genius evil

Chapter 1467 Devil's Playground

Chapter 1467 Devil's Playground
"Boundary battlefield?"

Hearing the call of the big tortoise, Jiang Chen's expression also changed with a "shua".

"Maybe you are sure?" Jiang Chen then asked in a deep voice.

"Just look there." The big tortoise pointed in one direction.

Following what the big tortoise pointed, Jiang Chen looked up, and there was a boundary marker there, which clearly and clearly indicated that this place was the junction of the four great domains.

"X you uncle!" In an instant, Jiang Chen cursed.

Although Jiang Chen was quite unfamiliar with the realm battlefield, he was not ignorant of it, but had heard of it.

Between the Great Territory and the Great Territory, it is not peaceful, and conflicts often occur, although, since the great war involving the four major domains in ancient times, there has not been a border war of that scale in the future.

But the friction between domains has never stopped. For this reason, the four major domains signed an agreement. The final content of the agreement is to open up a battlefield in the border area of ​​the four major domains.

This battlefield, because it connects the four major domains, is called the domain battlefield.

The domain battlefield is opened up for killing, and the only thing here is killing, but it has another name, which is called the devil's playground.

Although there are often talented warriors who frantically enter this place to practice, Jiang Chen always thinks that he is a normal person, and he is not so crazy.

But, whatever, even if Feng Xingyu threw him here, it wouldn't make Jiang Chen frantic and want to kill someone.

"Do you want to run away?" the big tortoise murmured.

This place is on the edge of the domain battlefield, but the strong bloody smell is everywhere, and under the loess, there are endless bones buried, which is shocking.

It is not difficult to imagine that once you step into it, the killing will follow like a shadow.

At this time, if you don't run away, once you are targeted, there is no possibility of running away again.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"The sky and the earth are so big, let us be free and easy." The big turtle said so.

"I can't run away." Jiang Chen shook his head, he could feel that there was a pair of eyes watching every move of him and the big turtle, there was no doubt that it was Feng Xingyu.

If he ran away with the big tortoise, he would be caught by Feng Xingyu immediately, and if that happened, he would probably be thrown into the center of the battlefield in the next step, and the two of them would be directly One, involved in the killing.

This meant that he had no choice but to make Jiang Chen aggrieved and angry.

He was always on guard against being tricked by people, even the caves of dragons and tigers in Tianhai City, he had already broken through once. As a result, it was difficult to guard against family thieves by day and night, and he was trapped to death by Feng Xingyu.

Facing one direction, Jiang Chen pointed out his middle finger, and then, leading the big tortoise, resolutely, crossed that boundary marker.

"Little guy, you can only grow if you go through hardships. Sooner or later you will understand that I am doing it for your own good." A faint smile came out, and there was a shallow wave in the void. The figure disappeared into the void.

"Brother Jiang, are you okay, are you mentally disturbed?" asked the big turtle.

It was waiting for Jiang Chen to run away, but Jiang Chen was extremely resolute, and brought it into the domain battlefield, is this stupid?

"Kill the world upside down." Jiang Chen said coldly, his eyes sparkling.

His current strength has crushed countless geniuses, but compared to those who stand at the top of the world's pyramid, it is not worth mentioning. Let him live as he lives, and let him die as he dies.

The tragedy of the previous life, Jiang Chen naturally didn't want to have it happen again.

Only by being strong and constantly becoming stronger can one control one's own destiny.

Entering the realm battlefield was a last resort, but Jiang Chen understood that, in fact, even if Feng Xingyu didn't do this, he would come here one day sooner or later to conduct a devil's trial.

Otherwise, how can we talk about confronting Tianfeng Empire?
Moreover, Jiang Chen also knew that it was because he had made too many enemies that Feng Xingyu would send him here. It can be said that this is the most suitable path for him, and there will be no other place. It suits him better than here.

"Brother Jiang, can we talk more normally?" The big tortoise said with a sideways glance at Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen might really have become abnormal.

"How much do you know about the domain battlefield? Tell me all about it." Jiang Chen said casually, ignoring the big turtle's nonsense.

Hearing Jiang Chen say this, the big tortoise would not know that Jiang Chen was planning to make a splash in the realm battlefield, and immediately complained of suffering, with a turtle face, more bitter than bitter melon.

"The domain battlefield borders the four major realms. There are dangers everywhere. Crazies are everywhere. They live and die for killing..." said the big tortoise, intermittently introducing it to Jiang Chen.

After a pause, the big tortoise said again, "In the four major domains, there are powerful beings who have entered this place, and there are even people who, in this alliance, establish a sect, but we must be extra careful..."

But the big tortoise knew a lot about the domain battlefield. At this time, he knew everything without saying anything, and tried his best to let Jiang Chen have a better understanding of this place.

After all, it is currently a grasshopper tied to the same rope as Jiang Chen, and its own safety is at stake, and there is no room for contempt and slack.

Alliance forces... sectarian forces...

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, even in such a four-way zone.

The actual situation is that because of the particularity of this place, the various rules are more naked and direct, and everything is attributed to the most primitive state.

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise walked while talking.

"Someone is here." Suddenly, Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly. After all, after entering this place, he saw an outsider for the first time.

As Jiang Chen's voice fell, there was the sound of footsteps, several figures galloped from that distance, and landed in front of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise.

"My lord, there is a tortoise over there. I will slaughter it later and cook a pot of old soup for you, my lord." A guy with a bit of a rat head looked at the big tortoise with his eyes shining, as if he was looking at the turtle. Here comes the one pot gourmet.

Hearing the sound, the big tortoise became furious, and shouted: "Do you want to die? You dared to take the idea of ​​this great immortal to kill you every minute, so that your bones will not survive, destroy your whole family, and kill your nine clans!"

The big tortoise was really angry and spit flying all over the place. The guy who saw it for the first time wanted to kill it and make soup. This is a great humiliation and cannot be tolerated.

"My lord, this tortoise can actually talk. It must be delicious." The man with the roe-headed mouse said with a smile. He looked at the big tortoise without blinking, and his saliva flowed out.

The big tortoise was extremely speechless, wondering if this idiot was a foodie, or the kind of foodie who would give up his life just to eat?

"What does human flesh taste like?" The big turtle asked Jiang Chen.

"It must be delicious." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Is that so? Very good, idiot, I will swallow you alive in a while." The big tortoise said aggressively.

"My lord, this subordinate can't control himself anymore, please give me an order to let this subordinate go down and catch that turtle." The rat-headed man said eagerly, gearing up his fists.

The adult he was talking about was a middle-aged man in a red robe. Ever since that middle-aged man appeared, he had always looked at Jiang Chen with great interest.

He waved his hand casually, signaling the rat-headed man to calm down, and said casually, "Little guy, new here?"

"Who said we are newcomers? The waste that died in the hands of our two brothers, if not a thousand, there are eight hundred. Are you here to make up the number?" Before Jiang Chen could speak, the big turtle said first.

Such an imposing manner is full of it.

"Teach you some rules, let's knock three times." The middle-aged man said casually, as if he didn't hear the big turtle's words at all.

"Kowtow three times, and I'll spare your life. Come on, I'm ready." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"To shut up!"

"court death!"


However, after Jiang Chen's words fell, the people behind the middle-aged man started clamoring, and the face of the middle-aged man also changed accordingly, his eyes became extremely cold.

"Sure enough, he's a newcomer. He really doesn't understand any rules." The middle-aged man said coldly.

"What are the rules here, you can tell them." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Of course, whoever has the biggest fist is the rule." The middle-aged man said directly.

"Obviously, my fist is bigger than yours." Jiang Chen said in an incomparably firm tone. In the end, as if fearing that the middle-aged man would not believe it, Jiang Chen clenched his fist and rushed forward.

"Ping ping pong pong..."

After a while, the screams of ghosts and wolves were heard far away. Everyone, including the middle-aged man, had their noses and faces bruised and swollen from Jiang Chen's beating.

Jiang Chen's whole body was full of golden light, majestic and majestic, as if the god of war had come to the world.

"how come?"

The middle-aged man and the others were frightened to death. They originally thought that Jiang Chen had been bullied, but how could they have imagined that Jiang Chen was so powerful. He was waiting in front of Jiang Chen, and he didn't even have a chance to make a move, so he could only be beaten passively.

If Jiang Chen had killed them, they would have died countless times just now.

"Kneel down and kowtow!"

Seeing Jiang Chen's eyes, there was an undisguised killing intent in those eyes, the middle-aged man's whole body was agitated, he understood it, knelt down and smacked his head three times at Jiang Chen.

The rest of the people followed suit one after another. They were crisp and neat, without any sloppiness.

Seeing the actions of these people, the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, he was astonished. Even though he always regarded himself as thick-skinned, he had no choice but to bow down at this time.

After all, he still wants face anyway, but these guys are genuine, they don't even want face.

"Brother Jiang, how should we deal with it?" The big tortoise grinned and said, it was planning to make a move later and forcefully suppress and kill them. Who knew, these guys were so worthless that it was embarrassed to make a move, and asked Jiang Chen. Views.

"Kill it!" Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

This is what the big tortoise was waiting for. It was so excited that it culled it...

(End of this chapter)

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