genius evil

Chapter 1478 People who are afraid of death will not end well

Chapter 1478 People who are afraid of death will not end well
"You said we were afraid of death?"

Staring like a copper bell, Meng Hu looked at Jiang Chen. His eyes were gloomy and flickered with a strange light, as if he had misheard, or as if he had heard a great joke.

"fear death!"

Meng Bao laughed outright and told Jiang Chen that this was a joke.

Among their brothers, including Meng Xiong who died in Jiang Chen's hands, which one of them didn't kill people like hemp, and the release of their breath made countless people terrified?
However, Jiang Chen said that the two of them were afraid of death, if it was just a joke, it was fine, but it was so convincing and serious, what is it if it is not a joke?
"Why force yourself to smile so ugly, you two can actually cry." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Have you finished talking nonsense?"

With a cold snort, Meng Hu let out a rough breath.

This is to remind Jiang Chen that if the nonsense is over, then he should die!

He was not interested in watching Jiang Chen jumping up and down in front of him like a clown.

Perhaps Jiang Chen felt extremely good about himself, but in his eyes, it was the interest of making him take another look, which was all indebted.

"How can it be nonsense, it's clearly the truth, okay?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I can guarantee that Brother Jiang is indeed telling the truth, but some guys are as cowardly as a mouse and dare not admit it." The big tortoise stood up and endorsed Jiang Chen, his tone was firm and unquestionable.

"Where did you come from, old bastard, get out of here, or you'll be stewed in a while!" Meng Bao said with a strange look after taking a look.

"You turtle grandson, dare to talk to your turtle grandfather like this, are you getting impatient?" Looking sideways at Meng Bao, the big turtle was as arrogant as he wanted.

"Old bastard, do you dare to talk back?" Meng Bao's voice sank suddenly.

"Grand Turtle, if you piss off your Grandpa Turtle, you will beat me to death!" The big tortoise has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. In this respect, except that it is only inferior to Jiang Chen, it has never been afraid of it. anyone.

If Meng Bao wanted to take advantage of it verbally, he would undoubtedly be humiliating himself.


Meng Hu looked at the big tortoise, his eyes were shining brightly, and he said with great joy: "I will stew this old thing later, it will definitely be a great tonic."

The big tortoise was always there, but neither Meng Hu nor Meng Bao even took a look at it. At this time, the big tortoise stood up and spoke.

"Son of the green turtle, how can you stew your own father?" The big turtle said angrily.

Even though it looked delicious and delicious, but saying such words in front of it made the big tortoise go mad with anger, almost going berserk.

"Looking for death!" Meng Hu's expression changed drastically, and he flew into a rage.

The big tortoise's words could not be said to be insincere, it was revenge, and he greeted all three directions, even if this Meng Hu had a bad reputation, he still had nothing to say.

"You are the one who is looking for death, slap you into meatloaf and feed it to the dogs!" said the big tortoise very forcefully.

It was very arrogant, because Meng Hu and Meng Bao didn't look at it directly. At this time, after attracting their attention, the big tortoise was extremely arrogant and didn't look at them.

"Very good, I promise I will feed you to the dog as you wish!" Meng Hu said grimly, he was completely irritated, it was nothing more than a monster, but he dared to speak nonsense in front of him, could it be that he was so naive as to think that Meng Hu Is it the one who is vegetarian?

"Are you deaf? What I said clearly is, feed you to the dogs. Is it really okay for you to confuse black and white like this?" the big tortoise yelled.

"If you don't shut up, I'll kill you immediately!" Meng Hu couldn't take it anymore.

"Brother Jiang, hurry up and kill him!" The big tortoise beckoned Jiang Chen to do it. As for itself, after saying this, it slid to Jiang Chen's back. Lisuo, obviously, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

And such a scene, seen by Meng Hu and Meng Bao, naturally caused them both to sneer.

The big tortoise is fierce and soft inside, such a performance is not obvious!
If the two of them were wary and afraid of the big tortoise because of its arrogance before, then at this time, the existence of the big tortoise is purely a pot of old meat for stewing soup.

Even, what ingredients need to be added to this pot of soup, in an instant, both of them have a detailed plan, and they are short of slaughtering the big turtle and letting the blood out.

"The two people who are greedy for life and afraid of death don't need me to do it myself!" Jiang Chen said lazily.

He still has the same attitude, nothing has changed, and he firmly believes that whether it is Meng Hu or Meng Bao, he is the one who is afraid of death.

These words made the two of them itch with anger, and they didn't understand why Jiang Chen was so sure that the two of them were greedy for life and afraid of death!

Let you be magnificent, who in the world will never die?
If it is understood from this angle, then Meng Hu and Meng Bao can only admit that they are afraid of death, but it is clear that Jiang Chen did not speak based on this point, and had other intentions.

"You two, kill yourself quickly and leave a whole body." Jiang Chen said, ordering casually.


When Jiang Chen's words reached the ears of Zhichun's four daughters, one of the four daughters counted as one, and they were all stunned.

Did they hear the wrong thing?Or did Jiang Chen say something wrong?

One must know that when they first noticed Meng Hu and Meng Bao's arrival, the four girls were all uneasy and terrified. This is a well-known existence in the battlefield of the realm, ferocious and bloodthirsty, not to be provoked.

Usually, when one of them appears, it is enough to frighten the world, let alone two people appearing together?
At this time, Jiang Chen said this, which undoubtedly meant that he did not take Meng Hu and Meng Bao to heart at all, otherwise, how could he say such a thing?
"Don't be ignorant of good and evil, this is already my kindness. Otherwise, I will personally strike, and you will leave no bones... After all, the old saying is good, people who are afraid of death will not end well." Jiang Chen Said seriously.

"Boy, do you think that saying this can affect the state of mind of our two brothers? How naive!" Meng Bao said coldly.

"This is just a big truth. If you both can't understand it at this point, it can only mean that you are too stupid." Jiang Chen said angrily.

He thought that he had already said enough, but it was the two who were still puzzled. This made Jiang Chen feel frustrated. Is it because the understanding of the two is limited, or did he not explain it well?

"Meng Xiong came alone, full of murderous intent, he is fearless..."

But following Jiang Chen's words, a cold voice suddenly came out from inside the wooden house.

In that case, it would immediately attract the attention of Jiang Chen and the others.

"Meng Xiong is dead, at the hands of Jiang Chen, but this is an ending destined to be beyond the expectations of the two of you. From your point of view, Meng Xiong killed Jiang Chen in a flash!"

"But even so, you are still worried and followed quietly. Among the three of you, Meng Xiong is ranked third, but when it comes to character and aura, the two of you are far inferior."


Song Weiyang's voice continued to radiate, neither fast nor slow, with an incomparably strange magic power, which made people unable to help but listen to it even under extremely impatient circumstances.

In that case, every word and every sentence was heard, making Meng Hu and Meng Bao's complexions quietly become ugly, and it became more and more ugly.

"Is it due to caution, or are you two too greedy for life and afraid of death, for fear of accidents?"

Song Weiyang's voice came out at the end. After these words were finished, the place became silent, only the heavy breathing of Meng Hu and Meng Bao could be heard one after another.

The faces of the two quietly turned pale.

Song Weiyang's words may be heard by Zhichun's four daughters, they will not feel anything, but the two of them, as the parties involved, are very clear about what such words mean.

What Jiang Chen said, Song Weiyang hit the nail on the head.

Even if they didn't think that they were greedy for life and afraid of death before, but as Jiang Chen and Song Weiyang sang together, both of them inevitably doubted whether they were really greedy for life and afraid of death.

As the overlord of one side, they have shocked countless people, but they showed such a cautious side. Isn't this greedy for life and fear of death, what is it?
"Us?" Meng Hu and Meng Bao looked at each other in astonishment.

That kind of feeling is like being stripped naked and exposed to the crowd. It is extremely awkward and uncomfortable.

"I, Jiang Chen, speak without doubt. Now, you two can commit suicide." Jiang Chen's voice sounded at the right time.

Jiang Chen told him earnestly that he was cruel and extreme, and if he made a move, he would beat the two of them into scum. If he wanted to save the whole body, he had to kill himself.

Moreover, Jiang Chen seriously warned not to try to provoke him. Such consequences are definitely not what the two want to see. At that time, death will be a kind of relief.

Meng Hu and Meng Bao looked at each other again, their moods were ups and downs, their hearts were up and down, and they couldn't tell what it was like.

"Damn it, you two teamed up to trick us!" Suddenly, Meng Hu came to his senses, he screamed sharply and became violent.

"What a sharp-mouthed guy, I will definitely break all your teeth today." Meng Bao followed up.

Under Jiang Chen's few words, the two brothers were almost stunned. If one is not good, the other will end up being killed today.

Finally, he woke up, so that he would not fall into the trap that Jiang Chen had woven.

But this still made them extremely afraid, just a little bit, Jiang Chen would take the lives of the two of them without any effort.

"Oh, this is taking my Jiang Chen's words as a windfall, right? Then, you two, are you mentally prepared to bear my anger?" Frowning, Jiang Chen was extremely displeased.

If he could yell, he would never fight. If he could subdue the enemy without fighting by relying on his sharp tongue, then Jiang Chen naturally did what he could to save effort.

This is a very advanced method, and it is more in line with Jiang Chen's wishes than fighting.

But since these two guys don't seem to be so easy to deceive, Jiang Chen can only do it himself and send them both to die!
(End of this chapter)

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