genius evil

Chapter 1484 Fate Is So Wonderful

Chapter 1484 Fate Is So Wonderful
"You're welcome?"

The few people who blocked Jiang Chen's way forward were flustered in the wind, thinking that these words were indeed very blunt, but they were also curious, if they were polite, what would Jiang Chen say.

"Where did Xiao Xiao come from, dare to speak nonsense on my Yunxiao Mountain, get out of here quickly, or you will be killed without mercy!" one person said with grinning teeth.

"I thought I was already very rude, but I didn't expect you to be more rude than me." Squinting his eyes and chuckling, Jiang Chen asked, "I see that you have the potential to become a dog's leg, so I plan to save your life. I'm not happy. Thank you Lord Ron!"


The man looked at Jiang Chen and was about to spurt blood.

I have to say, Jiang Chen's words are too vicious, saying that he has the potential to become a dog's leg, does he look so unbearable?
"This is a gift to you, don't be ignorant!" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

That kind of sound, transmitted to that person's ears, was deafening and deafening, and directly affected the soul. The man's heart trembled, and he immediately felt a sense of disintegration.


The sound of kneeling on the ground was heard, and the man's knees softened, and he knelt down in front of Jiang Chen, and said very respectfully: "Little Gao Shou, I have seen the master."

"I'm planning to accept two scumbags today, and there's still one spot left, you can discuss and decide on your own." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said casually to the rest of the people.

At this moment, those people looked at Jiang Chen for a while, and Gao Shou for a while, their eyes widened and their mouths widened, completely unable to understand what happened.

Jiang Chen just said that Gao Shou has the potential to become a dog's leg, and Gao Shou just knelt down in front of Jiang Chen. With that look, he could be as flattering as he wanted. The dog leg ah.

Lenovo, Gao Shou, has always been domineering in Yunxiao Mountain, and I don't know how many people have been bullied and humiliated by him. The occurrence of such a situation, in his eyes, made their respective moods as weird as possible.

"What are you looking at? This is the master's kindness. If you don't thank me quickly, are you impatient?" Turning his head, looking around, Gao Shou said in a stern voice.

He is obedient and flattering in front of Jiang Chen, because he knows that as long as Jiang Chen is willing, he can kill him into powder with a casual hand!
That is the most powerful person, who cannot be bullied or humiliated. Gao Shou has full self-knowledge. If he doesn't want to die, he can only surrender. This choice is not difficult. In an instant, Gao Shou made a decision to fight for Jiang Chen .

At this moment, when Gao Shou spoke up, he obviously considered himself Jiang Chen's dog leg. He already had a certain status in Yunxiao Mountain, but he was quite powerful at this time, so he should not be underestimated.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.

For everyone in Yunxiao Mountain, this Gao Shou is undoubtedly that pig-like teammate, because when he betrayed himself, he did not hesitate to betray everyone else.

So, Jiang Chen soon had a second son named Zhen Xing.

"Expert? Really?"

These two names made the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitch. As expected, the names are worthy of the person, so I can only say that these two names are very suitable for these two guys.

Afterwards, with the assistance of Gao Shou and Zhen Xing, Jiang Chen crossed Yunxiao Mountain in a very short time, transformed himself into the real master of this mountain, and everything was under his single-handed control Inside.

If Jiang Chen did it himself, it would be half the effort, and it would be extremely difficult to have such an effect. This is why Jiang Chen proposed to accept two dog legs. It was not a sudden whim, but a calculation.

Whether Gao Shou or Zhen Xing, they did their best to perform their duties as a dog's leg, especially when Jiang Chen accidentally heard Jiang Chen say that he shot Mu Huan to death, he became more and more jealous. hard working.

"Master, there are dozens of beauties in that backyard." Zhen Xing reminded, with a wretched look on his face.

"Shut up!" Jiang Chen was furious.

He scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about, do I look like that kind of womanizer?"

"Master, I am talking too much." Upon hearing the sound, Zhen Xing slapped his lips without hesitation.

"How are those beauties?" But suddenly, Jiang Chen's voice rang in his ears, Zhen Xing was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing even more obscenely.

This place was originally Mu Huan's territory. Jiang Chen was naturally not interested in those women. He asked Gao Shou and Zhen Xing about Yunxiao Mountain, but he also got some information.

"Mao Tong, Mu Huan's brother of Jin Lan!"


Both Mao Tong and Mu Huan were at the later stage of Huafan's cultivation, and the friendship between the two can be regarded as that powerful alliance.

This kind of situation is not uncommon, and the three of Meng Hu were in such a situation before.

From this, it is not difficult to know that in this domain battlefield, it is normal for many powerful existences to hug together for warmth, but existences of this level of cultivation also need to hug together for warmth, but it is not difficult to know that domain In the world battlefield, everyone has a very strong sense of crisis.

"The last time Mao Tong came to Yunxiao Mountain was half a year ago, and he never came again after that half a year." Zhen Xing said [-].

He looked very obscene, but he knew a lot of information from all parties, and he happened to learn from Gao Shou to make up for his weaknesses. It didn't take long for him to develop into Jiang Chen's right-hand man.

"It's okay, if you come here, just slap him to death." Jiang Chen said casually.

Having already killed one Mu Huan, killing another Mao Tong is a trivial matter. Jiang Chen has no psychological burden. Even Jiang Chen is quite looking forward to Mao Tong's appearance.

After all, Jiang Chen first came to Yunxiao Mountain with the purpose of flattening the mountain, and then using it to shake the battlefield of the domain. Now, this mountain is not easy to flatten, so he has to retreat to the next best thing and occupy the mountain as king.

But in this way, Jiang Chen's previous calculations were all in vain.

Therefore, Jiang Chen had to think of other ways.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Gao Shou and Zhen Xing looked at each other in dismay, knowing that Jiang Chen was by no means just talking nonsense, but a manifestation of extreme conceit.

Originally, the two had doubts about whether Mu Huan really died at the hands of Jiang Chen, but now, the two have become convinced.

Because, if Mu Huan didn't die at the hands of Jiang Chen, then Jiang Chen should be extremely afraid of Mao Tong, how could he be so relaxed?

"Although Mao Tong and Mu Huan are brothers of the opposite sex, the relationship between the two has never been very good. That Mao Tong has a lot of dissatisfaction with Mu Huan." Gao Shou said.

"Talk about something else." Jiang Chen interrupted his words.

What kind of situation between Mu Huan and Mao Tong, Jiang Chen was lazy to pay attention to it, and he was not in the mood to listen to gossip and anecdotes about the two.

However, after Jiang Chen finished speaking, he saw that Gao Shou's face, which seemed to be upright and full of righteousness, became obscene and extremely lewd.

"You say it or I say it?" Gao Shou asked lasciviously.

"You come." Zhen Xing was extremely obscene.

"Before, when Mu Huan left Yunxiao Mountain, he actually went to Sanfeng Mountain to discuss with Meng Hu and others about a woman's destiny...belonging..." Gao Shou then said.

"Song Weiyang?" Frowning, Jiang Chen said in his heart.

Sure enough, Gao Shou then gave a more detailed statement and mentioned several names.

"Also came up with Song Weiyang's idea?" Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

This kind of situation is not simple, Jiang Chen is not so naive as to think that each of them, for the sake of color and soul, must have other purposes, and such purposes are not unusual.

"What's the inside story?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Once, I vaguely heard Mu Huan say that it was a medicine or something..." Gao Shou recalled.

"A plant of medicine?" Jiang Chen pondered.

He just asked casually, and didn't expect Gao Shou to provide more information, but Gao Shou knew a lot, which was beyond Jiang Chen's expectations.

"Is this treating Song Weiyang as a medicine?" Jiang Chen whispered.

The situation became very simple, it was clear at a glance that the medicine was referring to nothing but Song Weiyang.

This situation seems absurd, but in fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that Song Weiyang is a medicine.

Because, Song Weiyang had practiced the art of planting flowers, which was a magical technique, devouring the essence of flowers and plants such as orchids, which made Song Weiyang herself full of medicinal properties.

Even if Song Weiyang's blood essence is used to refine medicine, it is [-]% feasible.

"After all, it is inseparable from Song Weiyang." Jiang Chen sighed.

Unexpectedly, here, everyone has heard news about Song Weiyang, so I can only say that the fate is so wonderful.

Afterwards, Gao Shou and Zhen Xing talked about other things, but they were all messy and trivial matters. Jiang Chen was not interested, and waved his hand to signal the two to retreat.

Jiang Chen stayed temporarily in Yunxiao Mountain, and on the evening of this day, Gao Shou sent him a message that someone came and asked to see him.

"No!" He waved his hand, and without thinking, Jiang Chen just refused.

"The man said, we must see you, otherwise, he will come in directly." Gao Shou said with a bitter face, he was very embarrassed, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, which was due to the beating.

"Then let him get the hell out of here." Jiang Chen said in an extremely displeased manner.

This mountain is already his territory, and it's only the first day, even if someone is so blind, Jiang Chen is also curious, who is the god who came here.

Gao Shou hesitated to speak, he really wanted to say that if he passed on the word, he should be the one who rolled in, but Gao Shou walked out quickly and brought that person in.

The man was wrapped in a black robe, quite mysterious, and his walking posture was quite strange, like a machine. After entering, he stood still, and the black robe man's eyes were brilliant, and his eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

"I seem to be telling you to get out, who told you to come in?" Jiang Chen scolded.

"What kind of secrets does Sanfeng Mountain have? I'll give you a chance to tell the truth." As if he didn't hear Jiang Chen's words, the black-robed man opened his mouth to himself, and there was a mighty power in those words that couldn't be denied!
(End of this chapter)

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