genius evil

Chapter 1473 Can You Save Some Face

Chapter 1473 Can You Save Some Face

"You... arrogant!"

The white-haired woman lost her mind in astonishment, scolded angrily, and her delicate body trembled uncontrollably.

She was waiting for Jiang Chen to prescribe a wonderful prescription for her, but who would have expected that Jiang Chen would say such words, which shocked her so much that she couldn't help herself.

"Big beauty, I'm clearly telling the truth, but you say I'm presumptuous. Is it really okay to beat me up like this?" Jiang Chen said, looking very innocent.

"To shut up!"

The white-haired woman couldn't take it anymore, she turned her head and wanted to leave.

"Big beauty, is it really okay for you to hide your illness and avoid medical treatment like this? How about I change it to something you can accept more?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen suggested.

The white-haired woman disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight as if she didn't hear Jiang Chen's words.

Watching the white-haired woman leave, Jiang Chen grinned.

I have to say that this is extremely interesting. Who would have thought that the famous Baihua Grandma would actually have a shy side like a girl?

"Brother Jiang, you are too careless." The big tortoise raised its head and looked at Jiang Chen with eyes that hated iron.

"How can you say that a beautiful woman needs a man? Is there anyone who said that? You should say that a beautiful woman needs a Taoist companion, or a companion is fine." The big tortoise said earnestly.

It believed that Jiang Chen could have taken down the white-haired woman in one fell swoop, but he was too poor at speaking, which led to a missed opportunity.

After all, that would be too reckless, even if the white-haired woman really needs it, can she admit it?
"After all, you are too young. It is necessary to ask this great fairy for advice. This great fairy will know everything and talk about everything, and he will train you into a generation of pickup masters." The big turtle said again.

"Actually, I did it on purpose." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Why be stubborn?" The big tortoise sighed, thinking that Jiang Chen was a dead duck with a stubborn mouth. This cooked duck could fly away in his hands, so he was ashamed to say it was intentional?

"Big beauty really needs a man." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Whether it is a Taoist couple or a partner, is there any rule that it must be a man?

If the white-haired woman gets the wrong idea because of this, then it is a real missed opportunity!

"I will never change my nature!" said the big tortoise bitterly.

Jiang Chen was lazy and talkative, he grabbed the big tortoise and just threw it out, so as not to disturb the world between him and the white-haired woman.

On the third floor of the wooden house, the white-haired woman sat cross-legged quietly, and when breathing, the fragrance of flowers lingered between her mouth and nose.

That is the strange fragrance of snow phoenix orchids. There is a sea of ​​flowers here. The snow phoenix orchids are in full bloom.

"This is drinking poison to quench thirst!"

A voice quietly passed into the ears of the white-haired woman.

The slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and the white-haired woman saw a figure leaning against the door frame, who else could it be except Jiang Chen.

"Your body has reached its limit. Within three months, your physical body will wither and grow old like a withered flower." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

The white-haired woman stared fixedly at Jiang Chen, her expressionless face revealed panic and helplessness.

During this period of time, the white-haired woman was able to clearly perceive that her life energy was passing away, and she knew that her time was numbered and her time was approaching.

Perhaps it might not be the three months that Jiang Chen said, because maybe it wouldn't last even three months.

At that time, how can she bear the withering face and the loss of youth?
"Whether three months is long or short, you can think about what I said, and try to accept it... I think it should be much easier than accepting death..." Jiang Chen said with a smile, but with rare seriousness.

Some people describe desire as a scourge.

Such words may seem alarmist, but in fact, there is no exaggeration.

There are many kinds of desires, and many thoughts and ideas in the subconscious mind can also be called desires. Of course, the most simple understanding of the world is the physiological desires of the human body.

Physical desires are often more terrifying, easily crushing reason.

This kind of desire is not something that can be suppressed casually if you want to suppress it. As time goes by, once it breaks out, it is unimaginable.

This is the sequelae of cultivating the flower planting formula. The five senses are amplified, affecting others, and at the same time, it is also a backlash against oneself. Day after day, year after year, the body of the white-haired woman is like a timed bomb, on the verge of exploding the edge of.

If the desire cannot be vented, in the end, under such backlash, the white-haired woman will grow old overnight. In that case, she may not die, but for her who was originally prosperous like a flower, such an ending will undoubtedly be better than death. , It will still be uncomfortable and unacceptable.

After saying this, Jiang Chen turned around and left.

"What did you say?"

In the ear, Jiang Chen's muttering sound came, and the white-haired woman almost went crazy.

"I didn't say anything." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said lightly, refusing to admit it.

"Damn, damn it!"

The white-haired woman was annoyed, she had keen senses, and she clearly heard Jiang Chen saying that she had taken advantage of it, that he had sacrificed his life for morality, and it was definitely not her idea.

In this case, the white-haired woman absolutely cannot accept it. She believes that even if she finally compromises and commits herself to Jiang Chen, it is definitely not her taking advantage, but Jiang Chen taking advantage of the sky.

How could Jiang Chen not make the white-haired woman furious when he said such sarcastic remarks.

"Even if I, Song Weiyang, die, I will never take advantage of you!" Gritting her teeth, the white-haired woman said bitterly.

At this moment, her determination was extremely strong.

Even if such a day will come eventually, but before that day comes, she will kill herself with her own hands, and she is absolutely unwilling, so Jiang Chen will take advantage of it.

"Why bother." Imitating the tone of the big tortoise, Jiang Chen's voice came from outside the wooden house.

"Swearing is often the most useless thing, I'll wait for you to go back on your word." Jiang Chen said again.


Four young girls gathered around together, wanting to expel Jiang Chen and keep him away from Song Weiyang.

Jiang Chen didn't care, and walked away.

For the next few days, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise lived here.

The big tortoise hadn't completely recovered from its injuries, so it happened to take advantage of the time to heal its wounds, while Jiang Chen was just doing nothing, fighting with the four girls every day, and learned the names of the four girls by the way.

The four daughters were named after Chun Xia Qiu Dong, simple and rude, they were called Na Zhi Chun Zhi Xia Zhi Qiu Zhi Dong, easy to remember, and then Jiang Chen found out strangely that these four names happened to correspond to the characters of the four women, it could be said that , couldn't be more appropriate.

However, in the past few days, Jiang Chen never went to the wooden house to harass Song Weiyang.

In the final analysis, he has said everything that should be said, since there is nothing to say, then there is no need to see Song Weiyang.

"Today, let's play a new game." Jiang Chen said, and greeted Zhichun casually, "Miss Zhichun, go and pick up some firewood."

Then, greet Zhixia Zhiqiu and Zhidong respectively.

"doing what?"

The four girls were confused and unmoved, they didn't listen to Jiang Chen's orders at all.

"Okay, I'll come in person."

Jiang Chen was helpless and deeply frustrated. For the first time, he deeply doubted his own charm. Otherwise, why did he break down in front of the four girls again and again, ordering to do a little thing, and it turned out that they were all wrong. To save face, Jiang Chen was very hurt.

Jiang Chen went to pick up firewood, caught a few animals, skillfully disemboweled them, washed them with clean water, skewered them, lit a fire, put them on the fire, and roasted them.

"Well, this is called barbecue." Jiang Chen introduced.

"Who doesn't know?" Zhixia sneered and rolled her eyes.

"Can you save some face? I want face too, okay?" Jiang Chen was angry?

In the end, all four girls sneered in exchange.

"Brother Jiang, don't bother, you don't want to pick them up anyway." The big turtle came over and comforted him.

"you shut up!"

The four girls were annoyed, and all four fingers pointed at the big tortoise, thinking that what the big tortoise said was too ugly.

"Do you want to be picked up by him?" The big tortoise said, and the words he said were full of lethality.

Where are the four girls' opponents, they all shut up.

It was not the first time for Jiang Chen to do barbecue. Soon, the meat would be roasted and distributed to the big tortoise, and he started to eat it.

He just bared his teeth and grinned as he ate, and his mouth was full of oil.

"Is it so delicious?" Seeing Jiang Chen's eating, the four girls were dumbfounded, as if Jiang Chen was eating delicacies from mountains and seas, but in fact, those small animals were here. Very common.

"It's really delicious." Jiang Chen nodded.

Then, in order to prove his statement, Jiang Chen ate even more cheerfully.


Among the four girls, whoever it was was unknown, her stomach let out a loud growl.

As far as their cultivation base is concerned, they have long been bigu. From the perspective of ordinary people, they are the so-called non-human fireworks, but perhaps because Jiang Chen ate too much fun and delicious food, they were also seduced by the seduced index finger. Can't rush up, grab some from Jiang Chen's hand and eat it, so as to verify whether it is really that delicious.

After all, judging from the way Jiang Chen ate it, it was supremely delicious.

"Want to eat?" Jiang Chen said with a teasing chuckle.

The four girls shook their heads in unison, and there was a tacit understanding between each other.

Even if they want to eat, it is absolutely impossible for them to admit it.

Jiang Chen casually threw the four pieces of meat, and by some coincidence, the four girls all shot and caught them.

"Eat." Jiang Chen greeted.


There was another sound of stomach yelling, Zhiqiu lowered his head slightly, took a tentative bite, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw the other three women wolfing down.

Zhiqiu was dumbfounded, but he couldn't care less about being in a daze, and hurriedly started to eat.

"What's the matter?" asked the big tortoise.

"Only beauty and delicious food can't be let down." Jiang Chen said casually.

"So, it's so simple, you bought the four of them?" the big turtle said nana, unbelievable.

"Believe me, if you want to conquer a woman, you only need to conquer her appetite." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

While talking, Jiang Chen casually threw a piece of roasted meat through the window, and fell into the hands of Song Weiyang in the room without any mistakes...

(End of this chapter)

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