genius evil

Chapter 1475 A murder caused by a piece of barbecue

Chapter 1475 A murder caused by a piece of barbecue

Although Jiang Chen was outside the wooden house, his spiritual consciousness swept across, and the situation inside the wooden house was all in his perception.

The moment Song Weiyang spit out a mouthful of blood, Jiang Chen sensed it, and immediately appeared in the wooden house.

"Blood backlash!"

Supporting Song Weiyang, Jiang Chen said.

Or, it can also be said that this is the backlash of desire.

That kind of desire has been accumulated over the years, one can imagine how far it has reached.

Because of a piece of barbecue, that kind of desire opened a hole, and then like a flood, it completely swallowed Song Weiyang!

At first, Song Weiyang didn't realize this, but when she realized it, it was too late.

Song Weiyang's body is icy cold, and her vital energy is leaking out, even if she waits for a while, Song Weiyang will wake up leisurely, and then suppress that desire.

But the power of such a time bomb is probably even Song Weiyang himself, never thought of it.

"A murder caused by a piece of barbecue?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Naturally, that was not his intention.

Instead, he used that piece of barbecued meat as a stepping stone to open Song Weiyang's heart. The final situation was not what he expected.

Sure enough, after a while, Song Weiyang just woke up.

Her already pale face was so white that it was almost transparent, but if you looked closely, you would find that the luster of the skin and hair was slightly dull.

This is the sequela of the leakage of life essence, which is almost irreversible.

"Jiang Chen, are you satisfied?"

Pushing Jiang Chen away, Song Weiyang said coldly.

The matter here was all caused by a piece of barbecue, Song Weiyang regretted it very much, it was actually greedy for tongue, which led to such a situation, isn't it ridiculous?
"Is the barbecue delicious?" Jiang Chen asked.

Song Weiyang stared at Jiang Chen, there was absolutely no warmth in his eyes.

"Oh, what I mean is, that piece of barbecue is specially made for you. I believe you have heard this before... Well... That is to say, I didn't mean it." Jiang Chen said.

"Wuxin?" Song Weiyang sneered.

Why, she felt that this was a premeditated calculation?
Jiang Chen clearly calculated that she would definitely eat that piece of barbecue, and then an accident would happen, but he said such hypocritical words, did he take Song Weiyang as an ignorant girl who didn't know much about the world?

"It is indeed unintentional." Jiang Chen was very serious and serious, and then said: "However, this is a very valuable experience and lesson."

Song Weiyang didn't respond, and the way she looked at Jiang Chen became more stern.

"A mere piece of barbecue is to draw your mind, release your desire, lead to backlash, and cause serious injury. Beauty, have you ever thought about what will happen if such desire is released further?" Jiang Chen didn't panic. Said calmly.

"Get out!"

Song Weiyang scolded bluntly, no matter what kind of situation happened, in her opinion, it had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's hypocrisy was not needed.

Jiang Chen smiled, knowing that Song Weiyang's temperament was extremely strong, but he was also extremely proud. Today, seeing such a embarrassed side of him, the emotional ups and downs can be imagined.

At such a time, Song Weiyang couldn't maintain his rationality at all, and he didn't want to be more embarrassed, so the best way is to let him retreat.

Jiang Chen is so smart, how can he not understand what Song Weiyang's fierce reaction means, shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said with a light smile, "Alright, then I will avoid it for now, but there is one thing, if any big beauty you have any If you want to ask for it, you must do your best before you die.”

"You are wrong, death is not a pity!" Song Weiyang said coldly.

"I, Jiang Chen, have read a lot of books and gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools. How could I be wrong, I just die." Jiang Chen said solemnly, and left with a smile.

Song Weiyang was in a daze, and realized that she seemed to need to re-examine Jiang Chen's shamelessness. Such words sounded unbelievable. Jiang Chen didn't even think about it, he just opened his mouth and came without any psychological burden. Jump, if someone has never had contact with Jiang Chen before, they will probably believe it!
Because, even for her, it is often difficult to distinguish the true from the false.


Song Weiyang said to herself, very annoyed, if it wasn't because of that piece of barbecue, how could she be in such a mess?

Looking at the battlefield of the domain, her name is also very famous, and she has a terrible reputation outside. I don't know how many warriors are frightened by the news, but when did she have such a weak side?
What made Song Weiyang feel uneasy and even terrified the most was that she felt like Jiang Chen's doll, no matter what, she couldn't break free, couldn't escape Jiang Chen's palm!
For Song Weiyang, who has always been proud and domineering, she never felt this way, she was terrified and terrified, lost for a while, and didn't know how to face it.


"Brother Jiang, what's the situation?" Jiang Chen walked out, the big tortoise beat him up, and said winkingly.

"What a great opportunity, you missed it again, Brother Jiang, I am deeply worried about your level of picking up girls." The big turtle said regretfully.

Counting this time, Jiang Chen has already missed two opportunities.The big tortoise was very anxious and angry when he saw it.

Smiling slightly with narrowed eyes, Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Brother Wangcai, that's why you don't know something. In the final analysis, you don't understand at all."

"Brother Jiang, don't forget, this great immortal has traveled more bridges than you have traveled." The big turtle was very unconvinced, and didn't think there was anything he didn't understand.

"Picking up girls is all about doing it in one go. The so-called one-shot is like a tiger..." said the big tortoise, with an inscrutable look.

"You old tortoise, can you still speak human words?" Zhiqiu's scolding voice came over.

"Isn't this just human language?" The big tortoise asked back, looking sideways.

"I can't spit out ivory from the tortoise's mouth." Zhiqiu was annoyed, and greeted the other three women to attack, and wanted to teach the big tortoise a good lesson.

Who let the big tortoise focus on teaching Jiang Chen how to pick up girls? It's so hateful, even more hateful than Jiang Chen, the instigator.

"Brother Jiang, help me, I don't have the habit of beating women." The big turtle yelled.


The big tortoise doesn't hit women, but the four women are unrestrained, punching and kicking, as they please.


The big tortoise screamed, but it didn't know whether it was pain or happiness.

This kind of farce happens often, Jiang Chen has long been used to it, and he knows that Song Weiyang in the wooden house is probably used to it too.

He randomly found a grassland, Jiang Chen lay down on it, pulled out a weed, and chewed it once and for all.

Speaking of it, the realm battlefield was rumored to be very mysterious in the outside world, but since he and the big tortoise entered the realm battlefield, they have lived happily like gods.

"Unexpectedly, no one came to find Song Weiyang, and Song Weiyang didn't contact anyone, could it be that he was going to make a mistake?" Jiang Chen said silently.

The reason why he followed Song Weiyang, according to Jiang Chen's calculation, was to get in touch with people in the same circle as Song Weiyang, and he was unwilling to waste limited time on those meaningless fights.

But Jiang Chen suddenly realized that he had missed one point, that is, if Song Weiyang walked alone and had no circle, what should he do.

Judging from the current signs, the possibility of the latter is undoubtedly very high.

This is what forced Jiang Chen to think about what he should do next.

"Could it be, did you really miscalculate?" Frowning, Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

"No, even if Song Weiyang is very boring and doesn't get in touch with others, but with her alluring beauty, it's not easy to be alone?" Jiang Chen said again.

Apart from being troublesome in itself, a beautiful woman has another biggest characteristic, which is that she is particularly prone to trouble.

The more beautiful a woman is, the easier it is to cause trouble.

In terms of Song Weiyang's peerless demeanor, it is impossible for her to escape this law, but, for the time being, no mad bees and butterflies have come to her door.

But after figuring this out, Jiang Chen was no longer in a hurry. He knew very well that it would be fine if no one came to find him. If there were any, it would be a big show.

Just two days later, what Jiang Chen expected finally happened.

In that far distance, at the end of the horizon, two figures turned into Changhong and galloped towards them, arriving in a blink of an eye.

The four daughters of Zhichun were extremely vigilant, and immediately mobilized and surrounded them.

"Four girls, my Master Hu, please invite Grandma Baihua, that is Miss Song, to come and have a gathering. He said that he has prepared the latest Baihua wine. I implore Miss Song to show some face."

Among the two, one of them spoke in a rather polite tone.

But such words sound polite, but the tyrannical meaning contained in them is almost beyond words, how can the fourth daughter of Zhichun not hear it.

"Master Tiger?"

The four girls frowned, and their expressions quietly became ugly. It was obvious that this title was no stranger to them, and they were quite afraid.

"Master never sees guests." Zhi Xia said.

"This time, it was Master Hu himself who gave the order. If Miss Song doesn't go to the banquet, she will call me two. It's hard to explain." The man said aggressively.

"Please go back!" Zhixia said firmly.

Song Weiyang has always liked to be quiet, and the relationship with all parties is very alienated. No matter what the intention of Lord Tiger inviting Song Weiyang is, knowing Xia knows that Song Weiyang is impossible to accept.

"I've heard that Miss Song is very proud, as expected." The man sneered, very displeased, he raised his voice, and said coldly, "Miss Song, with your attitude, you intend to not even give Master Hu face. Yet?"

"You have to know, if it wasn't for Lord Tiger's blessing these years, how could you have been alone, Miss Song, if you don't know what's good and what's wrong, it won't do you any good." Another person said in a strange way.

"So, who is this Lord Tiger?" Jiang Chen couldn't listen anymore, and asked curiously...

(End of this chapter)

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