genius evil

Chapter 1468 1 group of fools

Chapter 1468

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise left.

Behind the two, the blood stained the loess, where several fragmented corpses were left.

In terms of the strength of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise, even the warriors in the early and middle stages of Huafan were able to pass straight across without any pressure at all.

Unless it is the late Huafan martial arts masters who have practiced supernatural powers and occult techniques, and the masters who have refined the void, they will put a certain amount of pressure on the two of them.

Previously, that middle-aged man had only mere cultivation in the early stage of Huafan, and he boasted that he was powerful, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, he was indistinguishable from that ant.

The ending was doomed from the beginning, it's just that the middle-aged man and others feel too good about themselves.

However, a few people appeared casually, even if they had the cultivation of transforming mortals, such a situation was more or less unexpected, which was beyond Jiang Chen's surprise.

One must know that Huafan powerhouses can be regarded as powerhouses in the true sense in the four major domains, but here, they seem to be worthless.

If it weren't for the fact that this place is relatively closed and almost isolated from the outside world, once such a situation is reported, it will definitely cause an uproar, and I don't know how many geniuses who claim to be extraordinary will fall into despair.

"Is this why Feng Xingyu sent me here?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

There is no doubt that since Feng Xingyu sent him here, he must have a certain degree of understanding of this place, knowing that this place is the most suitable place for him.

Otherwise, it is impossible for such a coincidence to occur.

But even so, it was absolutely impossible for Jiang Chen to thank Feng Xingyu for his so-called good intentions.

The difference between coercion and initiative is like a natural moat. Jiang Chen has always done whatever he wants, so why should others arrange the path he wants to take?

Even if that person is Feng Xingyu, it won't work!
"It's inexplicably exciting, why is that?" said the big tortoise, smiling happily.

"I guess it's due to draw." Jiang Chen said casually.

The big tortoise shrank its neck subconsciously, and then said: "The area of ​​this battlefield is quite large, enough to be compared with an empire territory. Brother Jiang, I wonder if you are ambitious?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Conquer this territory, build a huge empire, rule the world, have 3000 beauties in the harem, leave endless incense, pass it down forever, be the emperor of the ages, and surpass the past and the present..." The big turtle said in a bewitching tone.

After the big tortoise finished speaking, Jiang Chen looked at the big tortoise like that, which was no different from looking at an idiot.

There are so many people in this world who are ambitious and dare to try. Jiang Chen never thinks that the big tortoise is the only one with this kind of thinking. There must be Xeon that has such a plan.

But from the beginning to the end, since ancient times, the domain battlefield has always remained the same. It is not difficult to say that no one has ever succeeded.

It is very obvious that there are many forces maintaining the order in the domain battlefield. This territory is destined to be impossible to be occupied by anyone.

Another point is that if you want to build a huge empire, unless you are an existence at the level of proving the Tao, otherwise, it is tantamount to writing four big characters on your face: I want to die!

"Brother Jiang, what kind of eyes do you have, do you despise me?" Leaning at Jiang Chen, the big turtle also looked down on him incomparably, "Others can't do it, so maybe you can't do it. Besides, with this great immortal to assist you, why worry about not being successful?"

"The gods and beasts rule the country and command the world, who dares not obey?" The big tortoise said solemnly, very arrogant. Naturally, what he got in exchange was a violent beating from Jiang Chen.

It has to be said that even though what the big tortoise said was whimsical, it still moved Jiang Chen a little.

Although the Zhenwu Continent is only a temporary transitional stage for Jiang Chen, he came here only for experience, and it is impossible to stay for too long. If there is a chance, what he yearns for the most is to return to the True Spirit Continent. This is where he truly belongs.

But if there is an opportunity, it would be quite a good thing to build an empire and leave inheritance and incense.

Of course, it's definitely not now. With his current strength, if he tried to build an empire in vain, under the suppression of many parties, he probably didn't even know how to die.

The big tortoise has always been unreliable, and he came up with such an idea in a sudden whim and a flash of inspiration. Therefore, this time when Jiang Chen was beating violently, he was very gentle.

But it was still miserable, the big tortoise was ravaged to death, howling like ghosts and wolves.

"Brother Jiang, you've gone too far. It's clear that your heart is moved, isn't it?" the big turtle yelled, very annoyed, because this beating was too inexplicable.

Jiang Chen smiled strangely, played with his fist and said, "My hands are itchy, whether I can do it or not."

"Okay!" The big tortoise was aggrieved and had to bow its head.


The domain battlefield is located in the border area of ​​the four major domains. No matter the terrain or the landform, this place is quite complicated. It is still full of trees, and the front is full of yellow sand, and there is no grass growing.

Within the yellow sand, as far as the eye can see, clusters of small yellow flowers are blooming, and the fragrance of the flowers is striking and refreshing.

But that flower is not simple, it was born on the yellow sand, and it has a strange fragrance, which affects the mind.

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise walked over. Jiang Chen plucked a flower with a surprised expression on his face. This kind of flower also exists in the True Spirit Continent, and it has a rather nice name called Xuexianglan.

This is a poisonous flower.

Jiang Chen led the big tortoise over there. It was obvious that the flowers on the yellow sand did not grow naturally, but were artificially planted here.

This means that not far from here, there is a force, or a sect established in the field battlefield.

As a result, as Jiang Chen expected, a small oasis appeared there about a hundred kilometers ahead, and there were scattered buildings on the oasis.

Here, more snow pandan orchids are planted, and at a glance, it looks like a sea of ​​flowers.

As Jiang Chen and the big tortoise approached, the situation in the oasis was clear at a glance.

"There are more than 20 people in total." The big tortoise said.

Jiang Chen nodded. He unscrupulously released his consciousness, quickly swept across, and captured the situation in the oasis. It can be seen that this is a small force.

The most powerful generation is the martial artist in the early stage of transformation.

This kind of existence cannot enter the eyes of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise. The two walk around and enter the oasis, just like entering the uninhabited land.

"The Great Immortal is here, so come out quickly to entertain the distinguished guests." Raising his throat, the big tortoise just yelled, incomparably high-profile.


Following the big tortoise's words, several figures rushed out and appeared in front of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise.


However, one of them, after staring at Jiang Chen and the big turtle, laughed strangely.

When he smiled, the other three also laughed. When they were laughing, each of them became weirder than the other.

"A bunch of fools?" said the big turtle.

"You two distinguished guests, please come with us. When the distinguished guests come, they should be entertained with good tea and wine." One person said, taking advantage of the opportunity to invite, the smile on his face quickly disappeared, and he returned to a calm state.

"Are you treating us as fools?" the big turtle said again.

However, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise still accepted the invitation, because the two parties basically did not hide it, and even if there were calculations, they were all on the surface.

It can be said that this is a manifestation of the rules of survival in the domain battlefield. There have been rumors from the outside world, and they have vowed that anyone who enters the domain battlefield is either a lunatic or a madman.

Whether it is a lunatic or a madman, it all means playing cards that do not follow common sense.

In a simple building, the man poured a glass of wine for Jiang Chen and the big tortoise, and said, "This is flower wine. Have you seen the flowers outside? Every morning, we go to pick the petals. Collect the dew and use it to brew this flower wine."

"It's too precious, what a shame." The big tortoise said hypocritically.

Xuexianglan is extremely poisonous, even though the wine in front of him is full of aroma, but the big turtle can guarantee that if you drink it, you will definitely be gutted, there is no luck.

Although he was regarded as a fool, unless he was really a fool, he would probably pick up the bowl and take a sip, right?The big tortoise felt like his IQ was being fooled.

"If these flowers are only used to make wine, wouldn't it be too wasteful?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

As far as he knows, although this Xue Xianglan is highly poisonous, it is also the best medicine, which can be used to refine poison elixir, but at the same time, it can also be used to refine another rare and precious medicine. Elixir.

Jiang Chen definitely didn't think that planting so many Snow Fragrant Orchids was just for the simple sake of making wine, otherwise, it would be like a waste of money, and there would be no difference.

"Oh, what else?" the man asked.

"If I'm not wrong, you are just a gardener who was sent here to plant these flowers." Jiang Chen said slowly.


Pointing a finger at Jiang Chen, the man's expression suddenly changed. He never expected that Jiang Chen would have guessed this point through some insignificant clues.

"If you are passive and sabotage your work, and use flowers to make wine, you won't be afraid of being condemned, and you will die without a place to die?" Jiang Chen said with a half smile.

"What do you know, shut up!" The man became ashamed and snapped.

"Are you guilty of being a thief?" Jiang Chen smiled and said casually.

This person's threat, to Jiang Chen, is no different from a joke, it is impossible to take it to heart.

"Brother Jiang, why do I feel something is wrong? If this guy is that gardener, why does he make wine? Is this wine drinkable?" The big turtle asked in confusion.

This is the most poisonous thing and cannot be drunk at all. In the eyes of the big tortoise, it is meaningless to collect flower petals, rain and dew to make wine.

Since it is meaningless, there is obviously no need to do it, and once it is done, then what is meaningless in itself becomes extremely meaningful.

It's just that the big turtle can't understand what is the deep meaning.

"Of course I can drink it, and it's very delicious." Jiang Chen said with a light smile, and then, under the gaze of the big turtle, he picked up the bowl of wine, raised his neck, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Are you really stupid?" The big tortoise was dumbfounded.

"Good wine." Jiang Chen praised.

The more poisonous it is, the more delicious it is. The wine made from the petals of Xuexianglan perfectly illustrates this point...

(End of this chapter)

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