genius evil

Chapter 1466 Domain Battlefield

Chapter 1466 Domain Battlefield
The sudden change happened, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise's expressions changed drastically, and they lost their minds in shock.

Under that hand's careless move, the void is imprisoned, like a prison, making it impossible for a person and a tortoise to move.

The occurrence of such a situation gave Jiang Chen an extremely strong feeling, as if he was like that ant, who would be crushed to death at will.

"The powerhouse who returned to the Void Dzogchen!"

The big tortoise lost its voice, and the sound came to Jiang Chen's ears.


Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen's face changed accordingly.

The practice of returning to the void and Dzogchen can be regarded as the most powerful existence in the Zhenwu Continent, infinitely close to proving the way.

"Who is he?" Jiang Chen whispered, feeling confused.

Jiang Chen thought that looking at the Tianfeng Empire, unless the emperor came in person, he might not be able to find another powerful existence of this level.

The old eunuch, as the head of the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire, has just stepped into the realm of returning to the void. Compared with this person, the sky and the earth are like clouds and mud.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

The big tortoise was in a panic and screamed in panic.

Even if such Xeon existences were dispatched, the big tortoise felt that there must be no luck this time. Either the bones of the beaten would not survive, or they would be caught and stewed in a pot of old soup. The end would be extremely miserable.

"Wangcai, can you be a little promising?"

Jiang Chen said dumbfoundingly, but it was also the first time he was so afraid of seeing a big turtle. In fact, Jiang Chen also knew that if he wanted to kill them in the face of such powerful existences, he would kill them with a single thought. Can.

But so far, Jiang Chen was quite calm and not frightened, only imprisoned, not suppressed.

"This has nothing to do with being promising or not. I just don't want to die like this..."

The big tortoise screamed, and it said: "This great immortal is handsome and unrestrained. He is destined to be popular in the mainland in the future. He must not die young. How can you understand such a feeling..."

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, laughter came into the ears of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise, and immediately the two regained their freedom and landed on the top of a mountain.

"If you want to kill or cut, listen to your respect, why do you have to laugh so obscenely, if this great immortal blinks his eyes, this great immortal is the grandson of a turtle!"

The big tortoise raised its head, and said boldly, quite with the spirit of seeing death as home.


A probing gaze landed on the big tortoise. At a cursory glance, the man seemed to be moving, but immediately, his gaze was like a torch.

Such eyes seem to be enough to explore the essence and analyze the origin.

The big tortoise was watched, and felt that there was nothing to hide from all over its body, and any secrets were exposed one by one. Its scalp was numb, its blood was rushing, and it almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

That kind of coercion is extremely terrifying. Although it was not intentionally released, it is not something the big tortoise can bear.

"You bastard...Little bastard...Little guy, it's a bit interesting."

The voice came out, a short sentence, several pauses, the man changed his address three times in a row, and he was barely able to finish such a sentence.

The big tortoise rolled its eyes wildly, and almost died of anger. What is this, a humiliation before killing it?
"You old bastard!"

Ever since, the big tortoise was very unconvinced and cursed loudly. It squinted at the past, expressing its strong determination not to fear death.

"Ha ha……"

There was another sound of laughter, but the man was not angry, he laughed casually, but wickedly.

This is a middle-aged man, but the skin is just an appearance, and the existence of this level of cultivation has already lived for many years.

"This kind of breath?"

When the middle-aged man was looking at the big tortoise interestingly, Jiang Chen was looking at this man, and under the sweep of his spiritual sense, Jiang Chen was very strangely aware that the aura on this man was extremely familiar.

"Seven Star Pagoda?" Jiang Chen had a clear understanding.

The aura on this person is actually from the same source as that of the Seven Star Pagoda.

"Is he from the Seven Star Martial Academy?" Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

"You are Jiang Chen?" At this moment, the middle-aged man's eyes fell on Jiang Chen. He was very friendly, and he had an innate aura of approachability.

This is a kind of Taoism that is spreading, not innate, but because of a certain kind of supernatural Taoism that has been practiced later.

In his previous life, Jiang Chen once climbed to the peak, so he is naturally clear about this situation.

"Dean Feng!"

Grinning lightly, Jiang Chen grinned and greeted.

Since such a strong man came from the Seven Star Martial Academy, his identity is ready to be revealed. Apart from the head of the Seven Star Martial Academy, Feng Xingyu, there will be no other person.

"You're smart, little guy." The middle-aged man smiled incomparably pleasingly.

"It turned out to be a family, why didn't you say it earlier, if you accidentally scared the Great Immortal to death, would you be responsible?" said the big turtle, and immediately regained its vigor and became lively.

I have to say, this guy's face is getting thicker and thicker, and he even said things like a family in an open manner, and he is familiar with the tricks of establishing relationships.

"President Feng, I'm really sorry for disturbing you old man." Jiang Chen said with a smile, he said that he and the big tortoise only need to be sent to the territory of the Great Qin Empire, and he didn't dare to bother him too much.

Feng Xingyu couldn't see Jiang Chen's cleverness, but he didn't take it seriously and never took it to heart.

"How did you gain from this trip to the Garden of Everything?" Feng Xingyu asked casually.


Hearing such a question, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

Even though it was just a casual question, Jiang Chen was not so naive as to think that such a question was really casual, nor would he think that Feng Xingyu's question like this was playing his tricks, so there must be something else intention.

"So-so." Jiang Chen said vaguely.

Before knowing Feng Xingyu's intentions, Jiang Chen played sloppy.

"It's been a long time since geniuses competed for glory in the Eastern Great Territory, and it hasn't been this lively before." Feng Xingyu said, as if he was reminiscing about something.

"The opening of the Garden of All Things, and the response of geniuses from all sides, it really is a prosperous world." Feng Xingyu said again, feeling a little emotional.

"It's just that under the prosperous times, there are always hidden crises that people don't know about." Feng Xingyu said again.

Jiang Chen listened and did not respond. He knew that these words were all for him, or it could be said that the reason why Feng Xingyu came in person was related to these words he wanted to say.

"Extreme prosperity leads to decline, who doesn't understand this truth?" the big tortoise said bluffing.

"It's good that prosperity must decline." Feng Xingyu smiled slightly, and he said, "Jiang Chen, do you understand?"

"Do I have to understand?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Born in a prosperous age, the heavenly pride competes for supremacy, the goddess blooms, all kinds of opportunities are endless, Jiang Chen, this is your opportunity." Feng Xingyu said solemnly.

"Principal Feng is right. When I return to the Seven Star Martial Academy, I will devote myself to meditation and will never let down your teachings, Dean Feng." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"The Seven Star Martial Academy is too small after all." However, Feng Xingyu shook his head.

"Dean Feng is too modest. Under your wise leadership, the Seven Star Martial Academy is the best in the world." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Feng Xingyu was still shaking his head, he looked at Jiang Chen with a half-smile, and said, "Little guy, are you afraid?"

Jiang Chen smiled and didn't answer.

He had a vague premonition that was not too good, and he vaguely felt that after Feng Xingyu appeared, every word he said had a deep meaning and hidden mystery.

Feng Xingyu's appearance was certainly a great surprise, but one bad thing, such a surprise, might turn into a shock.

Therefore, Jiang Chen could only act cautiously so as not to jump into the pit dug by Feng Xingyu.

"Little guy, do you have anything to say?" Feng Xingyu asked the big turtle again.

"There's nothing to say. The great immortal has crossed more bridges than you have traveled. Do you still need to teach me these principles?" The big turtle said dismissively.

"So reasonable, it's great." Feng Xingyu nodded in satisfaction.

The big tortoise has black lines all over its head. Like Jiang Chen, it has bad premonitions. This is intentional nonsense, but Feng Xingyu actually said such things. Is it really okay to open your eyes and talk nonsense?

"Then, I'll give you two a ride." Feng Xingyu said.

"Dean Feng, don't bother us too much, we can do it by ourselves..." Jiang Chen hurriedly waved his hands to express his refusal, and then, Jiang Chen moved quickly, stepped on the back of the big turtle, and urged: "Don't be in a daze, Hurry up and leave, do you really want Dean Feng to send us back to the Seven Star Martial Academy, can we still have something to do?"

"Principal Feng, I will go to practice with Brother Jiang, and I don't want to return to the Seven Star Martial Academy for the time being, so I accept it with good intentions, isn't the so-called twisted melon not sweet?" said the big turtle.

As soon as the words fell, the big tortoise was about to leave after using the space travel technique.

But with the movement of the big tortoise, that hand enveloped him again, and thus, one person and one tortoise were imprisoned again.

"Two cunning little guys." Feng Xingyu chuckled, and immediately saw that his left hand was drawn out of the void, and a space crack appeared there.

After that, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise just watched themselves being swallowed by that space crack.

"Fuck you!" Jiang Chen and the big tortoise yelled and cursed in unison, and the cooperation was called a tacit understanding.

The sound dissipated with the wind, and the spatial cracks were instantly closed.

"The origin of that evil animal?" Feng Xingyu whispered, he stepped out of the void, without a trace, after a while, the space here fluctuated, and a bright yellow figure appeared.

If Jiang Chen and the big tortoise were here, they would be able to recognize at a glance that this person was none other than the monarch of the Tianfeng Empire.

"Feng Xingyu, is that you?" The bright yellow figure said silently, and left immediately, returning to the palace of the Tianfeng Empire.

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise were trapped in a piece of void space. So, I don't know how long it has passed. When the two of them got down on the ground, the scene they saw before them was completely different.

"here is?"

The big tortoise looked around and muttered to himself, and suddenly his eyes changed drastically.

"Is this the domain battlefield?"

Immediately, the big tortoise screamed...

(End of this chapter)

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