genius evil

Chapter 1474 Pulling the Goddess from the Altar

Chapter 1474 Pulling the Goddess from the Altar

It was a piece of barbecue, which was carefully grilled by Jiang Chen, and the aroma was overflowing. I don't know what strange spices Jiang Chen used, so that it seemed to give people an extraordinarily appetizing feeling.

Song Weiyang lowered her head, looked at the barbecue in her hand, and suddenly, her expression was in a trance.

Outside the wooden house, it was very lively.

Jiang Chen grilled meat, and then ate meat... All kinds of messy voices came into Song Weiyang's ears, making it impossible for Song Weiyang to pretend not to hear.

What particularly troubled Song Weiyang was that a mere meal of barbecue was to buy off her four personal maids, as if completely forgetting the grievances with Jiang Chen.

The sound of eating meat like that came to the ears, it is not difficult to imagine that eating like that must be as indecent as it wants.

"Jiang Chen, if this is your goal, then congratulations, you have achieved your wish!" Song Weiyang said secretly.

Song Weiyang never thought that Jiang Chen would barbecue for no reason. For them, it was just to satisfy their desire to talk. It was not necessary. If there was no calculation, how could Jiang Chen bother so much? strenuous?
Moreover, if Jiang Chen only ate meat for himself, why would he roast so much?
Obviously, it was a premeditated act.

It's just that Zhichun and the others were blinded by desire, and easily fell into Jiang Chen's trap without knowing it.

"Jiang Chen, what are you planning for?" Song Weiyang thought.

She thought to herself, could it be to win the distance with Zhichun's four daughters, and then bribe the four of them, so as to shorten the relationship with her?
But from Song Weiyang's own standpoint, she never thinks it's necessary. Even if the four daughters of Zhichun were bribed by Jiang Chen, if she wants to use this to get closer to her, it's wishful thinking, tantamount to wishful thinking .


Thinking of this, Song Weiyang snorted coldly, intending to throw the barbecue in his hand, but at this moment, there was another voice, which came to Song Weiyang's ears.

"Brother Jiang, what are you doing, wasting a piece of good meat for no reason, could it be that you are so naive as to think that a beautiful woman will appreciate it, I can guarantee that a beautiful woman will not eat it at all, she will definitely throw that piece of meat on the ground, And step on a few feet."

It was a big tortoise talking, but it had exactly the same tone as Jiang Chen, with a typical tortoise-like appearance.

Putting these words into his ears, Song Weiyang was stunned.

She wouldn't step on it a few times, but she really didn't know how to eat, but hearing what the big turtle said, it was obvious that she had already guessed what she would do.

This made Song Weiyang hesitate for a while, after all, he didn't throw the barbecue in his hand in the next moment.

"Brother Wangcai, this is why you don't understand. My Jiang Chen barbecue method is unparalleled in the world. It is a unique secret recipe. You must eat a bite. It will be unforgettable for the rest of your life. A beautiful woman will not be willing to lose it. Otherwise, What's the difference between that and abusing everything?" Jiang Chen said, swearing.

"Unique secret system? Unparalleled in the world?"

Inside the wooden house, Song Weiyang sneered silently.

This is very clumsy boasting, she can't believe it, and moreover, even if it is as Jiang Chen said, what does it have to do with her?Could it be that she thought that she would eat it?
"Brother Jiang, your way of grilling meat is indeed unparalleled in the world, so that I can't stop eating it, so let's discuss it, you go and take back the piece of meat that was given to the big beauty, so as not to waste it, what do you think? " said the big tortoise.


Without even thinking about it, Jiang Chen shook his head resolutely, and said, "I baked it specially for big beauties, and used even more special seasonings, so don't make up your mind."

"Brother Jiang, is it really okay for you to favor one another like this?" The big tortoise was very angry.

"I think it's very good." Jiang Chen said with a serious smile, "Hurry up, or I'll roast you together and give it to Da Wei to try it out."


The big tortoise cursed loudly, and then said, "Then discuss it again. If the big beauty throws out that piece of meat, I'll eat it. It should be fine."

"It doesn't exist." Jiang Chen said in an extremely firm tone.

Inside the wooden house, Song Weiyang subconsciously lowered her head while listening to the conversation between Jiang Chen and the big tortoise, and looked at the barbecue in her hand again.

"Specially baked for me, with special condiments?" Song Weiyang whispered.

From those words, it is not difficult to hear that the big tortoise is very greedy and worried about waste, but Jiang Chen is unmoved, thinking that waste does not exist.

"Is it really that delicious?" Xiumei frowned slightly, Song Weiyang said to herself.

Her intuition told her that Jiang Chen's words could not be trusted, not even punctuation marks, otherwise, she would be fooled by Jiang Chen.

But the subconsciousness told Song Weiyang that maybe he could have a taste, if Jiang Chen was indeed bragging, then it would not be too late to throw away this piece of barbecue.

After such subconscious thoughts popped up, Song Weiyang hesitated for a moment, she lightly gritted her white teeth, and took a small bite.

Jiang Chen did add some condiments, and when he took it in, the full juice exploded in his mouth, and the aroma instantly filled his throat, making Song Weiyang couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.


The expression on Song Weiyang's face quietly became incomparably exciting, and she lost her mind because what Jiang Chen said was actually true, not exaggerated words.

"This taste..."

Song Weiyang was a little confused, he had already forgotten how long he had never tasted the taste of fireworks in the world.

But Song Weiyang didn't take a second bite, she casually put the barbecue aside.

For herself, Song Weiyang has always had extremely terrible self-control, eating a bite of barbecue is already a sign of losing control, Song Weiyang will not allow it, and she loses control again.

"Four little beauties, are they delicious?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, and said to Zhichun's four daughters.

The four girls of Zhichun ate to their heart's content, but at this moment, they showed a bit of embarrassment. At the same time, they were secretly vigilant, stepped back one after another, and distanced themselves from Jiang Chen.

"Wipe your mouth and don't admit it?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and said in a babble, "Four little beauties, although you look quite sweet and delicious, such a character is really not worth it."

"We don't have it." Zhichun said, her face was flushed, her personality was just like spring, and she tended to be delicate.

"Then what is your reaction?" Jiang Chen said very dissatisfied.

"Anyway, there isn't any." Zhichun said softly, denying it categorically.

"Zhidong, what do you think?" Jiang Chen just asked Zhidong. This girl's character is two extremes of Zhichun's. She is very indifferent and doesn't talk much.

"You think too much." Zhidong said so, simply and neatly.

"Zhixia, what about you?" Jiang Chen continued to ask without giving up.

"No." Zhichun giggled with enthusiasm.

Therefore, Jiang Chen stared at Zhiqiu...


"Brother Jiang, don't bother, your theory doesn't work at all." The big tortoise interjected at the right time, and said seriously.

"The so-called wanting to conquer a woman, you only need to conquer her stomach is a fallacy and untenable. In my opinion, it is best for the overlord to fight hard. No matter what woman, even the goddess in the sky, she will pull her away." Get off the altar." The big tortoise said again.

"It's not my style for the overlord to force his bow. As an affectionate and dedicated man, is it really okay for you to give me such bad ideas?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Brother Jiang, it is precisely because you are too affectionate and use your affection too carefully, that's why the big beauty is confident. As a man, you must be tough and let her learn how powerful you are." The big turtle said earnestly.

"Forget it, I have always been like this in my life." Jiang Chen shook his head, rejecting the big turtle's proposal.

The two sang and harmonized, and the tacit understanding of cooperation was seamless. The four daughters of Zhichun listened to each other and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Affectionate? Dedicated?"

The four of them looked at Jiang Chen up and down, from the head to the feet, and then from the feet to the head, but they found that no matter which angle they looked at, Jiang Chen was destined to be insulated from these two words.

Inside the wooden house, Song Weiyang didn't know when, picked up the barbecue that was put aside, swallowed slowly, her movements were extremely ladylike and elegant, easily giving people a pleasing feeling.

Nothing outside could escape Song Weiyang's perception. Sitting alone in the wooden house, Song Weiyang felt that everything had nothing to do with her.

By coincidence, she was eating barbecue, until she finished eating a piece of barbecue, Song Weiyang finally realized what she had done belatedly.


Song Weiyang was dumbfounded, she looked at her oily hands, as if she was dreaming.

In a hurry, Song Weiyang took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, trying to wipe off the oil stains, but it seemed that he was destroying the traces.

But inside the wooden house, the aroma of barbecue lingers for a long time, and even if the oil stains on the hands are wiped clean, there are still traces left.

"What's going on here?"

Song Weiyang murmured, like raving.

Her self-control is terrifying. Of course, this is also due to the aftereffects of practicing the Flower Planting Technique. If such desires are not suppressed, it will cause unbearable consequences.

Today, Jiang Chen relied on a piece of barbecue to make her relapse.

Song Weiyang felt at a loss, for the first time, she realized that she was so strange.


Qi and blood in the body surged, the internal organs seemed to be torn apart, such inhuman pain, even with Song Weiyang's self-control, she couldn't restrain her voice.

She suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

And that blood actually contained a strange fragrance, spit out a mouthful of blood, and the fragrance in the room became a bit more intense.

Song Weiyang's eyes went black for a while, she felt her life energy was passing away at an uncontrollable speed, unprecedented panic swept through her heart, making Song Weiyang tremble.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the room, and that figure approached, the familiar breath penetrated into Song Weiyang's nostrils, if there seemed to be no sense of oppression, Song Weiyang gasped. Blood churned, opened his mouth again, spewed out a mouthful of blood, crumbling, lost consciousness...

(End of this chapter)

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