genius evil

Chapter 1477

Chapter 1477
As Zhiqiu said, on the second day, someone came.

"Boy, it was you who moved your hand, right? Come with me, Lord Xiong wants to see you!"

As soon as that person appeared, he glanced at Jiang Chen, and then said very straightforwardly, with a domineering tone, and listening to the tone of his speech, it was clear that Jiang Chen could not be questioned.

"Who is Lord Xiong?" Jiang Chen pretended to say, he naturally knew that the Lord Xiong that this person was talking about was that Meng Xiong.

"You don't even know who Lord Xiong is. No wonder someone who dares to offend Lord Tiger." The man sneered, jokingly, the way he looked at Jiang Chen was no different from looking at an idiot.

"Who is Lord Tiger?" Jiang Chen said in astonishment.


Pointing a finger at Jiang Chen, that person was instantly furious. How could he not know that he was played by Jiang Chen? Chen regarded him as an idiot, but he didn't know that he himself was that idiot!
"What a guts!" the man yelled angrily, with a stern voice, his eyes suddenly changed, and he looked at Jiang Chen like a dead man.

"Brother Jiang, in fact, you don't know who Lord Xiong is. You can ask me. This great immortal claims to be omniscient and omnipotent. It's not as simple as just talking about it." The big turtle said arrogantly.

"Sincerely ask for advice." Jiang Chen was kind.

"Master Xiong's word for bear is also the name of bear. Oh, I didn't say that Lord Xiong is a bear. I just discovered that the two have the same effect." The big tortoise said with a smile.

"So, you mean, that guy is a bear?" Jiang Chen was also cheerful.

"Obviously, there is a great possibility, otherwise, why didn't I come here in person, but sent a stray dog ​​instead?" said the old god of the big tortoise.

"Shut up, you two are dead!" The man's face was ashen, and his breathing became quite rough.

Calling Meng Xiong a bear is fine, but even saying that he is a lost dog, this undoubtedly touched the bottom line, how can it be tolerated?

"Why do you shut up? Could it be that what I am telling the truth is not true? Since it is the truth, then there is no reason to shut up, isn't there?" the big turtle said slowly.

"You are looking for death!" The man let out a rough breath, and attacked forward.

But it's a pity that if he was allowed to attack violently, he would be suppressed by the big tortoise in an instant, and he would be brutally beaten to death.

"Are you convinced?" the big tortoise asked, feeling comfortable all over, no wonder Jiang Chen likes to beat people so much, this kind of feeling is really ecstasy, wonderful!

"Submit...I submit!"

That person was heartbroken, how could he dare to say no to it, a seemingly insignificant tortoise was actually so powerful, and it was an unimaginable method to suppress him in an instant.

He knew very well that if he dared to speak out, he would be beaten to ashes in the next moment.

"That's why I said that you are a bereaved dog. Could it be that what I said was wrong? As I said just now, I am omniscient and omnipotent. I definitely can't make mistakes." The big turtle said in a godly manner. As he spoke, he raised his front paw and slapped the person away with one paw.

"Go back and tell that bear, if he doesn't want to become a real bear, please be honest with me, otherwise, he will kill them all!" said the big tortoise, grinning.

The man was embarrassed, he didn't dare to talk, he just ran as fast as he could.

"Meng Xiong's temper has always been irritable, and his anger is invisible. You said he was a bear, didn't you irritate people?" Zhichun asked wonderingly.

"That's right, I just want to provoke him." The big turtle said bluntly.

The attitude of the big tortoise is naturally Jiang Chen's attitude. It has to be said that the cooperation between this guy and Jiang Chen has become more and more tacit. There is no need for Jiang Chen to understand too much. The cooperation between the two is seamless.


"Sure enough, Jiang Chen is not just as simple as transferring conflicts." Inside the wooden house, Song Weiyang whispered in her heart.

Meng Xiong sent someone to come. Even though the big tortoise took the lead, that was Jiang Chen's attitude. Of course, Jiang Chen diverted some conflicts and saved her from a lot of trouble.

But Jiang Chen's real intention was to use himself as a living target to sow hatred!

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly crazy and beyond imagination, but when he thinks about it, since he met Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen has never played cards according to common sense, but Song Weiyang became relieved.

"Jiang Chen, what exactly are you going to do? Could it be that you really intend to break the balance in the domain battlefield?" Xiumei frowned, Song Weiyang said silently.

Song Weiyang would not doubt Jiang Chen's strength, if Jiang Chen really had such ambitions, it would be no problem to sit on one side.

"This son's ambition is unexpected." Song Weiyang said secretly.

At this moment, Song Weiyang realized that she might need to re-examine Jiang Chen. On the surface, he was unrestrained and cynical. Could this be just a disguise?

Jiang Chen didn't know what Song Weiyang was thinking.

It's just that entering the domain battlefield, whether it is for Jiang Chen or the big tortoise, both have a direct and distinct purpose, that is, to use this as a place of trial and sharpen themselves.

Then it is to kill back, revenge for revenge, revenge for revenge!

This place is only ten thousand miles away from the place where Meng Xiong and the other three are located.

For such a distance, for the cultivator Huafan, it would take a stick of incense to reach it. However, when Meng Xiong appeared, it was three hours later.

"Get out and die!"

Above the void, a figure suddenly appeared, like thunder, its sound came from afar, deafening.

If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

Listening to that voice, it is not difficult to know how violent and unpredictable this person's temperament is!
As the voice fell, the rumbling sound exploded, and a figure descended from the void. It was a middle-aged man with a wide forehead and long arms and legs.

"Brother Jiang, that bear is here." The big turtle squinted and smiled lightly.


With a movement of his feet, Jiang Chen's figure greeted him like the wind.

"How do you want to die?" Meng Xiong said straight to the point, shooting Jiang Chen with a glance.

He came here on a special trip to kill, so he would not hide his purpose at all. Of course, Meng Xiong didn't think that he needed to hide it.

"It's a pity." Jiang Chen shook his head, and what he said was confusing.

"If you were a real bear, how wonderful it would be, then I can eat bear's paw today." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen added an explanation, telling why he felt regretful.

His eyes widened slightly, and Meng Xiong looked at Jiang Chen with a slightly strange look, but then he shot furiously, suppressing and killing him.

Jiang Chen said that he was not a real bear, but such words were even more unbearable to Meng Xiong. He couldn't wait to pronounce Jiang Chen's death, so he rushed to kill Jiang Chen.

"Even if you came here on a special trip to die, why are you in such a hurry? Is it possible that you are worried that I will not fulfill you? Don't worry, I have always possessed the virtue of adult beauty, and I will definitely let you come here when you are happy. Return." Jiang Chen said in a rambling manner.

While talking, Jiang Chen casually sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron.

He is now the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and he has touched the barriers of the late stage of the Nascent Soul. Even a monk in the late stage of Huafan has no right to be arrogant in front of him.

What's more, Meng Hu's cultivation is only at the early stage of Huafan. Although he has some skills, he is several times stronger than ordinary Huafan monks.

But facing Jiang Chen, he had no choice but to die, and there was absolutely no chance of getting lucky.

The ending was doomed from the very beginning, without any accidents, the Chunyang cauldron smashed and Meng Xiong's body was broken, it was very tragic.

Meng Xiong was shocked and terrified, and finally understood why Jiang Chen would say such words.

He did come all the way to kill Jiang Chen, but in fact, it was no different from sending him to his door to seek death.

Jiang Chen was unrivaled in strength, holding the Pure Yang Cauldron in his hand, shining golden light, with an invincible demeanor, which made Meng Xiong pale in shock.

In the end, Meng Xiong died, almost powerless to fight back, retreating step by step, and then was suppressed and killed.

Jiang Chen was majestic and majestic, as if possessed by a god of war. In the eyes of Zhichun's four daughters, they were stunned and their red lips could not be closed.

"Brother Jiang, it's almost enough, and you don't want to pick them up." The big turtle said.

Afterwards, the big tortoise pretended to be serious and said, "A bear came, when will the little tiger and the little leopard come, brother Jiang, why don't we kill it and shake the world in one fell swoop."

Jiang Chen squinted at the past, and the big tortoise felt hairy. It said, "Brother Jiang, did I say something wrong? Instead of being passive, it's better to turn passive into active... A man should take the initiative. ah……"

While talking, the big tortoise slid back and noticed that Jiang Chen's eyes were not looking good, and if he was wrong, he would be beaten.

"Don't take the initiative, they're already here." Jiang Chen said lazily.

It was almost Jiang Chen who said this, and saw, in the distant sky, there were two figures, shot towards him, and appeared in front of Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye.

"I'm sorry, you two are late." Jiang Chen looked at the two of them, and said with a smile that was not a smile.

These two have strong auras, and there is no doubt that they are Meng Hu and Meng Bao.

Meng Hu and Meng Bao were indeed late. Jiang Chen killed people too fast. When they saw Meng Xiong fall into the wind, even if they wanted to help, it was too late. They could only watch Meng Xiong die in front of his eyes. In Jiang Chen's hand.

"You knew we would come?" One person spoke. This person's bald head, with white and yellow stripes intertwined, was Meng Hu. He said this with a forceful aura.

And the other person, with a ring nose and wide mouth, is Meng Bao.

When the two came together, apart from the changes in the faces of the four daughters of Zhichun, even Song Weiyang inside the wooden house also felt a twitch in his heart, making it difficult to calm down.

"Answer my question." Another voice came out, Meng Hu said, it was impressive, extremely aggressive.

"Because you are afraid of death!"

Smiling lightly, Jiang Chen said casually, he expressed that he was very embarrassed, originally he didn't want to expose it, otherwise he would lose face, but since this guy is so persuasive, then Jiang Chen can only satisfy the other party's wish...

(End of this chapter)

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