genius evil

Chapter 1481 Violent demolition of mountains

Chapter 1481 Violent demolition of mountains
"What's tricky?" Zhao Xing said stutteringly.

The question asked by the big turtle is very strange. In Zhao Xing's view, this question is really tricky.

From his standpoint, he naturally wanted to answer the big tortoise's question honestly, so as not to arouse the big tortoise's dissatisfaction and be slapped to death by the big tortoise.

However, although he knew that there was something tricky about hiding, Zhao Xing didn't know what kind of deep meaning it was at all. He bit the bullet and said in a low voice.

"In front of this Great Immortal, do you dare to play with your mind?" The big tortoise squinted over, raised its paws and came again, knocking Zhao Xing back like a kite with a broken string.

"If you don't answer the question honestly, you will surely die!" The big tortoise pressed forward and said sternly.

It was eager to obtain the secret art of transformation, and vaguely felt that Sanfeng Mountain was not easy, so it tried its best to lure Jiang Chen to come here, so it couldn't tolerate Zhao Xing playing tricks under its nose.

Suddenly, Zhao Xing even wanted to die.

He felt that he was honest enough, and he was extremely wronged and sad. The big tortoise turned into a violent maniac, and he would strike at the slightest disagreement, making him unable to parry.

"Da... Daxian, I really don't know what you are talking about." Zhao Xing said with a mournful face.

"You're looking for death, aren't you?" The big tortoise sneered.

Its third claw struck, smashing Zhao Xing's internal organs.

When Zhao Xing died, many people on Sanfeng Mountain saw him. This was the strongest existence in Sanfeng Mountain, but now he was so vulnerable, being abused wantonly, it was simply killing him.

They were all terrified, and immediately ran away in a panic, fearing that they would accidentally be targeted by Jiang Chen and the big turtle, and ruin their own lives for nothing.

"Brother Jiang, this problem doesn't seem to be easy to solve." The big turtle said.

Those guys are just some insignificant little people, not even qualified to enter Jiang Chen and the big tortoise's eyes. Even if there are secrets in Sanfeng Mountain, they are not accessible to existences of that level. Therefore, they did not make things difficult for them.

The big tortoise was talking, very worried, Zhao Xing died, and the dragons in Sanfeng Mountain had no leader, but Zhao Xing didn't have to die, because the big tortoise didn't have the patience to deal with Zhao Xing.

"It's really not easy." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

It can be seen that since coming to Sanfeng Mountain, the mental state of the big tortoise is abnormal, very wrong, and it is restless and fanatical.

This more and more allowed Jiang Chen to confirm one point, that is, the big turtle did not tell the truth before, it was not because of his brain opening, but because he had a stone hammer.

While speaking, Jiang Chen casually glanced at the big turtle.

"Brother Jiang, what kind of eyes are you looking at, what are you looking at me for?" Inexplicably, the big turtle felt guilty and muttered.

"I won't force you to tell the truth." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Who didn't tell the truth?" The big tortoise jumped instantly, its eyes widened, and it looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, and then said, "I don't know what you are talking about at all, could it be that you have persecution paranoia? This is a disease. , it has to be cured!"

As the voice fell, Xu Shi realized that in this case, even if he wanted to lie to himself, he would feel uneasy. The big tortoise just let out a long sigh and said, "Brother Jiang, you are handsome and unrestrained, romantic and happy..."

"Stop..." The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched violently.

Even if he likes being praised very much, what is the meaning of such inexplicable boasting?Even if it is to confuse the public, is this kind of thing useless?

"Well, to be honest, the aura of the little tiger and the others is quite strange, indicating that they have come into contact with powerful alien beasts... I happen to be familiar with that aura," the big tortoise could only say.

This is why the big tortoise thinks that there is a monster behind the three of Meng Hu, it is definitely not groundless.Otherwise, the big tortoise wouldn't be so restless.

"Even so, who can guarantee that there will be no monsters on the domain battlefield?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"It's not a monster, it's a strange beast!" The big tortoise solemnly emphasized, "It's the same existence as me. Of course, compared with me, it's too far behind, and it's no longer enough to kill a piece of it with one paw." Next."

There is indeed a difference between strange beasts and monsters. Of course, such a difference will not be recognized by Jiang Chen.

"The relationship between that strange beast and the three of Meng Hu should be one of use and being used. It doesn't care about the life and death of others, so next, we have to think of a way to force it out. But How can I force it out?" said the big tortoise.

"It's too simple, just demolish this place." Jiang Chen said casually.

"How?" asked the big turtle.

"This one is even simpler." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and he took out the Chunyang Cauldron, and raised his hand to smash it out.


The sound of explosions sounded continuously, and a mountain peak in front of the line of sight collapsed suddenly under such a pounding.

The smoke and dust billowed, soaring to the sky. In such a scene, the big tortoise opened its mouth so wide that it couldn't even close it.

"Is that okay?" The big tortoise was dumbfounded.

"Why not?" Jiang Chen laughed.

What we want is this simplicity and directness. Naturally, we don't want to demolish the entire Sanfeng Mountain, but the disturbance caused by demolishing the mountain here is not insignificant. The whole world is shaking, with a radius of more than ten miles Within the range, the ground is cracked.

It can be seen how amazing Jiang Chen's seemingly casual smashing is, and it can also be seen how miraculous and extraordinary that Chunyang cauldron is, it is really earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods.

Amidst the loud laughter, Jiang Chen raised the Chunyang Cauldron and smashed it violently.

This was done at will, if the big tortoise's perception had not deviated, Jiang Chen would have [-]% confidence to force that strange beast out.

This is very violent, Jiang Chen would not think that when the Sanfeng Mountain was smashed and riddled with holes, the strange beast could remain indifferent.

"It seems to be really feasible, I'm coming here." The big tortoise understood, screamed, and turned into a phantom, hitting the front.

A small mountain peak, under the impact of the big tortoise, left a tortoise shell imprint, and that imprint exploded in a short while, and the mountain peak shattered.

"Come again!"

The big tortoise danced and danced. It had supernatural powers, and it deserved to be that strange beast. No wonder it had to be distinguished from a monster.

In this way, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise violently demolished the house. After just a few minutes, the Sanfeng Mountain, which was originally beautiful, was full of desolation and appalling.

Those warriors on Sanfeng Mountain had already run to the foot of the mountain at this time, and when they heard that earth-shattering sound, their faces were all pale and their hearts were broken.

At this time, I was even more panicked, running as far as I could.


There was a big explosion here, and Jiang Chen teamed up with the big tortoise to demolish Sanfeng Mountain in sevens and eighties.

"Why is there no movement?" the big turtle murmured.

It firmly believed that its own perception would not be wrong, because it was the breath of the same kind, and it couldn't be more familiar, just like its own breath.

However, the world was turned upside down here, but there was no other movement, which inevitably made the big tortoise suspicious.

"Could it be that the whole mountain has to be bulldozed?" said the big tortoise.

Saying this, the big tortoise frightened itself, the amount of work was too big, even if it joined forces with Jiang Chen, it would probably take several days.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was also puzzled, thinking that something was wrong.

Either the big tortoise's perception was wrong, or the strange beast regarded the two of them as ants and didn't take their actions to heart.

Undoubtedly, the above two points, no matter what they are, are not good news.

Mistakes in perception can't be tolerated, but if the strange beast is unmatched, then what he did with the big tortoise is courting death!

But just as Jiang Chen was thinking so, on the left side, there was a sound of shattering from a collapsed small mountain peak.

Afterwards, it was visible to the naked eye that the mountain was split open, and that gap was getting bigger and bigger, as if there was an indescribable force that forcibly pushed the mountain away.

Black air emerged from there, covering everything.

But such movements attracted the attention of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise.

"Are you finally willing to show up?" Grinning, the big tortoise said.

Without saying a word, Jiang Chen swept across with his divine sense, piercing through the black air, and saw that there was a figure in the package of the black air.

That was not a strange beast, but a person.

The black energy around that person was strange and unpredictable. He walked out from under the ground, and the invisible thrust pushed the mountain outward, directly pushing out a path.

One minute later, a black shadow walked out of the mountain, completely appearing in the sight of Jiang Chen and the big tortoise.

"Huh?" Looking over, the big tortoise blinked.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not a strange beast, it's just a small monster." The big tortoise blinked again, staring at the black shadow again and again.

Seemingly curious, yet puzzled, the big tortoise muttered, "It's a mountain eagle."

But having said that, the big tortoise's breathing became extremely hot in an instant, and it said excitedly: "It is true that there is a secret art of transformation, and this little beast has transformed itself."

"Mountain sculpture?"

Jiang Chen whispered, his consciousness swept across wantonly, taking everything about that black shadow into his eyes, and he could see everything at a glance.

The breath of this person is indeed different from that of human beings, full of animal nature, especially the hooked nose and sharp eyes, like a mountain eagle.

"Are you two here to die? Very good, I will swallow you up and fulfill you!" The voice of the black shadow entered the ears of Jiang Chen and the big turtle, high-pitched and sharp.

But the voice is quite young and immature, like that child who has just learned to speak.

Such a situation made Jiang Chen and the big tortoise's eyes brighten. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Shut up!" Hei Ying scolded in a cold voice, not understanding what was so funny about making Jiang Chen and the big tortoise laugh so happily, moreover, laughing so presumptuously!

"Hi kid, come here, uncle will give you candy." The big turtle said with a smile...

(End of this chapter)

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