said to himself in a vicious voice.

Jiang Chen was domineering, and then Jiang Fan made a move, which was even more domineering than Jiang Chen. There was a significant gap in cultivation between the two. As a powerful existence in the late stage of Huafan, some of Jiang Fan's methods were truly non-Jiang Chen. imaginable.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen ignored Jiang Fan's attacks. He broke through all methods with all his strength, and used a suppressive attack method with the momentum of directly attacking Huanglong.


One side of the void was torn apart, air waves billowed, and golden light shone.

The two figures are wrapped in light, constantly impacting, tearing apart one side of the void, where there is a big explosion, and they are constantly annihilated.

Jiang Chen fought more and more bravely, with an invincible demeanor, but Jiang Fan became more and more frightened, and realized that Jiang Chen had been underestimated after all, as if Jiang Chen was a bottomless pit. No matter what, Jiang Chen's limit was impossible to detect. where.

"How could this be?"

Jiang Fan couldn't figure it out, he was so conceited and extremely arrogant that he came alone to take Jiang Chen's life, thinking that by flipping his hands, he was taking Jiang Chen's life.

However, it was far beyond imagination, how could Jiang Chen's combat power be so tyrannical after a breakthrough, how could this be imagined.


Jiang Fan squeezed the air with his big hand, and a wave of air turned into a long sword, more than ten meters long, which cut into the air, and he wanted to cut Jiang Chen in half.


Jiang Chen drank in a low voice, with the pure yang cauldron on his head, he was not afraid at all. This kind of attack could not pose any threat to him. After activating the secret technique, Jiang Chen's combat power made great strides, from the great perfection in the middle stage of Nascent Soul to the late stage of Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

This will consume a lot of energy and blood, and after the first battle, he will be weak for a long time, but Jiang Chen is too lazy to get entangled with Jiang Fan, he wants to fight quickly.

The consequences were obvious, Jiang Fan was suppressed, retreated steadily, staggered back in the void, smashed a low mountain, and flattened a jungle.

Jiang Chen is not a martial arts expert, but his combat power at this time is already comparable to Jiang Fan, and it can be regarded as a battle between Huafan experts.

In the end, Jiang Fan's body was shattered by Jiang Chen's beating. He was angry and frightened, and retreated at a faster rate, feeling timid.

"Brother Jiang, don't let him run away, be sure to rub against the ground!" The big tortoise yelled, rushing for Jiang Chen.

"Brother Wangcai, how can you be so wicked, it's too low-level, can you have some taste?" Jiang Chen cursed, but said with a playful smile, "But, I like it, then do as you wish, kill this idiot Press and rub on the ground!"

Jiang Chen always followed his word, even if the big turtle didn't say so, Jiang Chen couldn't let Jiang Fan run away.

What's more, Jiang Chen used Jiang Fan as a test product to verify his current combat power, and the effect made him quite satisfied. Of course, if he can go one step further and step into Huashen, then, Jiang Chen It will be more satisfying.

Fighting is cultivation, and Jiang Chen pursued him all the way, like the tarsal maggot.

Jiang Fan was reluctant to fight at the beginning, but gradually, he no longer had the courage to fight, and the speed of fleeing became faster and faster, but Jiang Chen's speed was not slow at all compared to him.

This is the space shuttle technique taught by the big tortoise to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen combined it with the phantom technique, and it was even faster than the speed of the big tortoise.

It is already a supernatural power in the true sense, and it has been improved by Jiang Chen to be more suitable for Jiang Chen himself.

And this kind of speed naturally makes the big tortoise complain non-stop. This is the rhythm that Jiang Chen has completely surpassed. In the future, it is estimated that he can only honestly treat Jiang Chen as a pet.

Unless one day, it is successfully formed, otherwise, there will be no place to turn around.

"Fucking!" The big turtle cried out sadly, always thought Jiang Chen was that freak, but now he realized that the word freak was not enough to describe Jiang Chen's abnormality.


When Jiang Chen made a move, there was an indescribable aura in his gestures. In the end, Jiang Fan was beaten to the point of bleeding by Jiang Chen, and died of hatred.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Chen swept past, stepped on the back of the big tortoise, and ordered the big tortoise to go on the road...

(End of this chapter)

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