genius evil

Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483
There was a big movement in Sanfeng Mountain, and the three mountains were nearly flattened. Such a sound was heard by everyone within hundreds of kilometers.

After hearing the sound, many powerful warriors who had experienced in the domain battlefield rushed over here one after another, wanting to find out, doubting whether there were any natural talents and earthly treasures born.

The Three Peaks Mountain was broken, and it no longer had the beautiful scenery of the past. Looking at this place, Jiang Chen was the only one, so it was inevitable that he would be targeted and become the biggest suspect!
It was obvious that Mu Huan thought so. He walked out and faced Jiang Chen with a condescending look, his eyes gleaming and sharp.

This is a warrior in the late stage of Huafan. In this field battlefield, he can be regarded as the person who stands at the top of the pyramid, so he naturally has the capital of self-confidence.

"Mu Huan? So you are that Mu Huan!"

After looking over and taking a few glances, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

For several days, Jiang Chen and the big tortoise stayed at Song Weiyang's place, but more or less, from the mouths of Zhichun's four daughters, they learned something about the field battlefield and the division of forces in all directions.

This person was very famous, and when he mentioned it, it was obvious that the four daughters of Zhichun were deeply afraid.

This person even had a nickname, named Mu Crazy, and acted in a high-profile and arrogant manner. Compared with him, Meng Hu and the three of them could only be regarded as insignificant, not worth mentioning at all.

First, it was suppressed by absolute strength. The three of Meng Hu could only keep their tails between their legs in front of Mu Huan and behave honestly.

The second reason is that this person's evil spirit is amazing, his hands must be covered with blood, and he has slaughtered countless times. After many years, such evil spirit has been condensed, which is why such a situation will appear.

"You have actually heard of my name. It seems that you are not that unknown person."

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Mu Huan took a hard look at Jiang Chen, and then said, "Tell me, the reason and purpose of your presence here."

"There is no purpose, so don't worry about it." Jiang Chen said lazily, while speaking, he yawned, squinted at this person, and said casually, "But there are other things, nothing If so, I'll go first."

"Want to go?"

Mu Huan sneered, looked at Jiang Chen like a dead man, and said coldly, "In front of me, you can leave if you want?"

In a word, Jiang Chen was enraged in an instant. Jiang Chen sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron, violently attacked, and forcibly suppressed him.

This Mu Huan was only at the late stage of Huafan, and his foundation was not stable, and he was more than ten times inferior to the Jiang Fan Jiang Chen had seen before.

Moreover, how could Jiang Chen be able to say the same thing before, his cultivation base had made a breakthrough, and the Chunyang Cauldron had also been further repaired, almost presenting the most perfect form.

Under the ebb and flow, this Mu Huan wanted to be presumptuous in front of him, which was no different from courting death.

Since Mu Huan didn't want him to go, Jiang Chen didn't mind at all and kicked him away.

As a result, Mu Huan was very miserable. He never expected that in his eyes, what he regarded as an ant-like existence was actually tyrannical and boundless.

He was suppressed, and he was in an unprecedented embarrassment. He wanted to escape several times, not to suffer the immediate loss, but Jiang Chen pressed him every step of the way, leaving him nowhere to go.

In the end, Mu Huan was soaked in blood and collapsed to the ground. Almost all the bones in his body were broken by the Chunyang cauldron, and he was powerless to fight.

"Can I leave now?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

He wanted to leave, but this guy didn't agree, so Jiang Chen would naturally try to get him to agree, and beating him up was the way Jiang Chen came up with.

This method is simple and crude, but effective, isn't it?
Mu Huan felt too good about himself, if he didn't beat him up, did he really think that Jiang Chen was the kind of talkative person?
Mu Huan muttered, staring at Jiang Chen, the depths of his eyes were filled with chills.

He was known as Mu lunatic, and he acted without scruples, but Jiang Chen was obviously more perverse, and when he was violent, he was even crazier than him. Mu Huan felt that Jiang Chen was the real lunatic.

"Yes." Mu Huan said coldly.

Even if he wanted to keep Jiang Chen behind, he didn't have the qualifications. He was seriously injured, and his body was completely untouched. If he wanted to recover from such an injury, he would need at least three months of recuperation.

This made Mu Huan extremely resentful, but he didn't show it. Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Although he is not a gentleman, he also knows that a good man will not suffer immediate losses.

How can a person not bow his head under the eaves.

At this time, you must bow your head in exchange for a glimmer of life!
And the so-called pride, how is it important to have one's own life?

Which is more important, Mu Huan is naturally clear.

"It's fine if you say yes, do you still take me, Jiang Chen seriously?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied, holding the Chunyang cauldron and smashing it out again.

He said cursingly, "If you tell me to stay, I will stay, if you tell me to leave, I will leave. Do I still want to lose face?"

Mu Huan spurted blood, and his breath was weak. Under Jiang Chen's new round of attack, he only had the breath out but not the breath in. This made Mu Huan mad with hatred. He thought he had bowed his head, but Jiang Chen was Don't forgive others, just put him to death.

"Damn you!" Mu Huan went crazy.

"You said the wrong thing. To be precise, the moment you appeared in front of me, you were already a dead person." Jiang Chen said with a smile, taking the last blow to take Mu Huan's life.

"That's... Mu Huan!"

A little farther away, there was a voice. It was the warrior who appeared right after Mu Huan. They were watching the battle there, and they didn't come forward immediately.

At this time, after recognizing Mu Huan's identity, many people gasped uncontrollably, and the way they looked at Jiang Chen suddenly changed drastically.

Mu Huan is very famous, even Meng Hu and the three of them, facing Mu Huan, they can only back away from him and never dare to provoke him. They are powerful warriors who can sit on one side.

Now, the body has died and the road has disappeared.

And that kind of death is absolutely disgraceful!

Mu Huan was so embarrassed that he was almost powerless to fight back after being beaten by Jiang Chen. Such a scene was undoubtedly extremely terrifying and heartbreaking.


Another voice came out, it was someone who was fearful and knew that Jiang Chen should not be provoked, otherwise Mu Huan would be a lesson from the past, the other party would kill Mu Huan as soon as he said it, let me ask, who can be his opponent?

As soon as the words came out, more than a dozen figures moved after hearing the sound, retreated back, and quickly fled away.

At this moment, they heard the movement from Sanfeng Mountain and were attracted to come here, but even if there is a rare treasure born, it is definitely not within their reach, otherwise their lives will be in jeopardy.

In such a situation, he couldn't escape Jiang Chen's perception, but Jiang Chen ignored it lazily.

"How about bulldozing another mountain?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

Sanfeng Mountain was bulldozed, attracting powerful people like Mu Huan, what would happen if the mountain Yunxiao Mountain occupied by Mu Huan was bulldozed?

When this thought came out of his mind, Jiang Chen couldn't help being very moved.

In the final analysis, only by gaining fame can he be able to get in touch with different circles. After all, he is the latecomer. If he wants to integrate into the battlefield of this domain, it will be easier said than done.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen made up his mind and made up his mind to go to Yunxiao Mountain and bulldoze that Yunxiao Mountain.

Jiang Chen believed, but after the two mountains of Sanfeng Mountain and Yunxiao Mountain were pushed horizontally one after another, he would become famous after this field battlefield, and his prestige would spread throughout the field field battlefield.

Immediately, Jiang Chen set off, heading towards the direction of Yunxiao Mountain.


"Three Peaks Mountain... flatten a mountain?"

In the dark place, a voice came faintly.

That kind of voice is cold and quiet, and it makes people feel shuddering for no reason.

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, a figure in black walked out from the darkness. His whole body was wrapped in a black robe, except for those cold and cruel eyes, which were exposed.

Those eyes are like black holes, devouring everything, it seems that even the soul will be swallowed at a glance.

This person is tyrannical and exudes an incomparable aura. His stature is not tall, but when he walks out slowly, he gives people the feeling of a moving hill.

What Jiang Chen and the big tortoise did in Sanfeng Mountain, along with those warriors fleeing, spread far and wide. To a certain extent, Jiang Chen has already become famous, but the distance from the famous Zhenyu battlefield, But it's still too far away.

"Jiang Chen?"

This person whispered and learned Jiang Chen's name.

This was exactly what Jiang Chen did intentionally. If Jiang Chen deliberately concealed something, he would not openly report his name.

Another battlefield in the realm, in the vast forest, a person holding a long knife violently slashed out, a powerful monster blood spilled on the ground, its huge head hit the ground, and there was a dull sound.

"Sanfeng Mountain was bulldozed? I, Xiao Buwei, still think about it. Find time to go there and have a look." Putting away the long knife, the man murmured.

His name is Xiao Buwei, which is a name that shakes the entire field battlefield...


One after another, one after another, many powerful existences were attracted attention.

Some people don't care, and some people are very interesting.

It's just that Jiang Chen didn't know about this situation, so he rushed to Yunxiao Mountain.

Finally, a towering mountain appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.


Looking at it at a glance, Jiang Chen couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He still wanted to flatten this mountain. Right now, it seemed that it was too difficult and impossible.

A mountain peak enters the clouds, and above it, clouds and mist linger, just like a dangerous situation, but it is also unexpected. In places like the domain battlefield, there is such a victory.

In comparison, Sanfeng Mountain is not worth mentioning at all.


Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen turned into a phantom and began to climb the mountain. After a very short time, Jiang Chen appeared on the top of the mountain.

"Who is it?" Immediately, someone appeared and blocked Jiang Chen's way.

"My humble Jiang Chen, to put it bluntly, this mountain will be my domain from now on." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

It is too difficult to flatten this mountain, Jiang Chen will not do such a thankless thing, but this place is really good, then, occupying the mountain here as king is also a pretty good choice.

When there is a chance, take Song Weiyang over, and for Mrs. Yazhai, this trip to the domain battlefield can be regarded as a complete and no regret...

(End of this chapter)

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