genius evil

Chapter 1488 Is Jiang Chen a Gentleman?

Chapter 1488 Is Jiang Chen a Gentleman?
Not long afterward, the four daughters of Zhichun came to Yunxiao Mountain one after another.

They were injured, their bodies were broken in many places, and they looked in a state of distress. It was obvious that the journey was not peaceful, there had been battles, and people had blocked them.

"Who is it?" Song Weiyang said coldly.

Before, she only saw Mrs. Dong, and in order to avoid the four daughters of Zhichun from being murdered by him, she deliberately lured them away, and came all the way to Yunxiao Mountain, intending to use Jiang Chen's hand to deal with Mrs. Dong.

But the four daughters of Zhichun have experienced battles, this situation, more or less, is beyond Song Weiyang's expectation, and Qingzhi, the situation is more complicated than what she thought.

"The other party is Hou Tiantang!" Zhichun said, clenching her teeth.

"It's him?"

After hearing the sound, when such a name was heard, Song Weiyang's expression became abnormal immediately.

"Hou Tiantang?"

Jiang Chen smiled. Although he had never dealt with Hou Tiantang before, this was not the first time he had heard of this name. He had heard some stories about this person from Gao Shou.

This person is tyrannical and can be called the overlord of a party.

When Gao Shouzai mentioned this person's name, he solemnly told him that it was an extremely terrifying existence, and he must not be provoked unless necessary, otherwise it would lead to disaster.

"What did Hou Tiantang say?" Song Weiyang asked.

Hou Tiantang showed up to attack. The four girls of Zhichun had no chance of getting lucky, but they were only injured, and such injuries are not considered serious.

Song Weiyang knows that Hou Tiantang must have intentions.

"He said that he is starting to refine a batch of great medicine, and I implore the master, don't be stingy, and make sure to complete it." Zhichun said, so angry that his face turned pale.


Song Weiyang's face was also pale.

"A plant of medicine?" Jiang Chen thought.

Hou Tiantang wanted to refine a furnace of great medicine, no doubt he had his eye on Song Weiyang, in short, he wanted to use Song Weiyang to refine medicine.

Regarding this situation, Jiang Chen was well aware of it early on.

"Master, what should we do?" Zhichun murmured, looking at Jiang Chen if there seemed to be nothing while talking.

"Miss Zhichun, have I become handsome again?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Zhichun wasn't in the mood to argue with Jiang Chen, so he rolled his eyes.

"This is the fact. Is it so difficult to admit the fact?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Hou Tiantang said that in three days, he will come to Yunxiao Mountain." Zhichun said.

This sentence, Zhichun originally planned to say it to Song Weiyang in private, and then discuss how to deal with it, but Jiang Chen's attitude was too tired, and it seemed like he didn't take it to heart.

Zhichun couldn't bear this stimulation, so she blurted out such a sentence.

"Come to Yunxiao Mountain? What are you doing? Doesn't he know that this place is my Jiang Chen's territory?" Jiang Chen said extremely displeased.

Unable to bear it, Zhichun turned her mind again, thinking that even if the other party knew that this was Jiang Chen's territory, so what, wouldn't they just come and leave whenever they wanted?
But when he thought about it, Jiang Chen himself was an existence of that level of abnormality. Maybe it was easy for Hou Tiantang to come, but if he wanted to leave, it was by no means an easy matter.

Thinking of this, Zhichun's mind suddenly became active.

It was obvious that Zhixia's three daughters had the same thoughts as Zhichun, and the eyes of the three fell on Jiang Chen in unison.

"I knew that I must have become handsome, but you don't have to be too surprised. After all, I am in the process of becoming handsome all the time." Jiang Chen said narcissistically while touching his chin.

"If Hou Tiantang comes, how will you deal with it?" Zhichun said.

"Yes, how do you deal with it?" Zhixia's three daughters said in unison.

Rather than saying they were asking Jiang Chen, it was better to say it was a provocative method, and such a provocative method was as clumsy as possible.

With Jiang Chen's shrewdness, how could he not hear it, he smiled lightly, and said, "Does this matter have something to do with me? Why do you ask me this question?"

The four girls were speechless, and after careful thought, they realized that this matter had nothing to do with Jiang Chen at all.

After all, even if Hou Tiantang came to Yunxiao Mountain, he came for Song Weiyang, his goal was Song Weiyang, not Jiang Chen.

Therefore, even if Jiang Chen bluntly stated that it had nothing to do with him, it was perfectly normal.

"As timid as a mouse." Zhichun said deliberately.

"Stop talking." Raising his hand to interrupt, Song Weiyang shook his head.

After a while, Song Weiyang led the four daughters to the residence arranged by Jiang Chen.

"Master, why don't you let me speak? From my point of view, as long as you speak, Jiang Chen will definitely not stand by." Zhichun said hastily.

"I have my own concerns about this matter." Song Weiyang said.

Song Weiyang knew that what Zhichun said was correct, but if she asked, Jiang Chen would definitely take action, but in this way, how to settle the favor owed?

Song Weiyang knew better that Jiang Chen often did things with an extremely strong purpose, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that Jiang Chen belongs to the younger generation who have nothing to gain.

When Jiang Chen said why the four daughters of Zhichun wanted to ask him this question, Song Weiyang understood that Jiang Chen's attitude on this matter was not important, what was important was her attitude.

This is because her attitude will affect Jiang Chen's attitude.

"You all go to rest." Waved his hand, Song Weiyang signaled.

She found that the relationship between herself and Jiang Chen, no matter whether she was willing or unwilling, passive or active, was getting deeper and deeper, and there was a tendency of constant cutting and chaos.

But Song Weiyang admitted that she hadn't made enough mental preparations, she needed to be alone and think about it.

The four girls of Zhichun still have something to say, but since Song Weiyang ordered so, they can only back down.

"It's too much, I have a premonition that Jiang Chen is going to take advantage of the fire." Zhichun said.

"This is the behavior of a villain!" Zhixia angrily.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen is a gentleman?" Zhiqiu said.

"No!" Zhidong replied silently.


While talking, the four girls left Song Weiyang's line of sight. These words were heard in his ears. Song Weiyang had complicated perceptions, but it was difficult to tell them apart. Did they say this to her on purpose, or did the four girls of Zhichun Unintentional words.

Soon, Song Weiyang realized that it was all intentional to tell her.

And in this case, the underlying meaning is to remind her that she should make a choice, otherwise, her life will be in danger.

"Choose?" Song Weiyang said in her heart.

Just as Zhidong stated bluntly, Jiang Chen is not a gentleman, so if she wants to use her own attitude to influence or even change Jiang Chen's attitude, she must make a certain degree of sacrifice.

What Jiang Chen wanted was clear at a glance from beginning to end, and he never concealed it.

And what Jiang Chen wanted was naturally her.

Song Weiyang became entangled, she always thought that she was different from ordinary women, isolated from all emotions and desires, but when Jiang Chen appeared and entered her world.

It was Song Weiyang who suddenly discovered that what she thought was different was actually not different at all.

Previously, it was just her self-righteousness, but now, she is recognizing her true self.

"Hou Tiantang?"

The beautiful eyebrows were tightly knit into a ball.

Hou Tiantang asked Zhichun's four daughters to send a message. What is the purpose? She only has three days. If she can't make a decision within these three days, it will be unpredictable.


Song Weiyang is the fourth daughter of He Zhichun, who lived in Yunxiao Mountain.

She was called Baihua's grandma by the outside world, and she was feared. Gao Shou, Zhen Xing and others subconsciously avoided her.

As a result, Zhichun's four daughters entered and exited Yunxiao Mountain, as if entering a land without people.

"But it's also notorious." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Where is Hou Tiantang now?" Afterwards, Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not far from Deyunxiao Mountain." Gao Shou replied truthfully.

"Really?" Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Since Hou Tiantang is not far from Yunxiao Mountain, it means that Hou Tiantang is always watching the movement of Yunxiao Mountain. In other words, as long as Hou Tiantang is willing, he may kill him at any time.

"If that's the case, then let's kill it." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen has always been an actionist. Now that he has such an idea, Jiang Chen simply puts it into action.

On this day, hundreds of kilometers away from Yunxiao Mountain, a battle took place. The two sides in the battle were precisely Jiang Chen and Hou Tiantang.

In the end, Hou Tiantang died and was suppressed and killed by Jiang Chen with the Chunyang Cauldron.

Then, Jiang Chen returned to Yunxiao Mountain, as if nothing had happened.

But the news of Hou Tiantang's death was transmitted back to Yunxiao Mountain and also to Song Weiyang's ears within a very short period of time.

"Master, Hou Tiantang is dead." Zhi Chunxi couldn't help saying.

Hou Tiantang died inexplicably, and the murderer was unknown, but this was definitely great news, and the four daughters of Zhichun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who do you think Hou Tiantang was killed by?" Song Weiyang said after a moment of silence.


The four daughters of Zhichun only cared about Hou Tiantang's life and death. As for who killed Hou Tiantang, they never thought about it carefully.

At this time, being reminded by Song Weiyang, he suddenly realized that it was unusual, because the timing of Hou Tiantang's death was too coincidental, as if God was helping Song Weiyang in the dark.

"It's Jiang Chen!" Zhichun suddenly realized, and blurted out.

Zhixia and the others were also aware of this. They were all astonished, thinking that this was not in line with Jiang Chen's style of dealing with the world. After all, Jiang Chen has always been high-profile.

But Hou Tiantang's death, without a doubt, can only be done by Jiang Chen, there will be no other people.

"Yes, it's him." Song Weiyang said silently.

There are still two days left in the three-day period, but Hou Tiantang died, and the crisis was all resolved. Originally, Song Weiyang thought that she should also breathe a sigh of relief, but that was not the case, and her mind was tense for a while.

"Perhaps, it's time for me to make a decision." Song Weiyang said.

When this thought flashed out of her mind, Song Weiyang knew that she could no longer avoid it, so she got up and went to find Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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