genius evil

Chapter 1464

Chapter 1464

The big tortoise was seriously injured, so the speed of the journey was not fast. All the way to Tianhai City, the big tortoise took the opportunity to heal his injuries.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, sat quietly on the back of the big tortoise, continuing to practice the supreme method.

"Beyond supernatural powers, analogous to good fortune!"

The more he practiced and touched the true meaning, the more Jiang Chen felt the mystery and wonder of this method, which can be called the divine art of good fortune.

"Brother Wangcai, what is the name of this secret method?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"No name," said the big tortoise.

While talking, the big tortoise squinted at Jiang Chen, and said again: "It doesn't matter whether you have a name or not, but if you mind, why not call it Guibo Gong, what do you think?"


Jiang Chen almost wanted to spray the big turtle in the face, this guy has really become a master, and he even knows the tortoise skill.

Jiang Chen felt that if one day he brought this thing back to Earth, he probably wouldn't be able to get used to it at all, and his thinking logic was too novel.

"It's named after the Great Immortal, do you have any objections?" The big tortoise was displeased and yelled.

"Of course, if you don't think it's appropriate, it can also be called Xuanwu Gong." The big turtle said.

"It's called the Innate Good Fortune Technique." Jiang Chen said.

This product is too unreliable. If it is named according to its method, even if this supreme method is handed down, no one will be willing to practice it. It's too shameful, isn't it?
"Why?" The big tortoise squinted at Jiang Chen again, disapproving of the name.

When the big tortoise finished speaking, the result was a beating from Jiang Chen. But this time, Jiang Chen was much gentler. After all, the big tortoise was injured. If he was accidentally beaten to death, it would be bad. .

A few days later, Haicheng was within sight that day.

"Go in!" The big tortoise said arrogantly, its injuries had recovered to a minimum, and it was no longer serious, and its momentum was restored.

"Then go in!" Jiang Chen laughed and said, full of vigor.


"Jiang Chen, why is he still in Tianhai City? Didn't he get chased and ran away? No, he's back again?"

Someone saw Jiang Chen and the big tortoise appearing, and they were puzzled for a while, but soon they understood what was going on.

"It's so courageous, isn't he afraid of death? Is this a special trip to seek death?"

Some people also said that they were extremely gloating, as if they had already seen Jiang Chen's unlucky end.

"The royal family of the Tianfeng Empire sent strong men to chase them out of the city, and they dared to show up in a big way. It's too stupid."

There are also some people who said so, thinking that Jiang Chen is invincible in the garden of all things, but the imperial family is as strong as a cloud, I am afraid that Jiang Chen's thinking is too simple, and this kind of ending can only be a bloodbath. .

"What nonsense are you talking about? Kill them all!"

Hearing those voices of discussion, before Jiang Chen had time to express his opinion, the big tortoise yelled loudly, and it squinted at everyone, showing its madness.

"Jiang Chen, we are just trying to persuade you with kind words." Someone said impatiently, thinking that Jiang Chen was too ignorant of good and evil.

"What kind of stinky fart is this? Who asked you to persuade me with good words? I am clearly planning to make trouble for you. Come here quickly and see that I will slap you with blood all over your face." Put it in your eyes.


The man almost vomited blood, and his face was completely humiliated by the big turtle.

"What do you mean, you intend to provoke me, right? Come on, I'll kill you with one move!" The big tortoise was extremely insolent.

That person was really afraid, but it wasn't about the big tortoise, but about Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's notoriety spread far and wide, and he should not be provoked. Moreover, he was clearly hunted out of the city and then turned back. Unless he really lost his mind, otherwise, he must have something to rely on.

How dare he take risks, lest if he is not careful, he will be suppressed and killed here, and run away in despair.

"Trash, you dare to speak nonsense. When this great immortal was all-powerful, you were still in your mother's belly." The big turtle was arrogant.

"The beast is crazy."

For a while, the idea popped up in countless people's minds, thinking that the big tortoise must be crazy, and his mental state is very abnormal. What's the difference between disliking yourself for not dying fast enough?

Naturally, the big tortoise wasn't crazy, so it was not so much trying to attract hatred, but rather using it to make a sound, telling the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire that it and Jiang Chen had returned.

This effect was extremely remarkable. After a very short time, Yue Dong and the others received the news that Jiang Chen had returned to Tianhai City.

"Damn things!"

After receiving the news, Yue Dong cursed loudly, his face was livid, and he was extremely ugly.

He was worried that Jiang Chen would be coerced, and that's why he urged Jiang Chen to return to the Seven Star Martial Academy as quickly as possible. Only in that way could he be safe.

What Yue Dong never expected was that instead of obeying his orders, Jiang Chen turned back to Tianhai City. Not to mention, as soon as he entered Tianhai City, there was quite a commotion. return.

This place is a courtyard not far from the imperial palace. Yue Dong and others were all under house arrest here. They were not made things difficult, but they were just trying to blackmail Jiang Chen.

When other people learned about this, they all seemed astonished and surprised.

"Brother Jiang, you are..."

Ji Mobai smiled bitterly, vaguely understanding why Jiang Chen chose to turn back, it was a manifestation of Xeon's pride, and he had a strong belief that he would rather bend than bend.

"Brother Jiang was involved after all." Fang Qingxuan sighed softly, feeling helpless.

This matter seemed to be surprising, but when he thought about it carefully, there was no surprise at all. On the contrary, if Jiang Chen really fled in embarrassment and went to the Seven Star Martial Academy to seek shelter, then it would be very abnormal.

"It's clear that we have been implicated." Jian Xiuming said loudly.

He said that the reason why he ended up like this was because he was implicated by Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen still has some humanity, but this is what Jiang Chen should do.

At the same time, Jiang Chen should apologize to them.

"Brother Jian, stop talking." Cao Xi and the others were all blushing.

They admitted that they were indeed implicated by Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen could completely ignore their lives and choose to turn back. One can imagine how much courage and faith it takes.

At least, they knew that once this happened to them, they would be unable to do it no matter what.

No matter how deep the prejudice against Jiang Chen was, at least on this matter, Cao Xi and the others had nothing to say, and their impression of Jiang Chen changed somewhat.

"Why don't you say it, did I say something wrong?" Jian Xiuming was very annoyed.
When those words fell, Jian Xiuming suddenly realized that all the people were silently watching him with the eyes of a clown.

"I'm not wrong." Jian Xiuming muttered, his voice finally dropped, his face flushed quietly.

"You can go now."

A soldier appeared, waved his hand, and motioned towards Yue Dong and the others.

"Where is Jiang Chen now?" Yue Dong asked.

"He?" The soldier sneered, and said coldly, "If you dare to offend the majesty of the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire, you will die soon!"

Yue Dong and the others regained their freedom, and the price of such freedom was Jiang Chen's initiative to enter the valley. Everyone knew this very well, but they didn't say it clearly.

"I'll set off immediately and leave Tianhai City." After pondering, Yue Dong said.

"So, brother Jiang?" Zhong Shenxiu said, frowning.

Leaving at this time meant leaving Jiang Chen behind, Zhong Shenxiu couldn't accept it.

"This matter is not something we can solve. If it stays, it will only be a burden." Yue Dong said, he has his own calculations, knowing that Jiang Chen is not a reckless person. To find a way to die, there must be something to rely on.

As for Jiang Chen's open appearance, it was in exchange for his freedom. Now that he was free, he should leave Tianhai City immediately, so that Jiang Chen would have no worries.

Zhong Shenxiu was very embarrassed, he looked at Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, and nodded reluctantly.

After unifying the opinions, Yue Dong no longer hesitated, sacrificed the flying boat, led the people on the road, and urged them at full speed to hurry on the road.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Yue Dong's eyes lit up, and he laughed out in a very strange way.


"Brother Jiang, what's the matter, do you want to continue?"

On the streets of Tianhai City, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise were all watching, and the big tortoise asked through voice transmission.

"Elder Yue has led the crowd to leave." Jiang Chen said, contacting Yue Dong.

"Run away?" The big tortoise's eyes lit up.

"As expected of the imperial family, they are so arrogant, do you really think they have deceived me, Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen said silently.

So far, no member of the royal family has appeared. However, the royal family took the lead in letting Yue Dong go. This undoubtedly meant that Jiang Chen had no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth.There will be no luck, and there will be no doubt of death.

Naturally, the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire has such confidence, but Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who can be crushed at will.

"Then why are you hesitating, let's run quickly." The big tortoise urged, not even a little arrogant and domineering, timid and eager to run.

This is the rhythm of showing its original shape after a wave of pretense. The big tortoise has superb acting skills and has no flaws. Many people were stunned for a while.

"Of course I ran quickly." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He did have something to rely on, he practiced the big tortoise's space shuttle technique, and he also practiced the innate good fortune technique, but even so, if he wanted to use this to collide with the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Jiang Chen never did things that were beyond his control. When the pretense was over, he should run away naturally.

This time, it wasn't the big tortoise that led Jiang Chen to run, but Jiang Chen ran with the big tortoise, hugged the big tortoise, and disappeared in place.

"What about people?"

It was extremely fast, disappearing out of thin air. Many people saw such a scene, thinking that there was an illusion, and wiped their eyes vigorously.

"Such a speed?"

Immediately, countless people were inexplicably astonished and moved with horror.

"Jiang Chen, since you're here, why bother to leave?"

A sound exploded, and along with the speaking voice, a figure came tearing apart the void, and after a short stay, it tore through the void again, chasing after Jiang Chen and the big tortoise in the direction where Jiang Chen and the big turtle disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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