genius evil

Chapter 1480

Chapter 1480 Three Dogs Under Hand

In the end, Jiang Chen decided to go to Sanfeng Mountain to find out.

Speaking of which, it has been several days since he entered the domain battlefield, but apart from teasing Song Weiyang on a daily basis, he has nothing to gain.

If Song Weiyang was taken down in one fell swoop, then, in this comfortable nest, Jiang Chen could not miss leaving.

But the biggest problem is that Song Weiyang strictly guards against death, and it is absolutely impossible to take it down in a short time.

Unless, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to turn his back on him, and the Overlord forced himself on the bow.

But Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't do that. To him, conquering a beautiful woman, no matter the process of conquering or the result of conquering, is equally important.

If it is only for the pursuit of the final result, wouldn't it be a lot of fun to lose?

Knowing Jiang Chen's decision, Song Weiyang was secretly relieved.

This guy is finally leaving. Although it is not ruled out that he will come back, he will not have to face it day and night. Using this time, she can use it to repair herself and suppress her injuries, so that she will not be in Jiang Chen's hands. In front of him, he was always passive.

Now that he has made a decision, Jiang Chen has no hesitation, and now he is going to set off with the big tortoise all the way to the Three Peaks Mountain.

"Send the God of Plague!" Zhichun said with a slight smile, but for some reason, it was quite weird to say such naughty words, with a hint of reluctance.

"The barbecue made by Jiang Chen is still delicious." Zhixia said.

These words attracted the approval of Zhiqiu and Zhidong.

No matter what Jiang Chen's character is, barbecue is definitely a must. After one meal, he wants to have another meal, and the rhythm cannot be stopped at all.

To conquer a woman's heart, the first thing to do is to conquer her stomach.

This sentence has never been wrong, and it has been verified countless times. Jiang Chen had no intention of conquering the hearts of Zhixia's four daughters, but inadvertently, he had already succeeded in doing so.

Slightly raising his head, looking at the blue sky above his head, the corners of Song Weiyang's mouth twitched slightly, what is this, was Jiang Chen bought it so easily?

Sensing Song Weiyang's abnormal expression, Zhixia hurriedly said again, "The God of Plague has finally left, it's best not to come back, he is too arrogant and unscrupulous, he must suffer more."

"That's right." Zhiqiu and Zhidong nodded in unison, echoing in unison.

"Brother Wangcai, is my feeling wrong? Why did the beautiful woman seem so reluctant when we left?"

Standing on the back of the big tortoise, using the big tortoise as a means of transportation, Jiang Chen suddenly said.

"Brother Jiang, at least you still have a little self-knowledge. Are you reluctant? It's obvious that you can't wait to drive you away, okay?" Rolling his eyes, the big tortoise said angrily.

One thing that the big tortoise can guarantee is that, in the eyes of Song Weiyang and other girls, it and Jiang Chen are the same existence as the Great Demon King.

If you can't be beaten or scolded, it's inevitable that you have to accept it.

Finally, the Great Demon King left on his own initiative, and the other party didn't celebrate, which can be regarded as a great deal of face.

"Brother Wangcai, you don't understand a woman's heart at all." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "That's clearly reluctance. I can see deep affection from the depths of the big beauty's eyes. After the trip back, the big beauty should bow down at my feet."

"Pull it down." Turning his head away, looking sideways at Jiang Chen, the big tortoise couldn't understand where Jiang Chen's self-confidence came from, it was too self-conscious.

Getting along day and night like this failed to win Song Weiyang, and once the two sides distanced themselves, it would be even more impossible.

"Distance produces beauty, have you heard of this truth?" Jiang Chen said, quite conceited, "Otherwise, you think why I decided to go to Sanfeng Mountain is for this beauty. There is no doubt that a short separation will make people The big beauty sees my goodness more and more, and then falls, unable to extricate herself."

"So, this is Desire to Capture?" the big tortoise concluded.

"That's right, that's exactly the case. I have to say, I'm really too smart and witty." Jiang Chen said smugly.

"Brother Jiang, I really don't want to hurt you, but one thing that must be explained is that you are doomed to wishful thinking and self-indulgence." The big turtle said sarcastically.

In the end, all he got in exchange was a violent beating from Jiang Chen.

Sanfeng Mountain is thousands of miles away from Song Weiyang's residence.

Such a distance, in terms of the speed of the big tortoise, is no longer a problem. After a certain distance, the big tortoise used the technique of space travel and went there at an extremely fast speed.

After only an hour or so, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise arrived.

" the Three Peaks Mountain?"

Standing at the foot of the mountain, looking around, there are three mountain peaks in succession, stretching far away, but it can be regarded as spectacular.

On the top of the mountain, the clouds and mist linger and cover it, and the scenery is beautiful, as if it is a fairyland on earth.

"What a wonderful place, it was ruined by the three little tigers. Fortunately, the Great Immortal came and decided to use this place as a base in the domain battlefield. Brother Jiang, do you have any objections?" Big Turtle asked.

"This place is indeed good." Jiang Chen chuckled.

The three Meng Hu's travels are well known and notorious, occupying this place is indeed suspected of burning pianos and cooking cranes. Simply, since the three Meng Hu are dead, then he has taken over this place.

After a while, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise started climbing the mountain.

The three hills are of different sizes, showing a ladder shape. There is no doubt that the highest mountain is Meng Hu's territory.

Jiang Chen and the big tortoise climbed this mountain.

"Who dared to break into my Sanfeng Mountain? Who gave you the courage?"

Halfway up the mountain, there was a sound of shouting, like thunder exploding in the ears of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise, followed by a rustling sound, and several figures appeared from the sky, blocking Jiang Chen and the big tortoise in front of.

"Brother Jiang, look at me." The big turtle laughed.

Since entering the realm battlefield, this place has almost become a place for Jiang Chen to perform. Jiang Chen sang a one-man show alone, making the big tortoise, who has been watching the good show, ready to move.

Now the opportunity is rare, someone actually took the initiative to provoke, the big tortoise didn't want to let go of this opportunity to perform.

After the words fell, he was afraid that Jiang Chen would scramble, and the big turtle would turn into a phantom and move forward at high speed to suppress and kill.

"Brother Wangcai, who asked you to kill someone? It's fine if you kill someone, why not leave one or two hostages behind?" Jiang Chen said in an unusually unhappy manner.

This guy's desire to perform is too strong, and he yelled while making a move, which made those few people terrified to death. Even if they were not suppressed and killed, they would probably die of fright.

"There is no need for that. To capture the thief first, capture the king first. The three of Meng Hu left. There must be proper arrangements here. We just need to catch the person in charge." The big turtle said.

One person and one tortoise continued to go up, Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness shot, and most of the mountain tops were within his perception, and everything could not escape his eyes and ears.

The number of people here is not small, there are more than a hundred people scattered here and there. It is obvious that the power of Sanfeng Mountain is not weak, and can compete with some big sects.

Jiang Chen didn't mean to avoid it. In this way, the big tortoise's desire for performance was fully satisfied, and his blood was boiling.

"Dare to run to my Sanfeng Mountain to act wildly, is this impatient?"

On the top of the mountain, a figure in a black robe appeared against the wind. He stared coldly, the way he looked at Jiang Chen and the big tortoise, he was looking at a dead person and a dead tortoise.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Entering my Three Peaks Mountain, you don't know my name, Zhao Xing?" The man in the black robe sneered.

"So, who are you?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I, Zhao Xing, am in charge of Sanfeng Mountain!" Zhao Xing said in a stern voice, as if he was impatient with Jiang Chen's continuous questioning.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise looked at each other.

When did this Zhao Xing become the owner of Sanfeng Mountain, wasn't he Meng Hu?

"Brother Jiang, this old boy is a counterfeit. He probably knew that Meng Hu and the others were dead and intended to replace them." The big turtle analyzed.

Jiang Chen nodded, knowing that was exactly the case.

"Meng Hu?" Zhao Xing heard the words between the big tortoise and Jiang Chen, and he said dismissively, "The three of them are just three dogs under my hands."


A crisp slap sounded at this moment.

It was Jiang Chen who made a move. His movement was weird and he couldn't catch him. When he raised his hand, he slapped Zhao Xing on the face.

"Are you insulting us?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

This guy was clearly a parallel importer, but he pretended to be his master. Jiang Chen was very skeptical. This was an insult to the IQ of himself and the big turtle.

Even if he wanted to watch this guy act, he couldn't stand it anymore.

"You dare to do it?" Zhao Xing was furious.

The tone of his speech was extremely powerful, but his sternness and inwardness were extremely revealing, and even Zhao Xing's eyes, which looked at Jiang Chen like that, were full of fear.

"Let's talk nonsense and kill you directly." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Zhao Xing's complexion changed. He knew that the appearance of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise was not accidental. He even suspected that the three of Meng Hu died at the hands of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise.

That kind of speed is unimaginable. In front of Jiang Chen, he is like an ant. This is undoubtedly terrifying, because he is destined to be unable to turn the sky.

Zhao Xing was indeed the counterfeit. The three Meng Hus left behind three identity plates. When the nameplates were broken, it meant that the three Meng Hus died.

Zhao Xing was originally the person in charge of the specific affairs of Sanfeng Mountain, so he took advantage of the situation and recruited a group of his own mountains to change the family.

But what Zhao Xing never expected was that the trouble came so quickly.

"I heard that there are tricks in Sanfeng Mountain, is there such a thing?" Big Turtle asked curiously.

The reason why the two came to Sanfeng Mountain was because of the secret art of transformation. The big tortoise didn't want to waste too much time on Zhao Xing, so he asked.

"Who are you?" Zhao Xing asked, his eyes flickering.


The next moment the attack came, the big tortoise slapped Zhao Xing's head with its paw, and the small half of Zhao Xing's head was photographed deformed.

"What did you just say? Don't you think you didn't die fast enough, and dare to talk nonsense?" The big turtle said coldly.

Zhao Xing's heart trembled, and his heart and gallbladder were torn apart. A Jiang Chen was extremely troublesome, but this big tortoise was actually so strong. He was vulnerable, and he was already on the verge of death...

(End of this chapter)

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