genius evil

Chapter 1472 You need a man

Chapter 1472 You need a man

When it comes to things like picking up girls, when all the methods and skills are exhausted, and there is no other way to do it, at that level, the only thing they can compete with is their patience.

The so-called strong women are afraid of pestering men, that's all.

And it so happened that Jiang Chen had plenty of patience!

Four young girls are walking with a soft sedan chair, their feet are blown by the wind, they walk on the sand without a trace, and their posture is graceful, like four butterflies flying around, which is very beautiful.

In this way, the endless yellow sand, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise trailing behind, will not be too boring.

"Brother Jiang, you can tell the truth now." The big turtle said through voice transmission.

"Soak her!" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Brother Jiang, with the relationship between you and me, is it necessary to be so secretive? I don't know who you are?" The big turtle sneered.

When he was in the Garden of Everything, the big tortoise thought he had seen Jiang Chen thoroughly. Jiang Chen was notoriously unprofitable, so the big tortoise would not be so naive as to think that Jiang Chen just wanted to soak his gray hair. woman.

Although, it is undeniable that Jiang Chen has thoughts in this regard, but if Jiang Chen is really so superficial, how can he reach the height he is now?

There must be other intentions, but so far, Jiang Chen has not shown it.

"Brother Wangcai, this is your fault. Dare to ask, is there anything in this world more pleasing to the eye than a beauty?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm angry too!" The big tortoise glared at each other, and really wanted to beat Jiang Chen violently in turn to relieve the hatred in his heart.

"Are you using her, thinking you can escape my eyes?" The big turtle sneered.

"My hands are itchy all of a sudden, why is that?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

The big tortoise shrank its neck suddenly, and took a few steps back to avoid Jiang Chen's murderous hands.

The big turtle guessed right, Jiang Chen was indeed using the white-haired woman.

The two of them had just entered the realm battlefield for the first time, and their eyes were darkened. Jiang Chen didn't want to waste his limited time on some trivial matters.

Therefore, binding himself with the white-haired woman will undoubtedly allow him to reach out to more powerful people with a higher vision.

This is because the white-haired woman is strong enough, so anyone who is qualified to deal with her is undoubtedly not simple.

This is a great opportunity, and with Jiang Chen's usual style of doing things, it is natural that he will not waste it, and he must make good use of it.

Casual voice transmission, Jiang Chen informed the big tortoise.

"Brother Jiang, what about your personality? Is there anything more important than picking up girls?" The big tortoise said contemptuously. This time, it didn't transmit the sound, and the voice fell into the ears of the white-haired woman.

While walking, several young girls turned their heads to look at Jiang Chen from time to time. They all gritted their teeth in hatred for this apprentice, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Suddenly, when they heard the big tortoise say such a sentence, the four of them were astonished and did not understand what it meant.

Jiang Chen was very calm, and said with a slight smile, "It's too ugly to pick up girls or not."

The four young girls nodded together, thinking that it was really ugly.

"It should be called a pick-up girl." Jiang Chen said again, with a serious look.

In an instant, the faces of the four girls turned red, wishing they could fight Jiang Chen desperately, even if they couldn't comprehend the essence of the word pick up, but roughly speaking, it wasn't a good word.

"Haha, it's wonderful." The big turtle laughed, thinking that the word "pickup" is extremely expressive and wonderful.

On the soft sedan chair, the white-haired woman was indifferent, as if she didn't hear what Jiang Chen said at all, but then she signaled to speed up, but it was obvious that deep down, she was not calm.

"I have a premonition that the big beauty is about to fall. Brother Jiang, you are really blessed, and I am very envious of you." The big tortoise sighed.

"That's for sure. After all, who in this world can refuse a peerless handsome guy like me?" Jiang Chen said leisurely, full of confidence.

Almost an hour later, in the distance, buildings appeared.

There is the edge of the yellow sand, and the trees are shady, like a paradise.

Snow Fragrant Orchids are still being planted, but besides Snow Fragrant Orchids, there are other exotic flowers and plants. At a glance, Jiang Chen recognized that there are a few flowers and plants among them, which are quite rare and are not available in the outside world. price.

Such a building is very simple, a small three-story wooden house, next to the wooden house, there are several neighbors, presumably, the wooden house is the residence of the white-haired woman, and the neighbors are the residences of these four young women.

The figure flickered, like a phoenix, stepping on the void, and the white-haired woman entered the wooden house through an open window in an instant.

"I'm coming too!" With a loud shout, Jiang Chen followed behind without any hesitation.


"court death!"


Such a scene caused the expressions of the four young girls to change drastically.

No one had ever entered that wooden house, even the four of them were not qualified to set foot on it, let alone a man.

Jiang Chen entered without invitation and was extremely rude. The degree of offense was unbearable.

"Calm down... Calm down..." The big tortoise waved its paws as a signal, and then comforted, "You will get used to it after watching it too much. After you get used to it, it will become natural."

"you shut up!"

A female general vented her anger on the big tortoise, and immediately started to beat the big tortoise.

"Who did this Great Immortal provoke whom?" The big tortoise was speechless.

Inside the wooden house, the aroma is overwhelming.

The aromas of all kinds of exotic flowers and herbs are mixed together. Take a breath, and all kinds of exotic fragrances are intertwined and linger in the nostrils, which will last for a long time.

"Get out!" the white-haired woman scolded with a cold face.

She stared at Jiang Chen with extremely sharp eyes. Jiang Chen had the audacity to break into her residence without authorization, which violated her taboo.

"This thing is good." Jiang Chen talked about other things, and said.

"The scenery is beautiful, and the people are also beautiful, but the aura is not very good." Jiang Chen said again, continuing to pretend to be crazy!

"Get out!" The white-haired woman became more and more severe, and veins appeared on her fair face.

"Could it be that you don't want to solve the sequelae of the Flower Planting Technique?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

His skin is as thick as that of the city wall, so it is impossible for him to be dismissed so easily. Besides, he has already entered the room, so it is not his style to leave so easily.

"If you lie to me, I will kill you at all costs!" the white-haired woman said coldly.

Of course she wanted to solve it, thinking about it day and night, she didn't want to be trapped here all her life, living like a walking dead.

Outsiders are attracted to her beauty, but for her, who can understand the pain in her heart?
"Looking at how handsome I am, you know I'm definitely not going to lie." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Method." The white-haired woman said.

As long as Jiang Chen told her how to solve it, then she would believe that Jiang Chen was not lying, otherwise, no matter what Jiang Chen said, it would not be able to change the image in her heart.

"There has never been a free lunch in this world. Of course, neither breakfast nor dinner. Beauty, even if you are very beautiful, is it really okay to ask for benefits with empty teeth like this?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"What do you want?" Frowning, the white-haired woman said.

If Jiang Chen could really solve the sequelae of her cultivating the Flower Planting Art, then even if she paid some price, it would not be impossible.

But that price must be within the range she can bear, and Jiang Chen promises not to open his mouth like a lion.

"It's so obvious, isn't it? What I want is you..." Pointing a finger at the white-haired woman, Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You" the white-haired woman was angry.

Are these slutty, frivolous and rude behaviors meant to touch her bottom line again and again and test the limits of her patience?

"Oh, what I mean is, what I want is for you to tell the truth about the signs of such sequelae." Jiang Chen said slowly.

The white-haired woman was stunned, she never expected such a reversal, she looked at Jiang Chen, and she clearly saw Jiang Chen's face full of embarrassment when he smiled.

This was definitely not Jiang Chen's original intention, but Jiang Chen was very smart, and only said half of the previous sentence. Therefore, the two sides were fighting with each other, and Jiang Chen firmly grasped the initiative, so she could only be dragged away. Go nose to nose.

This annoyed the white-haired woman, but she didn't want to have such a meaningless fight with Jiang Chen, so she said, "At the beginning of the onset of such sequelae, the body was icy cold, and after that, the body's functions changed, and gradually, become what it is today."

"What else?" Jiang Chen said.

"No more." The white-haired woman shook her head.

"Does it mean that every time I dream back at midnight, my body is filled with a strong and primitive desire." Jiang Chen said casually.


The white-haired woman's complexion changed drastically. She trembled and lost her mind. She moved her feet and took a few steps back quickly, widening the distance between Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen.

At this moment, the way she looked at Jiang Chen was full of horror.

On the surface, Jiang Chen's words sounded like teasing, but as the person involved, the white-haired woman couldn't understand that what Jiang Chen said was the truth.

That is the deepest secret she hides. So far, no one has known it except herself, not even her four personal maids.

Because of this secret, she lives alone, even a maid, she is not allowed to get close to her, especially at night, she refuses anyone to get close to her.

Once someone approached, she would panic, tremble and be disturbed, and under the crazily swallowed by desire, she would feel lost and restless.

"Don't be nervous, even if you force yourself to attack my overlord, I will definitely defend myself like a jade and prevent you from succeeding." Jiang Chen comforted him vowingly.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen saw that the white-haired woman was about to go berserk, and then said, "Do you burn the secret incense made by Xue Xianglan every day to fall asleep?"

The fragrance in the room is exactly the smell of incense. It is mainly composed of snow orchid petals, supplemented by other kinds of exotic flowers and herbs. Hallucinations, as if entering a hallucination.

The white-haired woman nodded silently, and then, Jiang Chen said again, "Day after day, year after year, I have always been depressed and never vented. There is a saying called, it is better to be blocked than to be sparse. I wonder if you have heard of the beautiful woman? "

"What do you mean?" The white-haired woman was puzzled.

"It's very simple, you need a man." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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